"So, tell me, how was good ol' Dean?" Gabriel was practically vibrating in his seat.

Castiel eyed him suspiciously. "Did you take something?"

"What? No. I'm just excited to hear about your date."


"Your date. With Winchester." Gabriel was talking slowly, as if to a child.

Castiel sighed. "It wasn't a date."

"Well, you were out alone with your prince, so I'd call that a date."

"We weren't alone. There were a lot of children there."

"Still. Did you two kiss?"

Castiel's cheeks heated up at the memory.

"Oh my god! You did, didn't you? Oh, this is amazing!" Gabriel clapped his hands together. "Give me all the dirty details."

"We didn't kiss," Castiel protested softly. "I mean, we almost did, but it was only to clear the area of a teenaged homophobe."

"Homophobe? You mean an asshole was bothering you guys?"


"And who initiated the almost-kiss?"


"Hm." Gabriel sat back in his seat, grinning at Castiel.

"What's that expression for?"

"Oh, nothing," Gabriel sang, before standing up and stretching. "Well, I spent all day in the lab today, so I think I'm going to go to sleep."

Castiel glared at him. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Nope. Not at all. Definitely not."


"You wouldn't be able to get it out of me, anyway."

"I could call Michael and have him talk to you."

"Michael would take my side."

"Michael never takes your side."

"He would on this. Trust me."

Castiel sighed. "Fine. Go to sleep."

Gabriel grinned at his victory. "Have fun on your date tomorrow."


Gabriel laughed and danced out of the room. Castiel heard him humming to himself as he went into his room.

He sighed and stood, opening the fridge and pulling out a popsicle. He unwrapped it, but before he could put it in his mouth, an image of Dean's smirk pushed its way into his head.

What was that about?

Castiel stared at his popsicle. To his surprise, his cheeks were heating up.

It was nothing, he decided, but he found himself throwing the popsicle in the trash rather than eating it.

Nothing at all.