Paradox Space

Hey guys, Monodoof here!

So... what is this,you ask? Why yes, this is YET another HiJack fic I'm working one. Something on the side that I've been writing alongside my other Hijack fic "Danganronpa: New Students of Hope and Camp Trip of Despair"

This fic will be a Sburb AU one. To most of the internet-savvy people, it would be a Homestuck AU. Yes, I can hear you gasping in shock and I can already see you itching to click the back button. But do not be alarmed. While this fic is indeed based on the universe and concepts of that infamous webcomic, it is not a direct copy nor a sequel nor anything of the sort. So relax, there will be no Karkats or Johns or Vriskas on this fic. It will merely be about a group of friends playing a rather unique game.

For those that haven't read Homestuck, this will be an unique experience that I hope you enjoy. For the ones that have read Homestuck... I hope my take is enough of your liking.

With all that said, this is a side fic. My other fic will have priority over this one so updates will be more sporadic than usual. Still, I do hope you enjoy!

ACT 1 - The Note Isolation Plays -

- Chapter 1: Beta-

A young man stands in his room. He's staring vacantly at the green walls, which are mostly bare with the exception of a few posters and a calendar hung on them.

This is a thing he does a lot when he doesn't have much to do after school. But then again, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third was a known loner to everyone in Berk, so this kind of behavior wasn't that unusual, even when taking in consideration what day it was today.

It just so happened that today was Hiccup's fifteenth birthday. Even so, for the skinny, auburn haired youth, it was a day as any other. He didn't consider birthdays anything special, most likely because he didn't have any friends to spend them with, his family being the only ones that bothered enough to be happy about his birth.

Well, that wasn't entirely true... but as far as Hiccup was concerned, none of the kids in his school liked him. And it wasn't because he was a troublesome kid. In reality, Hiccup was a shy and awkward, with a propensity to speak his mind through mumbled sarcastic remarks. Adding to that his interests in nerdy stuff and his admittedly puny physique, and it was no wonder that the local jocks would pick on him.

Despite all the bullying, though, Hiccup soldiered on. And though he wasn't that fond of birthdays (when asked, he would always answer "It's just another day. No big deal!"), he WAS looking forward to something today.

Today was the release date of SBURB, a highly anticipated videogame for the PC and if he remembered correctly, it was going to arrive in the mail today.

Hiccup was aware of how nerdy it was of him to be this excited over a videogame, but he didn't care. If there was something that always helped him feel better after an exhausting school day of avoiding the bullies, it was videogames. He was so ecstatic to play it that the auburn-haired youth constantly checked his wall calendar (A calendar that featured a picture of a dragon for each month; Thor knows where his mom found it.) just to see if he had the correct date.

Hearing a noise outside the window, Hiccup excitedly went to see, his hopes high only to be dashed as he saw the source of the noise: his Dad's car.

"Aw geez... I thought it was the mail...", lamented Hiccup as he saw his mountain of a father, a direct contrast of him, get out of the car and march towards the house.

Hiccup wasn't looking forward to seeing his father today. Don't misunderstand, Hiccup loves his father a lot... but in the young boy's mind, he just felt like he never measured up to his father's expectations. It wasn't a secret that Stoick Haddock wished for a boy to play football with, or to indulge in ridiculous activities like lifting safes as rites of adulthood (Hiccup never understood where this particular one came from). And even though Stoick never expressed it, the young boy could easily see the disappointment in his father's eyes whenever he mentioned one of his favorite shows, or whenever he talked about a new invention that he was working on.

And though his mother, Valka, insisted that his father did love him... well, Hiccup had never seen any evidence of that fact.

And to think that he had to endure Stoick's judging gaze for the entire evening during the inevitable party his mom was going to throw for him...

A sigh escaped the brunette's lips. He only wanted to get his package before his father arrived, start up the game, and play with his friends...

Hiccup heavily considered the fact that the mailman was out to get him before dismissing the entire idea as silly.

Really, he was mostly looking forward to SBURB because of his friends. One of his friends was the one that actually told him about the game and it was because of this friend that everyone agreed to play it.

You're probably thinking, "wait, didn't you say that hiccup didn't have any friends", and again, you'd be mistaken for assuming so. Hiccup was indeed friendless on school, but that didn't mean he didn't have friends. Even though the young boy was too awkward to make friends in real life, he did manage to meet and befriend a group of kids his age on the internet.

A sound coming from Hiccup's laptop made the boy tear his gaze away from the window. The brunette smiled as he heard the sound; he had received a message on Pesterchum, an IM application that he used to chat with his friends.

Hiccup's laptop wasn't anything special, yet his desktop clearly hinted at the boy's interests. A picture of a black dragon with astonishing green eyes, the beast in midflight, was his wallpaper and all around the desktop were icons which when clicked would open up diagrams of current, previous and future inventions the brunette had in mind. Aside from that, a few music sheets (Hiccup was taking violin classes but he wasn't particularly good yet) a direct access to his web browser, Naga, and the Pesterchum chat client, there wasn't much to look at.

"Just when I needed a distraction...", Hiccup mumbled to himself as he walked over his computer and brought up the IM window with a faint smile. A list of all his friend's usernames (or "chumhandles", as the program called them) popped up, but the only one online right now was the one who had sent him a message. The brunette clicked on the shining notification and instantly the message popped up:

- combativeTechnologist [CT] started pestering tinyGlaurung [TG} at 8: 15 AM-

"CT: Hey hiccup! Happy birthday!"

The auburn-haired kid rolled his eyes as he read the message filled with palpable excitement. His friend was always like this on special occasions, but then again, that was one of the things he liked about him. The brunette took a seat in order to type out a response to his friend's wishes.

"TG: Thanks, Hiro. Though it really hasn't been that great of a birthday yet, to be honest..."

A reply came in shortly after a brief pause.

"CT: Oh? What happened dude? Did you get in a fight with your dad again?"

"TG: Nah, I've been avoiding him all day like usual. I was just hoping that the game would get here before he arrived so that we could play a little before my party started... but it seems like I'll have to cross paths with him if I want to get the game."

Honestly, Hiccup would rather spend the evening cooped up in his room, if possible. With a sigh, the brunette sent another message quickly before Hiro got another word in.

"TG: Do I really have to play this game...? You know... I'd really not deal with my dad more than I absolutely need to...'"

"CT: We went through this already hiccup! You have to, no you MUST play this game! All of us need to play it! It is essential!"

Hiccup rolled his eyes as he read Hiro's message. He had expected a response like this, because really, whenever any of Hiccup's friends expressed their doubts in playing the game, Hiro would instantly spring on them, urging them and almost demanding them to play the game.

The brunette sighed as he typed his response, already used to this treatment.

"TG: Does this have to do with your whole "I'm going to give you guys cryptic remarks without ever telling you what they mean" spiel, Hiro?"

Hiccup had met Hiro on an internet messaging board he used to frequent to discuss tips for building mechanisms and inventions. From the start, the brunette could tell this kid was unique. When Hiro first started posting on the board, his english was awkward and he would constantly use Japanese words or badly Google Translate equivalents. Despite this short-coming, though, Hiccup could tell Hiro was smart; everything he said was on point and correct. There was another thing that made Hiro stand out though: It was the fact that from the very beginning, he purposely seeked to befriend Hiccup. Be it on the threads or via private messaging, Hiro would always greet Hiccup and through garbled conversations, the two quickly became acquaintances and later on friends.

Now, Hiccup liked Hiro. True, the Japanese teen had a bit of an arrogant streak, but he was witty, funny, smart and very honest and understanding whenever he wanted to be. Which wasn't a lot but he still was a lot of fun to hang out with, and it also helped that he shared his passion of inventing stuff. He was easy to get along with and he befriended all of Hiccup's other friends with ease.

However, there was one thing that Hiccup never understood about Hiro.

"CT: Yeah but uh... yeah, sorry I guess this does have to do with my whole 'alluding to things' crap, sorry."

A month after meeting him, Hiro started to make remarks that were odd at best. Somehow, the kid was able to predict things that would happen and he often reacted unsurprised by some of their friends' occurrences, as if he had expected them to happen. He was even able to tell what someone was going to say before they even typed it.

It was as if Hiro could tell the future.

Of course, Hiccup didn't actually believe that. After all, Hiro wasn't above making pranks. It could be just coincidences. Or perhaps Hiro had very good intuition; he was pretty smart after all.

Because, really, from the future? There is no such thing as time traveler... so the only logical explanation was that Hiro had just gotten lucky on his guesses, right?

Still, Hiccup was curious about his friend's behavior... How did he even manage to know all these things? What if... what if he actually could see the future? How much did he know? Is that why he wanted play the game...?

Hiccup's mind flooded with what-ifs and scenarios. He knew entertaining those scenarios was silly and a waste of time. Because there was no rationale behind such things. That kind of stuff was only real in works of fiction. But a part of him wanted to believe they were real, just like when he once wanted magic to be real (Before his father harshly revealed that no such things existed).

Knowing full well that he was treading on a minefield, Hiccup proceeded to type out his question.

"TG:Well, uh, could you tell me how you know these things you allude to? I'm kinda curious now, to be honest. "

"CT: IIIIIIIIIIII wish i could hiccup... i really wish i could! But im not allowed to say...! I'm sorry i wish i could tell you or all of you guys everything but i dont want to mess things up! im sorry..."

Hiccup sighed to himself as he read the other boy's message. Yeah, he expected as much. If this was something Hiro wanted to share, he would have done so already; he was kind of a chatterbox when he got excited, so he either doesn't want to share or can't actually share.

Still, even if he had expected this answer, that didn't mean Hiccup was satisfied with the answer.

"TG: Well, is there something you can tell me :? I'm just baffled at how much you guessed correctly, so I'm guessing you know something. Is there anything you can tell me...?"

Hiccup hated to sound like he was pleading but his curious mind was in need of answers and he was going to get some.

"CT: Well hmmm..."

"CT: I guessss..."

"CT: I can tell you more about the game we're about to play... thats something im allowed to say at the moment!"

Hiccup smiled. Hiro had talked about the game to all of them, but he was always kind of vague. So if he was going to actually say more... well, then that means there's something to get excited about now.

"TG: Oh, that would be nice. I mean, your explanations about the game left a lot out."

"CT: I'm sorry about hiccup but i couldn't really do anything with about that u_u"

"TG: Don't worry about that. At least you're going to give us full disclosure this time right?"

"CT: Weeeeeeeeell... about that... im sorry, this is going to be more of my ambigous bullshit im afraid..."

Hiccup sighed. He kinda expected this kind of answer from his friend.

"CT: But I CAN tell you something though... and thats the fact that we HAVE to all play this game starting today."

"TG: And I suppose you aren't going to tell me the why..."

"CT: Yeah... your supposition is right..."

Yeah, he was kinda expecting that answer. Hiccup remembered his group of friends and a chuckle escaped his lips.

"TG: Well, good luck getting all of us to play the game. You know how hard it is to get ahold of Jack and Merida."

"CT: Ugh dont remind me... why cant they just stay still?"

"TG: Or why don't they carry around their phones with them? Leaving them at home beats the entire purpose of having one."

"CT: *rolls eyes* I swear sometimes i think we're the only smart people in our group..."

"TG: Hahaha, true that."

Hiccup was only half-joking. He liked all of his friends a lot but sometimes those two drove him up a wall... for different reasons. One of them took this too lightly and much preferred to play outside than to sit all day inside his house... while the other was too aggressive for her own good and hated to be on her house for extended periods of time.

But Hiccup (and Hiro) knew they were good people.

A noise outside his window caught his attention. The auburn-haired boy quickly stood up from his chair and went to look, hopes high in his heart. Maybe this time...!

Taking out a smartphone from his jean's pocket, Hiccup quickly typed a response on the phone's Pesterchum app.

"TG: Hold on a second, Hiro."

When Hiccup gazed outside the window, all he saw was the familiar scenery of the village of Berk, the surrounding houses all having this weird rustic style. Berk was a village still deeply rooted in the old ways, and the inhabitants of the town where very proud of their Viking ancestry.

Hiccup would have been proud of this too, if the whole Viking ancestry wasn't the reason all the kids at school made fun of him. Among the Berkian population, looking like a burly warrior wasn't weird. Indeed, kids and even women looked the part.

Which only made Hiccup stand out more. He was so unlike a Viking that it wasn't funny.

Hiccup's gaze didn't linger on the houses, though. What he was looking for was more close at home. He scanned his own frontyard and his spirits plummeted. No mailman. He was sure he had heard a delivery truck... and that the game had arrived but...

His green eyes zeroed onto the Haddock residence mailbox and he grinned happily as he processed what he was seeing.

The mailbox had its red flag raised. It looked like something was delivered after all.

He quickly sent Hiro a message in his excitement.

"TG: Hiro, it's here!"

"CT: What"

"TG: The mail came! The little red arm-swingy-dealy thing or whatever it is called is flipped up! "

"CT: Whoa hiccup slow down a bit there."

Hiccup couldn't help it. He was apparently far more excited about the game than he thought and the mere idea that it was here sent him in a rambling mood.

"TG: What the hell is that thing called anyway? I don't have time for these semantics! The red flippy-lever thing means I have new mail! And that means the beta might be here!"

"CT: Aaaand hes gone... we've lost him ladies and gentlemen..."

Hiccup ignored the sarcastic jab and instead focused on the mailbox. If the game WAS here, he only had to elude his parents and get back to his room with the game unnoticed-

"TG: Wait... hold on... what's that...?"

A flash of green light shone near the mailbox and the brunette's expression turned to one of dismay.

"TG: Oh no... not now..."

"CT: What?"

From that flash of green light emerged a black dragon, who was sniffing the mailbox with a curious expression. Hiccup couldn't do anything but to look as the creature stuck his snout inside the mailbox before retreating with a package on his mouth. Before the viking could even say something, the creature vanished in a similar flash of green light and with that, he was gone.

He had only seen the package from far away and for an instant, but he was sure... that package was the game; Hiccup had seen the logo of the game on it.

The brunette groaned loudly as he let his head hit the window's glass. Perfect. Just PERFECT. Of course things were going too well.


Hiccup could only vent at his friend. This was seriously not his day.

"CT: You know... i cant believe how skeptical you are about a lot of things when you have dragons living on your backyard"

Hiccup rolled his eyes to no one in particular. He was not in the mood to have this discussion AGAIN.

"TG: There is nothing to be skeptical about, Hiro. I've told you before, dragons are simply animals. There's nothing magical or mystical about them. They're just another of nature's wonders."

"CT: Yeah right of course theres NOTHING magical or mystical about a giant flying fire breathing lizard that can teleport. Thats totally normal and in no way paranormal whatsoever"

Hiccup sighed with exasperation.

"TG: Look, I don't have time for this right now! As much as I would like to educate you about dragons, I have to get that package back!"

"CT: Yeah i guess... good luck with that hiccup. youre gonna need it."

"TG: Ugh, don't remind me..."

Another thing Berk had that was completely unique compared to other villages was the fact that they coexisted with dragons. Sometimes, they even befriended them. And the dragon that had looted Hiccup's mailbox was an unique dragon he had nicknamed Toothless.

Now, Toothless was usually a very well-behaved dragon... Though that went out of the window whenever he found something new or interesting. Whenever that happened, the black dragon had the annoying tendency of play hide-and-seek with it... or more accurately put... "teleport-hide-and-seek".

Hiccup loved his friend but this was certainly one of his most annoying habits.

"CT: Well, ill leave you to that. I myself have to get in contact with our other friends and hope that they have gotten their copies as well. Jack and merida are going to take a while and im not looking forward to that either..."

"TG: Seems like both of us have our own share of problems then. Well, good luck, Hiro. We're going to need it indeed."

"CT: Yup. See ya hiccup. Have a nice hunt!"

- combativeTechnologist [CT] stopped pestering tinyGlaurung [TG} at 8: 25 AM-

With a sigh, Hiccup pocketed his smartphone and took a deep breath. Not only he had to evade his parents, now he had to chase an elusive dragon as well. Steeling himself, the brunette opened the door of his bedroom and cautiously looked down the empty hallway, in search of any signal of his parents.

"Why do I feel like today is going to be a very long day?"

And after mumbling that to himself, the little viking boy stepped out of his room with light steps.

I'm aware we're starting slow, and for that I apologize... but still, do tell me what you think! Any tips or feedback is appreciated as always!

Be seeing ya!