I'm sorry to do this to you guys! No doubt you will see a new chapter is posted and hope to find more adventures with Thorin and Talya.

However... I have spent the past several days trying to write a new chapter and found that no matter how many times I write and re-write a chapter, it just doesn't sound right. I would hate for my story to suddenly take a down turn in quality just because I feel the need to extend the story. Honestly, this is further than I planned on writing. Chapter 44 is where I had originally planned on stopping.

Does this mean I am done with this particular character? Not necessarily. I may decide to post a sequel to the story that answers the many questions that have been posted to me. I just feel that this is as far as this current plot can take me. The quest is done. Erebor has been retaken, and Talya's purpose has been fulfilled.

I am so excited that this story has been so well received, and I can not thank you enough for all of your support and reviews. I hope that I can continue to write fanfictions that my readers will enjoy.

3 TalvariSheElf