A/N - Another installment. Lee Pace x Female OC. Enjoy.

"I miss you," I sighed into my smartphone as I leaned against the balcony of my cheap apartment, listening to the London traffic thrush along the city streets.

"I miss you too, baby," Lee's voice wasn't the same over a mic, but it was better than nothing.

We were on two opposite sides of the world. In one day it was evening in London and in another it was early morning in Atlanta, Georgia where Lee was getting up at the crack of dawn to shoot the remaining episodes of Halt and Catch Fire.

Silence cascaded over the conversation as deep feeling knotted in my throat. We hadn't seen each other for over 2 and a half months.

"How was your day?" Lee asked, trying to sound cheerful even though I could tell his eyes were closed on the other side of the line as stage hands bustled around him, fussing over his outfit.

"It was alright... It's freezing here and it rained all day and we had to shoot outdoors. The director made us redo the scenes almost thirty times. I wanted to scream." I rubbed my forehead in frustration, feeling the tension in my lower back.

"Oh god, I hate when they do that! I'm sorry," He admonished, cutting off a yawn.

"Yeah... I'd tell you more but... I-I'm just really tired and I can't think," I bit my bottom lip, watching a couple walking - more like stumbling out of the local pub onto the glistening street walk below.

"You and me both," He said sadly and we both chuckled.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," I frowned slightly, stepping back into my apartment out of the bitter air, "You should have denied my call and slept longer."

"What? Are you crazy? This is the only time I get to talk to you and you think I would deny your call? I don't care if I was in the middle of a scene, I'm picking up." He was trying to sound firm but I could tell he was smiling.

I laughed at his poor concealment and overall bad voice acting. How ironic.

"Alright," I smiled, sitting on my couch and curling up into my snuggie. No matter what temperature I had the thermostat on, this place always seemed chilly as Great Britain does.

Tucking my socked feet under the blanket, I brought my warm cup of tea to my mouth in one hand and played with my wedding ring with the other - twisting the engraved silver band around and around. The line was silent again and he was doing it on purpose. He wanted me to say what I hadn't the guts to say.

It was hard. This was hard. I wanted nothing more to break down and let him know how much this distance hurt me. Not being able to hardly sleep nor eat properly, I just wanted to sob. I felt I was losing small bits of sanity everyday.

The hustle and bustle of the background noise on his line brought me back and instead I swallowed down a mouthful of earl grey and cleared my throat. It wasn't my job to make him feel horrible. He had a job to do. Acting is taxing enough without additional emotional strain.

"Abby-" He said at last, his voice strained.

"Lee, please," I whispered, biting back tears.

"Hey," He lowered his voice softly, "Abby, It's okay... Shooting finishes in 2 weeks. As soon as I get off that set, I'm yours."

"Lee-" I faltered.

"Right when the director calls it, I'm on my way to the airport, make-up and all. I don't care... I really can't take another day without you but that keeps me going... I have it on sticky notes so I can always remind myself," He continued, chuckling softly, trying to soothe my heartache.

I had nothing to say and he knew it. If I said one word, I would cry at his sweetness and he did not want to hear me cry so he went on.

"So what I want you to do is to go take a long hot shower and get in bed... and dream only of me. I'll call you when you wake up to let you know everything will be alright." I could hear the hustle beginning to pick up around him and a faint call of Ready On Set! echoed in the background.

"Okay," My answer was throaty but confident. He was right, I knew he was. I could live another two weeks before I had him in my arms again.

"Okay," He said in happy agreement, "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too," I answered back immediately, rubbing my eyes and putting up a small smile through the receiver.

"... I have to go," He said after giving a muttled answer to somebody over his shoulder. Most likely the hair and makeup crew, "I have to get in character. My scenes are up next."

"Alright. Do a good job on set Mr. MacMillan," I said playfully, dotting on his characters name.

"Don't I always? I love you so much. I'll talk to you later," He sounded rushed.

"I love you too," I whispered, setting down my cup of tea and picking up the little stick of plastic off the coffee table, eyeing the pink plus sign it adorned.

But the line was already dead.

Two more weeks.