Hiro ignored Baymax's quiet call as he crawled along the floor as twisted as he could make his body without breaking anything.
Mehehehe, they won't see it coming….
He had waited all night, faking going to bed while his friends were over, including dragging Baymax away from the classic movie on the screen.
"I fail to see how this is a good idea."
"I fail to see how you fail to see that this is gonna scare the utter crap out of them." He whispered back before motioning for Baymax to be silent. With living with the teenager this long, if Baymax could have, he would have sighed.
Instead, he dutifully fell silent, waiting for the inevitable jump in vital signs.
The rest of the team and Cass were tense. The scene on the screen was an eerie one. A young woman kept hearing strange noises and her TV had froze. She looked in her hand to see a tiny teddy bear, one she had taken from the cursed house in her hand. She cried out, throwing it away and started sobbing.
"It's in there…" Wasabi whispered in horror.
"She's dead." Fred whispered in a deadpan tone.
Gogo and Honey Lemon huddled closer together, unable to look away. Cass held up Mochi as a furry shield.
They heard the death rattle as the evil spirit of Kayako Saeki appeared on top of the girl before they both disappeared, leaving the futon empty.
"Oh my gosh…" Honey Lemon shuddered. "Why did we agree to watch this!?"
"Because it's horrifying?" Gogo said, looking at the screen.
"Alright, how about we break for some snacks? Anyone up for it?"
"All in favor say aye!"
Cass paused the film, going to whip up something in the kitchen. It was quiet…
Until they heard a croaking noise that sounded like someone was struggling for air and trying to cry out.
The lights dimmed before Hiro got into position as he "spider walked" slowly into the room, making his eyes wide as he stared at his friends, mouth wide open.
They fled as he chased right after them, fast for a boy moving as if every bone in his body was broken.
Cass sighed hearing it as she looked out to see her youngest chasing his much older friends right down the stairs. And I thought when he pulled it on Tadashi he went all out. He didn't just go for croaking in their ears all night. He went all out this time…
… I'm both ashamed and proud of him….
Baymax waddled into view, blinking as he watched Hiro scuttle down the stairs. "... That is dangerous."
"Yeah, he knows."
"Their vitals are elevated."
"They'll stay that way until-"
As if on cue Hiro was heard cracking up.
Hiro grinned before getting up and wiping off some of the makeup on his face. His friends all gave him annoyed/unimpressed looks… Aside from Fred, who looked rather impressed at the trick.
"One day I'll tell you that story… For now-"
They all fell silent, hearing a similar noise coming from upstairs. "Ahahaha real funny Aunt Cass. Playing back the first scene doesn't help!"
There was no response.
They gulped.
"Who wants to uh… Go first?"
"Your house."
Hiro sighed as he lead the way, trudging up the stairs and paused before going back to the spider walk.
It was still creepy even without part of the makeup on his face.
He was quiet, motioning for his friends to stay down. Cass and Baymax were waiting on the other side of the room. They didn't seem to see him… Yet. Hiro kept quiet as he scuttled over to his aunt.
"Oba-san." He grabbed her ankle as she shrieked.
"I believe… Hiro has just…" Baymax paused, searching for the term he heard the boy use before. "Trolled you."
Hiro smirked as he stood up, giving a bow. "Hiro Hamada, professional prankster, thank you."
Cass rolled her eyes and tousled her nephew's hair. "Go wash up."
Everyone went back to the movie as Hiro went back upstairs to get cleaned up.
You thought this was bad…
Just wait until April First.