Hi guys! Here's an all new chapter of my FitzSimmons fic, I hope you are enjoying it. This one is an important chapter in the story of our beloved science babies, and I really liked writing it. As always, sorry for any possible mistakes in the language, Silvia and I try our best.

I don't own AoS, Marvel and ABC do.

Let's read!

He was a coward. Not that he had ever considered himself as a brave person, but right then he felt like the most coward human being in the universe. He was afraid of a stupid door. Well, just to be clear, he was afraid of what was behind that door.

He had been in front Jemma's door nearly for an hour now, and after several failed attempts he hadn't knocked yet. And he felt so stupid for it.

He was worried about Jemma. Her reaction had surprised him and he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened to her and how she was feeling now. He felt so bad for hurting her like that and yet he wasn't brave enough to open the damn door because he knew that once he did it, there was no going back. They would have to face the reality and he wasn't sure of how to do so.

For no apparent reason, he recalled the morning after they confessed their feelings. Both half naked, wrapped in a tangle of sheets, with the sunshine lightening Jemma's face, who was resting on his chest, peacefully asleep. He remembered how happy he had felt then. If only it had lasted a bit more… It seemed ages ago.

That memory gave him the courage he needed and without even realizing it, he had already knocked the door.

"Come in, it's open" said a voice from the inside "Who…?" she didn't finished the question "Fitz".

They had barely seen each other since their fight the day before and of course they hadn't talked about it.

"Can I?" he asked nervously. Maybe he should have waited a bit more but what's done it's done "We need to talk".

"Yeah, we do" she agreed, suggesting him to take a sit with a glance. It wasn't going to be a short conversation. His visit had caught her by surprise but she wasn't going to miss the chance to talk and fix things between them.

Fitz sat down in the bed, next to her but keeping the distance.

"Jemma, I'm uhm… I'm sorry" he started. He would have to calm himself down if he wanted to say more than three words at once "Sorry for what I said yesterday, I uhm… I didn't mean it"

"It's ok, Fitz. I'm sorry too for leaving like I did" she apologized, remembering how she had practically shut the door in his face. "It's just that when you said that I…" her voice broke remembering the harshness in his voice "I understand that you hate me for leaving, you have every right. But you can't hate me for saving you. You just can't".

"No Jemma, I don't uhm… I don't hate you" he corrected her. Jemma couldn't think he hated her just for a stupid fit of rage the day before. "Please, don't uhm… don't think that" he asked her begging with his blue eyes "I uhm… I love you, Jemma" he confessed, easier than he thought it'd be "But it's complicated… You left".

"I know, Fitz" she admitted sadly "But I had to. I did it for you, for both of us. Because I love you too" she admitted sincerely. After all, that was the main reason for everything, her love for him. "I hope one day you'll understand".

"Yes, I uhm… I understand" he said. He understood but it didn't make less painful the fact that she had abandoned him.

They stayed in silence, listening to each other's irregular breathings. Jemma lifted her gaze, meeting Fitz's blue eyes, who in spite of being tempted to look away, didn't break the visual contact. Without even realizing it, they became lost in each other's eyes, trapped in memories of what they once had and was taken from them.

It would be difficult to say how much time they spent like that but they didn't break the contact until a hazel lock of hair slipped across Jemma's forehead, catching Fitz's attention, who couldn't resist the temptation. Since they worked together it was something natural that when that happened and Jemma had her hands occupied with any kind of reactive or toxic material, she asked Fitz to place the lock of hair behind her ear. And he loved doing so.

So without a second thought he approached his hand to her face but when he was just a few inches away from it, about to touch her skin, to feel her touch, his hand started to shake uncontrollably. Ashamed, he moved his hand away and turned around, away from Jemma, wringing his hands and cursing his stupidity.

While he was thinking a way to excuse himself and end up with that embarrassing situation, he felt Jemma's hand on his shoulder, forcing him to turn around. He didn't feel strong enough to resist her, so he turned, standing face to face again. Without saying anything, Jemma held his hand into hers and she approached it to her cheek. When his fingers met her soft skin, he felt a tickling in the palm of his hand but there was no trembling. Before letting his hand go, Jemma took it to his lips and placed a sweet kiss on it.

"You don't have to do that" she said.

"Do what?" Fitz asked, still in shock because of what had just happened.

"Moving aside every time your hand trembles when you are going to touch me or shutting up when you are trying to tell me something and you don't find the appropriate words. Things like that made me leave" she explained "Because every time you were with me your symptoms get worse. But it doesn't have to be like that" she assured holding his hand again "Promise me that you won't do it anymore, that you'll be yourself whatever it costs. Because that's all I want, Fitz. I want you to be yourself so we can be together".

"I uhm… I promise, Jemma" he said. He knew it'll be hard, but if there was something he wanted more than anything in this word was her to be with him.

Jemma realized she was dying to hug him. Maybe it was because she was pregnant or maybe because the feeling that the touch of his fingers in her skin had awaken. She knew it was risky, that he could shun her, but every single fiber in her body desired to hug him. Still staring at his eyes so he stayed calmed, she placed an arm behind his back, down to his waist and with the other one she wrapped his neck, leaning her head on his chest so she could hear his heart beating and feel the ups and downs of his irregular breathing. Fitz hugged her back without hesitation, wrapping her with his arms as he had done so many times before.

They stayed a while like that, embraced, with their eyes closed, isolated from everything else. The person they held in their arms was all they ever wanted to have and they had finally achieved it.

"I wish everything was uhm… like before, don't you?" he said, not moving an inch.

"I'm afraid it can't be, Fitz" she answered, breaking the hug so she could look him in the eyes. It was the time, she had to tell him.

"I know, Jemma, I uhm… I'm not the sam-"

"No" she interrupted him before he could finish. "No, it's not that, haven't you understood everything I've just said?" she asked with a smile "It's something else". There was no turning back "I'm pregnant, Fitz".

Fitz opened his mouth but no sound came out of it. If normally he found it difficult to choose the words to explain what he wanted, in that moment his brain was completely blank trying to process the information.

"There's no need… I mean…" she didn't really know what she meant. She wanted him to be with her, to get through that together, but at the same time she didn't want to press him. She was shaking so much she couldn't even speak "I don't want you to… I just thought that you deserved to know… It's your child too" she had rehearsed that speech a hundred times in front the mirror but it seemed that the words didn't want to come out of her mouth "If you don't want, I'll understand… I know you hate changes"

This time it was Fitz who placed his index in her lips to shut her up, and he didn't remove it until he was sure she wouldn't keep saying that nonsense. For nothing, absolutely nothing in this world, would he refuse to have a child with Jemma, she meant everything for him. It would be complicated, for sure, but he couldn't be happier with the idea of a baby boy or girl with his eyes, Jemma's smile and their combined intelligence. He couldn't dream of a better change.

"No, Jemma, I uhm…" his trouble with speaking didn't allow him to express the happiness he was feeling "It's uhm… wonderful. We are going to be uhm… parents".

She nodded, with tears in her eyes seeing the smile drawn in Fitz's lips. We are going to be parents. They were going to be parents. Together.

Jemma realized that unconsciously, Fitz had stopped looking at her eyes and now his blue eyes shone looking at her belly. Instinctively, she took his hand fondly and placed it on her abdomen.

"It's barely noticeable yet" she said with a smile "It's only been tw-"

"Two months" he finished. Maths had always been his strong point and, anyway, he will never forget that day.

"Two months" she affirmed, unable to stop smiling. It had been two horrible months but finally thing were going to get better. She placed her hand over his and leaned again on his chest "I love you, Fitz. Don't ever forget that".

"I love you too, Jemma" he answered kissing his forehead.

They stayed huddled the whole night, resting at last in each other's arms with their hands entwined over her belly.

"Strawberries and cream!" Jemma exclaimed, leaving the test tubes in which she had been working the whole morning in their place and slipping down the chair, exhausted. "I'd kill for a bowl of strawberries and cream"

"Strawberries and cream, Jemma? Seriously?" Fitz asked, leaning out the computer's screen "Yesterday I made the Koenings go and buy chocolate because it was the thing you crave for the most and now you say you'd die for strawberries and cream. They are going to uhm… kill me"

"Fitz, honey" Jemma said as serious as she could pretend approaching him "It's not me who wants strawberries and cream, it´s your son or-"

"Or daughter" he added laughing, shortening the distance between their lips and stealing a quick kiss from her.

"Hey!" she protested falsely offended "You can only do that if you bring me those strawberries".

"As you wish" he said standing up. "Uhm… anything else?"

"No, thanks" Jemma answered.

"Oh, I wasn't asking you" Fitz said caressing her belly "I'm asking our child because it isn't you who wants uhm… strawberries and cream, isn't it?"

"Very funny" she mocked. "Actually, there's something else" she said reaching for him before he left the lab "Accept this as payment for your services" she murmured wrapping him in her arms and kissing him passionately.

"It's always a pleasure to do business with you, Jemma Simmons" he assured when they separated. "I'll be back in a minute" he promised kissing her back.

When he left the lab, Jemma sat down again with a sigh. She was so, so happy. It had been more than a month since she came back and things between them couldn't be better. Fitz still had troubles finding the right words but that wasn't a problem anymore. He barely trembled now, only when he gets nervous, and that was never with her. In fact, one week ago, they had asked Coulson for permission to sleep together in the same room and he had accepted delighted, as soon as they followed some rules. It's not like he could forbid it, after all, they were having a child together.

They were having a child together, Jemma thought smiling. When she saw Fitz opening the lab door, holding an appetizing bowl of strawberries and cream, she knew she couldn't be happier.

This is it! What do you think? I love reading your reviews and they do really encourage me to keep writing, so please, let me know your opinions.

See you soon!