Rage. Anger. Humiliation. Pain. Ciel couldn't begin to hope to keep track of all the emotions still surging through him- none of them positive. His first time ruined by two horny, greedy, foul, demons. Soulless beasts with cocks that had practically ripped him apart; sated for all of ten minutes before waking with a stinging pain Ciel would never be able to describe.

And the damned bastard was proud of it. He had seen Sebastian's pride, his smug enthusiasm, when he had come strolling into his bedroom- as usual- with tea ready and prepared. As usual. Two days had passed and while Ciel was seething, Sebastian was still musing.

"Was it not to your liking, my lord?"

Sebastian's voice cut him right out of his sulking, and, misunderstanding, Ciel snapped honestly, "Like hell it was!"

And then he noticed the picked apart cake sitting in front of him. The cake Sebastian was so obviously referring to.

A fiery, enraged, blush heated Ciel's face, but his butler had already noticed. A delicate brow rose, hidden by his fringe, and his red lips quirked into a sly grin.

A sly grin that hinted at obvious desires. One that spoke silently of the urges Ciel no longer wished to act on.

"Make it again," Ciel snarled, trying desperately to cover up his slip. He only seemed to amuse Sebastian further.

"Yes, my lord," came his smooth reply.

It felt like Sebastian was back in moments, but in all actuality Ciel had just spent thirty minutes kicking himself.

He ignored the soft click of china against the wood of his desk, but it was harder to ignore the light brush of gloved fingers over his knuckles. It chilled him to the bone and his skin prickled, body shaking for the duration of contact.

"Still sore?"

The blatant nonchalance in the question made Ciel sit up too fast, too stiff, a big mistake. He hissed as pain, dull but still apparent, settled in his hips and back.

"You're overstepping boundaries," Ciel warned through gritted teeth. He stood slowly, carefully watching the demon as he was given space but… mimicked. The feeling of being watched through a predators eyes.

"Am I? My apologies," Sebastian all but purred, red eyes gleaming. He was taking in every miniscule movement Ciel made, moving as he moved, with the grace of a predator.

It sent an angry shiver down Ciel's spine.

Forgetting for a moment that he was in fact the master here, Ciel fell into his place as a human. Blood sank deep into his body and he felt his muscles tense and bunch, ready to run. Sebastian continued to move naturally, subtly, though his nostrils flared, pupils blown.

He moved the serving trolley out of the way just as Ciel bolted, anticipation and fear making his stomach knot. Logically, he knew Sebastian was allowing his 'escape', and even more so he was enraged. He was the master, and yet he was running through the halls of his own home with his demon right behind him.

Ciel headed straight for the kitchen, his anger sending an irrational and uncharacteristic surge of careless violence through him. Whatever Sebastian intended he wouldn't allow it without a fight.

Bursting through the kitchen doors, Ciel made it around Sebastian's prepping station just as fingertips grazed the back of his neck. His breath hitched and steps faltered at the contact, but he managed to close his fingers around a large knife regardless.

Ciel breathed hard and deeply as he placed the counter between himself and Sebastian, who honestly looked like he was having the absolute best time of his infuriating existence.

"Too far, Sebastian," Ciel nearly hissed, making sure to keep his makeshift weapon steady and himself on the opposite side of the counter from Sebastian.

"You make it so easy, my lord," Sebastian whispered as he rounded the counter, heedless of the knife Ciel brandished. "I've heard no order to stop, either."

Ciel knew the knife would do less than nothing against the demon, but it gave him a small amount of comfort regardless.

Foolishly human, he realized, disgusted with himself.

Sebastian rounded the counter quickly, far too quickly for Ciel to work against, and had the knife out of his hand and an arm pinned behind his back in a matter of seconds.

"Running will only make it harder," Sebastian warned, pressing close to Ciel and running his free hand down his side.

Pride kept the touch from being welcome, but unfortunately not entirely unpleasant. Ciel nearly lost his grip when cool lips and sharp teeth brushed against his neck, but retained enough of himself to bring his knee up, connecting firmly with Sebastian's stomach.

"I won't be making it easy," he leered, running from the kitchen as Sebastian doubled over, growling out a surprised curse.

He ended up in his room, back against his now locked doors, and chest heaving with the monumental effort it took to regain his breath. He realized dismally that he was shivering not from fear but excitement.

Did he really love to be pursued like this?

Frowning, Ciel made up his mind. His little run had been foolish and embarrassing, but it was purely instinctive. A momentary lapse in judgment and the understanding that he was the one in charge. But he would not be seduced on a continued lapse.

Standing tall and proud, Ciel unlocked the heavy doors and threw them open just as Sebastian came to a stop, the polite grin on his face only strengthening Ciel's resolution.

Leaning against the doorway, he regarded Sebastian curiously. "What makes you think I won't use you again?"

Sebastian's grin grew wider, revealing sharp and threatening canines. "I have plenty of tricks, but to deceive you, my lord, is unthinkable," he answered, placing a hand over his heart and bowing his head as if he could be taken at his word. "I am your humble servant, and as such I would never dream of taking advantage of you… Or underestimating you," he added with a slight grimace as his hand dropped to his stomach.

Ciel turned from Sebastian then, letting his hips sway ever so slightly as he made his way to the vanity. Sebastian still tracked him, irises nearly swallowed by his pupils. His fingers twitched but remained by his side and his head tilted as he considered his master carefully- though it was obvious his own judgment was clouded by lust.

Ciel worked at his ascot, meeting Sebastian's greedy gaze through the mirror as he spoke. "I feel that if we are to continue, there should be rules," he declared, dropping the cloth to the ground as soon as it left his neck. Sebastian's nostrils flared and he crossed his arms, but otherwise maintained an air of nonchalance.


Moving to his morning coat, Ciel smiled. "Rules. All in my favor, of course. As the Phantomhive butler, I trust this will not be a problem for you."

Sebastian moved behind him slowly, his expression considerate and thoughtful as he helped Ciel shed both coat and vest. Folded neatly, of course, and placed on the vanity along with the discarded ascot.

Then he had an arm around Ciel's shoulders, pulling him back to his chest, and sharp teeth a subtle threat skimming against Ciel's neck while he voiced his thoughts. "I think we already have enough rules, my lord."

Ciel slipped out of Sebastian's arms and away from him, his smile one of apology and denial. Flopping down onto his bed he began working on his shoes, tossing a casual order for Sebastian to remain where he was before stating his conditions. "You'll not touch me unless explicitly stated. I retain all control in this bed. Unless I say so, you can't do a thing."

"If it pleases you, my lord, then I promise to play by your word," Sebastian promised, as sincere as he could achieve with a stifled smile on his face.

He was too confident, too smug, for Ciel's liking, but Ciel was sure he had worded his terms carefully and precisely enough to leave no room for question.

Frowning, Ciel ordered, "Undress, Sebastian."

"Yes, my lord."

"O-ohhh… God, Sebastian! S-stop! Stop!" Ciel's chest heaved and sweat trickled down his temple, fire burning through his veins as Sebastian swallowed his cock, deep and fast and so unexpected tears threatened to spill.

He nearly screamed his protest when Sebastian pulled away from him with a sloppy pop, the smile on his face one of triumph.

Digging his heel into Sebastian's back, Ciel growled, "If I meant stop, you bloody demon, you would well know."

"My apologies," Sebastian whispered, breath cool against his prick before he wrapped his lips around the head.

Ciel bucked into the hot mouth, swallowing a cry as Sebastian's tongue worked him. He tangled his fingers in silky hair, grip tight and desperate and demanding. His rules had been thrown in his face- followed but followed too well. A hand, cold against his flushed skin, made its way up his chest then back to cup his balls as Sebastian took him deeper, throat working around his cock.

Ciel jerked and cried out, shuddering as Sebastian moved, sucking hard and moving slowly in contrast to the gentle fingers pressing just behind his balls.

He realized, dazed as he was, that Sebastian had moved him, placing one leg over his shoulder and then pushing Ciel's other towards his chest.

It was when Sebastian's mouth left his dick that he realized what the demon was planning.

Fingers still tangled in Sebastian's hair, Ciel pushed himself up to jerk Sebastian's head back, a scowl twisting his own lips. Sebastian dropped his leg to accommodate the movement, but his hand only moved to Ciel's flank, fingers skimming the skin.


"I did not tell you to stop," Ciel hissed. "And I certainly did not give you permission to do anything else."

Sebastian's smile was soft and misleading. "I apologize for taking such liberties. I just felt on the chance you were still sore..." he trailed off, one nimble finger tracing circles around Ciel's bellybutton.

Ciel, dizzy now with desire, tried to logically think Sebastian's proposition through. If he gave in, as he so desperately wanted, did it meant giving control over to Sebastian?

Best to be safe. It will be my idea, Ciel thought as he flopped back.

"Only because I say you can."

Sebastian was not gentle. Ciel found himself nearly folded, knees on his chest as Sebastian's tongue fell flat against his hole. He couldn't stop the desperate keen that escaped him then- still sore and certainly tender, however the motion was hardly inflaming.

"Ohhh…" Ciel trembled under Sebastian's ministrations, occasionally kneading the demon's head as his tongue worked around the tight ring of muscle. Ciel froze, however, when that tongue, along with a slender finger, slipped into him. "I… I d-didn't-"

Sebastian pulled away only to skim his teeth along the inside of Ciel's thigh. "Of course, my lord. But even I have limits, and if you insist on giving orders then you should give them more often," he teased, one canine catching the thin skin of Ciel's thigh enough to draw blood.

Ciel growled and slammed a foot into the other man's chest, ignoring the aching feeling of loss when Sebastian slipped away. Struggling to his feet and also disregarding his unsteadiness, he searched the nightstand for oil, turning to throw it at the demon when he found it.

Ciel was surprised to find Sebastian right behind him, his expression soft but still mirthful as he pulled Ciel close.

"To think I spent all that time trying to teach you patience but I've nothing to show for it," he sighed, taking advantage of Ciel's shock to brush his lips across his cheek. "Taking two demons didn't teach you-"

Ciel wrapped an arm around his butler's neck, pulling him down so his lips pressed against the man's ear. "Lie down, Sebastian."

He reveled in the heated, albeit curious, look Sebastian gave him as he settled back on the bed, one leg propped up until Ciel followed, pushing them aside to settle between them. The surprise on Sebastian's face sent a shiver down Ciel's spine, but nothing prepared him for the sudden sly excitement that settled after.

Sebastian stretched, languid and satisfied, lean muscles bunching then relaxing under Ciel's scrutinizing gaze.

"It seems I have underestimated you, my lord," Sebastian whispered, hiking a leg up on Ciel's hip and reaching out to run a hand down his chest. Ciel leaned into the touch and ignored the implied insult in his next question, "Do you know what to do?"

"Luckily, I'm a fast learner," Ciel bit out, the sudden desire to watch Sebastian squirm fueling his own lust.

He coated his fingers quickly with the oil, refusing to grimace at the mess, then smiled at Sebastian. "I'm sure being a demon has its perks," he said as he skimmed his slick fingers to Sebastian's entrance, wasting no time in pushing three in immediately.

Sebastian hissed and jerked, one hand snaking down between his legs to grab Ciel's wrist, stilling his fingers. Whatever pain he may have felt, however, was negated by the jump in his cock and the flush on his face.

"Fast, indeed," Sebastian mumbled, quivering as Ciel curled his fingers inside him, poking and prodding. "Hopefully that doesn't extend to anything else..."

Ciel sneered and pushed his fingers deeper, harder, and enjoyed the way Sebastian gasped and tightened around him. It was Sebastian's turn to squirm this time, and Ciel was more than happy that he was the cause.

"You're out of line, Sebastian," he snapped, working his fingers quickly in the tight hole. Sebastian's grip on his wrist only tightened and he pushed his hips down on Ciel's hand.

It didn't take long for Sebastian's skin to flush, but it wasn't until he was sweating and fighting for breath, irritation rolling off of him in waves, that Ciel stopped.

"Roll over." As Sebastian moved, Ciel grabbed Sebastian's discarded shirt to wipe his hand off, smirking when he felt the blatant glare on his back.

He frowned when he turned back to Sebastian though, not totally appreciative of his display. The demon watched him, eyes hot and gleaming behind his fringe, as he stretched, ass up and head resting on folded arms.

"Do be careful, my lord. It's been quite a while," Sebastian warned, though his tone suggested he wanted anything but.

Heat ripped through Ciel's body at the sight of Sebastian- on display and just as hard and ready as he was.

Maneuvering so that he was behind Sebastian, Ciel poured the last of the oil onto his cock and grabbed the other man's waist, pulling him back so just the tip pressed against the puckered hole.

Refusing to allow his hesitancy to take over, Ciel rolled his hips, enjoying the hiss that left Sebastian in response. Leaning forward so his chest brushed against the demon's back, he whispered, "Work for it."

Sebastian moved quickly and explosively, switching their positions so gracelessly Ciel bounced when his back connected with the bed.

"This teasing is really going too far, my lord," Sebastian nearly growled as he straddled Ciel's waist, grinding slowly against his aching cock.

"What happened to patience?"


With that, he sank down on Ciel's cock, wrenching a near scream from the younger man's throat and giving a soft moan of his own.

Ciel's hands hovered over Sebastian's thighs, toes curled and eyes shut tight against the nearly unbearable grip and heat around him. He refused to look at Sebastian, not yet ready to deal with the smug grin he knew was on the demon's face when it would ruin the pleasure consuming him.

He shuddered when Sebastian's chest brushed his own and his mouth closed around his throat. For a moment they stayed still in silence, surprise and anticipation running high between the both of them.

Ciel didn't say a thing until he knew he wouldn't come from a simple wiggle of Sebastian's hips. "If you don't move I'll kill you, Sebastian."

He felt the other man's chuckle more than he heard it. "So selfish, my lord. That should be my line." He nearly slurred his words when he sat up, bracing himself with one hand on Ciel's chest before he rolled his hips, tentatively at first and then just to tease Ciel.

Ciel gritted his teeth together then snapped his hips up, jolting Sebastian and eliciting a startled yelp from the man. "I don't know why it is… but you've been far too unruly, Sebastian," Ciel growled, back arching as Sebastian tightened around him. "You're crossing lines."

"Mmm… Is this not a rather compromising position, however? I feel a few lines being crossed is hardly an issue," Sebastian mumbled, crimson eyes now dark and desperate as he began a steady pace, bouncing on the younger man's cock with dazed precision.

Ciel felt every ripple and pull of the muscles around him, and, too lost to really contribute, gave up trying to meet Sebastian and instead pulled the man closer, eagerly pressing his lips against Sebastian's. He wrapped one arm around the demon's neck, moaning into his mouth, as his other hand moved to grip the cock trapped between their bodies.

Sebastian readily thrust into his hand as desperately as he rode Ciel's cock, moaning low and soft. Ciel watched, every tremble and shudder from Sebastian a direct jolt to his balls.

"S-Sebastian…! I'm- Oh, god-"

Ciel grabbed at Sebastian's hips, holding him in place as his orgasm hit hard and fast. He choked on his words, a blessing really, considering he felt on the verge of babbling.

Sated and exhausted, Ciel practically melted into the bed, though he never let his eye stray from Sebastian. He hardly processed the demon moving, coming up to the head of the bed and pressing his swollen cock against his lips.

"Reciprocation, my lord," Sebastian mused, one hand on Ciel's jaw and a thumb stroking his lips all the encouragement he needed to open his mouth. Ciel tongued the leaking slit before allowing Sebastian to slide into his mouth, though he couldn't take him as deep as Sebastian had taken him, he encouraged the man to move as he pleased with a hand on the back of his thigh.

He nearly choked when Sebastian spilled, without warning and bitter against his tongue. He was, however, far too tired to lecture or scold him for it, so instead he grumbled and resisted Sebastian's attempts to clean him up as a matter of pride.

"If you think this excuses your past transgressions, my lord, you are very wrong."

It wasn't until Sebastian had him under fresh blankets that he was able to understand Sebastian's last, polite, warning.