Hi hi~~

So as usual, apologies, I mean, at least it wasn't a year right? Hahahaha... hah..


"Where have you been?" Reborn demanded.

Tsuna froze, midway into getting into his pyjama bottoms. Shoving them hastily onto himself the brunette whipped around to give the hitman a halfhearted glare. "None of your business." He replied shortly.

"As your tutor-"

"Not my tutor." Came a muttered response.

"As your brother's tutor-"

"Over my dead body." Tsuna growled. The infant gave an exasperated sigh at the resistance. Like Tsuna was the inconvenience in this bedroom. Asshole. Fucking Fedora-wearing Asshole.

"Tsuna I am not trying to be your enemy." The arcobaleno tried patiently.

The brunette just glared, eyes almost glowing under the dark sky with anger. "You're trying to teach my brother to be a criminal." He hissed low and soft. "You're trying to make my brother part of the goddamn mafia." The teen pointed a shaky but no less accusing finger at the infant. "You're trying to tear this family apart. So don't you dare, for one fucking second, think that you aren't my enemy."

And with that Tsuna turned and in one swift motion fell into his bed, covers already wrapped up around him as he lay with his face away from the hitman he knew was still staring at him. Furious at the emotion still burning dangerously in his body, the teen scrunched his eyes shut and tried to ignore the world outside his blanket cocoon.

It's not a good night. He wakes only a mere few hours later, sweating and panting. His skin feels too tight and his veins seem to be pumping more blood than it can handle. It needs release. He needs release.

Who is he?

He wants to move, to fight, to hurt. Feel the satisfying crunch of breaking something. The adrenalin. He can hear the cheers. The bright lights of the arena. Killing. Maiming. Winning. If he wins, if he kills, if he entertains, he will survive. Eat. Drink. Slaughter.


That's not who he is.

Isn't it?

Not anymore.

It is. It is who he is.

No. No. No.

Lurking in the shadows.


You just can't see it.


You're too afraid. Weak. Pathetic.


Trying to be something that you're not. And it'll consume you.


I'll consume you.

Tsuna wakes up screaming and crying. The teen vaguely could feel the sting on his cheek where Reborn had slapped him awake but it was a whisper compared to the fear clawing at his head and his nails at his arms. He's tired and his muscles taut from his episode, to the point where his limbs feel numb and hard to move. Breathing is hard, especially when it's clogged by tears and mucus and blood. Tuna's pretty sure he must have bit something but it doesn't matter because he. can't. breathe.

"Tsuna!" Reborn yells, his baby voice shrill and breaks through the heaving sobs and indecipherable screaming he's making. "Look at me." He demands, and Tsuna doesn't even think to rebel, desperate to be soothed and calmed.

The arcobaleno makes soft shushing sounds as tiny hands stroked his face, gentler than the brunette personally ever thought possible. "If you tell anyone this," Reborn murmurs, his quiet voice cooling the burning inside the teen, "I will kill you."

Tsuna tries to laugh at that but only manages to give a wet few hiccups.

It took what was probably an hour or so for the trembling to stop. A bit more for the uncontrollable crying to diminish into whimpers. Some point through the whole ordeal, the tiny green lizard had made its way into shaking hands, letting the brunette squeeze the malleable reptile and distract those hands from completely breaking more skin than it already had. Reborn was by Tsuna's head the whole time, petting his face, his hair, whispering beautiful sounding words that the teen had never heard before.

It took about an hour for the trembling to stop. Another half for Tsuna to finally drift off to sleep.

He never looked away from Reborn once.

Tsuna woke up to the sounds of worried mutters and the condescending squeaky tones of the infantile hitman. Blearily he opened his eyes, heavy and sticky from last night's humiliating nightmare, to see his brother concentrating whilst he slowly wrapped bandages on his..

Ieyasu looked up surprised at his twin's awakening and the sudden jerk of the arm he was holding. Luckily the blonde had a strong grip that even startled he didn't fail to let go of the injured limb. "Tsuna, are you okay?" He asked, worried. The older of the pair hating himself for once again not being there for his brother, hating himself for once again failing his brother.

"W-what are you doing?" The brunette rasped. Tsuna jerked his arm again, this time he'd managed to free himself from his brother's grip. He winced at the obvious scratch marks revealed as bandages loosened around his arm, not at the injuries themselves, but at the fact that the blonde had seen such obvious evidence of his weakness. "This isn't what it looks like."

"Oh really?" Tsuna craned his neck and glared at Reborn smirking and confident as he sat on his hammock. "I think I can say otherwise."

The brunette snarled, baring his teeth animalistic and feral as his faced flush with rage and mortification and so many other confusing feelings it physically hurt. "How dare-"

"I dare," Reborn says, lifting his chin up challenging. Then gentler, almost as gentle as last night and Tsuna loathed the way he could feel the burning flames simmer down at the sound, "Don't lie to your brother about this Tsuna."

Tsuna had to look down, away from the two's knowing gazes as his resolve wavered. After a tension-filled silence, the brunette finally spat out vicious and tired, "I had a nightmare. Fucking sue me."

Ieyasu responded by throwing his arms around his twin in a tight hug. There were no words after that. Words would break the tentative silence that felt so much like peace and acceptance that had settled in the room. Tsuna let the blonde teen bandage his arms like he had been doing before. Ieyasu didn't push about the night before anymore. And Reborn didn't say anything about it either.

Tsuna doesn't say anything to Reborn about that night. But maybe he doesn't snarl or glare at the mafioso at first sight anymore. And maybe, sometimes he even cracks a very small smile at some of the costumes the infant wears or the frankly ridiculous things he comes up with.

Maybe it's enough for Reborn.

Days pass well enough after that. It's no means pleasant or calm. There's too much blood and bullets and love in between the lines right now and it wears at everyone in the Sawada household. But it.. settles. Just a little.

Ieyasu is more popular than ever in school, even if the less awed speak unfavourably in the shadows, he is been constantly asked to join other sports games and his crush is looking at him with shy interest. Tsuna is, well he's actually doing relatively better with his teachers in that they don't call him out in classes anymore, and the brunette doesn't hand up the charred remains of their assigned homework with silent murderous promise in his eyes.

There were games with Yamamoto, runs with Ryohei, patrols with Hibari. Interspersed between everything were just little flurries of affection, soft kisses on cheeks between Mario kart, sweaty cuddles under shelter from the sun, small nips on the jaw after a particularly bloody fight.

The beast locked in Tsuna's mind seemed content, lying lazily behind his rib cage, every time it growls his bones rattle out and his skin buzzes and itches, but like the past few days, it too was settling. If Tsuna was an optimist, he might've thought things were actually looking up. Of course he wasn't an optimist. He's too broken down to see the light without seeing the shadows it casts.

And right now there is a suspicious amount of light shining down on the Sawada household right now.

So the brunette wasn't very surprised when the storm finally came crashing down. A storm by the name of Gokudera Hayato.

"Today we have a new transfer student who was studying overseas in Italy, class. Everyone give a warm welcome to Gokudera Hayato."

Tsuna watched suspiciously at the frowning silver haired teen. Coming back from Italy now of all times? How on earth was that a coincidence? This had Reborn marked all over it.

The brunette turned to look at his brother but Ieyasu was too busy staring forlorn over Ryohei's sister who was smiling dreamily at the transfer student who seemed to be staring at.. Well he seemed to be glaring at him actually. It was like some twisted, weird love square. Without much feeling of love.

It was then Tsuna realized the delinquent looking Italian was striding over to him. Maybe that's where his seat was?

"Uh, Gokudera-kun, you're seat isn't there." The teacher said, ruining Tsuna's tiny budding hopes. Gokudera ignored the stares and instructor's protests as he went up to the brunette and purposely kicked his table. Hard.

There was complete silence.

Tsuna stood up and snarled, pissed and frankly confused. "What the fuck is your problem asshole?"

Gokudera just sneered and went to his designated seat, leaving Tsuna standing there like an idiot. The brunette did not like this person at all.

Yamamoto twisted to look behind at his boyfriend worried, "Tsuna are you okay?" he asks. The smaller teen just growled but nodded, sitting back down at his desk with a soft thump and refusing to look anyone in the eyes. He's half afraid if he did, that person wouldn't have eyes to look at with anymore.

"Jesus, what is up with the transfer?" Ieyasu complained as Tsuna and Yamamoto walked beside him. Well, they were walking beside each other at first before the blonde overprotective brother squeezed his way into the space between them. "Just because he's a little good looking doesn't mean he can just act the way he does."

Tsuna grinned vindictively as he imagined what it'll be like to rough up that admittedly handsome face of the silver-haired student. "Definitely," he agreed, voice a little husky in his blood lust.

While both boys were unnerved by the brunette's obvious violent intent, the tanned teen couldn't help but swallow as his mouth dried at the way Tsuna's voice went all rough and hoarse with pleasure. Ieyasu, as if sensing the less than pure thoughts toward his brother, narrowed his blue eyes and roughly jabbed the taller teen in the ribs.

With a surprised grunt, Yamamoto stumbled back, bumping accidentally into three very large bulky seniors. "Oi," One douche with a beanie said menacingly. "I think you broke a bone, what are you going to do about it?"

The two athletes stepped back uneasily at the threatening older teens. Tsuna, however, made no such move. Tilting his head up rebelliously, the brunette scowled. "Yamamoto-san did no such thing idiots." Then with a cocky smirk, he added, "But if you really want I can do it for you."

"Tsuna." His brother hissed, "Tsuna, no."

The lithe teen waved off his counterpart dismissively, "Please, these idiots are all talk. I bet-" He didn't manage to finish his sentence before a fist came flying toward his face. Dodging deftly, the brunette wasted no timed grabbing the offending arm and throwing the larger male over his shoulder. There was a loud thud and then the shouting of obscenities. "That's what you fucking get for interrupting me you fucking bastards!" Tsuna just screamed back. He kicked the other on the ground harshly for good measure before turning to face his reluctantly impressed brother and the proud smile of Yamamoto.

"Well let's get out of here." Tsuna half demanded, "I want ramen."

The baseball star laughed, flinging his arm around the more petite male's shoulders and giving a sloppy kiss on his cheek. "That was amazing Tsuna!"

Ieyasu smacked his best friend on the head for the blatant show of affections toward his twin before gently ruffling Tsuna's hair. "It was pretty cool." He admitted. "Though I do still think you should cut down the fighting."

"I did!" The brunette protested, "There wasn't blood or broken bones or anything!"

Before the blonde could protest at his brother's definition of violence and fighting, the silver haired transfer student came round the corner, clapping slowly. Tsuna immediately tensed, the beast inside him now up and growling as it sensed the coming of blood. "What do you want?" He asked lowly.

Gokudera smirked, "You're stronger than I thought." He comments as he idly brings out a cigarette and lights it in his mouth. Tsuna scrunches up his nose in disgust, "Maybe the Vongola family isn't finished after all."

At the sound of 'Vongola,' Ieyasu whimpered and Tsuna snarled. "How do you know about the Vongola family?" The brunette barked.

Gokudera raised his hands as a sign of surrender, but all it felt like was mocking to the already infuriated teen. "I'm only here to evaluate the Tenth generation Vongola boss, and congratulations to you, I think you'll do just fine."

Tsuna sneered and flipped the other teen the bird. "Well fucking thanks, no thanks bitch." He spat, "And also whoever gave you the info must be braindead because you got the wrong fucking twin."

The half-Italian blinked.

"You're not Ieyasu Sawada?"

And oh look, Tsuna's bird is joined by another in response.

"But that means.." Emerald green eyes moved from the brunette, past the raven haired athlete and finally settled on the blonde one going a distinct pale pallor. "No."

"Something the problem jackass?" Tsuna taunted.

"I refuse to accept some prick who hides behind his younger brother in a fight to be Vongola tenth." Gokudera scowled, his face going back to the furious frown that he'd been introduced with before. "If he's the candidate, then I'm clearly more fit to be the tenth!"

Ieyasu took a wary step back, Tsuna and Yamamoto too. "Wh-what are you saying all of a sudden?" The blonde boy yelps. "If you really want to be a mafia boss go right ahead, we're really not stopping yo-"

"You're a nuisance," Gokudera just says, like a judge carrying out a death sentence. Slowly the teen pulls out two sticks of dynamite. Tsuna backs up further, making sure to stand between the two athletes and the dynamite wielding psychopath. "Die."

And with that he lit the two red sticks of death with his own cancer stick, throwing them at the trio with admittedly amazing accuracy and speed. With a second of hesitation, the brunette kicked away the dynamite as far as he could- which admittedly wasn't that far since it wasn't like he had experience kicking bloody dynamite before- and then pushed the older boys away from the explosive devices, eyes clenched as he waited for fire and pain to engulf him.

After a few beats of nothing, the lithe teen opened his eyes cautiously to see the flames on the ends of the fuses snuffed out, and Reborn sitting on a window sill.

"Reborn!" Ieyasu exclaimed, relieved. Tsuna looked at the other suspiciously. How incredibly damn convenient.

Ieyasu was ignored as the infantile hitman looked at the scowling green eyed male. "Gokudera Hayato, you certainly came earlier than expected."

Tsuna fucking knew it.

"What?! So you two know each other?" His twin asked.

"Yes." Reborn answered calmly, "He a member of the family I called over from Italy."

"So this guy is in the mafia!?"

The brunette smacked his hand onto his face. He loved Ieyasu, he really did. But it's so very, painfully clear sometimes to see that his brother was an idiot.

Once again, Ieyasu was ignored. Tsuna didn't know whether to be grateful for that or not.

Gokudera turned to focus his attention on the hitman. "So you're Reborn. The ninth's most highly trusted assassin." Ieyasu looked like he was going to say something obvious again so the brunette quietly shushed him, keeping an ear out for what the silver-haired teen was saying. "You're not lying about me becoming a candidate as the Vongola successor if I kill Sawada right?"

Tsuna whipped his head around, eyes burning dark orange. "EXCUSE ME?!"

Reborn glanced at Tsuna and for a second the teen actually thought the hitman would disagree. "Yeah, that's right."

"WHAT?" Ieyasu screamed.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Tsuna yelled at the same time, lunging toward Reborn as he unleashed his flames. It seemed Reborn expected this however and merely threw something at him.

Instinctively the brunette caught whatever it was within his hands. Curious, he checked what was the thing that had been flung at him. Opening his hands the teen saw two familiar, giant blinking yellow eyes. "Son of a bitch."

And then he blacked out.

Tsuna woke to the sounds of screaming. Not agonized screaming or anything. More like repetitive angry shouting.


With a groan, he opened his eyes to see anxious amber ones looking back at him. "Yamamoto? Wha-"

The tanned teen chuckled nervously. "Reborn-san shot you with something when you caught his green snake."

"Green.. Snake?" Tsuna repeated dumbly. Reborn didn't have a snake. The athlete glanced down and his own honey brown eyes followed the gaze to see yellow eyes staring back up at him. Yellow eyes that belonged to a rope version of Leon now tying him up. "Shit."


"Also, Ieyasu has the flame thing again and is defusing all the firecrackers Gokudera kun keeps throwing out. Apparently, he's pretty famous for holding a lot of it."


It was a stupid and vague explanation but looking at the scene of scattered dynamite all over the courtyard, Tsuna was hard pressed to disagree with what was said. Except for the firecracker bit. That was so very wrong.

"Triple bomb!"

The brunette watched as Gokudera pulled out a frankly mind boggling amount of dynamite from his person, it was apparently too much to hold though and the teen ended up fumbling with them, dropping the lit fuses around him. It was like slow motion. The shock, the desperate attempt to stop the inevitable, the resignation. Tsuna struggled in his bindings.

"IDIOT GET OUT OF THERE!" The brunette screamed. Despite his misgivings about the silver haired delinquent, he didn't actually want him dead. A little maimed and disfigured maybe. But not dead.


And like the hero he was, Ieyasu dove practically face first into the fallen dynamite, diffusing the fuses with his bare hands.


Everyone just watched as the blonde, barely clothed Sawada finally got rid of all the active bombs, two by two at amazing speed. Once it was all safe, Ieyasu seemed to calm down from his strange Ryohei-like persona as the flame in his forehead dwindled back to nothingness. "Whew, somehow made it." The blonde sighed in relief.

Gokudera looked at Ieyasu like he was the second coming of Jesus Christ. That's not good. Tsuna did not like where this was developing. He also has to figure out how to get out of Leon rope soon.

The silver haired teen dropped to his knees and bowed so low his head was touching the ground. "I WAS MISTAKEN. YOU ARE TRULY THE ONLY ONE FIT TO BE THE BOSS!"

Oh dear.


Oh dear fucking god.

Tsuna turned to crane his head upwards at Reborn who had been still sitting in the same spot silently like the smug asshole he is. "You knew this would happen." The brunette accused.

"Having the loser serve the winner is an age old family rule in the mafia."

"But we're not in the mafia." Tsuna growled. "Also get Leon off of me you bastard."

As soon as he said that, Leon unwound and shifted back to his tiny adorable lizard form. Which sucked because Tsuna just couldn't stay made at that. Luckily he had no such problems with it's owner.

It's owner who has disappeared from the windowsill and had teleported to Ieyasu's side. "Gokudera became your subordinate because of your strength, good job Ieyasu."
