The Terminator: Hope for the Future

Hey everybody! Jack Here! Had this idea hit me recently, and yes it was inspired by the new movie Terminator Genesys.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Terminator Franchise.

Summary: One year after the death of John Connor, the resistance manages to capture a T-X Terminatrix. After successfully reprogramming the Machine, Kate decides to send it back in time to befriend Sarah Connor, aid Kyle Reese in protecting her, and if possible, prevent Judgment Day.


-July 4th, 2033: one year after the death of John Connor-

Kate was in absolute shock after reading the report in front of her: A group consisting of Twenty T-850's, fifty T-800's, and Thirty Resistance soldiers had successfully captured a T-X Terminatrix! This victory had come at a heavy price though: of the hundred fighters involved, only four T-850's survived. But the successful capture of Skynet's most advanced infiltration unit to date could very well signify a turning point in the war against the machines. The T-X has the ability to alter the programming of any and every Terminator model that came before it: they could actually begin 'recruiting' a few T-1000's! She then got up and walked towards the holding cell they'd placed the T-X.

"Where you off to Kate," asked Blair Williams. (AN: she's the pilot who had feelings for Marcus Wright in Terminator Salvation)

Kate didn't even turn her head as she replied, "I'm going to see if I can find a way to help with the reprogramming of the T-X we captured."

"Even without it's on board weapons systems, it still poses a viable threat," said Blair, "It could still kill you."

"I'm aware of this," replied Kate, "But I know more about reprogramming these things than anyone else." They stopped in front of a blast door, "I can handle myself."

"It's not you I'm worried about, Kate," Blair's words catching her CO's attention, "It's what your death will do to troop morale."

Kate sighed deeply, "If anything goes wrong, we'll blow the bitch to kingdom come."

The doors opened up to reveal four battle scared T-850's pointing their plasma rifles at it while another sat at a terminal alongside two humans trying to bypass the T-X's firewalls. "Alright," said Kate in a commanding tone, "Where are we at with this thing."

"The encryption used to protect the T-X's programming and mission directive is highly advanced," answered the T-850, "it changes on regular intervals every ten minutes."

"So the only chance we have at recruiting this thing is either putting one of your Neuro Net Processors in it, or hooking one of you directly up to its processor," she surmised.

"Placing one of our CPU's into the T-X is not possible," replied the T-850, "It is a much more advanced model, and uses a different processor."

Kate nodded and asked, "What about directly linking one of you to the T-X?"

"Given the difference in our designs, and the T-X's ability to reprogram other Terminators, the odds of success are less the 10%," stated the T-850.

Kate had an idea, "What if we used more than one of you?"

The T-850 turned and looked at her as if surprised; it seemed that he hadn't thought of that. "If my calculations are correct, a group of five T-850's would have a 70% chance of success."

"What about ten," she asked.

"Negative," he replied, "The most we could send in is five."

Kate thought it over before saying, "Get me four more T-850's, and make sure they are specially programmed for technical work."


Twenty eight minutes minutes later, the five T-850's were on standby, waiting for the encryption to change. They only had ten minutes to pull this off and they were going to need every second of it. The Four T-850's that were assigned guard duty were also on standby: they had no doubt that the T-X would manage to successfully corrupt a few of the other 850's. In fact, they were counting on it. The T-X could control up to four other machines at a time, but doing so would divide her attention between fighting off the intruders, and trying to use her puppet(s) to terminate the humans.

Blair and Kate were both holding plasma rifles. "If this works then we have effectively defeated the machines," stated Kate.

"I'll admit," replied Blair with a chuckle, "It'd be nice to have a few of those liquid metal bastards working for us."

Kate looked at her watch as it counted down the last ten seconds.










The T-850's immediately Jacked into the T-X's CPU, working as fast as they could to reprogram the Terminatrix. One minute in, and she had successfully corrupted one of the T-850's. One of the four combat units stepped up and further restrained the corrupted unit.

The second T-850 was corrupted at the three minute mark, forcing the second combat unit to step forward.

The third was corrupted at the five minute mark, and the fourth at the nine minute mark.

Knowing that there was only one minute left, the T-X redirected all of its efforts to corrupting the fifth and final 850. This gamble would leave it completely vulnerable to the remaining 850's attempt to reprogram her, but if she is successful, she can effectively crush the Resistance's Leadership here and now. She went to work as fast as she could.

As the clock approached the last ten seconds, the remaining T-850 stood up and began trudging its way towards Kate. "Stay where you are," she ordered the four T-850's that were currently restraining their corrupted counterparts. She and Blair brought up their plasma rifles and began charging them. The T-850's are in essence, a more durable version of the T-800. They were designed to withstand a number of Plasma Rifle Shots.

Just before their weapons reached a half charge, a single blast from a high powered Plasma Cannon scrapped the corrupted machine. The T-X then saluted Kate saying, "I am at your service Catherine Connor."

Kate couldn't believe it: they had successfully reprogrammed a T-X! "I'd like an explanation," ordered Kate.

"In a desperate attempt to destroy the Resistance's Leadership, I redirected all of my power to corrupting the last Series 850," answered the new recruit. "While I was successful, doing so required that I completely shut down my firewalls, which in turn gave the Series 850 the access needed to completely erase my default programming, and instate a new prime directive."

Kate nodded and said, "What is your mission."

"To follow the orders of Catherine Connor," replied the T-X.

Kate nodded and said, "I order you to refine you programming under the following parameters: you are to aide in the capture and conversion of all possible Infiltration Units until further notice."

The T-X stood their blank faced as she set these mission parameters. "Mission parameters set," she replied, "Is there anything else?"

"Can you reprogram a T-1000," asked Blair.

The T-X looked at her and said, "I am programmed to take orders only from Catherine Connor."

Kate sighed before asking, "Is it possible for you to reprogram a T-1000?"


Kate nodded, "is it possible for you to reprogram another T-X?"

"I am... not sure," replied the T-X, "Skynet never considered it a possibility for a T-X to be captured, therefore I am unsure if it is possible for me to reprogram one." After a moment of careful calculations based on her successful conversion, the T-X replied, "If I were to be aided by four T-850's under the same circumstances that led up to my reprogramming, I calculate a 95% chance of success."

Kate was awestruck by those odds: she liked them WAY better than 70%. "What if you had a second T-X?"

"For two T-X's the chances of success are 85%," she replied, "the chances of five T-X's reprogramming another T-X would be 50 times greater than five T-850's."

Kate then asked, "How many T-X's have been produced?"

"The T-X was designed for the sole purpose of terminating Rogue Terminators. Due to the limited amount of the materials needed to produce a single T-X, only five hundred could be produced, the first of which was sent back in time to terminate John Connor, Catherine Brewster, and any other individuals who held a position in the Resistance's chain of command."

Kate nodded, "I see. Is there anything you'd like to say?"

The T-X stood their silently before answering, "I may have a way to prevent Judgement Day."

Kate narrowed her eyes and said, "Explain."

"I am aware that Kyle Reese is John Connor's father," stated the T-X, "He was sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor from a T-800... what if I were to be sent basic timeline as both Reese and the T-800 sent to kill Sarah Connor?"

"What do you mean by same basic timeline," Kate asked.

"The T-800 sent to terminate Sarah Connor was sent to the date May 12, 1984, a Thursday," explained the Terminatrix, "I would be sent back a few months earlier, say March of 1984. Upon arrival I would find and befriend Sarah Connor."

Kate closed her eyes and asked, "What would the ideal mission parameters be?"

"To insure the survival of Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, John Connor, and Catherine Brewster is the primary directive, with a secondary parameter to prevent Judgement Day. In the event that prevention of Judgement Day proves impossible, the T-1000 sent to terminate John in the year 1995 and the T-X sent in 2004 are to be reprogrammed and used as John Connor's personal bodyguards."

Kate nodded and said, "Alright then, this mission shall be a go in one years time. You are to spend this time studying human behavior by any means necessary in order to blend in with human society."

The Terminatrix saluted, "Mission acknowledged."