Author's Note: I know it's been awhile. I'm so sorry! I really am. I had been out of the Vampire Knight fandom for awhile and just found out that the manga is starting up again. I want to thank each of you for sticking with and know that i'm truly thankful. Sorry that this chapter is a little on the short side, but i promise the next chapter will be on the longer side. Thanks!

Previously on Red Night:

She didn't know why she was crying when she had awoken from her dream. Maybe, it was because it was the first time in forever since she had a dream about her parents. With all the stuff that happened earlier she was surprised that more memories didn't tackle her head on. She was happy for the memory that had reveled in happiness and excitement. It made her able to bear all the turmoil that her life would soon take on. She sighed and got dressed for the day. Having a feeling that it would be a long one.

And it was going to be long. She already had enough listening to day class students complain.

"Yuuki, you can't hog the night class all to your self. " she heard after taking the photo in question and setting it in the bag she was carrying. She didn't know what to do anymore.

"This is simply not fair. Why can't we keep them. They're just pictures. " Drowning the voices out was getting to be easy.

The Headmaster had ordered the Guardians to remove all evidence of the night class from the day class dorms. Which was a clean up, essentially. Yet, it felt good to do something normal. Her life has had enough chaos to last her whole life.

However, Yuuki wasn't having any of it. Her head hurt no matter how many pain killers she took and she tried to ignore the blood that she saw. She saw it everywhere nowadays. She saw it on the floor, on the window, and even on the tips of clothes when she passes a fellow student, in the hallways, practically everywhere she moved she couldn't escape the red prison that seemed to gravitate towards her.

Remembering the night before.

Maria who had actually been Shizuka wasn't going to let go of her wrist before Kaname took her away from her sadistic aunt. Rido was a problem. Kaname and her both knew it. Although Kaname still thought that she could live a normal human life, what a fool he had been.

"Yuuki,"Zero's voice interrupted her, which brought her back to the present and out of her thoughts. Yuuki nodded as she grabbed the bag filled with pictures and taking them somewhere where they could be forgotten, per the Headmaster's orders. Therefore, keeping the secret of the vampire's existence.

Leaving the day dorm and hoisting the bag of pictures up several steps doing the best she could, before she stopped and caught her breath leaning all her weight into the wall and bringing her hand to rest on base of her throat. She couldn't seem to catch her breath and she felt sick to her stomach.

There was one thing her body and mind craved - she could try and lay down and eat a feast back in the Headmaster's house, but Yuuki knew better. She craved the one thing that she couldn't have. But even her sense of judgement was impaired and it was like a rope breaking and suddenly she didn't care anymore. She didn't care about hiding what she knew from Kaname. She didn't want to be alone. Not anymore.

Forgetting about her day class duties she mustered all her strength into her legs and ran across the campus, until she stopped at the entrance to the moon dorm. She quickly got permission from the sentry and quickly found herself opening the door.

She remembered the last time she had been in here it was still dark and dreary. She had found Hanabusa talking to some other humans that apparently needed some opinions on his family's business. She shook her head and ran her way up the steps pass the hallway and stopped before the last door.

But a hand on her shoulder stopped her before she could do anything else. Yuuki cocked her head back and saw Hanabusa Aidou. Although, the Aidou heir looked taken aback. She was not in the mood to talk and it seemed like Hanabusa got the message as he stepped away making no move to stop her in her mission to go into his Dorm President's room.

Opening it and closing it she found a site before her that made her breath catch and the hunger only to increase in its madness. She found herself on top of him her legs straddling him that's when his eyes opened in surprise.


"Brother! I can't live like this anymore! It's been so hard to live like this!" Yuuki shouted and this was a first to Kaname he laid there beneath her - silent and shocked. "Please, just please make the hunger stop." She pleaded as her hand reached up to her throat once again.

"I'm sorry, Yuuki." Kaname said. "You don't have to be. Never have to be. It was my choice to keep what I knew to myself. But i'm not strong. I can't be alone, anymore."

"You won't have to, my dear Yuuki." Yuuki revealed her neck to him. She saw red eyes the next moment and the pain from her brother's fangs protruding into her neck.

End Author's Note: Hopefully, it's good? And, please tell me if there is any grammatical errors! I read through it before posting but i still can miss some mistakes. Thanks and don't forget to leave a comment!