Hey guys how's it going, I know you're probably wondering why am I writing something else when I haven't even updated My Family's Secret wellllll I CAN'T HELP IT this has been in the back of my mind like many other story's but this one somehow found its way to the surface so here we are.
This'll most likely be a one shot depending on how I feel or if you want me to continue but it won't be until after I finish My Family's Secret which will be ending soon though
Warning: SasuxNaru BoyxBoy Language hints of yaoi.
Disclaimer: I went past Kishimoto sensei house to see if he'd lend me Naruto before he could answer Sasuke Chidoried my ass outta there.
Un beta'd as always.
"Sasukeeeeeeeee!" Was the shrill echo resounding through the valley of death.
Stopping in his tracks the youngest Uchiha turned around to see his teammate Naruto Uzumaki standing on the other side of the waterfall panting for breath.
"Wh-Why Sasuke y-you p-pick that freak over your fri-friends" he gasped between breaths.
Not even bothering to look at the blonde Sasuke continued to walk "Sasuke! Please I thought we talked about this. He is not worth it, this obsession with power you have you don't have to go to HIM for it there's another way"
"Go home Naruto" was his only reply.
The blonde paused for a second "What home I don't have one. I only ever called that place home because you were there, with you gone it's only four walls and a bed. It's more like a prison"
"Then go back to it and wait I asked you to sit tight until I return!" He shouted.
"And when will that be Sasuke after you gain power..After you kill Itachi...Or after I've already died of loneliness or of the villagers abuse huh, tell me Sasuke"
"You won't die" was the growled reply.
"How do you know that? You won't be there to protect me, you know they hate me for who I am, of what I am"
"Don't you get it that's why I'm going to him so I CAN protect you! I'll get stronger so next time they come after you I can protect you"
"Sasuke please if you love me like you said you did, you'd stay with me" Naruto said in a pleading way.
Sasuke felt his heart clench he looked at Naruto then disappeared. Naruto stepped forward looking to each side for his friend when he felt arms wrap around him he froze "I'm doing this because I love you please just go home and wait I'll be back for you love just be patient" was the last thing he heard before he blacked out.
Catching the blonde before he hit the ground Sasuke layed him down gently his hand lingering on his neck then pulled away with a gentle caress.
"I'm sorry Naruto but I must avenge my clan by killing Itachi and protecting you by destroying Akatsuki so you must be patient. Goodbye for now Naruto, Goodbye my heart"
"Did you find them yet Pakkun?" the silver haired Jounin called out.
"No I don't smell them but I hear a lot of water. Something must be masking their scent"
"Hm lead the way to the water Pakkun I have a feeling they might be there"
Arriving into a clearing Kakashi stopped in the middle scouting out the area he spotted something orange by the top of the waterfall running over he noticed that it was Naruto unconscious.
"Dammit I was too late to stop you Sasuke, but if Naruto couldn't then I don't think anyone could have"
"Kakashi we better get back Tsunade is probably worried"
"Yea" he said leaning down and scooping Naruto into his arm's then made his way back to the village.
Tsunade sat in the quiet hallway in front of the room Naruto was resting in. She had her arms resting on her legs with her head bent.
"So he couldn't stop him could he. Naruto must feel so terrible" was all she could say.
Kakashi leaned against the wall and stared at the ceiling "There wasn't any sign of a struggle so Sasuke must have knocked him out before he could stop him"
"*Sigh* well how do we explain this to her" she said when she felt a familiar Chakra signature coming there way.
"As Team Sevens leader I'll take responsibility of telling Sakura"
"Ah Lady Hokage hello" Sakura said bowing to Tsunade.
"Kakashi sensei how's Sasuke and Naruto can I see them" she asked the Jounin.
He stared at the young girl "Sakura there's something you must know"
"Yes sensei?" She asked confused.
Slowly opening his eyes Naruto took in his surroundings realizing he was laying in a hospital bed his memory from earlier today started to come back.
'He left, he really left me' he thought 'Dammit Sasuke you better keep your promise to me teme' Naruto thought reaching for his jacket to pull out the shinobi headband that Sasuke left behind for him.
"Hold onto this until I return to you Naruto" he recalled the last thing Sasuke said before taking off.
"Nooooo he can't be gone. Sasuke no" he could hear Sakura yelling outside his door he knew that she wouldn't come to see him once she calmed down he couldn't bring back 'Her Sasuke'
The day was starting off bad already he could tell and he knew it would only get worse from there.
"Day 1 of Sasuke's departure" the blonde mumbled clutching the headband to his chest.
So how was it not bad for a one shot well at least that's what I think please do review follow favorite like share anything let me know if you want me to finish it bye for now.