Chapter 10: Justice is Served

You probably know what's going to happen.

Third Person POV

"I accuse Lancelot Fisher for spying on us for Tartarus!"

Everyone's jaws gaped. Ares and Athena came in front of Lance, weapons raised.

"Are you serious?!" Ares asked.

"First you save our asses and now you accuse the God of Heroes for something villainous!" Athena yelled.

"Have you gone mad?!" Annabeth yelled.

"It's all true. Tartarus told him so." Chaos said.

"You're insane, Chaos!" Poseidon thundered.

"Yeah! You would believe the words of an idiot?!" Lance shouted.

"You would refuse to believe the words of Chaos?!" Jason yelled.

"The son of Jupiter is right." Chaos said. "Each finger I have has more power than anyone of you."

"So why do you believe Tartarus?" Hera asked.

"He swore on my name." Chaos said. Everyone gasped. Whoever swore on Chaos' name and refused to follow what they swore on will disappear and be tortured in the Void for a century. Torture sessions there were so intense even the bravest of men and gods fear breaking an oath made to Chaos.

"We still believe him?!" Lance yelled. "Let's just kill him!"

"Silence, fool!" Piper shouted. "Let the Creator speak."

"As I was saying, before fighting, Perseus made a bet. Whoever wins gets answers and gets out of the pit."

With his powers, he created a floating TV in front of everyone. It displayed the plan with Zeus, the execution of the plan, the fight with Tartarus and the one thing that everyone should see: Tartarus' oath to Chaos.

"I ask you one thing. Why did you attack us?"

"I thought my spy had it all under control after falsely accusing you of Gaea's death."

"Spy? The great Primordial of the Pit, Tartarus needs a spy? You've gotta be joking."

"It's the truth. I swear on Chaos." Chaos suddenly appeared.

Everyone gasped. They never knew Tartarus had a small sense of honor.

"Why do you swear on my name, Tartarus?"

"I owe Perseus some answers after he defeated me. Also swearing on your name, Chaos, the spy is your so-called God of Heroes."

Everyone turned to Lance with angry eyes.

"So you found out."

In a flash, he drew Riptide, killed Annabeth and threatened Percival with his sword.

"Make a move and he dies!"

"Why did you spy on us for Tartarus?!" Zeus yelled.

"He offered me a higher position if I worked for him. I was given the power of a great and powerful voice."

"My guess is that it works like my charmspeak." Aphrodite said.

"Yes. Now, make me your king or this boy dies!"

"How dare you, father!"

Percival suddenly hits Lance's gut with an elbow. Angered, he swings Riptide and slices Percival's right arm off.


Percy rushed forward in anger stage 2 Devil Trigger and sends Lance flying to the central green with Beowulf. He turns to Zeus.

"May I do the honors?"

"Indeed, Perseus. You've earned it."

His demon form flickered sea green before going back to crimson red. He turns back to Lance with Rebellion out.

"You can't beat me! I am a god! Who cares about my wife and son! They're nothing compared to me! You're a demon! You're meant to be vanquished as a criminal!"

Percy turned to Anger stage 3 and had Yamato out with his other hand (minus the sheath).

"Never take a demon's story too literally. Some demons and half demons like Sparda, Dante and Trish have hearts. Their hearts enable them to love another person including humans and their own kind. The gods have them too. And that is what you lack!" the demon-powered assassin growled, pointing Yamato at Lance before muttering to himself,

"I'm going to end this, here and now. I promise."

Angered and frustrated, Lance summoned much of the water from the lake and threatened him.

"Don't move or I'll destroy this pla-"

Percy threw Rebellion casually in the air, distracting Lance. He teleports to the traitor's back with Yamato out and slashed him repeatedly to near death. He wasn't done. Percy teleported again back to his previous position and grabbed Yamato and dashed forward with Rebellion's blade up front (It's Dante's ever so famous Stinger move) and impaled Lance, causing his ichor to flow massively. Suddenly a burst of red energy is released from Rebellion and in an instant, the "God of Heroes" exploded.


With that, he turns sea green and goes back. He suddenly remembered Percival and rushed to him. He was groaning in pain. Shocked, he rushed back in his normal form.

"Any bad news, Will?" Frank asked.

"Yeah. If we can't replace the arm, he'll bleed to death." he replied.

"Let me help you with that." Percy said.

Kneeling down, he put his hand on the stump and closed his eyes. Concentrating his demonic energy, his hand glowed light blue and the entire place was engulfed in bright light. When they could see again, they saw a new arm on Percival. It was demonic and glowing white and light blue. (a.k.a. Nero's Devil Bringer arm)

"Might make you stronger, hopefully." Percy casually said.

"Thank you so much."

As a reward, Percy was given Riptide and his status as a son of Poseidon again. He forgave everyone who turned on him.

A while later...

On the ship, Luke and Zoe were on the pilot seats and Percy was behind them.

"Hey Percy, just to let you know, you owe me and Zoe a honeymoon gift." Luke said.

"Maybe this is enough for you." Percy said, giving Riptide to Zoe.

"I thought this meant a lot to you?" Zoe asked.

"Well, it's the only gift worth giving." the son of Poseidon replied.

"And one more thing." Luke said. "You would've been my best man."

Percy smirked and turned on the radio. It blared out 80's music (Imagine the ones from Guardians of the Galaxy)

"You've gotta be joking." Zoe said.

"Would you two shut up and fly?" Percy asked. "And to let you guys know, I might actually miss this place."

Everyone laughed as the ship flew away and back to the Void, eager for another mission.