Heart of Gwen Stacy

Chapter 5

So things are finally going my way. By that, I meant Mary Jane and Peter are broken up which it didn't seem like he was so interested in her and she was too much for him, but not for me. Is it wrong that I'm excited that they broke up? I mean they weren't really seeing each other and they weren't exclusive from what Mary Jane told me. I know I should be sad for him, but now, at least, I have a chance with Peter. I couldn't believe Peter asked me to go somewhere with him I'll admit I had butterflies in my stomach it's hard to believe I still act like a little school girl just from one guy. Something about him makes me feel...feel I don't know special I guess. Peter wanted to see to science exhibit held by one of our professors called Professor Warren. Peter told me he was one of the leading scientists in the field of biochemistry. Peter said it would be something special, but I don't really care at this time all I care about is spending some quality time to get to know the man that is Peter Parker.

"Sweetheart?" My dad called knocking on the door as he entered my room. Lucky I was just putting on my make-up and not putting on some clothes talk about embarrassing. He was standing in my entrance with his old smoke pipe-puffing in the wind. From my mirror, I could swear I see him imagining me as his little girl who's growing up and he still can't believe it. After I apply my lipstick I turn around giving my father my full attention. "Yes, daddy?" He gives me his award winning smile. "Well, Gwendy I have to work late tonight so I won't be home for dinner." I could see he wanted to spend some time with me, but I'm not disappointed I understand it comes with the job, after all, he is the Captain of NYPD and with that comes enemies which my father made sure to keep me out of it. "That's okay daddy, I have plans with Peter, later on, tonight anyway!" His face was hard to read, all he did was take another puff from his pipe. "Parker? You mean Peter Parker, the same one you're crushing on?" My cheeks flushed bright red as my father smiles at me. I was completely embarrassed! Even though I'm older nothing says embarrass when your parent knows your crush and teasing you about it. "No!" I rebuffed trying to play it off. In truth, I don't know who I was trying to convince me or my father. "We're just friends' daddy! And besides, it's just a science exhibition, nothing romantic about it!" I don't think he was buying the "just friends talk" he laughs after releasing another puff from his pipe. "Sure just friends..." He air quoted me, I can't believe he just air quoted me! "Just single friends," He emphasizes the word single with it. I can hear it in his voice. It almost as if he approves of Peter just as much as he approves of that Spider-Man character that Peter sometimes takes a picture of. In truth, I've never been a fan of Spider-Man or the Menace dubbed by J. Jonah Jameson. I feel like crime has gotten worse since his arrival, but my father believe he's helping I mean who dresses up in a red and blue tight spider theme suit? I know it's been tough on Peter ever since Aunt May caught ill. So to make ends meat he takes pictures of Spider-Man which mean he's also caught in the danger that Spider-Man brings with him which I don't like, but I try to be understanding, but still. Two people I love are putting themselves in danger almost every day and one barely acknowledges my feelings.

I snap out my thoughts when I heard my father telling me to have fun and send his love to Peter's Aunt May. I tell him I will. My father leaves and with that I but the finishing touches for my potential date with Peter. He probably doesn't think it's a date, but I do and hopefully it can lead to more. I check myself one more time before I head out of the house and meet Peter at the Coffee Café.

I arrived before Peter which wasn't a shocker. If you asked me the boy's head would be lost if was attach to his neck. I sit down at our usual spot and order a frappuccino and for Peter. Sometimes that's one annoying quality I wish he would overcome being late is just rude, but I know it's not totally his fault things happen. After about fifteen minutes of waiting for Peter finally shows up looked like he was running a mile or something. He sees me at the table and walks over to me, but before he could reach me he trips and falls flat on the floor. I get up as quickly as I could rush over to him and help him up. "Oh my God, Peter!" He gets up dusting himself off and rubs the back of his neck. "Peter, are you okay?" Such a klutz he is. "Yeah I'm fine!" Trying to keep me from worrying about him, but he's such a fragile person and he took a huge tumble. "You know me Gwen being a klutz!" He makes a joke about his self which it's nice that he could laugh at himself. I guess it comes with the territory of being Peter Parker I taken. He takes a seat opposite of me and he orders an espresso when had few minutes before the event started so we decided to just talk maybe get to know each other a little better. I swear Peter Parker is a mystery to me, but in a good way.

"So how is your Aunt May?" I asked him trying to begin a conversation with him. He sighs as he ponders what to say to me. "She's fine. She's doing better. Thank you for asking." I know he wishes she was better than she was now, but, at least, the ill has passed and she's getting better that's all anyone could ask especially for Peter's sake his Aunt May is all he got. "What about you Gwen? Anything new in your world?" Not really. "Oh, I model for this ad for some kind of product!" Way to sound shallow Gwen! "That's cool! I know two models both you and MJ wow you might be able to go somewhere especially you Gwen if the scientist thing doesn't work out for you!" I laugh catching him off guard I never really planned on what I was gonna do after I graduate. It was nice of him to think I could be a successful model. "It's sweet of you to think that Peter, but I don't know yet first I need to graduate from college first. I only do the model gigs on the side for a little extra money on the side, but I don't know if I'm going to become one full time or not. That might be better for MJ rather me!" Plus I don't know how my dad would feel about me being a full-time model he already freaked when I started modeling professionally. He saw way more of me than he bargained for when he agree for me to model for a company of women clothes. Let's just say it could've been better. "Yeah, maybe your right!" He places his hand on mines; I felt a jolt that shook every fiber of my being. His hands felt warm and protective as if I could melt into his arms I didn't want him to let go. "Besides true beauty comes from your brain and who are inside and not your looks." He tells me as his smile I felt as if my chest was about to burst. "You're very charming Mr. Parker..." He blushes as he tries to play it cool. "Well, you're very gorgeous Miss Stacey." God, I wanted to kiss him right then and there, this was a perfect moment nothing could ruin it. Peter looks over to his' watch and quickly pulls his hands back. "Oh God, we have to go!" I knew it was too good to be true. "I pay for the bill and will head over exhibition!" I nod as Peter goes rushing off to pay the bill, it was the perfect moment I felt like me and Peter finally saw something in each other for the first time ever. I pull out my compact and make sure my make-up was perfect once it was I grab my person and follow Peter out.

We arrived at the science exhibition held by Professor Warren Miles. When he sees us he greets both me and Peter. He lifts my hand and gently kisses it which I'm polite about, but something about him creeps me out he kinda makes my skin crawl. He shook Peter's hand and they begin talking about some advanced science a thesis in cloning and how one day we might be able to clone human beings. Yeah, that'll be the day clone copies of me let's be real since it is just a theory. "I'm so honored that some of my students showed up to support my symposium exhibition. Along with my theory of cloning, I have been working with some scientist on the Nullifier. It's a Grade A missile defenses for the United States government." He explains I wasn't interesting in weapons using science in that way only cause more wars and conflicts. I believe science should be use to benefit the world in a positive way, not this! "Fantasizing Professor Warren, but how will this Nullifier help?" Peter asked. I kinda tuned them out Peter was truly scientific nerd it's almost as if he forgot I was here.

Soon the symposium began and Professor Warren stood on the stage and greeted all of us. Peter was so captive into Professor Warren's work before he even presented the Nullifier thesis that he's working on. "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome! Thank you for coming! As you know I am Professor Miles Warren and this is the Nullifier this is the next defense in Grade A military tech. I've worked with some of the best minds to come up with a way to disable military missiles from our enemies." He removes the sheet covering it, it wasn't big, but it wasn't small either it had many knobs or button controls from what I could see as best as I could. I don't know how it will be able to shut down missiles, but if Professor Warren could make it work it'll be amazing if it does even though I don't agree with weapons because someone could steal it and sell this on the black market then we will be trouble if the enemies attack us. The United States would be defenseless because of this weapon that was meant to be protected. "This Nullifier will be the next big thing we've created to stop missiles in track essentially neutralizing and destroying it before it can detonate!" Peter was hooked like a child going to a candy store and the parents said you can have whatever you want and you run around crazy with excitement and job. Yeah, that's Peter right there makes me a little upset that he's paying so much attention to all this science stuff instead of me. "Yes, Mr. Parker?" Professor Warren called on Peter. "So Professor Warren basically you're saying the device can cause a short circuit with almost anything electronic is that correct?" Of course, Peter would ask more questions. "Yes, in theory, we don't know what all it can shut down, but, in theory, yes, but this is a prototype if it's successful we can produce a higher even more powerful than this one!" Great what else could possibly go wrong on this date?

Before Professor Warren could finish a loud burst erupted from the back of the building. Professor Warren stops in the middle of his explanation to see Doctor Otto Octavius commonly known as Doctor Octopus. He was a brilliant man one of the leading men in nuclear physics and biochemistry, but one day one of his experiments turned deadly causing his mechanical robotic harness arms that look like octopus tentacles. Whatever happened that day drove him insane and drove him to crime and of all days he decides to show up where I am with Pet-? I look around as try to look for Peter I can't believe it he ditch me he ran faster than I could blink that...that coward!

"Warren my old friend it's been far too long hasn't it?" Doctor Octopus taunts the frighten man. I can't blame him the guy scares me half to death as well. "Otto...it's been...far too long old friend...what are you doing here?" He voice cracks as he question "his old friend" Otto gives him a chilling twisted smile. "I've come here to take your Nullifier. You see I have great use for it this will do well with my nuclear advancement. I can bring the United States to its knees just think of the possibilities Warren! Can't you see it!" But before Professor Warren could answer a quick swift red boot connected to Doctor Octopus' face slamming him into the ground. And there he is Spider-Man, great just what I wanted; first Peter ditches me, then Doctor Octopus and now Spider-Man yeah worst date ever! "Spider-Man!" Doctor Octopus growled as if he was shocked to see him. "Professor Warren stand back!" He commands the frighten professor. "Ock I don't know what you want with the Nullifier, but you have it!" Doctor Octopus quickly got up from the kick and wipes his face. "Spider-Man it's good to see you again, but this time, I have the upper hand!" Doctor Octopus charges towards Spider-Man, he lifts up his left arm shooting his webs trying to distract Doctor Octopus, but the Doc's Tentacles were able to tear through his webs like it was paper. "This time, you will not win, Wallcrawler!" To me, it looks like the crazed scientist had the upper hand he had the Nullifier in one of his tentacles and Spider-Man have to make sure everyone is safe since the police haven't arrived yet. "Oh, Doc you and your imagination that you think you can stop me!" Spider-Man taunts his 8 legged foe. He shoots his web line at the two lower halves. Once his webbing connected he yanks it pulling Doctor Octopus down. The Doctor was caught off guard by this move as Spider-Man flips in the air doing a summersault grabbing the Nullifier. He wraps his webs over it keeping out Doctor Octopus's hand. This angered the villain as the police just arrive. Doctor Octopus had to weigh his options and it wasn't looking good so he made a quick retreat.

Glad that was over. What a night. Peter comes over to me trying to get through a crowd of people. Oh, now he wants to come back after he just left with there with those craze freaks. "Hey, Gwen I'm glad you're safe!" Like I'm supposed to believe that, he cowards out on me and now shows up after the danger is done. I could slap matter of fact- "Ow!" Peter yelps in pain after my hand connects to the side of his face. "Gwen I-" I couldn't believe I just slapped him, but it felt good though I mean he did leave me there he could've at least tried to get me out with him! Manners! "No, I don't want to hear it, Peter! What you did was horrible you left me, abandon me! And for what?!" Instead of listening I left Peter I was too upset with him to even hear him out or his lies!

A few days later since I talked to Peter after he abandoned me, I couldn't look at him. I talked to my dad, who as usual always gives someone the benefit of the doubt, but still I was upset with Peter, but I am over it. I go to our usual hangout spot where I met up with Harry, Flash, and MJ. Of course, Peter is running late, as usual, no surprise there. But maybe I can try our date out again I, at least, owe him that much. Peter walks in we all speak all except for Harry who seem usually upset with Peter, but Peter didn't understand why. So I thought this will be the perfect time to plan a date with him. He does owe me from the last time and I expect him to do better this time. "Hey, Peter can we talk?" I asked him. He looked at me nervously, I can't blame him the last time we talked I slapped him. "I thought we can have a redo for our date last time!" His face expression was completely shocked that I was asking him to go out with me; he's so cute when he's flustered. "Um..." Before he could response MJ came over. "Hey Tiger, listen I wanted to know if you wanted to go this party with me?" Unbelievable! Here comes Mary Jane Watson over here asking Peter out at the same time I just asked him you have got to be kidding me? I like MJ, but there's no way I'm letting Peter blow me off for her no way! Peter look like he crapped himself, but I wasn't going to back down. "You know I remember I have to check on Aunt May she said she was rented out a room and I was supposed to check up on her. I'll catch you guys later!" I couldn't believe it instead of making a choice he brought his Aunt May into this! "Men..." MJ said placing her hands on her hips watching Peter leave. "Tell me about it..." I cross my arms over my chest. Me and MJ both in agreement with this one: Peter was too chicken to make a choice so he leaves running to his Aunt wait until I get my hands on him. Watch your back Peter Parker...