"Don't you dare wipe it off you little slut" I heard as I began to wipe at the cum on my face with the back of my hand. Once I heard that I stopped though dropping my hand at my side once again.
"I'm so sorry" I muttered out from my trembling lips, as I hoped he wouldn't be too angry.
"Don't you ever wipe your face, until I tell you that you can." He growled out as he bent down slapping my ass hard. He walked over to the dresser grabbing an empty bottle of beer off the top before walking over to the fridge to reach inside and grab another beer to drink. He walked back over to the bed and sat down on it as he twisted the cap off of his beer. "Look at me." He commanded before raising the bottle to his lips and taking a swig of his beer. I turned around and kneeled back on my knees as I raised my head till my eyes found his. He lowered the bottle from his lips and looked down at me in disgust. I cringed seeing the all too familiar look that he wore. I always hoped that I could turn that around I always wanted to one day see love in those eyes instead. I was silly though it would never happen, nobody could ever love me. The more they would get to know me the worse their contempt would grow for me. "My cum is going to dry on your face you whore and when you leave here, you will leave here wearing it" he laughed. That at least seemed to please him; perhaps he did harbor some feelings for me if he enjoyed marking me as his. I smiled slightly at the thought of him wanting people to know.

My mind raced as I kneeled there obediently and he sipped his beer. He hadn't said anything in about ten minutes now. I always hated when he would get so quite, it gave me far too much time to think. I was torn from my own thoughts however once I felt his hand give my ass another firm slap. I winched from the stinging pain that coursed through my body. The abuse I had endured that night was no longer being foreshadowed by the adrenaline any longer.
"Don't be a pussy" he lectured me as I felt his hand come crashing down against my marred skin once again. I winced slightly as I tried to hold back any other noise. My ass throbbed with pain and I bit at my bottom lip forcing myself to remain quite. "I'm going to make you scream tonight whore" He laughed as I silently begged for this to be over, I knew that in many ways it had only just begun though. He grabbed my chin roughly and yanked my head in his direction making my eyes me his. I hated looking into his eyes when he was in these moods; they were so evil, so cold. "Say it now, Say it Dean." He seethed out between his clenched teeth. I could feel the shiver that moved through my body, the chill that took over as I looked into those eyes and knew what he needed to hear from me. I swallowed hard before I spoke the words.
"I love you Seth, please hurt me, and make me behave." I spit the words out of my mouth with the perfect balance of urgency and need just as I knew he wanted. I pleased him for the first time that night it seemed as he smiled down at me.

I must have done just that cause a second later the long brown glass of the bottle neck was being shoved into my face.
"Suck this bottle well." He smirked "You owe me some thanks for letting you get some lube tonight. I shook my head in understanding as he shoved the round neck of the bottle into my mouth. I tried to get it as wet as I could knowing that he wouldn't bother to prep me. He never did even when I was lucky enough to get his cock he still just pushed it inside stretching me as he fucked me. I was thankful that Seth wasn't very thick he did enough damage at the size he was. I looked up at him holding the bottle; he wore an amused smirk as his dark brown eyes twinkled with excitement. I tried to make a show out of sucking on the neck of the bottle; I tried to engross him enough to want to give me his own cock instead. He yanked the bottle from mouth tearing it away from the grasp my lips had on it.
"You filthy little cock slut, must you always try and act like such a whore?" He asked me as he shook his head.
"N, N, No" I stuttered out quietly.
"You're a fucking liar" he screamed. He went and sat on the bed "turn your ass towards me and get down on your elbows." I did as he told me I didn't hesitate I knew it would only make it worse. I felt the flesh of his palm connect hard with the tender skin on my backside. I yelped slightly and I earned myself another hard smack. This time I forced myself to remain silent; I was already in enough pain.
"Put your ass up higher you worthless whore" he commanded and I obeyed and was rewarded with the feel of cold hard glass being forced inside of me.

I gasped as the entire neck of the bottle was shoved into me. Small bursts of light danced around in front of my vision as the bottle slithered across my prostate. I sucked in a sharp breath through gritted teeth and I let my head fall forward and hang limply as the heated ache ripped through my body. A chill then ran over my skin as I felt wetness and I knew he had torn my rectum as he mercilessly pounded into me hard and fast with the bottle. He sat behind me on the bed laughing, as I felt the blood drip from my throbbing hole.
"You nasty fucking whore you still can't take it in the ass like a real man." He laughed some more "you worthless cunt, why the fuck do I waste my time on you?" He began to quicken the pace I could feel the grooves of the neck of the bottle where the cap was jab into my small little knot, my cock was impossibly hard. "I knew what you were doing when you were sucking on this bottle before" he said with a sound of arrogance. "You wanted to try and turn me on" he laughed. "You wanted to get my dick hard enough that I would fuck you." He was pushing the bottle into me so hard I couldn't help but lunge forward with every thrust. The tip of my cock, bobbing up and down as it occasionally dragged against the rough carpet. "Well you worthless fucking bitch, that wasn't going to happen." His laughter was now louder almost maniacal. "In fact it will never happen again." He said coldly "I'm Mr. fucking money in the bank." He screamed "And this cock is too good for you" he continued as he pulled the bottle out of me whipping it across the room as it smashed against the wall. He bent down grabbing a handful of my hair as he pulled me off the floor. "I'm the future and my cock is too good for some washed up hooker babies ripped up, used up ass." He breathed the words out heavily before I felt a wad of his spit hit my face before he released me, throwing me back on to the ground. I could feel the pain and humiliation wash over me as the tears began to fall.

As I rode down the elevator I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the doors. I looked horrible; I prayed nobody would see me. I wondered where Seth had gone. He left once I started to cry, I couldn't stop the tears tonight even now they threatened to spill from my eyes once again and I couldn't decide what stung worse my ass from the assault or my eyes from the tears. Once Seth disappeared I got dressed as quickly as I could and pulled myself together as much as I could and I left. I knew he was done with me, I knew he didn't want to see me again. Tonight was nothing more than his way of saying goodbye to me. Once the elevator stopped in the lobby I rushed out of there as quickly as I could. Every step I took I was reminded of the assault I endured tonight. I hated the way love left me feeling, I sometimes wished people could just care for me and not leave me broken and hurting. As I swung open the door and stepped out the all too familiar feeling of loneliness hit me it covered me like the cold night air and I fought the tears back but I failed as I felt a few escape and stream down my cheek. I rushed in the direction of my car not paying any attention to my surroundings, not wanting to see anyone, not wanting anyone to see me. I stared at my feet moving across the ground I almost felt as if I was being watched; I just wanted to get out of there. I wiped my cheek as I sniffled not paying any attention as I walked into the arms of a much bigger man, arms that wrapped around me and held me tight as a deep smooth voice whispered out to me.
"It's going to be ok, I got you now" he tried to reassure me as the tears began to start and I knew they wouldn't stop. I looked up to see the tender grey eyes of my best friend and brother, the only person that may have ever loved me or maybe ever will. The only person who never let his love hurt.
"I got you baby boy, let me make it all better." He said as I buried my face deeper into his chest and sobbed uncontrollably.

A Huge thanks to the people who followed this story and actually bugged me for updates…. I love you all! Hope the ending was worth waiting for.