Summary: Because sometimes, you just need to live a few seconds longer. — Nalu

There was a fit of coughs coming from the guild infirmary. It was Lucy. Her health was getting worse. Natsu Dragneel, her one and only partner, had wanted to confess his true feelings for her a long time ago, but couldn't bring himself it do it.

Now that she was on her deathbed, on the verge of dying, he just had to do it. Her heart monitor was still beeping, so she was still alive. She look more dead than alive though.

Her eyes, were not a chocolatey brown, but a black, like being in an abyss of darkness. Her skin was pale, and she didn't have that cheery smile on her face anymore. But still, Natsu was going to confess anyway.

He entered the white room. It was pouring so hard outside, you could even hear the pitter patter of the rain in the infirmary. Lucy noticed his pink hair right away and slowly turn her head to face him.

"Hey, Natsu.." her voice was low, and it sounded like it pained her when she talked.

"Don't talk. I… just need to tell you something.. I've been keeping it to myself this whole time, but… I just need to tell you this." he said.

"Natsu—" Lucy started, but stopped because she started coughing like crazy.

"Luce! Here, drink some water!" The pinkette quickly poured her a cup of water and gave it to her.

"Thanks." Lucy coughed.

"Luce," he started to get serious. "We've been partners for a while now, and I wanted to tell you this for a long time ago, but I could never bring myself to do it. We've had such great times, and you're lying here. You would always complain about your rent, or about how we destroyed another town, or me entering your house through the window…"

He started tearing up.

"Luce, I-I love you." he finally said.

"N-Natsu…" Lucy started tearing up too. "I've been wait for you to say that. I've been waiting for months. Because… Because… I love—"


Her heart stopped. She was dead. Lucy was dead.



Lightning struck. It was now a thunderstorm.

"No! Luce… don't die on me now… You were going to say 'I love you too', right? Right? Luce… No this can't be happening. You can't die! LUCE!"

Natsu held her hand. Her cold and pale hand. He wiped away the single tear coming from her eye, and cried. He cried. He cried like a baby, in that tiny infirmary, where it was just him and his beloved one…

I've been on writers block so I asked my friends for some ideas to see if it could trigger anything... No luck... but I DID write this short little thing... My friend Gigi came up with this, so if you ended up crying, you can blame her! If you didn't cry, then I'M SORRY THAT MY WRITING SKILLS ARE SO HORRIBLE.

I wrote this in an hour because I'm a really slow typer.. I should be editing the story I'm beta-ing for someone, or trying to add something onto my current stories right now, but I'm a lazy person and like to run away from my problems...

Btw, is this too cliche? I feel like this is too cliche.. and if this happens to be similar to another story you've read, I swear, MY FRIEND CAME UP WITH THIS SO BLAME HER.

Anyways, give me some feedback on how I did. XD