So, here I'm again with a brand new story! Gladly the writer's block is gone. Well, I'm into dark and mellow fics these days and I wanted to write a melancholic and twisted story. It's an interesting idea to get off to violence and mistreat, and how many people in this world still end up with people who use those as a tool. A person has changed only when he or she has actually changed. Still, it doesn't make those people bad per se, and we keep on loving them albeit their flaws. It isn't love that heals necessarily, but time and the ability to correct one's own ways and then let that love in. Do tell me what you think of this!

Please do not flame (I do not find a reason for it so you better not either). I apologize for the possible misspellings and other errors.


Pairing: Naruto x Sasuke

Summary: It's a constant battle of hate that escalates to a point of no return. Somehow the reluctance turns into real feelings, but it's one-sided. Can mistreat and insecurity kill everything? How can love ever blossom from this? NaruSasu. Rated M for sex and language.

Disclaimer: I have no rights over the characters or whatsoever (do not sue me Mr. Kishimoto), I am just loaning them and returning to the rightful owner (Mr. Kishimoto).

Naruto eyes me with that crooked smile of his and tells me that I have not really changed. I do not know whether it is a compliment or not and I point that to him, but he just snorts. I ask him whether he wants some coffee and he says that sure, why not.

So, what have you been up to, Naruto asks me carefreely. Nothing much, studying and being incapable of having a long lasting relationship probably thanks to you, I tell him quite neutrally and then I ask how about him. You have become snarky over the years, he laughs and tells me that he has done those too. Somehow I find it improper to ask whether those relationships were with girls or boys. I think it is safe to let the past be past, when mine is not so high and mighty either.

The more the coffee is warming up my stomach, the more I keep thinking that why the fuck is he here anyways. The more I am looking at him, the more I know I want him still even after all these years. Look at him now, he used to be good looking and now it is that plus more awesomeness on top of it. It bugs me that I have not become better in any way - more like those were the best of my years looks-wise and whatever-wise.

You piss me off, I suddenly blurt at him without any explanation as it just kind of slipped out. Good, you piss me off too, Naruto smirks and puts his mug down all the while moving closer to me. I do not know what to expect, but I take it he is not going to kick my face in, right? Naruto pushes me against the fridge and it feels extremely cold against my back. I end up yelping and he laughs. Good old times, right, he snorts again and forcefully kisses me. Well, it would have been forceful if I had not been craving for it for the last ten minutes at least, like a dog in heat. He still makes me feel like that, which again is pathetic.

Our kisses are needy and raw like they have always been. Naruto's hands wander inside my shirt, and he moves his lips from my lips to my jaw and then neck. My breathing is already shallow and I am burning inside, his fingerprints leaving bruises on my skin. Bedroom, I try to voice out and somehow Naruto actually hears that and pulls me after him. Where the fuck is it, he mumbles sounding so horny. Left, I breathe and we end up on my bed. I am lying on my back and I watch as Naruto takes off his shirt. His upper body is plain amazing.

It all feels like the time we had sex for the last time at his place and remembering the outcome of that makes me nauseous inside. I am yet again afraid he is going leave me hanging and it pisses me off. Stop, I try to whine and he looks at me weirdly. You want to call this off, he breathes. No way in hell, I exhale fast and it is odd he asks that, since he has never done it before. After you I have been nothing but casual, but with you I want more, I have always wanted more, I mumble. Are you a chick, or what, Naruto snickers and I do feel like a chick. It actually makes me ashamed of myself somehow.

I am aware of that and was when I came here, Naruto smiles fondly at me, so that I can see that cute dimple of his. I had to go to search myself to find you, now raise your arse gay boy, so that I can start entering you, he continues and I end up laughing. Wait, I cry again then. Not that I do not trust you, but in case this follows the same pattern as always, I really need to know if you are clean, I huff at him and he looks pissed now.

Could you just shut up, you wanker, Naruto exhales. I was thinking that I get to plunge into that sweet arse of yours once again, and you dare to ask if I am clean, he rambles on. For fuck's sake you are the only with whom I have ever had sex unprotected, you dumbarse, Naruto concludes and looks at me straight in the eyes. Good, because you are the only one too, love, I smile at him and it surely is an infectious smile, since he is radiating.

Into that hole he surely plunged, and I have never been fucked like that or perhaps made love to? It surely is passionate in a whole new different way and I have hard time trying not to cry out of sheer pleasure. It seems that with him these first times are surely possible, and I came so awfully lot that I was sure that I would pass out. Oh boy, is he good in bed or what - I could get used to this, but I do not know whether I should.

Noteworthy, that was the last time Naruto ever went back home unless you count the time we went to get his stuff. Now there are too guys living in a fucking small apartment that was really meant for one, but it was not so like we cared. Weirdly enough living with Naruto was actually great and sex with him was divine, so I had no complaints, even though we had not given this thing any name. I would have wanted, but with him it was not so easy and cornering him did no good, so I had to swallow my pride and wait. Like fucking wait like my life depended on it.

On my birthday that year Naruto got home from work and gave me a package with the exact words of "happy fucking birthday, you label freak". I opened the wrapped gift box and there was a ring inside. The ring was a simple silver one and it glistened in my palm. Slowly the realization hit me as I understood that this time he was not going anywhere, and that he actually thought we had a future. I had not even dared to hope that and now the promise was feeling slick in my fingers.

I am not good with words, but I intend to fulfill your wish and well, I know I was a shithead in the past and I still cannot fathom that you would want me after everything, Naruto exhales softly and not really looking at me when saying this. It took me so fucking long to get it all and be OK with it and I am still somewhat struggling with the fact, but at least I am not doing it alone anymore, he then smiles and locks his eyes with mine.

You are possibly the only good thing that has ever happened to me and I almost forgot, I fucking completely and immensely love you, Naruto smiles wickedly. Here is this guy, who used to be violent and scary, suddenly telling me that he loves me, me. That every stab of pain in me was not in vain, and every heartache ended up having a meaning so different to what I thought it would. I end up crushing him with a hug and telling him that yeah, I want to marry him and yeah, I almost forgot, I love him too.

In between kisses I whisper to him that could he repeat that to my heart, since I am not so sure it heard it in the midst of the excitement. I can feel Naruto smiling against my cheek and whispering it all - but do not get spoiled, gay boy, he then adds softly.

It used to be a twisted love, but I somehow have the feeling that we will be unraveling it together. I know it will not be easy, really. I am not saying that I am OK with our past, but I want to make this work. More than often we need to suffer in order to grow and so should relationships grow and evolve too. The world is not ready, ever. But, it is always about what you make of it all in the end, right?

The End.

So, thoughts? Comments? Anyone?