A Scythe and a Cane
This a story I thought would be interesting as it is ROSEWICK so if you don't like that then don't be here. This takes place a month after season two and also there a couple of things set up
Roman escaped Jail
Roman is our Antihero
Neo and Junior are Romans only friends
Roman, you won't be able to tell whether he has a heart or not, don't question it
Ironwood has left the city
And finally if you didn't know it, Rosewick is a ship between Roman Torchwick and our protagonist Ruby Rose
Roman's POV
The busy noises of cars whizzing by on Vales cramped streets were soothing to a man like me. The chill in the air gives me a perfect reason to pull out a cigar and put it up to my chilled lips. From the glowing stick I puffed out some smoke thicker than the cloud of worry in my head. Ice Cream called in sick today, humph probably ate too much of the stuff after our last payday. Today wasn't like one of me and Neo's personal heists it was another contract from Cinder, seems like it's always a contract from Cinder. She didn't care what I did in my free time or where I stole things for her just as long as I stole Dust. Giving me a chance to plan out my own gigs but today wasn't that, I was robbing an armored car Cinder "suggested" I rob. But after my breakout, and our attack on Vale's streets, heat has been high and without Neo here I'm of course worried. Kitty Cat wants my head, Red shows up everywhere on coincidence and their other six friends would do anything for them making my job very difficult. I know robbing an armored car out in the open will make sure things don't go smooth, but I can try, and I just want to get out of this damn cold.
"Hey Mutts!" I directed to the six white fang goons Cinder left me. With a gestor of my cane, to the two SUVs we had, they started getting in the cars. Twirling my signature weapon on my fingers I walked in my suave manner to the two SUVs. The interior of the military registered vehicles, that Cinder made me steal, was all black leather and had a musty air to it. Too bad that feeling will be gone when someone starts shooting holes into it. We reeved up the engines and started off crossing into the highway in front of us.
"Pick up the pace" I said coldly as I saw my target in view seven cars ahead of us. The driver did as told and accelerated our car making our second one behind us follow with. The silly civilians honked their horns at us giving me a sly grin knowing I was probably going to ruin their day right now. With a move of my leather gloves I opened up the top hatch of our vehicle letting a cold winter breeze rush through us all. Gripping my hat with my left hand I slowly rose myself to the top of the car as it accelerated. When my full torso was out in the open air I raised up Melodic Cudgel aiming it at the green armored dust transport two cars ahead of us. With a small smirk as my bangs blew through the breeze I pulled the trigger making Cudgel emit its signature hiss of a shot. The blaze of my round made its way towards the jackpot hitting its back sending it flying over a highway railing.
"Let's move" I stated coldly as I opened the door of our now stopped car walking past the burning cars hit in the crossfire. I took a glance towards my damage taking pride in my work as the glow of fire illuminated my face and the sounds of people recovering filled my head. Paying no mind I walked over the now destroyed railing looking down at the now turned on its back armored car.
"What's the problem bos… oh I'll call the bullhead"
"You do that" I replied in an irritated tone, playing with my cane I gestured to the others. "You two set up a perimeter, you three help me unload this thing"
Making a leap, I landed with dirt kicking up around me followed by the mutts repeating what I did. I started walking over the truck opening it up with my cane wrapped around the handle. The goons started to go inside grabbing any crate they could big or small just filled dust. I always do enjoy a good vault whether it's mobile or not. I even decided to get my gloves dirty and pick up a crate myself. Walking over to the now half empty truck I walked over to a spilt over dust crate. I flexed my gloves and picked it up walking out with my cane looped around my shoulder. My shoes clacked as I started to go put it in the stack of crates we made but another clack was made, one I didn't like! With the shattering of wood splintering my trench coat I looked up to see where the round came from that hit the crate.
"Why hello Red, you seem to show up everywhere, I think you may be stalking me" I said with a snarky grin while using my cane in motions as I talked. I lifted up Cudgel about to fire at the sniper aimed at me but then thought better.
"Oh Red, your never alone are you"
Turning my torso around with my muzzle still raised I looked up at the girl behind me on another raised up road above me.
"Here Kitty Kitty" I teased as I pulled the trigger sending a round straight to her. I figured to be nice I wouldn't use one of my explosive rounds that would blow her pretty ears off, rather settling using my regular bean bag rounds, the ones these students used all the time. She went flying back like anyone would from an explosion but I knew she would live, she would, I promised myself no deaths this run, that shopkeeper last time made Neo mad at me. Hearing the grunting of men behind me I already knew what I would find when I gracefully turned on my heels to where I left Red. Of course what I found was the scythe wielder beating my men to a pulp. Watching little red beat the big bad wolves was really adorable… wait where did that come from? Humph… that was… I don't. Lifting my Cudgel I jumped up on top of the armored car while she finished off what was left against her. Looking around I saw that now joined behind her stood Junior's infamous blondie trouble maker, kitty cat, and the heiress
"Wow you four do like to show up like gum on my shoes"
"GIVE YOURSELF UP TORCHWICK!" Kitty Cat shouted at me
Calmly and collectively I gestured to all four with my cane "And why do I do that"
"Or we will repeat what happened at the docks and the highway chase, we will kick your ass" Blondie said with confidence at me
"Yea" Red said as she slapped hands with the girl somehow telling my they have a special friendship to do that in battle. Sister's maybe? If they were maybe Red could get curves like her sister too… wait no Red looks great the way she is… wait why am I thinking this? I barely know this girl who I should very likely kill and most likely will, besides she's like 15! Oh no they are seeing you have an internal argument, make a snarky comment.
"Well if we repeat what happened last time that means I will escape once again, that what you guys want?"
"Of course not" the schnee replied
"New to sarcasm I guess" I mumbled under my breath
Checking my watch I noticed it was time to make an exit. Though I can't do so with these kids watching me.
"Here before you take me in, take this as a memento" I said tossing my replaceable cap in the air. Doing as I suspected all four unloaded a dust round into my round cap ending with Red catching it with the tip of her scythe.
"Now that's no way to treat valuable merchandise" I said dusting off myself in a smug way, "No way to treat my hat either"
"Oh the cops will treat you well in prison Torchwick"
"Boys in blue can piss on me if they want but I'll never be in prison long. Besides you have no way to track me if I make my escape"
"Don't we" Blondie said so as she took the hat from red lifting it above her head with pride as if she won something
"Nope" I mumbled as I pulled out the black cylinder from my inside jacket pocket. Flicking up the top a red light was introduced to the misty area but was suppressed as my finger covered it.
Ruby's POV
The last thing I heard before everything went blurry was Roman mumbling something under his breath as a glow illuminated himself. As my eyes were blurred as if I needed glasses I slowly rose my head looking around.
"Yang, Blake, Weiss!" I shouted out their names as I struggled to stand up wondering what happened.
"RUBY's AWAKE" I heard the familiar voice of Yang as she started running over to me tackling me in a hug that almost knocked me out again.
"Xiao Long, be careful" Weiss scolded.
I looked around the area noticing we were still where we were before. There sat a flipped over armored car with a few yang's fist sized dents in it telling me she must have gotten angry. The small craters in the ground were where we left them and loose dust crystals were rolling around. The only things missing from the scene I last saw, were Roman, his hat, and the crates of dust.
"What happened?"
"Romans hat that he gave us was rigged with an explosive with some knock out gas in it" Blake said irritated
"How long was I out guys?"
Weiss started analyzing what happened, "We were all knocked out for 10 minutes but you 30 minutes. I think because you are younger the gas had more of an effect on you"
"Which made yang punch walls and me punch myself for letting roman get away"
"Don't blame yourself, I decided to pick up his hat" Yang mentioned
"Guys none of us should blame any of ourselves. Roman is just too good" I piped in not wanting them to feel guilty.
" Yea I guess so" Blake said, the three started to walk away as I could tell all four of us had seen enough of this corner of the streets of downtown vale. We all started walking when I noticed something irritating in my boots. As I saw them all walking away I bent down and stuck my hand in my boot to pull out a sheet of paper. I looked at the fancy and suave writing on it. It read…
"Goodbye Red, hope I didn't hurt you guys too much"
I couldn't tell if it was a snarky comment in writing or if…. Torchwick actually cared. You can't really tell on paper. I decided to keep to myself and put the paper in my pocket, heading off to the warm safety of Beacon where everything was safe.
Romans POV
Why….. Why did I feel the need to write that down? I was riding in the bullhead more confused than the smoke I was creating trying to figure out where to go in the wind of the airship. Putting the glowing cigar up to my lips I questioned myself. Why didn't I kill them all, more importantly if I didn't kill them why did I even leave a note? It was just pure instinct that made me do it, but that wasn't… Torchwick. That was the man I killed a long time ago, that was Roman so why did I act like him now. Why did I use my snarky charm to leave something sincere? Why wasn't I being an asshole…? WHY DID I DO IT! Can't think about it too much, maybe… no can't talk to Neo about this, I don't even know how she would respond to me having feelings, she might say thank god finally he has something in his chest or she could gasp with her mute voice. I yelled to the pilot through the air blowing wildly in the bullhead
"Take me back to the warehouse I can get home from there"
With a simple nod he accelerated to our work place. Heading off to my dark hole in the ground, where nothing was safe.