The day starts out all wrong. What else was new? While Nico practiced sword play with Butch in the arena, Cecil ended up falling from the climbing wall and dislocating his arm and Lou Ellen was burned by lava when she tried to help him get up. So instead of spending his birthday with Will as they had planned, Nico wiles the hours away helping Butch with the Pegasi while Will is stuck in the infirmary. It's one of the downsides of dating the only year round Apollo camper: when people get injured, he and Chiron are the only available healers to trade off shifts.

It's not that Nico dislikes helping Butch, but horses have never liked him. And shoveling the stable while Butch handles the grooming since the Pegasi don't want Nico near them just underscores how being a child of Hades still carries a stigma.

He finishes up and returns to his cabin to shower and get ready for bed. Hades knows when Chiron will take over in the infirmary or if it will even happen before curfew. He climbs into bed, pushing down his disappointment. They can try again tomorrow. He sweeps his hand through the air, dimming the wall torches.

Just as he closes his eyes, a knock sounds at the door. It makes his heart jump into his throat, but he schools his face, not wanting to get his hopes up for nothing, and climbs out of bed.

It's Will. But more than that, it's Will freshly out of the shower, his hair still wet and steam rises off him in the cool night air. He's wearing a clean green surgeon's shirt and bermuda shorts despite the fact it's January. Nico pulls him inside and closes the door, unable to stop himself from savoring the scent of Will's coconut shampoo.

"Sorry I'm so late. But nobody saw me headed this way and Chiron said he'd take the night shift. Lou and Cecil are only staying overnight and Chiron said they'll be fine by morning so..."

Nico smirks. It's inexplicably cute how Will won't shut up when he's nervous, and for some reason, seeing Will nervous makes Nico feel more calm and in control.

"So you're saying you want to sleep over."

Will nods, his cheeks going pink.

Nico looks at the backpack slung over Will's shoulder. "And you brought your supplies so if we want to give that er, procedure a try, we can?"

Will nods again, blushing an even deeper pink.

Nico thinks this just might be the best possible birthday present in the world and hesitates only a fraction of a second. He hopes the accidents that his friends had suffered to enable this treat were not, in fact, deliberate acts from any of the gods. He shoves the thought to the back of his mind. There's no sense in dwelling on it.

He drags Will over to his bed, leaving him standing by the foot and feeling a little bit high at the sight of Will's flushed face. He smirks as he pulls his shirt off, pauses a moment, then drops his pajama bottoms and climbs onto the bed.

"You coming?" Nico asks as Will seems to be frozen in place, his eyes huge.

Nico can't help it, he's eighteen, as of today; he's more than ready to step things up a notch, and rendering his too-hot-for-his-own-good boyfriend speechless feels pretty damn good. He rests his back against his pillows, entirely on display and tucks his hands behind his head while he waits for Will's brain to get with the program.

Will blinks a few times, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as if he's just realized he's being a total idiot standing around staring when he could be joining in.

Nico watches him round the bed, unslinging his backpack, and then looking around for somewhere nearby to put it. Nico moves his left hand, holding his arm out straight, palm up, and raises a slab of polished obsidian from the floor beside the bed. It's the perfect height to retrieve things without getting up.

Will smiles at him, then flushes all over again, his ears and neck strawberry red. He looks away and focuses on pulling supplies out of his pack and placing them on the table.

"Do you want me to cover up?" Nico asks, wrinkling his forehead. He's not sure if maybe he's pushing Will too far too fast or if Will is really as into the idea as he is.

Will swallows as he finishes unpacking, then drops the pack on the floor. He takes a couple of deep breaths and turns to face Nico, his professional demeanor in place.

"I only want to make sure that you are comfortable. Do you have any questions before we start?"

Nico shivers at the realization of what Will is doing. He wants to do it like it's actually a medical procedure which explains why he put on a surgeon shirt even though he's clearly showered and off-duty. And fuck it all that the idea of doing this as doctor and patient doesn't make him half hard without any effort. He casts around for a question to ask, any question. Normally patients would want to know what the hell the doctor is going to do to them, right? Maybe an explanation of what the supplies laid out on the table are for?

Damn, his boyfriend is good … acting all innocent and flushed so Nico would push back and try to ramp him up, stripping himself of his clothes and offering himself up like a slab of meat only for Will to turn around and take charge. He narrows his eyes and bites his lip, and then sees Will's eyes sparkle behind his professional persona. Okay. As long as they are both on the same page, Nico supposes he'll go along with it.

He glances at the table, at a small handful of what look like the tiniest condoms he's ever seen. He picks one up and raises a curious eyebrow. "Now, I know you sometimes think you don't quite measure up, but I've seen your dick, Will. This isn't going to fit."

Will's lips twitch at the corners of his mouth, but he maintains his composure. "Those are finger cots. I'll use them for the, uh … procedure."

It sends another thrill through Nico's spine as Will's face pinks up again. He nods and puts the finger cot back on the table. "What's the tube for?"

Will picks up the tube in question, uncaps it and peels the foil from the tip, then hands it to Nico. "Lubrication. The rectal tissues are delicate and easy to tear. The lube will make them slick and prevent damage."

Holy Aphrodite. How in Gaea's soulless body is Will able to just say that with a straight face? Nico hands the tube back to Will and nods again. "Okay." He hesitates. "How do we start?"

Will pulls a towel out of his backpack and hands it to Nico and then retrieves a bottle of lotion and rubs some into his palms. "Lay the towel on the bed and then lie face down so it's positioned under your hips.

Nico does it. He's not quite sure what he's in for, and tenses as he settles on his stomach, his cheek pressed to the sheet, watching Will put the finger cots on his index and middle fingers.

Will climbs onto the bed beside Nico and settles a hand on his back, then leans in close so they're face to face. "You okay? We can totally stop if you want, any time."

"Do you want to stop?" Nico asks. He doesn't want anything of the sort, but if Will doesn't want to do it, he's certainly not going to force him.

Will shakes his head, his bangs falling into his eyes, entirely breaking character. "Gods no. I'm so afraid I'll get overeager and push you too far and … and I don't want that. Really though. If you need me to stop or if it hurts, especially if it hurts, tell me right away."

Nico twitches his lips in a small smile. He doesn't want to admit it, but Will is really good at reading him, at knowing what to say to put him at ease. "Can I have a kiss before you turn back into my doctor?"

Will grins, his cheeks dimpling, and wets his lips with his tongue, and damn if that doesn't make Nico want him even more. He lifts his head, meeting Will's lips, kissing soft and slow, his heart fluttering, and then rests his cheek back against the sheet. Will pulls away, sitting on his feet, rubbing his warm palm over Nico's back, massaging his muscles, and before Nico gives himself over to the massage, he spots Will subtly adjusting his shorts. It makes him smile and he closes his eyes, enjoying the sensations.

Will uses both palms, the finger cots feeling a bit weird against his bare skin, but it isn't long before he relaxes, the tension leaving his body as if banished by Will's healing touch.

When Nico feels about as solid as warm butter, Will moves his hands lower and concentrates on rubbing Nico's ass cheeks. He's always loved it when Will touches his butt, but this time, this focus – like Will's seeking out any hidden knots in his muscles and working them loose – goes straight to his cock, ramping up his desire and coaxing stupid-sounding moans from his mouth that are entirely beyond his control.

His face heats up as his cock, trapped along the inside of his thigh, starts to swell. His breathing quickens. And then Will's hands leave his body and his ass is cold. He hears Will uncapping the tube of lube and squirting it into his hand.

Will's voice is low, deeper than usual. "This will feel really cold at first. Are you ready?"

Nico swallows. "Yeah," he says, but it comes out breathy and a little more needy than he meant it to. Will puts one warm hand back on his butt, right over his crack and spreads his cheeks, holding them apart.

It's freezing when the lube touches his asshole, but Will applies it all over, rubbing in circles until it warms and Nico thinks his cock is leaking already. He remembers the towel underneath his hips and closes his eyes again, just letting it happen. Will moves his hands again, applying more lube, and then brings them back, spreading the slickness over his hole and tapping all around his rim. It feels good. Really good. How did he not know how sensitive his asshole was, how many nerves Will is waking up with a brush of his finger tips? He rocks his hips a little, wanting Will to touch him more, deeper. He almost chokes on his own saliva when he realizes what it is he's gagging for and his face flushes hot.

"Is it still okay?" Will asks, slowing his touches, but not stopping. Evidently, Nico can't control his own hips and they buck back against Will's fingers, showing him just how eager Nico is.

"Please," he groans. "Do it."

Will's breaths sound ragged, but Nico doesn't even care. He pushes his hips back until one of the tips of Will's fingers slips inside him. He gasps, wanting more, more, harder, but Will pulls his hand free and Nico groans his frustration into the sheet.

The sound of more lube being squeezed out. Will swallowing loudly. The sensation of Will exhaling hard through his nose, blowing his breath in gentle puffs of air on top of Nico's ass. He wants it all. All the sensations, all at once, all the fingers, just all.

Then Will's fingers are back, the cool of the lube and finally, a fingertip. He braces himself and then bites his sheet because it's not enough and Will's just using his fingertip to push more lube into his ass. "Will…" he says, gritting his teeth, drawing out his name in annoyance.

More puffs of breath, then Will answers, panting, nearly whimpering. "Yeah, it's just …"

Nico lifts his head and looks back over his shoulder as Will slips his finger inside, rubbing the lube against the walls of his asshole. It's alright, but not spectacular, and Nico focuses on how Will bites his lip, how it looks like he's almost holding his breath. "What's the matter?" Nico asks, and Will looks up, meeting his eyes, all traces of professionalism gone.

Will's eyes burn with longing and Nico feels it deep, almost on a spiritual level. And then Will crooks his finger and Nico swears, dropping his head back on the bed, panting. The jolt of pleasure that shocked his system ebbs back as Will measures his reaction.

"More, again … so good," he mumbles, tempted to rock his hips back and rub his own prostate with Will's finger if the bastard would just leave it there.

Will repeats the touch, brushing over the spot again, flipping his fucking on switch. He snaps his head back, gasping, and Will does it again, and he's just about ready to sing he feels so good, so alive.

"You're so beautiful, Nico. I can't stand it," Will says, and pulls his hand free.

Nico furrows his eyebrows, then pushes up on his hands, turning on his side, ready to start talking back and pulling whatever card he can to get one up on Will when Will curls up alongside him, draped over his body. He smashes their mouths together, his hand moving back down, and Nico lifts his leg reflexively, distracted by Will's tongue and hungry lips. Will teases his rim with his fingers again, and pushes two of them inside, sucking Nico's gasp right out of his mouth.

Will finds his prostate at once and begins stroking it with both fingertips. It's all Nico can do to stay present. He feels like he's flying, and then Will wrestles him upright so he's straddling Will's thighs, Will playing him like an instrument. Fingers stroking up inside and a slippery grip around his cock. Nico drowns in Will's eyes, their gazes locked, an inch apart, breathing each other's air through slack jaws, and then Will releases Nico's cock, fumbling his fly open with his hand, pulling himself out with a low moan and barely making it. Hot come splashes up Nico's stomach and chest. He holds himself up, tightly grasping Will's shoulders, controlling the pressure with his thighs, raising and lowering his hips.

Will brushes his prostate again, but instead of moving off it, presses harder, his hand vibrating and Nico comes without a hand on his cock, choked with pleasure as he shoots spurt after spurt of thick white come between their bodies. He feels like a fountain he comes so hard, so long, so much, and then Will slips his hand free again, wraps Nico up in his arms and pulls him down on top of himself in a graceless heap.

It feels like forever before Nico feels like he's fully back in his body again. He shivers as his sweat cools, and Will opens his eyes. They're unfocused, like he's half-asleep, but he reaches down, groping, and moving his legs, finally finding the blanket and pulling it up over them both.

Nico pushes his cheek against the skin revealed by the V-neck of Will's surgeon's shirt. He breathes deeply: come-scented air, sweat and arousal cocooned with him under the blanket. Will pulls the finger cots off his hands and hums contentedly, almost like purring.

"I need to get up and get a wet rag soon, Nico. We don't want to fall asleep before cleaning up.

Nico nuzzles Will's chest some more, his eyelids closing on their own. "Mhm. Lotta good the towel did. Gimme five minutes"


They don't look too pretty when they wake the next morning. But even decades later, Nico swears that night was the best birthday ever.