Chapter Fourteen: First night as Team N.E.S.S.

Natasha sat cross legged on one of the four beds within the dorm room, dressed for bed and watching Erin and Scotlyn go at it. The two had been arguing for the last hour or so about their dorm room situation. Erin wanted to have the bed closest to the bathroom so he wouldn't have to worry about beating the girls in getting ready first. Scotlyn just told him to suck it up since that very bed is the one that is holding a sleeping Sabrina in a dinosaur theme hoodie and footed pajama outfit.

"She has short legs! She needs to be close to the door!" Scotlyn yelled.

"And she has a giant like you to carry her around!" Erin pointed out. "I'm the only guy on this team. I need more privacy than the three of you!"

"Really, Sleeping Beauty? That's what you're going with?" Scotlyn asked, putting a hand on her hip. "Besides, explain to me how in the world are you going to get up before any of us to use the bathroom? I saw someone having to wake you up at five minutes before breakfast was over."

That seemed to shut up Erin for a while as he contemplated on the answer. Scotlyn just watched him, crossing her arms over her chest. Natasha let out a yawn and laid back on the bed, putting her arms behind her head.

She stared at the ceiling as Scotlyn and Erin went back to their arguing. Another sigh escaped her lips to this before her mind wandered off to something else, like Professor Ozpin making her leader of the team.

Why did he do that anyway? She wasn't "team leader" material. She was horrible at it! She was much better at either following someone else's lead or going solo. Also, there was another reason why she didn't want to be leader. Something that reminded her too much of that dreadful day that she lost her fam-

"Natasha!" both Scotlyn and Erin exclaimed, looking towards her.

Natasha almost jumped out of the bed when hearing her name being called and looked towards the two.

"What?!" she exclaimed.

"You weren't listening, were you?" Erin said, glaring at her.

Scotlyn glared at him before rolling her eyes. "We need your opinion on the matter of the beds, as silly as it is."

Natasha looked between the two to see that they were being serious about this before letting out a sigh.

"Fine," she said, "I'll get into your childish fight."

"It's not childish!" Erin defended.

"It's childish, sweety." Scotlyn said.

Natasha let out another sigh before getting out of the bed. She walked towards the center of the room and looked at the beds. Crossing her arms together, she contemplated on how and what would be the best solution to keeping Scotlyn and Erin quiet about the whole matter. In all honesty, she just wanted to go to bed and sleep, like Sabrina was doing at the moment.

As she thought that, an idea suddenly hit her, making her perk and gasp in slight excitement. Scotlyn and Erin quickly looked towards her in anticipation of what she has to say.

"What is it?" Erin asked.

"I don't want to hear any complaints about it but everyone….awake...follow my plan." Natasha said, smiling.

"Dumbest plan ever," Erin said, arms crossed over his chest.

"I think it actually solves everything." Scotlyn said, looking over the team's finished product.

Natasha just smiled at their work, hands on her hips. The three of them had moved and made the beds into makeshift bunkbeds. Sabrina still slept in one of the beds, it now being the bottom bunk to the left of the room.

"See? Scotlyn agrees with me," Natasha said, "besides, I added a curtain to your bunk."

Natasha pointed to the bottom bunk on the right where there was a curtain around it, blocking it from view.

"On the bottom bunk," Erin said.

"Look, I asked Scotlyn which bunk she wanted and she chose top. I want top too so it left you with the bottom bunk." Natasha said. "Besides, it solves the bathroom problem. Since you're closer to the ground than me and Scotlyn, you can get to it faster, right?"

Erin just huffed and looked away from her. Scotlyn beamed at how Natasha quickly made Erin shut up. She let out a yawn and walked over towards her new bunk.

"Time for bed now," she said, "Night."

"Good night," Natasha said.

She walked over to her own bunk and climbed up onto it. Erin just stood in his place for a few moments before sighing and goes over to his bunk as well. Natasha crawled under the blankets and looked at the ceiling once more. She let out a quiet sigh as the lights turned off and heard Scotlyn snore in her sleep.

"Will I make a good leader, brother?" she thought.

Sorry if the chapter seems short but hey, new chapter~! Promise things will get interesting soon. Please vote on your favorite character so far.