Thank you guys for all the favorites and alerts! And thank you Cassie-D1, queenoftrouble, Lucy Greenhill, MyhusbandsaPRICK, HeartOfGold, and maximumred for the reviews!

I'm sorry it's been so long guys :/ I just kinda lost track of time with school and work.

I hope you guys like it. It's kinda a filler chapter.

I groaned as I felt something cold against my skin, waking me up. Eric slid his cold hand under my shirt and across my stomach, wrapping his tattooed arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to him till my back was pressed up against his chest.

"Good morning," he said, his voice laced with sleep. I couldn't help but to smile, surprised by his mood change since last night, but was glad to see that he was no longer upset. Once he had gotten out of the bathroom, he left the apartment, not letting me know where he was going. I went to bed before he got back, I didn't even hear him come home.

"Morning," I yawned. What time was it? I was supposed to meet Tobias later on today.

My skin tingled as I felt his lips press against my neck. "Happy birthday," he said between kisses.

I turned so that I was on my back, my head turned to him, his arm still draped around my waist. "So you're not upset with me anymore?" I asked. He propped his head up using his elbow. I brought my hand up, tracing down his neck tattoos with my fingers.

"I wasn't upset with you. I was upset that your friends knew more about you then I did. I'm supposed to be your..." he trailed off, his eyes leaving mine.

"My what?" I pushed. I continued to trace my finger down his bare chest.

"Anything you want me to be," he smirked, grabbing my wandering hand.

"Well, boyfriend would be a good start," I looked up at him, finding his steel eyes that have found a much softer look since I first met him.

"Boyfriend it is then, birthday girl," he kissed my hand and brought his lips to mine. He deepened the kiss, my thoughts dissipating, my focus on just him. He moved so that he was now straddling my hips. He pulled away from me, a devilish smirk on his face.

"No Dauntless doesn't like their birthday and you will not be the exception," he planted his hands on either said of my head, his face inches from mine.

"I do pride myself on being different," I countered. I couldn't help but run my eyes over every detail of his face. From his piercing, to his grey stormy eyes, to the way his jaw gave him such an intimating look.

"I'm gonna make you love your birthday," his lips moved to my neck, nipping me here and there. My hands found his hair as I ran my finger through it. He moved from my neck to my jaw and then back to my lips. He tugged at my lips ring with his teeth. "Even if it takes me all day."

He anchored his lips to mine, the kiss so deep and full of passion it made my head spin. He pressed his hips into mine, earning a moan from me. "We don't have all day," I said realistically. "I have to shadow Jason today."

"I talked to him last night," he muttered between kisses. "you're all mine today."


I padded to the kitchen in one of Eric's shirts. I started up the coffee maker and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. It was a little late for coffee, almost one in the afternoon. It didn't take very long for Eric to stroll out of the bedroom, a pair of sweat pant hanging lowly on his hips.

Before he could reach me, there was a knock at the door. He sighed, giving me an annoyed look. I chuckled at his expression. As much as I loved our little world at the moment, I knew it wouldn't be long before our bubble was popped.

Eric made his way over to the door, I waited a few moments before following, waiting for the coffee. I smiled when Eric opened the door. Olivia stood before us, wide-eyed at the shirtless Eric. I didn't blame her though.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something..," She started.

"No! Not at all," I smiled. I looked at Eric, his expression the one of a cold annoyed leader. I shoved him behind me, stepping into the doorway.

"I just wanted to come wish you a happy birthday since I didn't see you at breakfast. I checked your place, but you weren't there so I figured you'd be here," she explained.

"Awe, thank you," I loved Olivia and that Dauntless had yet to corrupt her Amity instinct for caring for people.

"I bought this for you," she handed me a flat box with a black bow on it. "You can wear it to the party tonight."

"You shouldn't have," I smiled gratefully, taking the box from her and giving her a hug. "I'll definitely wear it tonight."

"Awesome. So I'll see you tonight then," she beamed. "Both of you?"

"Yes, both of us," I answered before Eric could say anything.

"Okie doke! See you guys later," she waved and turned to leave, but before she stepped forward she turned back. "Oh, by the way, Four was looking for you, he asked me to tell you to find him in the control room if I found you first."

"Okay, thanks, I'll go see him now." Shit, I was so tangle up with Eric that I totally forgot about my brother.

With that, she turned, making her way down the hall till she disappeared. I stepped back inside so Eric could shut the door. "I have to go see Four," I let him know.

"Now?" He followed me as I walked back to the kitchen.

"Yes, now." I placed the box that Olivia had given me on the counter and addressed the freshly brewed coffee. "I'll only be a few hours tops."

"An hour," he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder as I poured coffee.

"An hour and a half and you come to that party with me," I compromised.

He dropped his arms from waist and stepped back from me. "Those are your friends, not mine."

"It's my birthday party and you're going to be there whether you, or they like it or not," I took as spit of my coffee, glad to feel the caffeine buzz.

He was quiet for a few minutes. I went into his room, gathering my clothes, getting dressed. I went to the bathroom next, brushing my hair and teeth. After I pulled on my second boot I headed towards the door.

"An hour and a half," I heard him say as he came out of the bedroom. I smiled as I opened the door. I looked back over my shoulder at him. He had my coffee mug up to his lips as he finished off the rest of the brown hot caffeinated liquid I had left. "I'm not done with you yet," he smirked.

"Ditto," I called over my shoulder as I closed the door.

I tucked my hands into the pockets of my zip-up hoodie as I found my way to the control room. I had only been to the control room once before with Max as he explained in-depth the significance of some of the Dauntless jobs.

The guard that was stationed at the door gave me a nod in greeting before opening the door for me. I smiled, feeling.

My eyes scanned the room looking for my older brother. I found Zeke, then Aidan, and finally Tobias. I made my way over to him, leaning up against his computer.

"Hey, birthday girl," he smiled, getting up out of his seat, embracing me in a bear hug. Aidan and Zeke soon made their way over as Tobias let go of me.

"How's your day been so far?" Aidan asked. "I haven't seen you all day."

"It's going great," I smiled, thinking of my time with Eric.

"Just a heads up, we're all going to get wasted tonight at your party," Zeke smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Yeah, because that ended up so well," I chuckled. That was when everything unraveled with Jake and I had that huge blow out with Eric. Hopefully things will go a little smoother this time.

"Is Eric going to come?" Aidan seemed hesitant to ask the question, but said what was on the other boys' mind as well.

"Yeah, he's going to be there," I confirmed. If getting Eric to that party was the last thing that I do then so be it. I wanted him there so he was going to be there.

"Sweet," Zeke beamed. "Maybe we can see that asshole loosen up for once. After we get a few beers in him he might not be so bad."

I heard Tobias sigh, but ignored him as Aidan spoke. "Either way, it's your party, Alex and we're gonna make sure you have a great time, right, Four?"

"Right," his smile seemed a little forced, but I payed it no mind. "Have you eaten lunch yet?"

"No actually, I'm starving. You wanna go eat?" It had been awhile since I sat down and had a meal with my brother.

"Yeah, let's go," he agreed. "You boys good here?"

Both of them nodded, giving us the thumbs-up to go.

With that, we started our way to the dinning hall. The walk was short as we chatted about the most recent things in Dauntless and how my training was going. Once we entered the dinning hall I was nearly tackled in a hug.

"Happy Birthday!" Kristen shouted. A smiled stretched across my face from ear to ear. I hadn't seen Kristen since she was sent to the wall weeks ago.

"When did you get back?" I asked, estatic to see her.

"Last night. I wasn't going to miss your first birthday party in Dauntless!" She smiled.

"Damn straight you weren't," I laughed. "So I'll see you tonight then?"

"Duhh," she chuckled. "I'll catch up with you later, though. I haven't seen Olivia yet."

"See you tonight," she gave me one last hug before running off.

"God, I love this place so much more than Abnegation. This place feels like home," I commented as I fell in line with Tobais.

"I know what you mean."

It wasn't long before we got our food and took a seat. Just as we did so, I turned to watch Eric enter the dinning hall. His eyes found mine and he smirked. He looked across from me and noticed Four, sticking up his index finger, signaling that I had an hour left. I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head. Tobias noticed this and couldn't help but look between us. Eric turned and walked towards the leader table that Jason and Max were sitting at.

"So how's that going? You and Eric?" he asked. I could tell it made him uncomfortable, but at least he was trying.

"Do you really want to know or are you just trying to make it seem like you're more okay with it then you actually are?" I tested.

"I really want to know. I want to know if that dick is treating my sister right," he responded.

"That 'dick' has done nothing but make me happy. He's treating me the way I should be treated. Don't worry, I put him in his place when he steps out of line." Sure Eric and I have had our arguments here and there, but like Lizzy said, if we don't argue sometimes that means we don't care. Its over stupid shit too and I think that once we really get used to being together those small problems will fade way.

"Why do I find that so hard to believe?" He chuckled, which surprised me.

"Because you think he's a killer when he's not," I countered, cutting right to the point.

"Alexandra..." he groaned. I could tell he didn't want to get into this right now.

"I'm serious," I said lowely. "Amar is still alive."

"What?" he asked in disbelief.

"He's alive. His death was faked," my tone still low. This wasn't the place for this conversation. "I'll tell you more about it somewhere else, not here, not right now." I could tell by the look on his face he was not satisfied with my answer.

"Fine. He still better be on his best behavior tonight," he rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Same goes for you, brother. Don't ruin this for me," I pointed my finger at him accusingly. "I'm finally starting to enjoy a birthday and if you fuck it up over your petty shit with Eric then there will be hell to pay." I said harshly.

"Okay, okay, but same rules apply to him," he glanced over to the young Dauntless leader.

"Trust me, he knows that."

We sat in the dinning hall, talking and laughing for another 45 minutes or so, no more talk about Eric or any controversial topics. I was glad that I got to spend this time with him, it felt like old times. I was happy and I was grateful that he was apart of that happiness. Sure, he pushed my buttons like no other at times, but he's my brother, he's supposed to do that.

"I gotta head back," he frowned. "Hopefully they didn't burn it to the ground yet."

"Oh come on, Tobi, have a little faith in them. They aren't that incompetent," I chuckled.

"You'd be surprised," with that I laughed as we both got up.

"I'll see you tonight," he hugged me good-bye.

"Yessir," I smiled.

I watched him go, following not so far behind him. I walked up the table that sat Eric and Jason. Max must have left without me noticing.

"Ah, right on time," Eric smirked. "I was afraid I was gonna have to come over there and yet you."

"Pfttt, okay. We all know that wouldn't have ended well for anyone," I chucked.

"You're right on that one," Jason agreed as he smiled.

Eric stood, nodding his farewell to Jason.

I stuck out my hand, hoping he would take it. I could see his urge to look around to see if anyone was watching, but he restrained himself from doing so, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"What time is the party?" he asked.

"Six I think? Why?" I replied.

"That's plenty of time," was all he said, a smirk on his face as we made are way back up to the apartment.

"How are you liking your birthday so far?" We had just reached the top floor when he spoke.

"I have to say, it's been pretty good. Think you could make it any better?" I smirked as we came up to his door.

"Definitely," with that he opened his door, pulling me inside.

I hope you guys liked it! I'd love to hear what you guys think so feel free to leave a review or shoot me a PM! :)