Disclaimer: I don't known Inuyasha or Attack on Titan. (If I did I would have already started making the second season on AoT)

Probably shouldn't be making this, I have so many stories already but... Too late! Don't be angry~!

WARNING! SPOLIER ALERT!: If you have not read the manga or know the theories beyond the anime, I would not recommend reading this story!

This chapter is short, and even though if you know me and my stories, I usually make long chapters- This story is going to have short chapters. Each chapter is only going to be one scene long. So, you might have a long chapter, or you might get a really short one.

Good news because of this though, I can probably update this story once a week, or even sooner.


Before she even opened her eyes, she knew something was wrong. Her body ached, her head ached, her heart ached, her soul -ached. It was affecting her powers- It was as if it was crying, telling her to be sad. What for? What is there to be sad about?

Her body trembled—no, that was not her body, it was the ground beneath her body that was shaking. She groaned out as her already sore body was vibrating from it. An earthquake? She thought at first, but then it stopped, only to start again—like thumping of some kind.


If she hadn't known better—


She could swear they were footsteps—


But that would mean it belonged to something big—


But that impossible. She could not sense any demons nearby.


The tremors were getting rougher with each one, as if it was getting closer—

Thump-thump—Then it finally stopped.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, and instead of seeing the sky, she saw a hand hovering above her—Her blue orbed widened as the hand came closer to her, casting a shadow over her body. She opened her mouth to release a silent scream, but something warm splattered on her body, and she groaned in degust when she was covered in it's blood just as the hand was sliced away, revealing the bright blue sky above her.

There was more sickening sounds of flesh being cut and torn part, then all went still…

Another shadow loomed over her, but this time she was not frightened. Instead she looked up at him and a smile appeared on her face upon seeing his usual stoic expression.

"Finally awake?" By his tone, he didn't sound like he was in a good mood. "I was debating on if I should just let them kill you and be done with it."

Life returned to her body, and even though she was still aching, she sat up with a grunt. "Hello to you too, Sesshomaru." She huffed, and started to stand on her feet. "What kind of demon was that anyway?"

"It was no demon." He told her.

Did she just hear right? Maybe this headache is effecting her hearing- "Did you just say that it wasn't a demon?" She now stood before him, yet all he did was stare at her. After taking in his silence, she realized that she didn't mishear him—That thing was not a demon.

Then what was it?