Title: Hunted Soldier
Description: After thirty years of inactivity, Harry Potter's magical signature came back online, and Ginny knew she had to track him down and rescue her Harry from whoever took him from her, because she had Harry were in love; they were star-crossed lovers, they were destined to be together.
Word Count: 979
Warnings: Ginny!bashing, unhinged!crazy!obsessed!Ginny, select!Weasley!bashing, Dumbledore!bashing
Ginny Weasley was not as sane as people liked to believe, to be completely honest she had always been teetering on the thin line between sanity and insanity, and being possessed by Voldemort's soul shard for an entire year at eleven had really not helped any.
As a child, she had grown up hearing stories of Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived, at five she had declared for her entire family to hear that she was going to marry Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived. Her mother encouraged this dream to the point it became a dangerous obsession. Her father was a meek fool who would never speak out against his wife, and her older brothers thought it was an adorable little childish crush that she would eventually outgrow.
When Harry Potter saved her life, she saw it as a confession of love. But of course, she couldn't risk any floozies getting their claws on her Harry, so after talking with her mother, Professor Dumbledore, and Ron, they agreed that yes, Ginny would marry Harry Potter. And so her mother and Professor Dumbledore began brewing doses of potent Love Potions keyed towards Ginny, and she and Ron had the job of keeping any girls or even boys, away from her Harry.
But, eventually Harry worked up an immunity to the Love Potions they were giving him, and Ginny was horrified to find her own older brother kissing her Harry after the Quidditch World Cup. She ran to her mother and Professor Dumbledore, who immediately went about removing any and all memories Fred had of his attractions to her Harry, and vise versa. And everything went back to normal, they began to use a different, much stronger Love Potion, in which she and Ron made sure to administer to Harry's evening meals. She had even helped Ronald potion the Granger bitch when he showed his lust for the older witch; if only to keep the Mudblood from getting her hands on her Harry.
After her Harry defeated You-Know-Who, Ginny had expected him to propose. She waited and waited, and all she got was a blank look in return, and then her Harry told her that he didn't like her that way that he was gay and had no time for love right now. And Ginny snapped; someone was stealing away her Harry, someone had convinced him that he was homosexual.
Someone had to pay.
So someone did; she convinced the scared citizens of Magical Britain that Teddy Lupin was a werewolf, that he would become more of a monster than Fenrir Greyback because he was born of a werewolf father. She didn't care that it was a lie and that resulted in the death of a baby and her own brother. Because Harry was hers, and Harry would get over the death of his godson because she would give him better children that weren't monsters.
But for some reason, Harry didn't see it that way, because right before she expected him to propose, he vanished.
And now, thirty years later, at the age of forty-seven, Ginny Weasley had been divorced three times and had been the subject of several scandals and affairs.
Her first marriage was to Dean Thomas, a fling she had had in Hogwarts; they had been married all of three years, and a single daughter, Nina Thomas, had come from their "love". However, Dean had divorced her the moment he discovered that she had actually been sleeping with another for the whole duration of their marriage, to add insult to injury she had been sleeping with his former best friend Seamus Finnegan.
The next to fall into her web was the very same man she had been having an affair with during her first marriage. Seamus lasted a little longer than Dean, they had been married five years and she had birthed two sons, twins by the names of Griffin and Samuel, only to be divorced after she gave birth to Draco Malfoy's child; a daughter the blond had immediately removed from her care and named Narcissa Astoria Malfoy.
Her final and most recent catch, was Anthony Goldstein. Married for ten years, three children, Lilith, Mark, and Tanya, and then divorced when he realized the third wasn't even his, but his old Housemate, Terry Boot.
And she wasn't even able to see her children, from any of her affairs or marriages. Not that she minded really, they were all ways to pass the time until Harry returned for her.
None of them could measure up to her Harry.
And after thirty years of inactivity, Harry Potter's magical signature came back online, and Ginny knew she had to track him down and rescue her Harry from whoever took him from her, because she had Harry were in love; they were star-crossed lovers, they were destined to be together.
Well, there you have it. This was inspired by those asking for a look at Ginny and why she would chase Harry/Skull for thirty years without giving up!
I'm taking promts for those who want to see something happen. I can't give a scheduled for those who do give me promts, because I write as I come up with things, so if I'm drawing a blank I'm not really able to write anything.
Hope you liked it!
Reviews are love!