Birth of the Sentinels

A.U. Bastila is only a couple of months younger than Revan. Bastila Shan is a Jedi Knight that is constantly disobeying the Jedi Council, so it is no surprise to anyone that she wants to go and help the Republic to deal with the Mandolorian War, they didn't expect her to vanish when the war actually started though…

Chapter 1: Meetings and Masters,

Bastila glared at the boy in front of her.

Revan Marek, in her opinion, was stuck up, arrogant and full of himself and he had the audacity to blame her for him walking into her.

He also had a rather tight grip on her arm.

"Look, I don't care who your master is, you bumped into me, not the other way around." Snapped Bastila, starting to size the boy up.

"You weren't look where you were going, you bumped into me and I think I deserve an apology." Said Revan, smugly.

Just then she heard her master calling her.

"Bastila, come here quickly, we're leaving soon!" Yelled her master, Razak Delta, a member of a two hearted species with vast amounts of knowledge of the Galaxy and a ridiculously long life span.

Revan only tightened his grip, temporally cutting the blood supply to her hand off. Temporally because it was then she decided to sink her teeth into his hand.

He let go pretty quickly after that.

Bastila ran off towards her master, running into three masters, Vandar, Vrook and Kavar, brushing past them and only apologising to Vandar, ignoring the other two.

Revan only stood there, fuming silently, unaware of Meetra and Alek walking up behind him.

"Aww, Revan Marek has a crush." Cooed Meetra, pinching Revan's cheek.

"I wonder how that will go down with Master Kreia." Sniggered Alek, throwing his arm across Revan's shoulders.


Bastila sat down next to her Razak Delta, her Master and well known Maverick.

"'Stila when I call, I expect you come within a minute not one minute and thirty seconds." Said The Chronarch, leaning over the nav-computer.

"Sorry Master, there was some arrogant toss preventing me from leaving." Said Bastila, leaning back in the co-pilots seat.

Razak looked at the sixteen year old girl next to him.

"I suppose you are referring to Revan Marek, Padawan of Master Kreia?" Said Razak, shooting a side-ways glance at his Padawan.

"Yeah, the arrogant, soot brained, Mandolorian trash." Seethed Bastila, her eye flickering red.

"Bastila calm yourself, we don't want another incident like Korriban or Dromund Kaas." Said Razak, reminding Bastila on the trip she had made to the Dark Side two years before, where she had duelled him on both Dromund Kaas and Korriban, allowing him to return her to the light. They had made the agreement on never to tell any of the Council's on what had transpired on both worlds, and all the assassinations she committed between their battles.

"Besides," Continued Razak, "Both of you will be taking your trials soon, as both of you are the most progressed in the Order and I think, and Nomi agrees with me, that you have more than earned it."

Bastila nodded, allowing herself to slip into a meditative state next to her thousand year old Master, she quickly resisted the urge to snort at the fact he was no-where near middle aged for his species.


Revan stormed into his and his Masters quarters, throwing a data pad he was holding onto the table.

Kreia didn't look up as Revan stormed around the small apartment before going to his room, slamming the door.

Kreia sighed as she stood up and walked over to her Padawan's door and knocked.

"Revan, what's wrong?" Called the blind Jedi Master, calling to her angered apprentice.

When she received no answer, she unlocked the door and stepped inside, finding Revan face down on his bed panting.

"I'm going to take a guess and say that you had another run in with Bastila Shan." Said Kreia, dryly.

"What was your first clue, Master?" Said Revan, looking at his master, face red from screaming into his pillow.

"Because you are only like this after you have a verbal fight with her." Said Kreia, sitting down on the end of bed.

Revan was silent for a moment before he started talking, "She thinks she's so smart, so great, she thinks she's going to be the best Jedi in the Order! The only reason she is noticed by anyone is because pf her Battle Meditation! She probably is going to be exiled or expelled from the Order because she's too much like a Maverick!" Revan sucking a large amount of breath before continuing, "She's a Jedi Guardsman, not a Guardian or a Consular, she shouldn't leave the Temples, the Guardsmen don't abandon their posts but she, oh oho, she isn't even at her post, she doesn't turn up! It doesn't matter that her Master is on the High Council, it doesn't matter she's joint bet with me, it doesn't matter she's mastered all of the Lightsaber forms and ancient techniques, it doesn't matter that her Master had her create four lightsabers, And. It. Doesn't. Kriffing. Matter. That. She'll. Take. Her. Sith. Spitting. Trials. Along. Side. Me." Revan punctuated the last part of his rant hitting his mattress.

Kreia sighed and rubbed Revan's back gently, before saying, "You feel threatened by her and her skills."

Revan neither confirmed nor denied the accusation, causing Kreia to continue, "You see her a competition. Revan you forget that you are also trained in all of the Lightsaber and ancient arts, both you a Bastila were taught them because the Council saw the potential for greatness in both of you. The reason that Bastila is allowed to continue on her current path is due to Masters Sunrider, Delta and Vandar seeing that she will, somehow, bring greatness to the Guardsmen of the Jedi Temple." Soothed Kreia.

Revan sighed before nodding.

Satisfied, Kreia stood up and walked out of the room, only to pause at the door.

"And I expect you to clean up this mess." Said Kreia, before leaving the room, smirking when she heard Revan groan when she was in the hall way.

A/N: Right Bastila and Revan met when they were younglings at the age of seven, Revan was chosen first by Kreia and Bastila was chosen a year later by Razak Delta, upon discovering she had the art of battle Meditation. Razak Delta is 1009 years old, he is on the Jedi High Council he was the one who found Bastila, during his thousand years of life he has seen the rise and fall of the Sith multiple times and is a believer in the Old Jedi code, which was changed when Exar Kun fell, his official Branch is Guardian but he is also well known as a Consular. Both Delta and Kreia have hopes that Revan and Bastila settle their differences, they both have a small bet of how that is accomplished, Razak believes the two Padawans will end up kissing each other, while Kreia believes that they will both find even footing. P.S The Jedi Sentinels don't exist yet, I'm planning on Bastila on being the first one.

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