Western China... 2035.
"Bravo 2 you have all the necessary info and the mission is now a go. You know your job, stay safe out there soldiers..."
Soldier BIO
Army enlistee Jon Browning
MOS (Military Occupation Specialty) 19D = Cavalry Scout. The Cavalry Scouts are the U.S. Army's premier front-line reconnaissance soldiers. These soldiers are trained specifically to carry out either mounted or dismounted reconnaissance operations in order to gather intel including: enemy troop formations, the general disposition of the enemy, the strength of the enemy troops, etc. Cavalry Scouts often engage the enemy with FAVs (fast attack vehicles) and anti armor weaponry. As the front-line scouts of the U.S. Army, cavalry scouts also are trained in being able to coordinate with nearby friendly artillery placements so that they can call for indirect fire support if need be.
Age = 30 years
Pay grade = E4 (rank of Specialist)
Role within fireteam = Squad designated marksman. Browning's role is to lay down accurate fire at high volumes down ranges of up to 500 meters. He effectively extends the reach of his own cavalry scout squad with his specially-made, accurized battle rifle, the deadly MK1 Garand.
Primary weapon = MK1 Garand. The MK1 Garand is based off of the WWII era M1 Garand which was known for being an extremely effective semi automatic battle rifle that utilized an extremely powerful, accurate, and large bullet, the infamous .30-06 cartridge. The MK1 Garand incorporates many changes including the use of electromagnetic rails along with caseless .30-06C cartridges which allow for the big round to reach speeds of up to 1,625 meters per second. The MK1 Garand is fed through a detachable magazine unlike its predecessor and can carry box magazines of capacities ranging from 20-40 rounds. The MK1 Garand also has a built in suppressor and comes with a military grade telescopic sight complete with night, thermal, and infrared visions built in.
Armor system = The SPCS. The Soldier Plate Carrier System is a heavy class IV armor designed to maximize durability during dismounted operations at the cost of a slightly burdened soldier. The armor incorporates an intricate design of corrugated titanium alloy plates with layers of microkevlar in between. The class IV armor completely protects the soldier from nearly all small arms fire short of an anti materiel rifle and is used only by the U.S., German, and U.K. militaries.
Exoskeleton = The LWS-L. The Land Warrior System model "light" was designed as an exosuit that enhances the speed and stamina of a soldier moreso than the sheer strength and durability of the soldier. The LWS-L incorporates a complex exoskeleton design that multiplies the stamina and to a slighter extent the speed of the soldier. The Exoskeleton is 100% EMP hardened and is impossible to hack into via anything other than opening the suit up manually.
Sorry guys. This is just a teaser for what's to come. An epic and very accurate story about a cavalry scout's mission in 2035 during the Sino-American war. However, along the way, the soldier finds out that he is being hunted by a creature never before seen in the world, Renamon.
BE WARNED. I indeed have a mastery over the English language so grammar is going to be top notch (which is good for you guys) but on top of that there may also at times be some sophisticated language that you may have to look up. I hope to make a proffessional fanfiction that everyone can enjoy, both younger audiences as well as older and more educated audiences. I'm not a very prolific author unfortunately so although I'm going to update as fast as possible I cannot guarantee you a chapter ever week (which is my goal. At the very least, I want to publish one chaper each and every week).
ALSO, if anyone reading this happens to be in the military, please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the realistic information (like the MOSs and such) and god bless you for the hard work you've done for this country.
Be prepared for an incredible journey guys, more is to come very soon...