Prompt No. 11: Scars

Characters: Katniss

Word Count: 100

Those grey eyes are still the same. I blink, nodding to myself. Nothing has changed about them. It's everything else that has changed. My face and neck are covered in burn scars. The doctors haven't put my new skin on yet, and allowed me to take a look at my mess of a face while they retrieved it.

I put my hand on the glass and wince at the amount of scars on my hand and arm, too.

I'm such a mess, Little Duck. I think, closing my eyes and letting my hand drop to my side.

I'm a mess.

Hey guys, it's me!

I am so sorry it's been forever since I wrote last. I've been so busy! And it won't slow down for a long time :(

Enjoy this little thing from me!
