Hey guys, thanks for checking out my story! It's my first Divergent story so sorry if it's no up to par. This story is kind of a mix of things from the books and things from the movie. For example, all the character in my story are based off of the looks of the characters in the movie, but if you want to picture them otherwise feel free to! This story takes place in the year between Four and Tris' initiation.

Disclaimer: The only thing that is mine is my OCs.

Sorry ahead of time for any grammar/spelling mistakes!

"Drink this," A slender, yet well built, Dauntless man said as he passed me a small glass of clear liquid. I hesitantly took the unknown substance from the tattooed man. I brought it to my nose, hoping for just a glimpse at what the serum would do, but was disappointed to learn that it had no sent.

"What is it?" I asked, my curious blue eyes met the other man's bored green ones.

"Drink. It." He growled getting impatient. I knew that no matter what this test told me I was leaving. I was finally going to escape him, just as my brother had. I gave the Dauntless man one last nervous glance before leaning my head back and downing the liquid.

"Choose, Alexandra." The room shifted and I was presented with the choice of a sharp simple knife or large chunk of cheese.



"Not until I know what I'll do with them."

"Fine, have it your way."

I gasped as my eyes shot open. My forehead and palms were lined with sweat, the feeling of the dogs fur still in between my fingers. My eyes immediately found the Dauntless man's. They were no longer bored and dull, but bright and alarmed. "You need to go. Now."

"What? Why?" I questioned as he pulled me out of the metal chair and dragged me to the door. Before he could manage to open it, I pulled my arm from his grasp. "What's wrong? What were my results?"

He stopped his panic and turned to face me. "Abnegation," my chest sunk with disappointment, "And Dauntless. And Erudite." I didn't need to speak, my questions were written all over my face. "Your results were inconclusive."

"But that's not...-"

"But it is. It's just really rare. They call it Divergent. Being Divergent makes you dangerous to them. You can't tell anyone, not even your family," Yeah, like I would dare tell my father I got anything else besides Abnegation. "I put you in manually as Abnegation. Go right home. Say that the serum made you sick."

Before I could ask anything else, he shoved me out the door. I stood their for a few seconds. Divergent? Well, at least it was better than Abnegation. Anything was better than Abnegation.

As I made my way home, I found that a smile was firmly planted across my face. Not only did I get something other then Abnegation, I got Dauntless. And Erudite too of course, but Dauntless was where I wanted to be ever since I saw my brother's blood drip into the burning coal last year.

A lump rose in my throat as I approached my house. What if he was home? What if he asked about my results? I couldn't lie to him. Well, I could but the likelihood of me getting away with it was very slim.

Stepping up to the plain grey house, I gained my composure. I opened and stepped through the door confidently. But that confidence was just a mask that faltered as I laid eyes on Marcus. He sat at the dinning room table, reading the daily paper. He had a frustrated look on his face, due probably from the most recent publication of Erudite gossip. He folded the paper and placed it on the table, looking up at me.

"How'd it go?" His voice was calm and smooth. It was the voice that the people of Abnegation knew their leader to have.


"Just good? What was your result?" He raised a suspicious eyebrow. You can't tell anyone, not even your family. The Dauntless man's words rung through my head as I prepared myself to answer his question.

"Abnegation," I stood in front of him, my hands behind my back. I stood tall, knowing how much he hated bad posture. I had my brown hair tucked neatly into place, just as Marcus always liked.

"You're lying to me," He growled. This, this was the voice that the people of Abnegation didn't hear. This was the voice of Marcus Eaton, my father. This was the voice that echoed through my nightmares.

"No, I'm not! I swear!" My eyes grew wide. Technically I was telling the truth. I did get Abnegation, just not fully.

"Oh really? That's the same look your brother had on his face when he told me his results," I was surprised at the fact that he brought my older brother up. We never talked out him. I was never allowed to even mention him. "Look where that little traitor is now," I wanted to defend my brother, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Marcus got up and out of his chair, coming closer to me. I swallowed hard, knowing what was coming next. "What will your choice be tomorrow, hm? Who will you follow? Me or Tobias?" This wasn't a question I wanted to answer wrong, but one more day with him is all I had to endure. For once I wasn't going to be his perfect little girl.

"Tobias," I stated, making eye contact with my father. His eyes were so fierce that they alone could do enough damage to make my quiver in fear. Marcus brought his hand up and was about to strike me. "Dad, the Choosing Ceremony!" I warned. I knew how much my father cared about his image. A bruise on the side of my face would not benefit his already deteriorating reputation.

"Well then, lucky for you that you aren't staying in Abnegation or else I might care!" He barked and struck me so hard across the face that the last thing I saw that night was his hand coming at me.


On the way to the Hub that morning, serval people stared at the dark black and blue that made its home across the left side of my face. A few had the audacity to ask. My father brushed them off with a simple 'she fell down the stairs' lie.

Marcus never looked at me the whole bus ride, not once. Even as we walked into the Hub and marched up the stairs he averted his eyes. I would like to think that it was out of guilt, but I knew it was because he was ashamed. Not of what he did, but of me.

We parted ways without a word, Marcus making his way over to the other leaders and me making my way over to the other dependents. I smiled as I saw Jake beckoning me over to him. Jake was a tall, lean Dauntless boy. He had dark brown hair that swept across his features and bright blue eyes that gave away his every emotion. His black tattoos that crawled up his arms complemented his pale complexion.

I didn't have many friends, but Jake was my best friend. In fact, most of my friends were Dauntless due to Jake. No one from Abnegation gave me a second look thanks to Marcus, but Jake was always happy to see me.

As I got closer, the smile on his face faltered as he spotted the bruise on my face. I never told him about Marcus, but I was sure he knew. Every once in a while he would spot a bruise or cut and question it. I always changed the subject, not because I didn't trust him, but because I didn't want him to look at me the way the rest of Abnegation looked at me, like a kicked puppy.

"What happened to your face, Alexandra?" He took my face in his hands, inspecting the bruise. The Abnegation weren't one for physical contact, but I had gotten so used to Jake's touch that it didn't bother me anymore.

"Would you believe me if I told you I fell down the stairs?" I asked, giving him a nervous look.

"No," he let my face go. "but i'm pretty sure that if you told me what happened a certain leader wouldn't make it out of this room," Jake was always protective of me. Not that I needed it, put I appreciated it. Tobias usually was always the one that took that roll, but since he left, Jake took that position.

I smirked at the thought of Jake taking on my father in front of hundreds of people from all five factions. "Oh shut up and sit down." Thankfully Jake's last name was Dwyer so he sat on my right. Aidan Fox sat on my left. He was another Dauntless boy that I was good friends with. His short black hair was tousled as if he had just rolled out of bed. Unlike Jake who was one for tattoos, Aidan had several piercings. One on his eyebrow, lip, tongue, and two in both ears. He had bright green eyes just like the Dauntless man who administered my Aptitude test. But just as Jake, he frowned when he saw my face, but he didn't ask any questions.

This year it was Amity's turn to host the Choosing Ceremony, so Johanna Reyes stood in front of the crowd and gave the opening speech. Soon after, she began reading off the names. My stomach began to turn in knots as I waited for my name to be called. I didn't realize I had zoned out until the sound of Jake's name rang through the room. He got up and confidently made his way to the bowls. That was one thing that I always admired about Jake, no matter how terrified he actually was, you would never know unless you looked at his eyes.

He stood before the five bowls; lit coal for Dauntless, grey stones for Abnegation, water for Erudite, glass for Candor, and soil for Amity. Johanna gave him a slight smile as she handed him the knife. Jake, without hesitation, slid the knife down his palm and held it over the burning coal. As soon as it sizzled, the Dauntless shouted a welcome to Jake. He made his way over to them and sat down.

"Alexandra Eaton," I swallowed hard as I got to my feet. Aidan gave me one last reassuring look before I made my way to the bowls. Johanna gave me a friendly smile as she handed me the knife. I had met her plenty of times before. She was somehow friends with my father, although I'm sure she knew what he was capable of seeing that she was unfortunately not surprise to see the bruise on my face.

I was so nervous I barely felt the knife pierce my palm. I clutched it to my chest as I looked at all the bowls. This was it. This was my escape. I held my hand out and a weight lifted off my chest as I heard the sizzling of the coal as my blood came into contact with it.

Once again the Dauntless shouted in joy as I walked over to them. A few unknown faces came up to me and greeted and welcomed me. Jake came over and gave me a bear hug, which was a little awkward for me, but a good new kind of awkward. An awkward that would disappear with time along with my Abnegation ways. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Welcome to Dauntless."

I hoped you liked it! It's a work in progress, just like any other story. I'd love to hear what you thought so feel free to review or message me! :)

FYI this story is on Wattpad too incase any of you were wondering (though you probably weren't lol)