A/N – Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I also appreciate the follows and favorites! I'm so happy that you guys enjoyed that last chapter. I fretted it over it quite a while. I never know when to end a story. I don't want to go on forever and then I'm not sure if the mundane of day to day is boring to you. Anyway, thanks again for reading my fiction. Liason will always be in my heart!
Chapter 37 - Epilogue
Two Months Later
Elizabeth groaned as she got up off the couch. She was in her last trimester and she felt huge. Thank God she wasn't this big at Christmas. She smiled at the memories. Christmas at the Quartermaines had been fun actually. They had bought a ridiculous amount of things for the baby. It seemed like the presents were endless. But most of all, she enjoyed exchanging presents with Jason. He had gotten her a beautiful sapphire and diamond necklace and earring set as well as several other things. She waddled to the bathroom and then came back and laid down. How could she be so out of shape?
The most important gift she got was the diamond ring that now sat on her left hand. She gazed at it for a moment and smiled.
Monica grabbed Lila's arm and gasped when Jason got down on one knee.
Elizabeth started to cry.
"Baby, I love you so much. You have changed my life in so many ways and I'm so grateful that I met you. Thank you for loving me and allowing me to love you. Elizabeth, will you marry me?"
Liz nodded. "Yes," she said throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly.
Everyone in the room clapped. Monica and Emily were crying and Tracy was grinning from ear to ear. She really liked Elizabeth and thought her and Jason made a great couple.
Jason pulled back and opened the ring box. Elizabeth gasped and put her hands over her mouth.
"This was Lila's second wedding ring."
Elizabeth looked over at Lila who grinned.
"I probably have four. Edward keeps giving me a new one on every major milestone," she said grinning. "That one was my favorite because it was such a happy time in our lives. I wanted you to have it because this is a happy time in yours."
"Thank you so much Lila. I feel so honored," Liz said as Jason slipped her ruby ring off and then slid the engagement ring onto her hand.
She gave Lila a hug and then rushed out the room.
"Where did she go?" Tracy asked a stunned Jason.
Alice looked down the hallway and then chuckled. "Nature calls."
Everyone laughed and started to congratulate Jason.
Johnny came out of the kitchen and watched Elizabeth rest. Her shirt molded against her stomach and he thought she looked beautiful but he knew that Liz was struggling with the weight gain. She heard him gasp and her eyes snapped open. "What's wrong?"
He pointed and swallowed hard.
"What? Do I have toilet paper on my shoe? Is a giant spider about to eat me?"
"Your stomach just moved." It was kind of creepy but he was totally fascinated.
She smirked. "Johnna is extra feisty today."
"May I touch?" he asked sitting down next to her.
She grabbed his hand and positioned it. The baby moved again and Johnny grinned. He rubbed her belly thinking that might calm the baby and Liz sighed and closed her eyes.
Jason shook his head as he watched them from the stairwell. "Men have been shot for less," he quipped.
Liz didn't open her eyes but she grinned.
Johnny chuckled. "Look, Johnna and I are spending some quality time together. I wanted to make sure I got to her before you tainted my image."
Jason rolled his eyes and walked towards them. The last few months had been at times stressful. The media had gone crazy about AJ. They had made Kristen disappear so that was at least not an issue. Jax was still struggling with his recovery but Emily was right by his side. Therapy had helped her a lot and she wasn't having nightmares anymore. Alan was doing well as was Tracy. The family had grown even closer after what AJ did. They quietly buried him and no one spoke of him at all. Jason and Elizabeth had gone over there more frequently and that helped a lot.
Monica had insisted that Jax recover there so they could keep an eye on him and surprisingly, he agreed. Jason thought he knew that Emily needed her family and actually, it made him respect Jax more. Lady Jane had stayed for a few weeks and she and Tracy were as thick as thieves.
"Bye Johnna. Your godfather loves you," Johnny said before standing up and giving Liz's belly one more rub.
"You need to get your own pregnant woman," Jason said taking his place, trying not to smile.
Johnny grinned. "That wouldn't be as much fun," he said before leaving.
Liz slightly opened her eyes. "Can you rub my leg? I'm cramping a little?"
He nodded and began to massage her leg.
"That feels really good," she cooed.
"What do you think of Cara or Carisa for a name? It means beloved," Jason asked as he switched legs.
Liz's eyes fluttered open and she slightly smiled. "It's pretty. I'll add them to the list."
He watched closely and knew when her breathing changed that she had fallen asleep. He put his hand on her belly and started to speak. "I love you baby. No matter what we name you, you will always be my beloved. You and your mommy are the most important people in the world to me. Don't give your mommy such a hard time okay? She needs her rest." He kissed her stomach and got up with a big smile on his face. He went into his desk drawer where he had hidden her Valentine's day present. Carly had distracted Liz a few days prior and he had flown to Tom's River and got her a charm bracelet. It had a few charms from the town and then a few more he added for the baby. Susan and Maggie had met him and helped him pick everything out. He really hoped that she liked it.
Liz rolled her eyes as the steady stream of flowers were delivered for Valentine's day. Normally, she wouldn't mind the day, but she felt anything but romantic. Her feet were swollen and her back was killing her.
She watched two people walk towards her and she frowned. They were hidden by two vases of roses but they looked a little familiar.
"Surprise," Suzanne said as Liz's mouth dropped open.
"Oh my God. What are you doing here?"
Maggie chuckled as she hugged her friend. "We are two of your Valentine's Day presents," she said before handing Elizabeth a box of chocolates.
Ripping it open she popped one in her mouth and sighed. "Delicious."
Epiphany chuckled. Jason had arranged for this and now she was about to give her another present. "Go home Webber and enjoy your night."
Liz grinned. "Are you sure?"
"Thank you Epiphany."
She introduced her friends to her boss and then she went back and got her coat and purse and Cody walked her back to the ladies.
Maggie eyed him up and down. "Damn Elizabeth, who's the hottie?"
Liz chuckled. "That's Cody."
"That's yummy."
The three of them laughed and got on the elevator.
"I can't believe Jason did this."
Suzanne smiled. "He said you had been a little down and not in the Valentine's Day mood, so he thought we could cheer you up."
Liz grinned. "You two are the best presents ever."
They went to the car and slid inside and headed for the penthouse.
When they got there, Jason was already home.
"Hello Ladies."
They gave him a hug and he took their coats and the flowers.
"Thank you so much Jason. You knew just what I needed."
He smiled. "I know it's a bit untraditional but I'm glad you like it." He really didn't celebrate the holiday and would have been just as content snuggling up with her on the couch but Carly had yelled at him that he had to do something. So, he decided to give her what she most wanted besides chocolate; her friends who were dearly missed.
"What smells so good?" she asked sitting next to Suzanne on the couch.
"I had the Metro Court cater our dinner," Jason said.
Liz got up and followed him and her mouth dropped open. "Where is the pool table?" she asked when she saw a dining room table sitting in its place.
"We moved it into a vacant apartment temporarily."
She kissed him. "You are the best you know that?"
"Thank you. I feel the same way about you."
Maggie and Suzanne smiled. They all sat at the table and dug into their pasta.
"So how long are you staying?" Elizabeth asked.
"For a few days," Suzanne said.
"You're fiancé put us up at the Metro Court. It's swanky," Maggie said.
Liz smiled. "Yes, it is. I was going for a spa day tomorrow. Maybe you two can join me and Sarah."
"Already arranged and paid for," Jason said.
Maggie and Suzanne started to protest.
"It's done. You two deserve some pampering for making my girl so happy. So, enjoy it."
They thanked him and Liz smiled. "God I missed you so much."
"We missed you too. You'll have to visit over the summer and bring the baby. We'll babysit," Maggie said.
Liz grinned. "That's a deal."
They finished dinner and sat around and talked and then Cody took the two women back to the hotel.
Liz cuddled with Jason on the couch. "Best Valentine's day ever."
Jason smiled. "It's not over."
She smiled. "Definitely not."
Getting up from the couch she disappeared around the corner and came back carrying a box.
"What's that?"
"I guess you'll have to open it and find out."
Jason smiled and took it from her and shook it first and then slowly opened it. He leaned over and kissed her as he looked at the framed picture of them in Tom's River. It had been from their trip to the boardwalk.
"There's more."
He put it down beside him and then gasped as he held onto an itinerary.
"I thought we could go together, so I paid the fees and figured that since it's in June, Emily can watch the baby."
Jason didn't even know what to say. It was a motorcycle rally that started on the coast in Maine and ended in New York. It was a more exclusive one, so it was just the right amount of people.
"Wow. I always wanted to do something like this."
Liz grinned. "I'm glad you like it. I asked Francis to help me find the perfect one. He thought that you'd get along with the other bikers too. I mean we don't have to be totally social but….."
"No, it's perfect," he said before kissing her softly. "Thank you. I don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day but you made it special for me. Now it's your turn."
He got up and retrieved the bracelet.
"Now I know your hiding place."
Jason smiled and handed her the box. "I wanted to do something special for you to combine our time in Tom's River and here. Suzanne and Maggie helped me out."
She smiled and opened up the box and gasped. "Oh Jason, it's beautiful."
He pointed out each charm and its significance and she was in tears by the time he finished. Putting it on her, she moved her wrist around and then he kissed her again. "I'll be right back."
He disappeared for about ten minutes and then came back downstairs and picked her up and carried her upstairs.
Kicking the bedroom door open, she smiled when she heard the soft music and the roses he had brought her. He stripped her down and then picked her up again and placed her into the warm tub and Liz sighed. "Feels so good."
He smiled. "I want you to relax baby."
"You could get in too."
He shook his head no. "This is just for you. I'll come back and get you."
She soaked for another fifteen minutes and he came to get her. As he dried her off, he laid gentle kisses down her back that made her shudder. By the time he was done, Elizabeth was on fire. She pushed him back into the room as she helped him remove his clothes and then he sat on the bed as she ravished his mouth. He laid back and she straddled him and made love to him until they both practically howled with pleasure.
Lying in his arms afterwards, she smiled at how wonderful her life was. She would never take it for granted.
Two Months Later
Jason held his daughter Callie Lynn in his arms. She was beautiful, the perfect blend of both of them. Her little chocolate tendrils made him smile. He looked over at Elizabeth who was knocked out. The birth had taken a lot out of her but it was over now and she could rest. He kissed Callie on the forehead and looked up to catch his mother in the doorway.
"Hi," she whispered.
Jason smiled and handed her the baby after she sat down.
"She's so beautiful, Jason," Monica said as her eyes filled up with tears.
"Just like her mommy."
"When Lila held her, I was a sobbing mess."
Jason grinned. Alan had cracked a joke and Tracy socked him in the arm and it had turned into the usual Quartermaine fray. Carly had tears in her eyes from laughing. His baby had slept right through it and that is when he knew she'd be okay. Anyone who could sleep through all that mayhem could hold their own.
"I remember when you were little. You were so cute and quiet. Sometimes, Alan would poke you awake just to make sure you were breathing."
Jason chuckled. "No wonder I don't sleep."
Monica grinned. "You were always a gift Jason, even though at first I didn't realize it because of my jealously. But you were certainly easy to love."
"It's hard to imagine being this little," he said softly.
"True. Callie will be in college in no time."
Jason groaned. "I don't want to even think about it." College meant boys and he wasn't really happy about that subject.
Monica chuckled seeing the look on his face. "Hopefully, she'll meet someone just like you."
"That's what I'm afraid of," Jason said remembering what a terror he was when he was twenty-one.
"Karma," Elizabeth muttered from the bed.
Jason looked over at her. "From what Sarah tells me, Lizzie, you'll get your fair share too."
Elizabeth grinned wearily. "I plead the whatever."
Monica laughed. Johnny walked inside. "There's my baby girl."
Jason glared at him playfully. "Get your own baby girl."
Johnny chuckled and went over to Elizabeth and kissed her on the cheek. "Congratulations mommy."
Liz smiled. "Thank you godfather."
"That could have a whole other meaning if someone else heard that."
He walked over to Monica and she handed him the baby. "Hey Callie. I can't wait to tell you about how you were named Johnna for at least six months and then you're jealous daddy changed your name to Callie against your mother's wishes."
"You're crazy," Liz said with her eyes still closed.
Monica bit her lip when she saw Jason's expression.
Johnny rocked Callie and Kellie took a picture with her phone from the doorway.
"How are you feeling?" she asked Elizabeth.
"Just tired and sore."
"It will be time to feed her soon," Kelly said.
Liz opened her eyes, "Okay."
Callie began to stir and Johnny softly spoke to her as he walked towards Elizabeth and she smiled. Johnny was so cute with her.
"You do have to get one of your own," Elizabeth said as Kelly's mouth dropped open.
Johnny kissed Kelly on the forehead and then handed the baby to Elizabeth. He sat down next to Jason so his back was to Elizabeth to give her some privacy and Kelly showed her how to breastfeed.
It took Callie a little bit but she latched on and Liz started to tear up.
Kelly smiled and went and sat on Johnny's lap. Once Liz was done, both her and the baby were asleep.
"Alright, it's late and my work is done here," Kelly said standing up.
Johnny took her hand. "I'll check in with you tomorrow," he said to Jason.
Monica gave her son a kiss and then left the room and Jason crawled into the bed that was next to the bassinet and closed his eyes. He was tired and could only imagine how exhausted Elizabeth must be.
Six Months Later
They had a wonderful summer. Visiting Tom's River was great and Maggie and Suzanne doted on baby Callie. Sarah was married and they were preparing for their own wedding. The motorcycle rally was so much fun that Elizabeth vowed to make sure they did it ever summer and she got no argument from Jason who had thoroughly enjoyed himself. Callie was a handful. She definitely had an opinion on everything, even if she didn't speak yet. And she loved her daddy and Johnny. She had them completely wrapped.
Elizabeth tickled her belly after she put on a new diaper. She loved every little roll. Callie smiled at her and grabbed her toes and Jason took a picture.
Liz looked over at him and smiled. He scooped Callie up and she squealed and drooled.
"You drool like your godfather," Jason said.
Elizabeth kissed her on the forehead.
They had decided that they wanted to get married in Tom's River. Lila was well enough to travel and it would be like a little mini vacation for everyone in September. They didn't want a whole lot of fuss. Frank and Carolyn would be there as well as Maggie and Suzanne. The Quartermaines would come and so would Sonny and Carly and the Webbers. Everyone they had invited they considered family anyway. The only people she had invited outside that circle was Epiphany and Carole from the boutique, who Elizabeth had ended up befriending. They were renting a few very large beach houses for most of the guests. Frank had pulled some strings so they could marry on the beach. They didn't want a big formal wedding. Elizabeth chose a pretty white v-neck gown that exposed some of her back. It was comfortable and she liked the lose flow of the material that draped down the back of the dress. It was elegant yet simple at the same time. She was going to be barefoot for the ceremony and so was Jason. She had picked out some white linen pants and a loose fitting white button down shirt for him. There wasn't going to be bridesmaids or groomsmen. It would be just them surrounded by all the people that they loved.
They went downstairs and Johnny knocked on the door and came inside.
Callie kicked her feet and whined for him and he grinned and took her from Jason. "How's my baby girl?"
She grinned and laid her head on his shoulder.
"God I love this kid," Johnny said sitting down with her.
Elizabeth smiled. "I think she loves you too."
"I never had a doubt."
Jason rolled his eyes.
"One day, your eyes are going to roll out of your head," Johnny said.
Liz laughed.
"I haven't seen Kelly lately."
Johnny looked over at her. "She's been sick."
Liz frowned. "Is it food poisoning?"
Johnny shook his head. "Nope," he said holding Callie up.
"Oh my God…." Jason said. "You knocked her up didn't you?"
Johnny grinned. "I can't help it if I have fast swimmers."
Liz clapped and Callie smiled at her mom. "This is awesome. How far along is she?"
"Just two months. It's a secret so you can't tell anyone."
"When are you two getting married?"
Johnny looked over at them mischievously. "Who says we already aren't."
Liz's mouth dropped open. "Johnny O'Brien, if you got married without me…"
He cut her off with his laugh. "It hasn't happened yet but it will soon. We both don't want anything crazy so, we'll have a really small service. We already spoke to Father Coates. You two will be there and Francis. "
Liz nodded. "Well I'm happy for you Johnny."
"Thank you."
Liz sighed and put her arm around Jason's waist. She was really happy for Kelly and Johnny. Maggie and Suzanne were dating and Emily and Jax were trying to get pregnant. Everyone was happy.
The wedding went off without a hitch. Kelly made a beautiful bride and Elizabeth couldn't wait to find out what they were having. Johnny was so good with Callie that she did wish it was a little girl so their kids could be best friends.
Jason and Elizabeth had been married the month before. It was a beautiful ceremony—short and sweet. Patrick almost had to be put in traction when he fell back doing an impromptu limbo, but other than that, it was accident free.
They had Thanksgiving at their new house. Francis had brought the penthouse from Jason and was now living there.
Jason got the shock of his life when he dropped by one night and found Anna leaving. Francis explained that it wasn't anything serious but Jason was still shocked that his friend had bedded the sexy spy.
Johnny and Kelly ended up having a little girl named Kalea. They were happy and Johnny wanted a big family as did Kelly.
Jason and Liz ended up having two more children, a boy and a girl. Carly had a little girl and Cody and Carole had a little boy. Emily and Jax had a little girl and a boy while Sarah and Patrick had twin boys.
They took the good with the bad always having each other's backs no matter what.
The End