So . . . I lied. I know I said I'd only be working on a specific group of stories until their completion before moving on to the rest, but I had a great idea for a story when I was taking a shower and just had to write! I swear, writing is like painting. When you get the inspiration, you just have to put it to paper. Enjoy, also this will have a little bit of originality from my part so please review!
65 Million Years Ago
Late Cretaceous Period
The sound of footsteps could be heard echoing as an older man walked down a long tunnel, a light at the end of the hall. Large blue crystals could be seen glowing from their embedded positions in the walls around him, chiseled to fine and smooth perfection. He could smell the distant aroma of salty air drifting in from the end of the tunnel, the soft sea air ruffling the silk robe that draped just above his ankles. He smiled to himself as he walked out into the light, raising a hand to shield his eyes before they adjusted to the overwhelming intensity. A massive kingdom stood before him, stone towers piercing the heavens, each with their own tantalizing blue crystal built into the top. People walked through the streets below, their voices carrying over the ocean winds as he sighed to himself. He looked out towards the edge of his island nation, waves lapping at the shore as stone hover cycles brought in the early morning catch of fish.
"There you are; I've been looking for you my love," came an old and familiar voice as the man turned around, a woman waltzing up to him with a young baby in her arms. He smiled to himself, raising a hand to her caramel colored cheeks.
"What matters trouble you my dear?" the man asked, his eyes falling to the small body of his infant son as the young boy waved his arms towards his father.
"Our dear son here has been aching for his father's attention all morning, hasn't he?" the woman said, smiling as she looked down at her baby boy. The young baby cooed to himself as he looked between both his parents before looking down and tugging at the purple silk blanket he was swaddled in.
"Come here my son," the man said, reaching into his wife's grasp as he took the baby and brought him to his chest. He smiled to himself while the young baby just continued to laugh as he reached up and tugged at his father's robe, the man laughing heartily to himself as his wife smiled at the two.
"Look here my son, someday all of this shall be yours," the man said as he turned around, his son's eyes drifting to the massive kingdom before them. Large pterodactyls flew through the skies above the kingdom, the clouds drifting by harmlessly as the sun's light bathed them in warmth.
"Oh, it looks like his young friend has come looking for our boy my dear," came the queen's voice as the king turned around to see a young microceratops come hobbling out onto the balcony, its incessant chirps bringing a smile to young boy's face. He knelt down as the small dinosaur bounced over, bringing its front paws up as he brought it's snout to the baby and licked it playfully. The king and queen couldn't help but laugh at their son's overwhelming joy as the small companion continued to lick him before chirping at the baby. The young boy's eyes began to glow an icy blue as he reached out and ran his hand over its scaly head, the young dinosaur pup coming to a calm silence as it closed its eyes and emitted soft chirps. The queen watched as she drew her hands into the sleeves of her dress, the soft wind ruffling strands of her black hair as she looked up at her husband. Their eyes connected, green orbs meeting brown as she took a step forward, and her husband wrapped a free arm around her waist.
"Get back here!" came another voice as a young woman ran out onto the balcony, her dress blowing around in the sudden wind as her eyes went wide at the sight of the king and queen.
"Oh, my apologies my liege! The poor thing seems to have escaped the nursery and gotten lost again," the woman said, bowing down to the king as he waved his hand through the air calmly.
"Do not fret Mara, he has done us no harm. My son seems to derive much enjoyment from this small herbivore. Take it back and make sure it is returned to its mother," the king ordered, the young woman bowing once more before smiling and picking up the small microceratops. The baby boy waved to it as it chirped back before disappearing into the hall once more.
"Take him my love, I must go and attend to some business in the market square," the man said, leaning his forehead into his wife's tenderly as they closed their eyes. They smiled at each other as their eyes opened, their son looking up at them with eyes as blue as the surrounding ocean. The queen couldn't help but giggle to herself as she carefully took her son in her arms, watching the small boy clap his hands and make baby noises at her.
"Go forth and make our people proud my love. I shall have the Mara help me with preparations for Jack's Star Day celebration," the Queen said, her husband grabbing her hand as he raised it to his lips before pressing them onto her soft and tender skin.
Later That Night
The Queen walked down a narrow passageway of the mountain, two women at her side as they carried torches to light the way. She could hear the sounds of birds and bugs chirping from the trees as her train dragged behind her, the glow of a mass gathering coming into view. She could hear the chants of her people, their voices being carried through the night wind as she walked up the last remaining stone steps. She could see the king in the distance, standing in the middle of the crowd near a large pool of water made from a dark blue crystal.
"My people, today we usher in my own son's Star Day! We, who have lived on this island since our very own Star Days, celebrate the future life of your future king! That we may stand by him and his decisions, and lead our people on a continued path of prosperity!" the king proclaimed as he raised his hands into the air to a roar of applause. The queen looked around at the gathering of the city, people backed up all the way towards the steps of the mountains where large dinosaurs stood and watched next to their masters. She could hear the beat of drums as she looked down at her baby boy, his eyes meeting hers as he smiled up at her. Four large torches stood at the corners of the round pool, the water glistening from the light of the stars above them. The queen looked to the sky, the people all joining hands as they sang and chanted as one entity. She took one last glance at her husband, the man nodding his head at her with a smile as she gazed back at him before turning her attention to the pool before her. She closed her eyes and began her own chant, the voices from the people still in the city carrying to the wind as they stood in the streets and joined hands. She could feel the small crystals embedded in her forehead and wrists begin to power up as their glow began to energize the crystal pool. She chanted louder and louder, her eyes beginning to radiate a blue glow as she waded further into the pool. She stopped when the water came to her stomach, looking down as she dipped her free hand into the water and brought out a handful of water. She continued to chant, the people still singing as she dripped the liquid over her son's forehead. She watched the water around them begin to glow as the stars reflected off of her son's forehead, a bright light beaming from the droplets that collected on his head as it shot into the sky. The queen rolled her head around her neck as she chanted louder and louder, her chants overpowering those of the people.
"May the stars continue to shine down on my son and lead him to fulfillment! May the stars lead our son to live in continued peace and prosperity! May my son be one with the stars, and may they watch over him in his long and immortal life! May he find happiness among his people, among Atlantis!" the king shouted as the wife rolled her eyes back, the baby's eyes beginning to glow as the pool of water began to shine brighter and brighter around them. The queen's head suddenly stopped as the chanting came to abrupt halt, the people taking an eager step forth as they watched her open her eyes.
"His name shall be Jack! That of our very founder, and the constellation of the northern sky!" the queen shouted, the people looking to their king as they awaited his word.
"The stars have spoken!" the king said, the island filling with the sound of applause as the people clapped their hands and the dinosaurs chirped and squealed with glee beside them. The queen walked out of the water as the king walked up to them both, looking down at their son with a smile on his face.
Suddenly a light pierced the heavens in the distance as everyone turned their heads to see it, even the dinosaurs around them turning to inspect the mysterious light. The queen turned her head as loud bells rang out from the city towers, the people beginning to scream as they all started running towards the city.
"What is happening!?" the king hollered out as he stepped forth, the queen yanking on his arm as she watched the sky turn red and flaming rocks begin to rain down from the sky.
"The tide's receding! Tidal wave! Everyone to the shelters!" screamed one of the guards as he flew by on a pterodactyl, the queen holding her baby close as Jack began to cry loudly. She turned her head as the ocean began to recede farther and farther out into the distance, a massive wave appearing on the horizon.
"We must run my love! They are sealing the city!" the queen cried, turning her head to see the massive stone towers of the city beginning to emit a blue glow before shooting a beam into the sky. The king finally came to his senses as he grabbed his wife's hand, both of them running down the pathway as birds took to the skies from the trees, and small dinosaurs ran alongside them. The queen watched as the beams struck the skies above the inner city, a shield beginning to form around the city as people stampeded through the streets. She could feel her lungs burning as she held Jack to her chest with her free arm, the small baby crying as they emerged from the forest and out into a packed city street. She looked on in horror as a flaming rock hurtled down from the sky and smashed into a stone building nearby, the streets erupting into a fit of screams as the people ran. She could see the force field descending down quicker and quicker, turning her head as the king suddenly fell and rolled against the ground. She turned and ran to her husband's side, his ankle bleeding badly as he looked up at her. She knelt down and pulled him up, the king screaming out in pain as his leg gave out and he fell back down.
"Run my love, run and don't look back!" the king hollered out, his wife crying as she knelt down and shook her head.
"I can't leave you!" she screamed, tears running down her eyes as people ran past them, some of them pulling carts of belonging as others flew by on pterosaurs.
"My leg is too badly injured Maya! You must go—save our son!" the king ordered as his wife cried out, kneeling in as she leaned their foreheads together tenderly one last time.
"I'm so sorry, forgive me!" Maya hollered out, grabbing onto her husband's hand as she squeezed it before turning on her heel and running off in the opposite direction as tears fell down her cheeks. She could hear other citizens crying out as she ran past the inner city gate, the force field smashing into the ground just outside the walls. She turned her head as she brought Jack to her bosom and held him there, the baby crying as she looked at people trapped behind the field beginning to bang on it in desperation. She looked up as rocks crashed into the force field, the wave getting closer and closer.
"Your highness, come quickly!" hollered one of the guards as he ran up to the queen, pulling her along as she ran once more and left the trapped people behind. She looked up as a shadow descended over the city, the wave crashing over the force field as the sky began to disappear from view. She emitted a loud sob as the remaining city outside the field was washed away in the tidal waters, the guard pulling her into a shelter as the world went black and sealed them in darkness.
Present Day
New York City
Ethan Morgan walked outside of the college lab, the sounds of his fellow students all sighing in relief as they ran off in different directions before the professor came walking out.
"Well done today Mr. Morgan. You've shown excellent skill in my class. Keep this up, and I'll sign off on your Ph.D. in no time," the professor said as Ethan smiled at the older man who was now looking off as students ran across the quad to their classes.
"Thank you sir—I love your class and I love history!" Ethan said excitedly, the old man chuckling with glee as he slapped a hand onto Ethan's back.
"I know Mr. Morgan; it's been a long time since I've seen anyone with such a drive that you show in the lab and in class. Which is why I'm going to ask you something that normally I wouldn't ask of just anyone. Next week, a group of colleagues of mine and two other students I've picked out are flying out to the Caribbean to study a recent historical find they've uncovered. Being that it's winter break for the campus, I was going to ask you if you would like to attend the meeting with us?" the professor asked, Ethan's mouth slightly dropping as he looked away for a moment.
"I don't know professor; I didn't have anything planned but it just seems so . . . short notice," Ethan replied back, the professor's face falling slightly in disappointment.
"I see, well that is a dear shame Mr. Morgan. I was hoping you'd attend and help us with the discovery; it would in fact be a free trip since the campus is putting forth the money to pay for the assistance. I do however understand your decision. If you do happen to change your mind though, here is my card," the professor said as he clasped a hand with a card into Ethan's hand before smiling and walking back into the classroom.
Later That Night
Ethan laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling as his cat jumped onto the sheets and came to a rest in his lap before purring. Ethan smiled as he ran his fingers through the feline's fur, listening to the Siamese cat purr in pleasure. He turned his head to the side as he looked out the window, Central Park in the distance as snow fell in a light haze over the city. He moved his arm to reach into his pocket, pulling out the card from earlier to look at.
"What do you think Mr. Whiskers? Do I go or not?" Ethan asked, looking at the cat at it popped its head up and meowed at him.
"I'll take that a yes," Ethan said with a smile, turning over on his side as he reached over to his nightstand and grabbed his cell phone. He lay on his back as he held his phone above his face and dialed the number from the card, putting the phone to his ear as it began to ring.
"Hello? Professor, it's me Ethan Morgan. About your offer from earlier . . . yeah . . . I've done some thinking, and I've decided that I want to go," Ethan said, hearing his professor chuckle with delight on the other end as he smiled to himself and looked at his cat who had resumed purring.
Hey guys! Thanks for reading and reviewing! This is all y'all get until I get to the other stories I promised to update! Keep reading!