A/N: Hey there! Welcome to the eighth story in my Lunar Cycle, a story involving my OC/Time Lady Evelyn 'Evy' Daniels (AKA Luna). Evy is the Link of the Doctor, a woman compatible to him in every way through any regeneration as he is her Link as well. This will be a revision of Series 8 so I would recommend reading the first stories in the series (The Hidden Lady of Time, Alone No Longer, Together At Last, Linked Through Time, the Beginning of a Family, and A Trio of Time Lords/Past Meets Future (the 50th Anniversary) to fully understand who Evy is, her special talents, and her relationship with the Doctor (exactly what Linking is/Links are) along with more about their son, LJ Smith (future version: The Captain) and his own connection to Clara ;)
A description of Evy...a Time Lady currently in the 12th official version of herself, slightly wavy ginger hair that she tends to wear over one shoulder but tie up with a ribbon she wears on her wrist when working so it won't get in the way. She has grey eyes that she wears thin-wire glasses for, is pale, and slightly tall, appearing to be in her late 40s. She favors wearing black pants and boots, a long sleeved white button up shirt, and a buttoned black vest. For reference, an actress I picture as being similar to how Evy looks is Famke Janssen.
We also have another OC character, Little Jonathan Ianto Smith, or LJ, the son of the Doctor and Evy. Also known as the Time Lord Sigma...or, as his Older self appears quite a bit, just...J. Though his title is also the Captain after his favorite uncle ;) LJ is a toddler at this point, with brown hair, blue eyes, a tiny button nose, and, of course, the Doctor's sense of adventure :) His older self, is much the same, choosing to usually wear simple pants and a jumper and a dark/leather jacket ;) For a reference, an actor I see as similar to older-LJ, is James McAvoy :)
~8~ scene change
'italics' telepathic communication
This story will be updated daily, with two chapters per episode and 1 chapter per episode when we get to 2-parters (Dark Water/Death in Heaven). The chapters will also follow mostly the Doctor/Evy's (Thuna's) POV but include some scenes where the Doctor or Evy are mentioned/talked about at length.
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who...or else the Time Lords would be back already :)
Deep Breath (Part 1)
"Clara hold on!" Evy shouted as the TARDIS rocked and shook and jolted around them, her trying to both grab onto the console and stop the Doctor from flying them through time along with the dinosaur whose throat they were now lodged in.
The Doctor had only just regenerated and should NOT have been allowed near the console afterwards, but the box had started crashing and he'd run for it and the next thing she knew they were flying right for a T-Rex's open mouth. She'd managed to get them stable, but the Doctor was trying to send them back to the proper time, not realizing the shields were still extended from when Clara had been clinging to the edge of the TARDIS on Christmas, he was going to take the whole dinosaur with him and appeared to be doing just that.
Clara was sitting on one of the side chairs, LJ clutched safely in her arms even as the boy giggled and clapped at how the TARDIS was acting, enjoying the ride even as the adults freaked out around him.
"I can help!" Clara called, though she made no move to get up and do it, the prospect of putting LJ down anywhere in the shifting box not sitting well with her.
"You are," Evy reassured her, "Just…keep LJ safe!"
She ran around the console, only to almost fall to her knees when the box came to a sudden thud as the Doctor managed to land her. Likely would have fallen too had the Doctor not spun around and caught her a split second before.
"You alright?" the Doctor looked her over, still with her half turned in a small dip from how he'd caught her.
"I should be asking you that," she murmured, gently touching his aged face. Well, that was one thing that she was grateful for, his older, slightly wrinkled appearance and gray hair, she was quite a bit older in appearance herself, seeming to be in her late 40s while he appeared mid-50s, it was a much better age difference than when he'd been mid/late-20s and her as old looking as she had been.
"I'm fine now," he told her, squeezing her in his arms a little more tightly in an indication of WHY he felt good at the moment.
They both looked over when there was a knock on the door, followed by a Sontaran calling out, "Hello? Exit the box, and surrender to the glory of the Sontaran empire!"
Evy frowned as the Doctor straightened her, the man striding right of the door, seeming very angry that someone was 'threatening' them, Clara getting up and moving over to her, not following the Doctor for the moment, "Are we on Sontar?" Clara asked her quietly, recalling that to be the home of the Sontarans from her memories.
She was still very much working on shifting and sorting her new memories as a Time Lady, getting used to all this information a human shouldn't know but that she DID know, on top of knowledge of having lived in many other times and planets from her echo-lives.
Evy glanced over at the console, bringing the console over to them to check, "No," she answered, "London, on the bank of the Thames."
They looked up as the Doctor opened the door, just barely able to see a Sontaran in a suit standing there, before the Doctor called, "Shush!" and slammed the door shut on the potato-dwarf.
"Strax?" Clara guessed, knowing that she'd met the alien at least twice so far and he was the only Sontaran she could think of that would be wearing a suit on Earth.
"Doctor?" the Sontaran, possibly Strax, knocked again.
Evy quickly made her way over to the door, putting a hand on the Doctor's shoulder as she saw him getting agitated, and opened it herself, "Have you seen a dinosaur?" she asked the alien, "The Doctor crashed us into one and I think he may have brought her back with us…"
"I did not crash us into a dinosaur," the Doctor huffed, reaching out to slam the door shut, preferring to have a conversation in private…when a thought hit him and he pulled the door open once more to look at the Sontaran, "Sleepy?"
"Sir?" the Sontaran blinked.
"Bashful? Sneezy? Dopey? Grumpy!"
"Vastra?" Clara called as she slowly stepped over with LJ to see the lizard woman in Victorian garb stepping up with, "Jenny?"
"So it IS Strax then," Evy nodded, eyeing Strax.
"No," the Doctor pointed at them, as though he were correcting them, "It's the green one and the not-green one and the potato one…" he frowned, "Or it could be the other way round, I mustn't prejudge," he took a step out of the TARDIS, gesturing back at the two women, "And you remember, er…thingy. The, er, the impossible one, the asking questions one. Names not my area. Except Evy and boyo there…"
Clara frowned and looked at Evy, concern in her eyes while Evy just leaned against the doorway of the TARDIS, amused, "Is he alright?"
Evy nodded, "Bit of post-regenerative amnesia," she reassured Clara, "He's done this before, it'll fade once he's rested up. Don't be offended if he forgets your name a time or two. I think Amy had to remind him what her name was half a dozen times when he met her after regenerating."
"Right," Clara nodded, filing that information away in the back of her mind.
"It's Clara," Evy called to the Doctor as he started to wander about a few feet away, eyeing Vastra and Jenny closely, trying to recall who they were.
"Might be Clara," he agreed, "Might not be. It's a lottery."
"It's Clara," she repeated.
Clara shook her head and turned to Evy, "He's not acting like you did…"
"Genders," Evy shrugged, "Could be at least, I've always had an easier time regenerating than he did. Then again, I wasn't fighting it half the time," she shouted over to him, pointedly.
The Doctor turned to answer her when there was a large bellow from beside them, near the river, "Oi!" the Doctor rounded on the noise…a dinosaur, the same one that had nearly swallowed them, standing there, apparently it HAD followed them back, "Big man, shut it. Oh, you've got a dinosaur too. Big woman, sorry."
"Shouldn't we be calming him down?" Clara bit her lip, watching the Doctor shouting a conversation with the dino like a madman.
"No," Evy sighed, "Right now, there's more danger in LJ wanting a…"
"Rexy!" LJ started to clap in Clara's arms, squirming as though he wanted to be let down but Clara was wise enough not to let him, the boy making grabby hands at the dinosaur, "Mummy! Rexy! Pet?"
"No," Evy shook her head at him, taking one of his hands, "You have your dino toys, no pets in the TARDIS."
"I'm not flirting, by the way!" the Doctor shouted at the dinosaur, making them look over at him, "There's only two people I flirt with, Evy and my Link and you've got nothing on her."
"One person, Doctor," Evy reminded him.
He looked at her, "Then why are there two of you?" he asked, his gaze shifting just a bit to the side, as though he were seeing double which he probably was.
Evy sighed, pushing off the TARDIS to walk over to him, taking his hands, "Calm down…"
"Are you sure nothing's gone wrong?" Clara stepped closer to them, LJ reaching for his new-father now.
"Wrong?" the Doctor huffed, taking his son from her and bobbing him slightly, "What's gone wrong? Have you ever regenerated?"
"Not yet," Clara had to admit, she had memories of what it was, could remember seeing others do it, but no, she'd never experienced it herself, not even on Gallifery, having died in her first incarnation.
"Hold on," he squinted at her, "I remember you. You're Handles!" he pointed at her almost accusingly, "You used to be a little, a little robot head, and now you…you've really let yourself go."
Clara blinked and looked at Evy for that, "I'm not sure whether I should be insulted that I don't look like a Cyberman or that he thought I did…"
The Doctor just spun around, pointing at Vastra, "Reduce the frequency!"
Vastra gave Evy a questioning look, not sure what he was talking about or if it was a bout of madness taking him.
"Your sonic lanterns," Evy gave a small nod at the dinosaur, "Turn them down. You're giving her a headache."
"Giving who a headache?" Jenny frowned.
"Our boy's new pet," the Doctor smiled, bobbing LJ as the boy squealed in excitement at the thought of getting a T-Rex for a pet.
"Is NOT our new pet," Evy cut in, moving closer to the Doctor, just knowing what would be coming in mere minutes. Her Link would not, even if he ever did one day allow their son to have a dinosaur, suggest or accept a T-Rex, the regeneration was starting to get to him.
"How do you know?" Strax inquired.
"Come on, Clara," the Doctor huffed in agitation, "You know that I speak dinosaur."
"He's not Clara," Clara stated, trying very hard to not get offended that the Doctor apparently also thought she looked like a Sontaran as well, "I'm Clara."
"Well, you're very similar heights," he shrugged, "Maybe you should wear labels? Why…why are you all doing that?" he started to squint as Evy moved beside him, "Why are you? You're all going dark and wobbly. Stop that!"
"I don't think we are…"
"Why don't you give me him," Evy reached out and took LJ from him, "And take five…"
Only a split moment before the Doctor's eyes rolled into his head and he fell face first into the muddy banks, LJ now safely in her arms as Clara hurried over to check on the Doctor.
"What do we do?" she looked up at Evy, this REALLY wasn't like Evy's regeneration had been.
"We need to get him someplace he can rest," Evy turned to Vastra, "The TARDIS," she glanced at the box, not even needing to test the doors to know that they would be locked, even to her, as the box repaired itself from their crash.
"I don't understand," Jenny looked at her mistress and Evy for answers, "Who is he? Where's the Doctor?"
"Right here," Clara sighed, standing, "That's him. That's the Doctor."
"Regeneration," Evy offered as explanation.
Vastra's eyes widened but she nodded, understanding, "Well then, here we go again."
Evy stood before the Doctor, holding his hands as he seemed almost delirious, looking around the room that Vastra had graciously provided for him to rest in at her home. The lizard in question was standing back against the wall, watching but ready to intervene if the Doctor became too confused or hostile, one could never tell with him. She'd heard a tale once that he'd nearly strangled a friend after regeneration, she doubted he would EVER do that to Evy, but she was not about to risk her friend that way. Evy too had insisted that Clara and Jenny remain out in the hall with LJ, that Strax was NOT to enter the room at all till they'd calmed the Doctor down knowing the Sontaran would likely antagonize him or see a threat where there really wasn't one and attack.
"Doctor," Evy began calmly, "You need to calm down and sleep…"
The Doctor, though, was just staring around the room, wearing a full-length nightshirt, not seeming to comprehend what she was saying, "It's simply misunderstandable to me. I don't know what it is. Who invented this room?"
"I do believe bedrooms have been around for many centuries and in many cultures," Evy replied dryly.
"It's not a bedroom," the Doctor shook his head, "I mean, look! It's only got a bed in it. Why is there only a bed in the room?"
Evy gave him an amused look, "Because it IS a BEDroom. And a bedroom is where normal people sleep, remember?"
"But what do they do when they're awake?" he stared at her as if the concept of a bedroom was completely foreign to him.
Oh that amnesia truly did a number on him didn't it?
"When you're awake you can lie in bed and be lazy, or walk out of the room," she gestured at the door.
"So the humans have got a whole room for not being awake in? What's the point? You're just missing the room!"
"Well there ARE other activities you can do in a bed that don't involve sleeping," she gave him a playful look, "Just because our son wasn't conceived in one doesn't mean we haven't had ample practice in…"
"Don't want to hear that!" Clara's voice shouted through the door where she and Jenny were listening.
"The point of a bed is to rest, a bedroom is a quiet place that is quiet enough to rest," Evy reminded him, "And that is what you need to do now. Rest."
"Well how am I supposed to do that?" he huffed, "That mirror is absolutely furious!" he pointed at the full-length mirror as though it were responsible for him not being able to relax.
"That's YOU, dear," Evy remarked, "That is YOU in the mirror. So if you calm down, you'll be less furious and can relax. Unless you'd like to keep passing out with our son in your arms, there's only so many times Clara or I can get him out of them in time…"
"Well, of course I keep passing out," the Doctor muttered though he moved back towards the bed and sat on the edge, not letting go of Evy's hands. He looked up at her a moment, frowning as he studied her, "Why do you keep talking like that?" he asked her, sounding truly concerned that something was wrong with her, "What's gone wrong with your accent?"
"My accent hasn't changed. Your ear has."
"You sound the same as those other humans!"
"Just like you sound the same as Amy, Scottish," she nodded, "Now, sleep or I make you sleep."
He scoffed at that, "You may be my Link, Eves, and the mother of my child, and one of the Inspired, but I don't think you can…"
Evy just rolled her eyes and put her hands on the sides of his face, her fingertips near his temples and closed her eyes a moment…the Doctor falling backwards on the bed a moment later, completely out for the count…and starting to snore lightly.
Evy sighed and grabbed his legs, turning him so he was lying fully on the bed before she straightened back up, "I know where LJ gets it from," she muttered, "You're even more impossible to put to bed than your son."
"Evy?" Clara's voice called through the door, "Is it ok to come in now? The Doctor hasn't said anything in the last 10 seconds, that's a good sign right?"
"In this case," Evy nodded to herself, calling out, "Come in!"
The door slowly opened, Clara peeking in just to be sure before she pushed it open, stepping in with Jenny, LJ walking beside her, holding her hand, "So…" she eyed the Doctor lying on the bed, "What now?"
Vastra had to chuckle when LJ hurried over to the bed and started to try and climb on top of it, managing to do so with a little help from his mother, "He needs rest," she warned the boy gently.
"Gentle, darling," Evy told him, resting a hand on his back and pressing a kiss to his hair that he tried to wave her off from, hopping slightly in place till be was beside his father and holding his hand.
Clara smiled at the sight, "So what do we do? How do we fix him?"
"Fix him?" Jenny frowned, "You…you don't mean change him back do you?"
Clara had only just shaken her head at that, about to say that she meant help him, fix what was going wrong with his regeneration, because something had to be for him to be acting like he had, when Vastra sniffed, sounding almost peeved.
"Jenny, I will be in my chamber," the lizard told the woman, "Would you be kind enough to fetch my veil?"
"Vastra," Evy called as the lizard reached the doorway, "It won't be necessary," she told Vastra meaningfully, "It is a lot to process and I will speak to her, but believe me, that wasn't what she meant."
Vastra eyed Clara, almost as though she were sizing her up before she gave Evy a short nod but still left.
"What have I done wrong?" Clara turned to the other women, only for a strained sound to reach them echoing from the dinosaur they could make out in the distance.
"The dinosaur doesn't seem very happy," Jenny frowned at it.
"What's wrong with it?" Clara turned to Evy.
"It's alone," Evy murmured sadly, "'The world which shook at my feet,'" she began to translate, "'And the trees and the sky, have gone. And I am alone now. Alone. The wind bites now, and the world is grey, and I am alone here. Can't see me. Doesn't see me. Can't see me…'" she frowned at that last part and turned to look at the Doctor lying in bed, moving over to him and crouching down to press a kiss to his forehead, 'She does see you,' she whispered in his mind, 'We all do. Don't worry, Theta.'
"Who can't see it?" Clara shook her head at that, gesturing to the window, "I think all of London can see it."
"I was picking up a bit of the Doctor at the end," Evy waved it off, standing but watching as LJ cuddled up next to his father.
"Excuse me, ma'ams," Jenny spoke quietly, sensing that the topic was starting to turn towards a more Time Lord direction and wanting to give more privacy, "The wife doesn't like to be kept waiting."
Clara waited till Jenny had left the room before turning to Evy, "Where did he get that face? Why's it got lines on it? It's brand new. How can his hair be all grey? He only just got it…"
"Clara," Evy moved over to her, taking her hands, "Breath," she gave her a look, waiting till Clara inhaled deeply, "Let's give our boys some quiet and talk about this in Vastra's study, yes?"
Clara glanced over at the two boys lying on the bed, smiling softly when she saw LJ let out a wide yawn as he drifted off beside his father, before nodding, following Evy out of the room and down the hall to a quaint little study, a desk and bookshelf being the main components of the room, two chairs set up before the desk with some potted plants in the corners.
Evy led her over to the two chairs, sitting down beside Clara, "It's a lottery," she began, explaining regeneration to her, knowing that Clara knew of it, but there were quite a lot of questions that were never really answered till one experienced regeneration, and she knew Clara's memories were more jumbled than most Time Lords' would be given all that had happened to her, "The faces can be random, or we can, with much concentration, choose features of it. It has lines on it because we can be anything, old or young, black or white, man or woman. The same with his hair, it could be black or red or blond or gray, I even saw one with blue hair once."
Clara nodded, following along, "Sorry," she murmured, "I KNOW I know this it's just…"
"It's hard to keep it straight in your head," Evy nodded, understanding.
"Yeah," she sighed, "And it's just been so…quick. With yours, it was…it was normal, I think?" she gave a look at Evy who nodded, "You were blowing and energy was coming out of you and I saw you changing in the middle of it and then you were just…normal after."
Evy smiled at that, understanding even more, Clara's first experience with regeneration after becoming a Time Lady again had been a typical one, what was textbook for their people, for their women at least. The Doctor had broken every rule, regenerated but paused the change, broke the cycle, and his frantic behavior was jarring to Clara even more so now. What she thought she could expected, based on the regeneration she DID see, wasn't what happened at all. She didn't know what to do or how to handle it.
"I mean, we were crashing about everywhere and the Doctor was gone and the TARDIS went haywire…"
"Clara," she reached out and touched Clara's hand, "It's OK," she smiled, "Regeneration CAN be jarring, but it's important to remember he's not gone. And he's not dead either, he's just…changed. He regenerated and renewed himself."
"He doesn't…he doesn't look renewed. He looks older. Is…" she looked away, "Is he healthy? I mean, does that happen to you? If you regenerate older? Do you end up with old-people things?"
"He's healthy," Evy reassured her, "He just looks older, but inside, he's still got the same spirit and the same healthy. It's just the outside the changed. Like…a gift that's been re-gifted in a new package."
"Does it happen all the time, like that?" Clara wondered, "When…when I regenerate, will I have no control over it? Will the Cap'n be ok with it?"
"Well he won't be ok with the fact that you're regenerating," Evy began, smiling a bit as she started to realize what was truly bothering Clara about it, "He'll absolutely hate the fact that you got so injured that your body needed to regenerate. He'll be angry with himself for not being enough to protect you. But regeneration is normal, and he'd rather you do that and change into someone else than to die and never be with you again. We are still the same people Clara, same memories and all, it's just our personalities might change."
"And our appearances," Clara murmured, "What if…what if, when I regenerate, he doesn't…"
"Like how you look?" Evy looked amused at that.
Clara was almost starting to miss her 'eyebrow of doom,' a raised eyebrow would be easier to deal with than both her eyebrows lifted in entertainment, "Yeah."
"He will love you Clara, no matter what you look like," she squeezed Clara's hand, "Would you love him less if he were less dashing than he is?"
"Of course not!" Clara nearly seethed, "I'm NOT that shallow that I would feel less for him just because he looks different."
Evy gave her a pointed look.
"Oh," Clara nodded, starting to smile, "I see what you did there."
Evy laughed, "Young or old, childish or mature, reckless or cautious, we are doomed to love our boys."
"I don't know why I got so worried," Clara admitted, "I know the Cap'n wouldn't care what I look like. I…there was one time, I tried to make him dinner and it was an utter disaster. I looked a wreck, just…hideous, and he just…looked at me like…like I was…"
"His entire world?" Evy supplied and Clara nodded, "That's love, Clara, we've both been very lucky to find it in our Links and they in us. That is what the Link is about, acceptance and finding someone that can do such a thing no matter how we may change."
"I just don't like thinking of the Cap'n regenerating," Clara added after a moment, "Of him…dying and…"
"No one does," Evy agreed, seeing tears forming in Clara's eyes at just the thought of LJ's future self being so harmed that he regenerated, SHE hated the thought as well, "But better regeneration and change than true death. And he's managed over 300 years without doing so," she smiled, "Let's hope that's a good omen that it won't happen any time soon."
"Ever," Clara had to hope even though she knew it was a very ridiculous one.
"I'd drink to that," Evy laughed, the two women starting to smile…
When a loud, agonized roar echoed into the night.
"The dinosaur!" they both gasped, jumping up and running to the window, looking out it to see the dinosaur in the distance…burst into flames out of nowhere.
"Oh my stars…" Clara gaped.
"Come on," Evy grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the room and rushing down to the Doctor's room…only to see the man was gone, and LJ was lying on the bed, comfortably tucked into it, pillows crowded around him to keep him from squirming off the sides in the middle of the night.
But the Doctor was very much missing.
"Idiot," Evy muttered, already guessing where he'd gone, she'd felt him wake up but he'd seemed a bit distracted and jumbled in her head and she'd assumed he would just mutter to himself in the room longer than this.
"That came from the river!" Vastra called as she ran up the stairs and over to them.
"The dinosaur," Jenny agreed.
"We need to get there, now," Evy turned to the two, "The Doctor's gone after the dinosaur and he's bound to get himself in trouble. Clara…"
"Go," Clara agreed, moving into the room to stay with LJ, knowing that Evy wouldn't want to leave the boy alone without one of them there, but knowing she couldn't exactly ask Vastra, Jenny, or Strax as it was their house and with them as the guests there.
"Thank you."
"Strax!" Vastra turned and hurried down the hall to the stairs once more, Evy after her, "Bring the carriage, now!"
"Out of the way, human scum!" Strax shouted with a rather extreme amount of delight as he drove the carriage that Vastra had called for down the streets of London, following the Doctor as the man rode a horse ahead of them, both of them heading for the dinosaur though the Doctor was quite a ways ahead of them, "Hi-yah. Jurassic emergency. Yah!"
"What do you think's happened?" Jenny looked over at the two women.
"I don't know, but I fear devilment," Vastra sighed.
"Oh I don't doubt it," Evy murmured, "Especially now that the Doctor's involved," she leaned over, able to make out the Doctor on his horse. She was going to have to forbid him from mentioning he'd ridden a horse around LJ now. The boy always wanted animals, he'd want a horse and he'd already asked for one quite a few times. If the Doctor was willing to allow a T-Rex as a pet, he'd accept another 'Arthur' and they were NOT keeping a horse on the TARDIS.
"Strax," Vastra banged on the back of the carriage, towards where Strax was sitting, "Come on, Strax!" the carriage jolted as Strax cracked a whip, spurring the horses on faster, "That's better."
"I wish the TARDIS had been finished repairing herself," Evy mumbled, she would have preferred it to that particular carriage ride, gripping the side of it tightly as Strax raced them around a corner, only to quickly pull the carriage to a short stop.
The three women scrambled out, seeing the Doctor standing on the parapet of the Thames River, staring at the flaming remains of the dinosaur across the way, the animal having collapsed as it burned to death. Evy stepped forward, resting her hands on the parapet beside him, frowning into the distance as well, hearing his repeated murmurs of 'sorry,' and feeling the very same.
"Doctor…" Evy began.
"She was scared," the Doctor whispered, so quietly only she could hear him, "She was scared and alone. I brought her here and look what they did…"
"Who did it though?" Evy had to wonder.
"I too would like to know," Vastra stepped closer with Jenny.
"No," the Doctor shook his head, "That is not the question. That is not where we start."
"The question is how!" Strax cried, "The flesh itself has been combusted…"
"No, no, shut up!" the Doctor snapped, "What do you all have for brains, pudding? Look at you. Why can't we meet a decent species, Evy? Planet of the pudding brains!"
"So THIS is where LJ will get his rudeness from," Evy mumbled to herself.
The Doctor smirked a bit at that and turned o the parapet to face them, "A dinosaur is burning in the heart of London," he began, "Nothing left but smoke and flame. The question we start on is…have there been any similar murders?"
Vastra gasped at that, "Yes! Yes, by the Goddess, there have!"
"Look at them all," the Doctor frowned, looking up and down the river bank, seeing human upon human gathering to view the spectacle, "Look at all the pudding brains gawking about…"
"All of them except one," Evy frowned, spotting one man quite a distance away, walking away from the burning dinosaur as though it were such a common occurrence that it didn't warrant his attention.
"He seems remarkably unmoved by the available spectacle," Vastra's eyes narrowed at the man as well.
"He just might have something to do with…" Evy began, only to frown and blink when she heard a splash behind her, "He's jumped into the river, hasn't he?"
Vastra nodded, "I'm afraid he has."
Evy though, instead of getting mad, could only shake her head at that, he was still just as reckless as his last self had been, "Vastra, you and Jenny return back to Clara," she looked at the woman, "See what you can gather about these deaths."
Vastra frowned when Evy turned and walked away, "What about you?"
"I need to find my wayward Link and make sure he doesn't drown or get himself in more trouble," Evy told her, pointing at Vastra warningly, "I am trusting you with my son, Vastra."
"On my life, Evy," Vastra bowed her head.
Evy gave her a firm nod before turning and walking along the river, using the Link to keep track of the Doctor as he swam down it.
Evy sighed as she leaned against an ally wall, her arms crossed, watching as the Doctor rummaged through bins of rubbish, the sun just starting to peek into the sky.
"Doctor, what ARE you doing?" she made her way over to him, taking a broken mirror that he'd paused to look into from his hand.
"Bitey," he mumbled.
"The Cyber-mat?" she blinked.
"The air," he corrected, "It's bitey. It's wet, and bitey."
"It would be less so if you stayed in bed," she pointed out, taking his hand and turning to lead him out of the alley, "It's cold out and you've just regenerated. If you get a cold or a pneumonia and regenerate, again, I'll be very cross."
He smiled slightly at that, feeling his mind focusing more as he held her hand, as he focused on her, focused his thoughts on just one thing, "It IS cold," he agreed, "I knew it was a thing. I need um…I need clothes. I need clothes, that's what I need."
"That's where I'm taking you now," she remarked.
"And a big, long scarf!" he declared, till he winced, seeing her giving him an amused look at that, "No, no, move on from that. Looked stupid."
"I liked it," she shrugged.
He blinked, "Did you?"
"You have always looked handsome, Doctor," she told him, "No matter what you wore. Otherwise I'd have been lamenting you being my link when you decided for that ridiculous rainbow jacket…"
He nodded, "Not my best day," he agreed, tugging her to a stop as they passed a shop window, catching his reflection in it, "Have you seen this face before?" he asked her, starting to poke it.
"Once," she nodded, "In Pompeii," she reminded him, "Caecilius?"
He blinked and nodded at that, "Why did I pick HIS face?"
She could only shrug at that, "We never really know why we end up with the faces we do."
"It's like I'm trying to tell myself something. Like I'm trying to make a point. But what is so important that I can't just tell myself what I'm thinking?"
"Knowing your mind," Evy smiled at him, "Almost anything is that important."
The Doctor didn't reply to that, just leaned in closer to his reflection, observing his new face more, "It's covered in lines," he muttered, "But I didn't do the frowning. Who frowned me this face? And those eyebrows! Well," he considered it, "It's alright up until the eyebrows. Then it just goes haywire. Look at the eyebrows," he turned to her, pointing at his brows, "These are attack eyebrows. You could take bottle tops off with these!"
"They're definitely far less delicate than before," she laughed.
"They're cross! They're crosser than the rest of my face. They're independently cross. They probably want to cede from the rest of my face and set up their own independent state of eyebrows."
Evy opened her mouth to remark on that, when she saw his eyes steadily growing wider in horror, "What?"
"I am…Scottish," he breathed, "I've gone Scottish?" he huffed at that, "I'm Scottish. I am Scottish," he appeared to be testing the accent before nodding to himself, accepting it, "I can complain about things, I can really complain about things."
"That hasn't stopped you in any of your past incarnations," Evy pointed out, "Being Scottish has nothing to do with it."
The Doctor thought on that before shrugging a nod, it was true enough. He glanced back at himself in the shop window, actually seeming to seriously look at himself, before he looked at her, "What do YOU think?"
Evy blinked at that, "About your eyebrows or your accent?"
"Either, both, all of it," he gestured at himself, "My face, my lines, my…me…" he seemed to hesitate a moment, "Do you…like it?"
Evy gave him a soft smile for that, wondering if her son would grow up to feel as she did about regeneration as the Doctor seemed to be quite like Clara in his concerns, "I love everything about you, Theta," she told him, taking his hands, "Your lines, your hair, your accent, your eyebrows," she stepped closer to him, "Maybe this time when you waggle them at me suggestively, I'll actually realize you're doing it now."
The Doctor blinked at that and started to smile, "Oh will you?"
She nodded, "Oh but…" she sighed, "I've gotten so used to NOT noticing, you may have to start practicing."
"I should get on that then," he nodded, stepping closer to her, leaning in to kiss her gently, resting his forehead to hers after he pulled away, "Luna?" he spoke quietly, getting a hum in return, "I'm cold."
She chuckled lightly at that, "Come on," she turned to tug him on, "We'll get you some clothes and get back to Vastra to investigate what happened to your dinosaur."
Clara was…not frantic, she wasn't, she was NOT frantic at all as she hurried down the halls of Vastra's home, calling out for the woman, nor was she desperate to find her, not at all, "Madame Vastra!" she hurried down the stairs, "Madame Vas…" she cut off suddenly when she entered a sunroom type area of the house filled with art and statues to see Vastra standing before a board of maps and notes with Jenny in a corset posing before her.
It wasn't even the sight of the two women having a bit of a spat that did it or Jenny's outfit, but more the relief that surged through her when she caught sight of LJ sitting on the ground at Vastra's feet, playing with some small toys, "Oh thank god," she put a hand over her hearts, striding into the room, "I thought…" she swallowed hard and shook her head, "I went to get him a snack in the kitchen and I came back and he was gone!"
"My apologies, Miss Oswald," Vastra gave her an apologetic look, "The young master wanted to help," she gestured at the map and notes she'd been doing, "And got quite distracted," and then down to LJ playing.
Clara nodded, not quite happy that no one had told her they were taking LJ from where she'd left him and giving her a hearts attack for it, but relieved he was ok. But then she frowned, catching sight of something pinned to Vastra's board, "What's that?" she stepped closer, tugging it off the board and frowning at the advert.
"Advertisements?" Vastra shook her head at it.
"No, look," she held it up for Vastra to see, "Look."
Vastra blinked, seeing 'Impossible Girl, Lunch on the other side?' written on it and knowing that both Evy and Clara were deemed 'impossible girls' by the Doctor (and the Captain).
"Ma'am?" Jenny gave her an odd look.
"The game is afoot," Vastra nodded, glancing at Clara as LJ tugged on her period dress that they'd offered the woman and was picked up into Clara's arms, "We're going to need a lot of tea," she absently reached out to ring a bell and signal Strax while examining the paper intently.
"How do we even know it's from the Doctor?" Jenny asked.
"Of course it's from the Doctor," Clara replied, "Him or Evy. See, 'the Impossible Girl,' that's what he calls me and Evy. Well, it was probably Evy that did it then, the Doctor calls me the 'human' impossible girl…"
"He says lunch," Vastra noted, "But not when or where?"
"Ok, probably not Evy then," Clara sighed, "She'd be clearer."
"On the other side?" Jenny tried to think, "The other side of London? Bit vague."
Clara reached out and took the paper from Vastra as the lizard woman offered, "The other side of regeneration, perhaps, once he's recovered?"
"So what am I supposed to do, guess where we're meeting?" Clara huffed, just holding the paper in her hand in frustration, easily letting LJ take it from her, not even keeping an eye on him that he didn't tear it up or crumple it…or eat it.
"Perhaps that's the point," Vastra remarked, "Have they mentioned anything to you about this time or place? Anything they'd want to see?"
"No," Clara sighed, "I mean, I haven't really learned how to sense Time Lords either so I wouldn't be able to track them. I might be able to find them with the TARDIS, but she's still rebuilding," she shook her head, "I don't understand it. He doesn't do puzzles. Evy isn't complicated. Really, the Doctor does NOT have the attention span. But Evy would have kept it simple and I don't know what they mean by 'on the other side…'"
"This!" LJ held the cutting up to her.
"Yes, what the paper says," Clara nodded.
"No! This!" LJ held the paper up to her, the back of the advert for the Impossible Girl.
"I saw."
"No!" LJ huffed, reaching out to touch Clara's cheeks, squishing them so she would pay attention to him, "This! This side!" he let go of her and took the advert in both hands, holding it up to her so that she was reading the other side of the paper!
Her eyes widened as that thought hit her, taking the paper and looking at the listing for 'Mancini's Family Restaurant,' before grinning at LJ, "You are a brilliant little boy," she told him, making him cheer and clap…till she pressed a kiss to his hair and he scrunched his face and tried to wave her away from him.
Clara held LJ braced on her hip as they stood across the street of the restaurant the Time Lords had told her to meet them in, glancing both ways before crossing it, heading inside. She glanced around, seeing a sign to seat herself and stepped further into the dining area. She headed to the very back, the most private area, also the one where they had a baby bench or two resting, and set one up for LJ before sliding into the small curved bench against the wall behind the little circular table. She glanced over at LJ who was looking at a blank piece of parchment that was on his small serving tray and picked up a small pencil that was resting on the table beside a customer review paper, handing it to the boy, watching as he started to draw absent shapes on the blank paper.
"What's wrong?" the Doctor's voice suddenly called, making her gasp.
"Doctor!" Clara looked up to see the Doctor and Evy heading over to them, neither really dressed for the period, though the Doctor was in a long coat so she couldn't quite make out his attire, "Evy!" she smiled as they kissed their son and sat down, "Do some shopping?"
Evy nodded, "It was either that or a dirty nightshirt for the rest of the day. Unlike this one," she nodded a the Doctor, "I DO carry some money."
"I could always play the lottery," the Doctor murmured.
"Oi, don't make me laugh," Clara smiled but tried not to, "I'm trying to be cross with you!"
"Why?" the Doctor frowned, "Because I changed my face?"
"No," Clara's expression grew softer, "No, I understand that. I have to otherwise my future will be very awkward," she laughed a bit, before trying to sober up and grow more serious, "No, I'm cross because if an ordinary person wants to meet someone that they know very well for lunch. What do they do?"
"Well, they probably get in touch and suggest lunch," the Doctor stated.
"Ok, so what sort of person would put a cryptic note in, in a newspaper advert?"
"A narcissistic, clingy, manipulator," Evy shrugged, "Why do you ask?"
"Because of the advert!"
"Yes, we were surprised to see your message," Evy remarked, thinking on how she'd seen it in the paper of a small clothing shop, waiting for the Doctor to change, "We figured it out though…"
"No," Clara shook her head, "No, no. I didn't place the ad. You placed the ad."
"No, we didn't," the Doctor shook his head.
"Yes, you placed the ad, I figured it out. Impossible Girl, see? Lunch."
"Yes, Impossible Girl," Evy gestured at herself as well, "We thought it was a message from one Impossible Girl to the other."
"That's why I thought too," Clara frowned.
"Well, if neither of us placed that ad, who placed that ad?" the Doctor wondered.
"Hang on," Clara blinked, "narcissistic, clingy, manipulator?!"
"Which is why we were surprised it came from you," Evy repeated, "But as it didn't…it makes more sense now. It didn't seem like something you'd do but you were the only other person we could think of that would do it."
"The Cap'n," Clara dead panned, "River."
"No," Evy shook her head, "They'd sooner leave us a message or blow something up first."
"They'd never kill anything."
"Which means this could be a trap," the Doctor realized, starting to look around, "It's a vanity trap," his voice grew lower, his gaze flickering to LJ, the boy drawing away, too engrossed in his paper to notice the adults talking, "You're so busy congratulating yourself on solving the puzzle, you don't notice that you're sticking your head in a noose."
Evy reached out quickly and plucked a hair from the Doctor's head.
"That isn't the only grey one," Clara tried to joke, wanting to keep the tension low incase LJ eventually sensed it, "If you are, er, having a cull."
"It's too short," Evy shook her head at the hair, and plucked one of her own, "Too long," and looked at Clara, "Clara?"
Clara sighed but pulled one out of her own head, handing it to the woman, watching as she merely held it dangling in her hand, "What are you doing?"
"She's trying to measure the air disturbance in the room," the Doctor murmured.
"Right," Clara frowned, "Moments when you know you are boring," but she held her breath when Evy let go of the hair, watching as it just floated straight down.
"Clara," Evy took her hand under the table, "Don't react…but this IS a trap, and everyone in this room is a part of it."
"Look at them," the Doctor warned her, nodding at the restaurant goers in the crowded room, all eating away, "Don't look!" he snapped when she turned to look at them.
"You just said to look!" she hissed.
"Look without looking," he gestured to a menu picking on up and looking over the top of it, Evy doing the same.
Clara sighed but took one up as well, glancing at the crowd, "They look fine to me. They're just eating."
"Really?" Evy gave her a pointed look.
Clara looked over her menu again, watching the people intently, frowning when she saw they weren't quite eating at all, just…mechanically moving, lifting their spoons and forks, but not taking the food into their mouths, their knives just jerking back and forth without cutting, "Ok, no. No, they're not eating."
"Something else they're not doing," the Doctor reached up to pluck a hair, holding it up for her to see him drop it, watching it go straight down, unaffected by any air movement in the room, "Breathing."
A/N: I'm so excited for Evy and LJ to be back! I cannot wait for the things coming in this story ^-^ I hope you're all ready for it }:)
I wanted to sort of change the moment for Clara and Vastra to Evy and her, Clara's seen regeneration in Evy before, so I couldn't see Vastra needing to talk to her about it here, but with how different the Doctor's was to Clara compared to Evy's I could see her needing to just learn more about it and be reassured that, if SHE changed, J would still love her :)
Next chapter...someone gets separated from the group, the cavalry might find themselves in need of saving, and something happens a child shouldn't see :(
Some notes on reviews...(from the end of A Trio of Time Lords)...
I think what makes the age thing a little confusing is that it's been stated in the show that Time Lord 'can live forever barring any accidents' which sort of implies that they can't just keep aging and then die of old age. If we took the Doctor as an example, he was one incarnation for about 1,200ish years and aged, if we assume that it takes a Time Lord 1,200 years to live through one incarnation before dying, then, at most, a natural and normal Time Lord, without being given more incarnations by the Council, can age to be 15,600 (1200 years by 13 bodies) which isn't exactly 'living forever' :) There's a sort of implied immortality to the statement so aging to the point of dying doesn't really make sense, in that regard ;) Just my opinion on it :)
LJ will grow up at a normal rate in this story, so we probably won't see Teen-LJ for a while :) I did something similar with my HOTS series, the child grew slowly for a series, then time skipped a few centuries to teen-appearance. I'll be following the principle of the time skips in my Academic Series, where whenever the Doctor gives a clue of how much time has passed, his children age that much :) So I wanted to try and make all the children of the series different in how they age :) Clara called herself 'Oswin Oswald' as that was her name in that life on the Alaska, sort of like how Governess-Clara was 'Clara Oswin Oswald' but the original Clara was just 'Clara Oswald' :)
That's the beauty of Jack, many different contexts for his lines :) His 'I can't tell you what I'm thinking' could be an innuendo, or it could be a genuine confused expression that he really has no idea what to think of the situation which was the latter in that chapter ;) It's like saying, 'I can't even look to you right now' it could be in anger, fuming at a friend, or joking, they've done something so stupid, or disgust, or that someone's done something so ridiculous :) Technically, the Doctor isn't Angel's husband, save in 1913 ;) And the only time that the gang REALLY appeared on a monitor to talk to Angel was in Torchwood during the Miracle Day when Jack called them, and in Big Bang when they all experienced the amnesia of the Time Lords and wanted to check in and both times they didn't really mention the Doctor being a jerk ;) I think all other times were in dreams when, of course, it would be convenient as it's the Doctor's subconscious attacking him :) You can be there for someone without BEING there ;) It's more a comfort of knowing that you have people to fall back on if you were to reach out to them. Like, my sister knows that she can come to me about anything, but it doesn't mean I'm going to be following her around if I know she's upset and pestering her and breathing down her back to tell me what's wrong, I'd let her know I'm there and wait for her to reach out ;)
I'm glad you saw it coming! :) I didn't want to spring Jara and have it be too 'forced' or feel like they were only together because of the Link, I definitely wanted to build up to it and make it a cute sort of precursor to the Link, I'm really glad that it worked ^-^
Hey :) I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far :) And thank you! I try to put enough detail in where new readers aren't completely lost, so I'm glad that worked :) LJ is definitely an advanced baby, but I'm really glad that he still comes across as what he is, a baby, I was really nervous about trying to balance that and make it not just a baby but a Time Lord baby, but still a baby…if that makes any sense lol :) I'm so happy that you connected to Evy the way you did and miss her 11th self :) It always takes me a while to warm up to new Doctors too :)
I can say I have some AUs coming that'll have earlier relationships for the OCs that involve 10, so we might just see him as a dad there ;)
The next story came out today :) Yay! :) I tend to wait till the full series is over before starting to post the stories about it, and for Evy, I tend to post her predecessor series, the Professor's Academic Series, first, which takes about 2 weeks to get through. So Evy will likely always be posted about 2 weeks after the last episode of DW airs :) The only reason this one was so late was due to a lot of things going on in the year and me breaking my hand and having my computer taken from me to prevent me doing more damage to it in trying to write through the pain ;)