Chapter Six after many moons of hiatus!

Snailkit watched her brother inspect the new kit, Anacondakit, like he was a piece of prey. The little brown tom whined as the orange-and-purple cat probed at his shoulders and his rump.

"Leave the little guy alone!" She told him.

Cometkit glared at her. His white pupils were slits as thin as the claw moon. He began probing at Anacondakit once more.

"This is a fine specimen." He mumbled to himself. "Well-proportioned, healthy ears, a beating heart..."

"Most cats have that." Snailkit nudged him away from the newborn kit. "Foxleap said we can't play with him yet."

"I'm not playing." Cometkit insisted. "I am simply labeling this cat as a suitable incubator."

The little tabby she-kit shuddered. Her brother was so weird! She did not want to know what in StarClan he planned on doing with Anacondakit. The poor kit mewed feebly from his nest. Snailkit crawled in with him and appeased the kit's mewling.

She kind of liked the leader's son . He had a cute little nose and a dark stripe that ran down his back like his father Gaystripe. Once he grew up a little bit more she finally have a real denmate, one that doesn't try to pull your brain through your nose while you're asleep.

Cometkit huffed jealously. "Lard on me, Snail. You are, if I recall correctly, my sister and not his?" He spat at the sleeping kit.

"Pardon me, Cometkit. I'd rather have Anacondakit as my littermate! He's normal." She told him with the painful truth.

Foxleap approached the den. Cometkit greeted him joyously.

"Father!" He meowed. "Do you grant me permission to impregnant Birchstar's spawn with my flaccid vessel of cacodyl? The effects will be immediate micturation, followed by a flatus of googol proportions! I promise it is only an experiment to observe how his normal bromhidrosis will differ. My dearest sister is not allowing me to perform auscultation on the pygmy-like feline offspring."

Foxleap tilted his head in thought. "Hmmm... No, Cometkit. You may not pee inside of Anacondakit."

Cometkit stepped back in shock. Surely his mother would understand the importance of his research! "M-mother! This could benefit our entire race! This is for science!"

At that, Foxleap his paw down. "Don't talk back to me, little sir! Go straight to your nest."

Cometkit was speechless. He flopped down in his nest angrily. Snailkit couldn't help but giggle. Anacondakit was just happy that his prenium and related areas would not be injected or exposed to lethal poison.

A/N: Wow, I've gone for almost like half a year now! I've just been so busy with school and my family. I came back because I kept getting a little email from here every once in awhile.

Well, I totally forget what the plot to this story was, but then again this a trollfic. TROLLOLOL. Here's an update to appease the silent masses!