swimmjacket answered your post: Some prompts would be great right now…I am dying for any Captain Swan pregnancy fluff. Daddy!Killian will be the death of me
"Killian, I'm never having sex with you again." Emma groaned miserably as she hugged the toilet from her spot on the bathroom floor. The tiles under her offered a cool relief to her aching muscles. Pregnancy has always been hard on her, but the third time around has definitely been the worst.
"Love, don't make promises you can't keep." Killian chuckled, sitting on the edge of the tub as he rubbed the back of her neck with his hands. (Days like these make him glad that Gold gave him his hand back as a baby shower present four years ago.)
"I'm serious, Hook!" She said, swatting his hands away half-heartedly, though subconsciously leaning towards him. Killian wove his fingers into Emma's golden locks absentmindedly, twisting curls around them.
Outside the bathroom door they could hear the patter of small feet followed by the miserable moan of their adolescent son whom most certainly was far from excited to get ready for school. Emma couldn't help but smile as she felt the vibrations of Killian's deep laugh. This was her family. She was home.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Liam called out as his little hands pounded onto the thin white door that separated them. The couple shared a look before Killian sighed and dropped his hands to his sides.
"Looks like it's time for Daddy duty, Pirate," Emma smiled. Killian rolled his eyes before pressing a kiss to his wifes head. "My second favorite time of day," He chuckled before pushing himself up and leaving the room to be greeted by the excited cheer of their four year old son.
Emma smiled, leaning her cheek against the toilet lid. Morning sickness may be miserable but the smiles on her boys faces were completely worth it.