Prompt: Necklace

Sasusaku. Sarada pov.


Sarada knew that her father loved her mother very much. It wasn't the same type of love that she had seen on the television, or what they talked about at school. At the ripe age of seven, Sarada was smarter than most, and knew that what her Mama and Papa had was special.

She had heard it many times from Mama, about how much Papa loved them both very much. Papa told her of his love, sometimes, but not as much as Mama. Mama said that Papa wasn't a 'man of words'. Sarada asked what that meant, of course, and her mother smiled and threaded her fingers through Sarada's black hair. Sarada was lying in bed, ready to go to sleep. Papa was away so tonight it was just Mama.

But Mama had some great stories…

"It means that Papa shows his love through his actions." Mama said. "Like this." Sarada's mother reached behind her to detach her necklace. The gold chain felt delicate in Sarada's small hands, and she touched the necklace that Papa had given her Mama.

"One day, this will be yours." Mama said. "It was your grandmother's, and Papa gave it to me. He cherishes it very much."

"Like he cherishes us?" Sarada asked, and her mother nodded. Mama was always saying that Papa cared a lot.

"Can you think of any ways that Papa shows his love, honey?" Mama asked, taking the necklace back. Mama's fingers touched the gold like it was very precious, and Sarada thought about the question.

It only took a moment for her brain to supply an example.

"Papa takes me to places he doesn't like. He wouldn't do that if he didn't love me." She concluded easily, smiling in triumph. Sarada enjoyed the feeling of success, and grasping a new concept certainly filled that category.

"Very good." Mama said, and she stood to pick out a storybook; they always read magical stories when Papa was away.

Sarada thought about her father, and smiled softly. She wasn't sure about anyone else, but she was happy with the parents that she had been given.

Papa wasn't like the other dads.

He smiled a lot at Mama, and herself, but not at other people; he wasn't chatty. Sarada knew that uncle Naruto was a lot more cheerful than Papa, and everyone seemed to love him. Her classmates were always talking about how cool the Hokage was, and how they wished that he was their dad.

Sarada didn't want anyone that wasn't her grumpy Papa.

She looked thoughtful, and decided to ask,

"Papa is funny, isn't he Mama?"

Her mother smiled and chuckled. Her Mama's green eyes looked like they were remembering, and she said,

"He is…That's why we love him."

Sarada yawned.

"Grandmother's necklace is very pretty, Mama, and I know you said that it would be mine one day…but I'm not sure if I want it." The little girl said seriously, looking up at her mother from her bed, where she was tucked in tightly.

Her mother's brows furrowed, and she asked,

"Oh no, honey, why is that?" Sarada felt Mama's fingers in her hair again, and she had an expression that Sarada knew to be worried.

She gave her mother a look that resembled one of her Papa's expressions; it was something of a genetic accident that Sarada was not yet aware of.

"You said that Papa shows his love with the things that he does, and Papa gave it to you. If I have it you might forget that Papa loves you." She explained rationally, and was confused when her mother shook her head and sighed.

"I'll never forget that your Papa loves me. He wouldn't let me." Mama smiled, and Sarada felt better.

One day she would find a boy that showed his love for her with actions, but for now she was happy with her Mama and Papa.


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