The Dragon Tamer
Summary: Two years gone, Kagome is entering her third year at Hogwarts, and a few surprises are overdue for telling, when she arrives as the Girlfriend of Draco Malfoy, Slytherin Prince. But that isn't all, she's hiding a secret, and an exciting one at that! Her dragons will be the starting challenge for this years hosted TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT! Obviously none are expecting anything to be quiet this year, quite the opposite, but what dangers, exactly, are lurking in the shadows of Hogwarts...this year?
Anime/Book/Movie: InuYasha/Harry Potter
Pairing: (Slight Harry/Kagome) – Draco/Kagome
Genre: Romance/Adventure
Rated: M for Mature Content
R.I.P – Alan Rickman
(Severus Snape)
The Half-Blood Prince
A week passed far too quickly, Kagome was confidant with her Occlumency, as was Draco. Theodore and Blaise still wanted to continue their lessons, which, to their amazement, Severus had agreed to do "summer classes" twice a week with the boys until he felt they were ready to hide secrets from the dark lord.
Now, after asking the Golden Trio to meet with her and Draco before their departure to the carriages, she stood before them with her head bowed.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think we should be seen with the three of you from this day on."
Harry stood across from Kagome and Draco, looking stunned by what she'd just said.
Hermione moved forward and avoided Ron as he tried to grab her and pull her back, she took Kagome's hand in hers, trying to get the younger girl to look up, she failed as Kagome continued bowing.
Ron looked pissed off. For a might fair reason...but his niece had a vipers tongue that rivaled his sisters, he decided wisely to keep his mouth shut until he found out why she was saying all of this.
"You don't want to associate yourself with us anymore?! Why the bloody hell not? Too much adventure for you?"
"Harry, please...stop it." Hermione turned her eyes away from Harry and looked at Kagome. The girl had finally straightened and she could clearly see the hurt on her face. Her blue eyes were wet with tears that she refused to cry. Hermione shook her head and pulled her into a tight hug. "Don't get hurt. Whatever you're thinking of doing, I know you, you don't care about titles or blood status, house or other such can be anyone's friend because you love people...but I also know you will do what you need to do to protect those you care about. Take care of yourself, Kagome."
Kagome brought her hands up and held on tightly to Hermione. She cried, her sobs broken as she held the older girl tightly to her.
"Blimey Kagome, what do I tell Charlie?"
She pulled away and smiled at her Uncle, "nothing, he knows. I'm going home for only a few days before a head to Draco's, as an orphan...I won't let daddy get hurt, and now that I've met so many members of my family, all the more to protect. I'm really sorry, Uncle Ron."
"As an orphan?!" He shook his head, "no, the less I know, the better." He sighed, although his hand was still rolled into a tight fist at his side...he did understand. It was just a bit of a shock really. "Stay alive, will ya?"
"Naturally, that is the plan."
"Dear Merlin, it's not like she said you would never see her again. She simply told you that starting from now until the fall of Voldemort, she wouldn't let herself be seen with the Golden Trio. Also...Harry..." Draco placed a hand on his shoulder, "continue learning Occlumency. I urge you and your friends to do so. The future is unknown, none of us want to be put into a position of handing over information to the Dark Lord."
Harry was still frowning, a bit angry that he couldn't do anything to help Kagome and Draco, or hell...any of the Slytherin's, but he nodded. "Right, all three of us will take up more lessons, I'm sure Snape won't be too terribly against the idea."
Kagome nodded, giving her uncle one last hug, she left the group and walked off hand in hand with Draco to the carriages that were to take them back to the train. All of their stuff packed, she found herself wishing school never had to end. "You are certain that your parents will be alright with this?"
"...have you not met my parents?" He laughed, "my father might be a first class pureblood arsehole, but he adores you and thinks you'd make a wonderful addition to his son's future. mother loves you, already as if you were her own daughter. You will be welcomed, and with that story you've got lined will your father take it?"
"I wrote to him last night, I was up until past midnight discussing it with him...he's...scared. He's really scared, Draco. However, he knows I'll be in more danger in Gryffindor, with the Weasley family, than if I was to be at Voldemort's side and with your family. He said he'll be the one to send me off..."
He waved to Hagrid who made his way over to them from where he was helping first years onto the train. Kagome turned from Draco and smiled as Hagrid pulled her into a hug. "You'll be good without us here to keep you company, right Hagrid?"
The Half Giant chuckled a great sound, "a few months won' kill me. I'll be a righ' sigh' though once ya get back. Take care!"
"You too!" She called as Draco dragged her onto the train. The ride would be bone chilling for her, but there was still so much to much hurt that she'd feel over the next few days. Draco rubbed her hand in his before interlacing their fingers. He kept her close, as if to provide as much comfort as he could...while he could.
Me: Here is chapter 37. I introduce you the last chapter. The next time you all hear from me, it will be in The Dragon Tamer: Book Four. Until then, I look forward to your reviews and hope you all enjoyed this...long...adventure. BYE~!