Sequel to Hearts in Ice!!! FINALLY!! This one is a little sadder than the other one... *sniff sniff* Ok Minna, enjoy!

Flame of Recca or its characters do not belong to me but Yukio and Toshi are my own characters!! ^-^

"Tokyia, I know that we've been together for a year now, but in that time, I have been thinking a lot." Fuuko started.
"I don't like where this is going…" Tokyia interjected quietly.
"I really love you a lot, but I think that this is a point in our lives that we both should try seeing other people before committing ourselves fully to one another, don't you?" Fuuko explained to him, and at the same time, trying to explain to herself.
"Well to be completely honest, I don't. I love you more than life itself, Fuuko, and I don't want to loose you ever, even if it is just for a short while… which is how you're making it sound." Tokyia was beginning to get angry. "It sounds to me Fuuko that you are running from something. What it is, I don't know."
"Tokyia, please don't get angry with me. I just need some time to think about us and our relationship and where it's headed. I don't really feel like it has a future because you have been acting different lately. It seems to me like you don't want a part of this relationship. Do you?" Tears began to well in Fuuko's eyes.
"Of course I do! I'm not the one sitting here trying to abandon this perfect relation ship of ours!" Tokyia exclaimed angrily. "You start out saying that you love only me and then you say you want out and then you put the blame on me! You better start to think before you talk Kirisawa."
Fuuko winced at the use of that name. "You haven't called me that since…" Fuuko broke out in tears. Tokyia softened at the sight of his only love in pain and went to comfort her by putting his arm around her in an attempt to pull her close into a hug, but Fuuko dodged his efforts and looked up at him through red, teary eyes and Tokyia's heart sunk at the sight of the love of his life in pain.
Fuuko then, took Tokyia's hand in her own and looked deep into his icy blue eyes. "If you really love me, you will understand that we just need some time to think over our relationship and see if we are really meant to be."
Then, Tokyia nodded. He never could be angry at Fuuko for very long. "I understand if you feel that we both need to see what else is out there, and it might be for the best if we take a break from each other… for the good of our future… together hopefully."
Tokyia awoke suddenly with a gasp. He looked beside him and she still wasn't there. He had been reliving that dreadful moment ever since it had happened.
Tokyia got up out of bed and went in to his living room and sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands, with his silver hair hanging down infront of his face.
He then looked up and raised his arm with the remote to his stereo and pressed the power button. As it turned on, the time, 2:51 am flashed and Tokyia sighed and pressed play and lay down on the couch.
As the song started, Tokyia closed his eyes to try and think about something else other than the one he lost. But as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw her and her smiling face and flowing hair. His eyes snapped open to see her beautiful face in the delicate picture frame that he had bought for him for their year anniversary.
Tears began to fill his eyes as he thought about his first love and all their times together. He needed to call her, he needed to talk to her, he needed to see her. I'll call tomorrow... he thought to himself.
Fuuko's eyes opened painfully slow as her alram clock screamed in here ear. "Hai hai HAI! I hear you!" She yelledas she hurled it off the dresser in a firey attempt to turn it off. Her previous efforts had failed because the alarm was still nagging her to get up.
Fuuko groaned as she was forced to get up out of her soft warm bed to walk across the coldness of her hardwood floors to shut the alarm off. She switched it off and set it back on the dresser. "7:00." Fuuko nodded quietly biting her lip. "I hate working the morning shift... especially when I set my alarm and hour LATE!" Fuuko paniced. She needed to shower, get dressed fix her hair and make-up, and eat breakfast in an hour. It seemed impossible.
Fuuko ran to the bathroom where she turned on the shower and brushed her teeth at the same time. While quickly running a brush through her hair, Fuuko threw the toothbrush into the sink, ran the water for a second and then shut it off. She then quickly hopped into the shower.
"AIII!!! COLD!" Fuuko screamed while turning the shower knob so that the water turned hotter. "Ahhh... thats better."
Fuuko hummed to herself as she washed her hair and scrubbed away any remnants of last nights party. She closed her eyes and yawned as she rinsed the conditioner from her long, flowing, purple hair.
Fuuko, reluctantly, turned off the water and reached for her fluffy, baby blue towel. She wrapped it around her and wrung the water from her hair as she stepped cautiously onto the cold, white, tile floor.
She made her way over to the mirror, which was all foggy, and wiped it with her hand towel on the counter top. Fuuko then put away the blow dryer, which she thought she would be using, but she barely had time to get herself dressed. She combed through her hair and brought it up into a spiky bun and pulled out her makeup bag. Fuuko lightly applied her neutral colored makeup onto her soft, sensitive skin. She then added some pinky lip gloss and then rushed into hercloset. She pulled out a pair of black pants and a red turtle neck and quickly got dressed.
Fuuko ran down the stairs from her loft like bedroom and rushed into the kitchen. She glanced at the clock and read 7:32, and she breathed a sigh of relief. That was the quickest she had gotten ready in a long time. Fuuko quickly ate a bowl of cereal and grabbed her green Starbucks apron, car keys, and purse as she put on her winter coat and walked out the door.
As she reached the garage, she rushed to her red Mitsubishi Eclipse and jumped in. On her way to work, Fuuko thought about how much she wished that Toshi guy would stop coming in to order the same boring thing, a vanilla latte, when he never even drank it. She knew he would come in to see her everyday just to tell her how much he wished she was his girlfriend.
Fuuko rolled her eyes at the thought of Toshi as she pulled into her Employee of the Month parking space. She punched in as she walked into the back entrance of Starbucks/ 8:00 exactly!
"Good morning Fuuko-Chan!" Her boss said cheerily.
Fuuko smiled. "Hello Yukio-kun, did you have fun at the party last night?"
He smiled back at her. "How could I not have had a good time with a date like you?" Yukio laughed.
Fuuko blushed slightly and laughed. She was opposed to dating other employees, let alone her BOSS, but she had rationalized that she had met and started going out with him before applying there.
"Well, stop standing there and blushing like a school-girl and get to work." Yukio joked. Fuuko stood up tall and saluted jokingly. She turned and clicked the heels of her black knee high boots and went to unlock the front door and standing at the door was Toshi, smiling wide. Fuuko then, reluctantly, switched the sign from closed to open and Toshi swung the door open.
"GOOD morning Fuuko-sama!"
Fuuko winced. "How many times have I told you NOT to call me that Toshi?
"Oh! Sorry Fuuko-Sa...n. I forgot." Toshi smiled idioticly and smacked hiself in the forehead.
Fuuko rolled her eyes and stepped behind the counter and began to make his ritualistic vanilla latte. Toshi's eyes twinkled. "You know me so well Fuuko-san."
At the sound of Toshi's voice, Yukio came out from the back room. He went over infront of Fuuko, took the coffee from her and shoved it intoToshi's hands. "Here you go. It's on the house. Now, leave my coffeehouse and my girl alone." Yukio growled at Toshi who blinked and walked out slowly.
"Bai bai Fuuko-san." Toshi said softly, almost inaudiable, while still staring at an angry Yukio.
Fuuko smiled as Yukio turned around. "You're the greatest!" Fuuko looked around for customers but no one was there, so she grabbed Yukio and shoved him into the back room.
"You're amazing Yukio-kun, you seem like the strong silent type but you really are quite a loud-mouth!" Fuuko laughed.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Yukio grinned back.
"Not to mention that you are one hell of a kisser." Fuuko said quietly as she pulled Yukio closer to her.
Just as their lips met, the service bell rang. Fuuko fell onto the floor out of surprise. She jumped up quickly, smoothed out her hair and walked toward the counter. Yukio sweatdropped.
Nothing could have prepared Fuuko for what she was about to encounter. When she reached the front counter, she smoothed out her apron and opened her mouth to speak, but when she lifted her eyes, she was at a loss for words.
Fuuko was staring into a pair of beautiful, icy blue eyes full of pain and sadness. She blinked a few times and mustered up what words she could and came up with, "Can I... help you?"
"Fuuko... I didn't know you worked here." Tokyia exclaimed even more suprised than Fuuko She found enough stength in her being there to smile weakly.
All Fuuko could do was nod in agreement.

I know I know, its short but I will be uploading constantly!!!! Keep checking!!!
Bai bai minna!!! Until next time!