Going to the library to get some tips~

Let the ship sail with the promise of trust~

And Levi's Virginity~

Building Trust


As per usual.. today was a good day in the castle. The sun was shining. Flowers were blooming. Everything seemed perfect. Inside the castle it was quiet and clean and well, a whole bunch of other things. However, despite the tranquility of the castle, Eren was quite irritated. Why? Well, as his eyes starred down his servant, none other than Levi,he felt frustrated... Levi had been avoiding him all damn week. How the hell could a personal servant avoid his master? Maybe Eren was being too lenient? On several accounts Eren thought about ways to engage Levi to provoke conversation. Although Levi seemed to have a different idea... Every time Eren would talk to his servant, Levi would respond with short, curt replies.

Oh, how Eren was tired of this. He couldn't fathom why he was even tolerating this from his servant. Yet Eren really wanted his servant to like him. He didn't want Levi to hate him. But with the way things were heading, Levi seemed to be going out of his way to detach himself from the prince as much as he could.

Eren detested this.

Currently, Eren sat on his desk chair as he watched his servant clean his room. Ever since Levi showed up his room was always spotless. There wasn't even dust, what the hell was he cleaning? Throwing his upper body over the side of the chair, Eren let out an exaggerated groan.

"Are you okay, Eren?" Funny how that seemed to catch Levi's attention.


"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Eren said curtly. He was watching Levi, still leaning over the arm of his chair. Eren sighed dramatically which caused Levi's eyebrow twitch.

"Are you sure? Because you do not sound okay, my prince." Levi said, putting his supplies down and slowly making his way over to Eren. It seemed that Levi didn't like it when Eren gave him short, half-assed replies. How do you like the taste of your own medicine? Eren thought.


There was a sigh from Levi, "What's wrong, Eren?"

"You wouldn't care to know..." Eren rolled his eyes.

"Tch." Eren could tell that Levi was resisting to say something he might regret. Was it sad that this had been the longest they've talked all week? "Eren..." Oh, it seemed that Levi finally found the words. "It is my job to worry about you. So just answer me, will you?" A frown made its way to Eren's face as he looked away. Oh yeah, he was not going to be easy with Levi. He had been practically ignored by Levi all week. There was no way that he'd let Levi walk away from this. "Eren, please." Eren merely bat his eyes up at Levi, much to Levi's obvious displeasure. "Alright. Fine. Okay, okay..." Levi said as he held out his hand, "Come. Let's go."

"Go where?" The prince inquired.

"To the library."


"Eren, please take my hand so I can drag you to the library." Levi said, clearly slightly irritated.

With a huff Eren slowly sat up, stood up and straightened himself out. He held out his hand, grabbing Levi's in the process and said, "Take me away."


Several times throughout the week they had gone to the library. Well the last time, actually was Tuesday... It was Saturday. So when they entered the library what Levi and Eren saw- no, more like who they saw, surprised them greatly.

"Erwin..?" Levi said, completely confused yet surprised to see an old time friend here.

"Hello, Levi, my prince. What brings you here to the library?"

"More like, what brought you here, Erwin?" Levi asked.

"I was hired. That's why I'm here. When the prince had eliminated me from his selection I made my way out into the hall. As I was walking out to the main stairway, I saw that the king was carrying several stacks of books to his chambers. I offered to help and behold, now I work as the library attendant. I stack, re-organize and fetch books. Basically, your typical librarian." Erwin hummed with a gentle smile. "So what can I do for you, my prince?"

And to everyone's surprise Eren said, "Erwin, you're good friends with Levi are you not?" The question brought a scowl upon Levi's face.

There was a pause as Erwin looked at Levi first. Of course Erwin was met with a glare, something he was use to seeing from Levi. Erwin's eyes drifted back to the prince and slowly but surely he nodded, "Yes, I would consider myself a friend. Why do you wish to know?"

"You know, Levi, I'm feel like mood is already better suddenly, go fetch me some books." Eren said, shooing his servant away.

"Um, my prince, I can go get-" Erwin tried to say but Eren held up his hand to silence him.

It may have been wrong but he wasn't getting anywhere with Levi... So Eren was going to ask Erwin. "Three books Levi. I want a fairy tale book, a scary book, and while you're at it, a romance." Eren pointed at the mass of shelves, "Have fun."

The irritation on Levi's face was evident. He didn't plan for this... For the prince to use his own friend against him. But Levi couldn't do anything about it... Eren's words were final. He obviously wanted to be alone with Erwin to ask about him... Why couldn't Eren ask him whatever he was going to ask Erwin? That little shit. Damn him... Levi thought. Levi started to mutter under his breath, a few curses slipped out as he headed to the back of the library in search of the books Eren requested. If he found them quick enough, maybe Eren wouldn't be able to get too much out of Erwin...

Meanwhile, as soon as Levi was out of Eren's sight he then ask, "So you know Levi pretty well, right?"

"Decently so. Why do you ask?" Erwin inquired.

"Well..." Eren huffed as he released a breath of air that he hadn't realized he was holding. "Levi... has been avoiding me ever since I told him I was gay... I really want him to trust me, Erwin, I do... But how can I..? If all he does is avoid me... Erwin, as his friend, I beseech your advise. How can I get Levi to trust me?"

"That is a hard question to answer, my prince." Erwin stated at first. "Levi can... sometimes be difficult to understand. Although I understand your complications. When I came out to Levi, he seemed to have avoided me for a while. I think its his way of adjusting, my prince. Mostly, all I can recommend is that you give Levi his space. When he is ready, he'll come to you on his own terms." Erwin paused for a moment so the prince could digest what he said, "And no matter how much you ask Levi for his trust, it will not happen just like that. You have to earn it. With Levi, you cannot possibly just say, 'trust me,' you must let him trust you. I can guarantee you, my prince, that if you give him a little time, he'll pull through."

After listening to what Erwin said, Eren nodded slowly, "Alright, I'll take that into account, thank you Erwin. Perhaps you shall stick around longer. I may need your advice later down the road. Oh, and I also hope that we can be friends too.

Erwin bowed slightly, "I would be honored, my prince. I'm glad you find my advise valuable. If you need anything else, do not hesitate to summon me."

"Eren, I have returned with your books." Levi said as he returned with three books. Honestly, he kind of picked random books. Despite all of them being random, all of them he had read when he was a teenager.

"Ah, thank you, Levi." Eren said, taking the books from Levi and briefly looking at the titles. "Good... Good... Okay, well I'm going back to my room. Levi, if you'd like to get yourself something to read, go ahead and do so." After he said that, Eren dismissed himself.

As soon as Eren was gone, Levi huffed and turned towards Erwin. "What did you tell him?" He hissed.

"Nothing too personal." Erwin chuckled."I promise"

"Don't give me that rubbish. Tell me." Levi demanded.

"But that information is strictly confidential." Erwin laughed, teasing his friend.

"Erwin. I swear I will choke you-"

"It's okay Levi. Calm down." Erwin said, smirking. He wasn't taking Levi seriously, well sort of. In the back of Erwin's mind, he knew that Levi would choke him if he had too. And quite honestly, Erwin didn't feel like being choked today. So he settled to answer Levi's question. "He asked how he could gain your trust. That's all."

Levi's brows furrowed, "...My trust?"

"Yes. He said you were avoiding him..." Erwin sighed, "Levi. you and I know fully well that you can't be doing that. You cannot avoid the prince. You are, whether you like it or not, the prince's personal servant. He is already trusting you. Levi, I know this must be sudden for you, but you must warm up to the boy."

"I know..." Levi grumbled as his arms folded across his chest. He didn't need to be lectured by his friend. Damn you, Erwin... Levi thought. "Alright then, Erwin..." Levi sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "Give me some advice too. Tell me, what should I do?"

At first, Erwin was quiet. He was thinking of someway to help his friend. "Try surprising him."

"What on Earth does that mean?" Levi inquired.

Erwin shrugged. "If he says something that shocks you, say something back. Be spontaneous. If he does something crazy, try to match him."

"He's just a boy, Erwin-"

"Precisely." Erwin interrupted, "The prince is a boy. Entertain him. Humor him, Levi. Tease him some. I will assure you that he will appreciate almost anything that you'll want to do."

"How can you be so sure, Erwin..? What if that doesn't work?"

"Try it for a week, Levi... And if that doesn't work. You may choke me." Erwin offered.

Levi shot a glare up at Erwin, "Fine." he huffed, "One week. I'll try to humor the prince. I'll try." Levi stated. "And if it doesn't work, go ahead and prepare yourself a noose." Levi pointed at Erwin's neck as he was leaving. "Because I think I'll hang you." And then Levi left it at that as he left the library. He didn't bother to get a book. He wouldn't have time to read anyway...

He had to come up with some stupid idea to entertain the prince.

Why was this just so stupidly difficult? "It's a good thing that I like challenges." Levi said in irritation as he walked to Eren's chambers. He knocked on the door, "Hello? My prince, it's me, Levi. May I come in?"

"Of course." Said Eren's voice from the other side of the door. Levi nodded to himself and let himself in. Eren looked over at Levi, he had a book in his hand and was already reading it. "Didn't pick out a book?"

Levi shook his head, "No, Eren. I didn't not." He stood by the door, contemplating what he should be doing. It was obvious that Eren didn't want him to clean... Be spontaneous... Levi could hear Erwin's stupid voice echo in his head. How could he be spontaneous? Humor him... How could Levi do that? How could Levi entertain the prince?

And just like that, his mind came up with an idea... But Levi didn't want to do that...

Tease him some...

Levi mentally vowed to hit Erwin upside the head for implanting these ideas in his head. One week... He swore he would try... Try. And that's it... For one damn... long... week... Okay, okay... Levi's eyes drifted to the chair Eren was sitting in, his feet were already moving before he could think about what he was even going to do. "Eren..?"


"Will you put your book down, please?"

"Why?" The prince asked, his eyes darting up from the page he was reading.

"Because." Levi said in a commanding tone.

Honestly, Eren had no idea what Levi was trying to do. "Because... Why..?" He inquired.

Levi fidgeted for a moment, which was unlike him to do so. He sighed. Might as well get this over with. He thought. Levi reached towards the book Eren was holding and snatched it away from him.

"Hey! What are you-!" Eren tried to speak but he was cut off by Levi pressing his index finger to his lips. Eren watched, stunned by Levi's movements... Levi leaned forward, climbing onto the chair and then sat down... On Eren. He was sitting, straddling his lap. This made Eren blush in surprise, he was quite flabbergasted and stunned. "W-what the-? Levi, what had gotten into you?" He asked, very confused. It was like Levi changed his personality...

Levi cleared his throat and tried to act calm even though his heart was racing. This was the most risky thing he had ever done so far. He hoped Eren wouldn't want to hang him afterwards. "Um... Look, Eren, you win..." He didn't think. Levi just let the words fall out.

"Win what exactly?"

"The bet." Levi continued. "You're... You got in between my legs first... Just like you said." And as soon as Levi said that, sparks lit up Eren's eyes and a big grin made its way onto Eren's face. By the looks of it, Levi knew he wasn't going to be hung... So this worked out, so far, better than he thought.

"Well... I never expected this..." Eren stated, smiling as his arms looped around Levi.

Oh, no... Levi didn't expect Eren to get so casual so fast. "Uh... Yeah... I figured I'd do something different. You seemed awfully bored watching me clean all the time... So... Here I am."

"Bored indeed," Eren chuckled in amusement. "Do you want to know something Levi?"

"Hmmn?" Levi had no idea where this was going. It all seemed too random to wrap his mind around at the moment, considering he was sitting on Eren's lap...

"If I was a farmer, do you know what job I would want, Levi?" Eren inquired, staring longingly at Levi. As usual Levi reluctantly moved back slightly, as much as he could when the prince had his hands on him. He was unsure as to what the princes' intentions were. When Levi didn't answer Eren sighed and cupped Levi's chin with one hand, "I would work the plow... Why? Because then I could plow your virgin soil all day long..." The way Eren said it made it sound like he was purring.

Did the prince... indirectly say that he wanted to have sex? The mere thought of the true meaning of those words made Levi's cheeks heat up slightly. He turned his head away from the prince, "Do as you please..." he stated firmly, "...but please do not refer to my body as a mass of land..."

"Oh, I'm not going to force myself upon you, Levi." Eren cooed settling his hands upon Levi's hips, "I merely want your consent to bring you pleasure. What do you say, Levi?"

"Sorry my prince but... I can't give myself up to you... I'm not ready... yet..." Levi had paused for a moment in attempt to find words that both of them could agree upon. Once he found what he thought would be the wisest choice of words, his hands brushed up Eren chest and then found themselves resting on his shoulders, "How about... we make a deal..." he said slowly, "If you're willing to be patient with me, to wait and resist temptation... Then maybe, once I've warmed up to you, I will let you spoil me with your pleasures, even if feel like I don't meet your expectations... Also, perhaps on certain occasions, I may let you fondle me..."

Holy hell. How could he, Levi who was merely a servant, ask him, Eren who was the prince, to make a deal? The prince, Levi knew, was usually impatient with what he wanted. So he wouldn't be surprised if-


See? Levi knew Eren would say no- "Wait, what?"

"I said, we have a deal." Eren said while Levi just looked up at him flabbergasted. "I want you to be as comfortable with me as I am with you. I would hope that one day I could get you to look me in the eye and say, 'I want this.' Rather, instead of turning your head and saying, 'Do as you please...' Levi, I want your trust, not through obedience to me, but your actual trust... So as part of the deal, I would like you to trust me more and if you will, bond with me."

"Okay..." Levi said and without really thinking he said. "To prove to you that I am working to trust you... I, Levi, give my consent for you, Eren, my prince and my master, to have my virginity. If, perchance, you are to die before I am robbed, I shall remain pure until death." There was silence between them for a moment as Levi let Eren process what he had just said, he then spoke up again, "How does that sound? Does it sound befitting enough?"

Eren stared up at Levi for a while, seemingly lost. He felt honored that Levi would agree to do such a thing for him. "You know, I thought that was assumed," he giggled, "I wanted a virgin, so I could take his virginity... and maybe have the same thing done to me... I don't know., but I like being on top... So I kind of figured I'd be on top when we have sex." Eren hummed happily when Levi appeared to be a little flustered by what he said. "But now that I have your permission, I'd be happy to take your virginity, Levi. Just tell me when you're ready and I shall bring you pleasures that are sure to last all night."

Levi didn't respond to what Eren said. He just sat there, on his lap, wondering if he was going to regret this later in life.

The answer to that was simple.

Levi just didn't know it yet.

Do you guys want Eren to be the seme all the way through the story?
Or Levi?
Or 'I don't care who tops and who bottoms, Levi and Eren are my OTP and I love smut

Please, I'd love your input~!