Reading stories loaded with cliches and dull featureless characters was poison to Haydren.

Lacking the need to sleep or eat the celestial familiar had to find something to do when Louise slept. His first thought had been to read, to learn about the culture that he found himself in the midst of. Tristain Magic Academy's library was easy enough to find, being located in the same tower as the dining hall. The bookshelves were tall, roughly ten yards in height, covering the walls with a few shelves in the middle surrounding tables for students to study at.

What little Haydren found was the low class run of the mill stories that could only come about in the earliest ages of cultures. For a being that lived for storytelling, it was a massive disappointment. The library had been packed with textbooks, only a small fraction of that being a story book, and only three percent of that fraction had been anything noteworthy.

"I should have known." Haydren complained, "I can't believe I got my hopes up for nothing..."

The sound of books falling to the floor caught the outsider's attention. Regardless of the late hour, there was another browsing the shelves of the academy. The man responsible for the noise looked familiar.

The man noticed Haydren's approach, "Ah, your miss Vallière's familiar, correct? What are you doing in the library at such a late hour?" he asked politely.

"I am indeed Mr...?"

The teacher gasped in embarrassed surprise, "Oh that is rude of me." He apologized, "I am Colbert the Flame Snake." he introduced. "I teach fire magics here at the academy."

Haydren gave a short polite bow, taking care to not brush the shelves with his wings. "I am Haydren Maximillion, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As to what I am doing here? I am reading and learning of your people's culture." he explained politely.

Colbert nodded excitedly, "Find anything you like?"

Haydren shook his had sadly, "Unfortunately, I have not. It may have to do more with the fact that I am used to the much grander library of my home than here. I cannot seem to find anything to hold my interests."

"I know the feeling." Colbert agreed. "I have been looking up old history books to find the meaning of the marks upon your hand. They are familiar to me, but I cannot place where I have seen them before. It has been irritating me ever since the Springtime Familiar Summoning."

Haydren raised his hand, displaying the scar-like marks. "You mean these? I could have told you that had you asked."

"Really?" Colbert questioned, surprised, "What does it say then?"

"Gandalfr." Haydren stated, "In the common tongue it would translate to mean 'the left hand of God'."

"I know that name!" Colbert shouted, rushing to a section of the library. "That was the title of Brimir's familiar!"

Haydren watched amused as Colbert scrambled over the pages. "Not here. It must be in Fenrir's library!" the professor exclaimed. "Be careful, this is a section only allowed to the Teachers. Students are not allowed." he warned the familiar.

"Good thing I'm not a student." Haydren dryly remarked as he followed the professor to a section of books that were held behind a locked gate.

Haydren watched as Colbert levitated up to an out-of-reach shelf and scanned it intently for a particular book. His efforts were rewarded as his gaze fell upon the title of the book. "I found it!" he announced with glee.

"What is it?" Haydren questioned.

Colbert laid out the book with great care. "It is a very old text which holds descriptions of the familiars that had been used by the Founder Brimir."

Colbert flipped the pages until his entire attention was focused on one particular paragraph written in the book, and as he read on in fascination, his eyes grew wide. "Haydren would you kindly let me see your hand?" Haydren presented his marked hand and Colbert compared it with the book.

"Ah!" he gasped in surprise. At that moment, he lost the concentration necessary for maintaining his Levitation and almost fell to the floor. Holding the book in his arms, he hurriedly descended to the floor and ran out of the library. "Quickly! To the Headmaster's office!"

After twenty minutes of running across the moonlit corridors of the academy Colbert hit the headmaster's door running, throwing it open with reckless haste. "Sir Osmond!" he yelled out.

Haydren entered swiftly after, albeit with a less reckless manner. His eyes instantly locked onto a young woman, a secretary by his guess, and an old man who was most likely their target. Both were standing behind the desk, however the woman's face was flushed. "I wonder if we interrupted something personal?" the celestial wondered.

"What is it?" the elder asked, drawing Haydren's thoughts to the here and now rather than what could have been happening before they entered.

The unnamed secretary sat back at her desk, sitting there as if nothing had happened. Sir Osmond had his arms behind him, and turned to face the visitors with a serious expression. That was certainly a quick recovery.

"I-I-I have some big news!" Colbert announced, presenting his book.

"There is no such thing as big news. Everything is but a collection of small events." Osmond said with practiced wisdom. Haydren just rolled his eyes at the display.

"P-P-Please take a look at this!" Colbert insisted as he handed Osmond the book he had been reading just before.

"This is "The Familiars of the Founder Brimir," is it not? Are you still going around digging up old literature like this?" Osmond questioned, his voice slightly stern. "If you have time to do that, why don't you think up some better ways of collecting school fees from those slack nobles? Mister, err... What was it again?"

Sir Osmond cocked his head.

"It's Colbert! You forgot?!" the teacher complained with disbelief.

"Right, right. Now I remember. It's just that you talked so fast I never really caught it. So, Colby, what is it about this book?"

Colbert's eye twitched but let the slip pass. "Please take a look at this! Haydren show him your hand!"

Haydren presented the marked hand. The moment he saw the arcane symbols upon the familiar's flesh, Osmond's expression changed. His eyes took on a solemn light. "Miss Longueville, would you please excuse us?" It was not a request.

Miss Longueville frowned but stood and left the room. Osmond spoke only after he confirmed she was properly outside. "Explain this to me with every detail, Mister Colbert..." the headmaster commanded.

"You can plainly see for yourself!" Colbert replied, "Miss Vallière's familiar Haydren is proof that she is a void mage!"

Haydren raised a delicate eyebrow as he watched a kaleidoscope of emotions pass over their faces as they spoke. "I take it a void mage is something of significant importance in your culture?" he asked.

"How do you not know this?" Colbert blurted out in surprise. Haydren pointed a thumb at his still present wings. "Oh...Yes... Of course." Colbert muttered, sufficiently chagrined. "The founder, Brimir, was the first void mage. He used his great power to push back the Elves and …."

It wasn't long before Haydren regretted asking. "So that is my lady's plan."



Louise woke to the sounds of a string instrument being played lightly. Her eyelids fluttered at the noise, feeling herself being gently pulled from the lure of sleep by the gentle music. It was soft and subtle, but filled with joy and passion, like the sunrise made into music.

The little mage sat up in her bed, looking at her familiar sitting in the windowsill with his back to her. In his hands was a shining silver fiddle, the instrument reflecting the morning daylight like it was a mirror. Even though she had just awoken, Louise was perceptive enough to notice her familiar's expression. Even as his hands worked miracles of music, his eyes stared blankly over the horizon. A small frown marred his features.

Louise stood, brushing the last traces of sleep from her eyes. "Haydren? What's the matter?"

The morning melody stopped as Haydren laid the sliver tool in his lap. The frown had yet to leave his face. "I believe I have discovered why the Lady of Pain sent me here."


"You're a void mage Louise. An heir to your beloved Brimir's magic it seems." Haydren said calmly.

Whatever calm Louise had possessed before was obliterated in an instant. "You're joking. Another of your teasing remarks!" she accused.

Haydren shrugged, "Supposedly not. I've spent the twilight hours of last night speaking to your headmaster and your teacher Colbert. Both of them are of the opinion that you may in fact be a void mage. According to them the signs are evident. Void mages only conjure humanoid familiars, and..." Haydren presented the runes marking his right hand. "These are the runes of Gandalfr, the left hand of god. According to Colbert, historically the runes have only appeared on Brimir's familiar."

Louise flopped back in bed in an undignified heap. "Is it odd that I want to feel overjoyed at this, but at the same time it fills me with dread?"

Haydren grinned, "Perhaps a little odd. However, I would have found it much more odd if you had no... concerns at all. Now would you like to hear the better news?"

Louise glared at her smirking familiar, resisting the urge to smack him with her pillows. "Just tell me already." she commanded.

"Your void magic is unpleasantly similar to the Lady of Pain's own magic. I daresay that if you were guided properly it would take little time for you to surpass your idolized Brimir."

Louise gave into temptation, throwing her largest pillow at the bearer of unpleasant news. "It is too early in the morning to deal with this." She complained, "Why do you have to throw my life into such turmoil?"

Haydren captured the projectile pillow, using to better prop himself in his seat. "Oh? So you didn't like me uplifting your reputation or giving you the tools to cast magic at the level of a master? You didn't enjoy rubbing your superiority into the faces of everyone that has doubted you for all these years?"

Louise covered her head with another pillow, "Oh no, just no!" she protested from beneath her bed sheets, "You are not going to make me change my mind today with foul temptations and honeyed words!" Louise burrowed deeper underneath her feathery defense, "I am staying in bed and ignoring that the world around us exists until I feel like dealing with everything again."

"Well if words wont coax her from bed..." Haydren grinned knowingly, "I guess I will just have to go to breakfast alone then..." he said teasingly.

"...Breakfast?" Louise's iron determination to stay in bed was critically weakened by the memories of Haydren's conjured confections.

Haydren conjured one of the desired treats in his hand, a bundle of flaky pastry filled with a paste of cinnamon and apples covered with a dusting of powdered sugars and drizzled with a line of caramel. The scent of the dish filled the room in an instant.

Louise stomach rumbled like the roar of a world eating Tarrasque. Haydren's ever present smirk widened. "Got ya."

"Gimme that." Louise commanded childishly, a hand extended out of her bed ready to accept tribute.

The pair had made it to the dining hall before they spoke again.

"You can be a real bastard sometimes, do you know that?" Louise questioned.

Haydren shrugged indifferent. "It has been said a time or two." he remarked.

Louise assumed her usual spot at the tables, at once everyone present began chattering just like the day before. This time however it was full of awe filled remarks, questions and confirmations of her newly displayed talents. Haydren performed the same act as the previous day, conjuring a meal fit for the royal courts the moment that Louise took her seat.

Louise sat calmly eating her meal, trying and failing to hide the pleased grin on her face every time she heard a squawk of disbelief accompany her name. It wasn't long before Haydren had a question for her. "So do you need me to accompany you to classes today as well?"

Louise gave Haydren a piercing stare. "Your not planning any mischief are you?" she asked accusingly.

Haydren actually paused and looked almost pensive for a moment. "I'm not sure what surprises me more. The fact that you've learned enough about me to suspect that, or the fact that I don't actually have something planned." he said earnestly.

Louise placed her fork down, and turned to face her chaotic familiar. "If I let you wander the school, how likely is it you will cause me trouble?"

Haydren stroked his chin, "I don't believe that I will..." he said. "I won't get you into trouble at the very least."he thought.

Grimacing, Louise nodded, "Fine. If you want to wander around, feel free. Just don't cause too many catastrophes."

"How many is too many?" Haydren asked, joking.

Louise was not amused, "None is too many."

Haydren smiled with all the cheer of a saint in the presence of god.

Louise felt like she had unleashed the devil upon her world.



Like a self fulfilling prophesy in a children novel about a lightning scarred brat with untreated trauma, Haydren's boredom was inevitable and ended up causing chaos.

This time it started with meeting a maid.

More specifically it started with her tripping and splattering Haydren with dozens of drinks.

At once the maid was in a panic, a cloth in hand, desperately wiping away the mixture of tea and milk. "I'm so, so sorry!" she apologized, "I couldn't see you there! Let me just clean you off!" she sputtered, face etched with worry.

Haydren took a step back out of her reach, "Calm down my dear." he said softly, holding up a hand in protest. With his free hand he banished the beverages staining his clothes, drying in an instant. "See? No worries."

If anything the maid's demeanor changed from upset to horrified. "Wandless magic?" she questioned, paling, "Oh my lord. You're Ms. Vallière's angel familiar!" she declared.

Haydren made a slight bow, "Haydren Maximillion, bard of Sigil, at your service." he said, taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

The maid trembled and blushed, her eyes widening in open disbelief. "I-I'm S-s-siesta..." she stuttered.

Haydren grinned at her, "It is a pleasure to meet you Siesta..." he said, literally enchanting some of his words with his magic. "It has been a while since I have played this game..." he thought impishly.

Siesta shivered in delight as he said her name. It reminded her of a stream of icy water running down her back after enduring the hottest summer day, shocking but refreshing at once. The flush on her face became an open blush. Trying to distract herself she tossed out the first question that popped in her mind. "S-so...what are you doing out here alone? Shouldn't you be with your master?" she asked.

Haydren grimaced for a moment, but the expression of annoyance was gone before it could be noticed. "Ms. Louise is attending classes on her own currently, and has allowed me to wander around unsupervised. I've been searching for something to peek my interest."

Siesta pondered for a moment, "Have you tried the library? You might find a book to hold your interest there."

Haydren couldn't hide the anguished depression that overcame him. "I've already been there... and there was nothing interesting..." he said, moping slightly.

Siesta frowned, "Well what do you enjoy doing?"

Haydren was too busy pouting to pay attention to the conversation, "Sword fighting, monster hunting, archery, knife throwing, jokes, reading, writing, performing, and cooking." he rambled, still depressed over the lack of good books.

Siesta nervously nibbled on her lower lip, "I may not be able to help you with the rest, but I do know a lot about cooking."

Haydren turned a lazy eye to her, "My dear, I am sure that for this world you might have some skill cooking but I assure you that I can cook circles around you."

Unknown to Haydren there was an unwritten law among the servants of The Tristrain Magic Academy.

Never slight Siesta's cooking. Ever.

Whatever infatuation the timid maid had been feeling towards the angel was ignored in an instant. The demon chef Siesta was roaring at a challenger. "Excuse me? Angel or not I will cook a feast in the time it takes you make one passable dish!" she declared with a fire in her eyes.

Haydren's attention was now fully upon her. "Are you sure you wish to go this route little one?" he said imperiously, "If it is a challenge of cooking you want, I won't back down."

Siesta pulled an iron spatula from somewhere and whipped it around to point at Haydren, "You're going to eat those words along with my best dish!" she spat, a passionate wildfire now rampaging in her eyes.

Haydren's expression was no better, "Show me to the kitchen, it's time you received a lesson."

The pair were off at once, rushing to the rear of the dining hall. The dozens of cooks and maids present began to duck and cover once they noticed the look in Siesta's eyes. In a performance of insane cooking, the duo began ducking and weaving around the other occupants of the kitchen as they gather their ingredients.

Haydren gathered a multitude of spices, some rice, cheeses, stew meat and a vial of oil. "Last chance to give up before I show you the power of a true chef!" he taunted.

Siesta gathered together bacon, chicken, and a thick top round slice. The other ingredients made no sense to Haydren, looking more like the mix for an onion soup and stuffing. Upon hearing his taunt, Siesta glared at Haydren, "I'm going to enjoy watching you eat my dish and choke on your words."

The pair began frying their meats. Haydren was constantly stirring the meat as the sprinkled spices upon them, the rice boiling beside them. Arguably cheating, Haydren conjured a jar of transparent black liquid. A brave cook asked what they all wanted to know, "Um...Excuse me? What is that liquid you're adding to the meat?"

Haydren gave the bottle a light shake, "It's called soy sauce. A mix strained from fermented soybeans, salt, and broth."

Siesta ignored the dialogue from her opponent, already her pace was exceeding the angel's. Her meats were quickly diced and fried in the pan, the meal saved from burning by the bacon's fat. In another bowl she had mixed the ingredients for a heavy soup. A pot of thick broth was beginning to boil, and with the skill of a master cook Siesta perfectly mixed all the prepared ingredients together in one motion before covering the pot with a lid. She wiped a light coat of sweat from her head, glancing over at Haydren, who was mixing the cheeses with rice and was currently making a soup of his own.

"My first half is done. Now I just need to make the bread mix and thinly slice the cheese." She thought, gathering the next stage of ingredients.

Word had swiftly spread, thus the next hour progressed with a mixed gathering of onlookers watching the chefs progress. Siesta cooking was a rare event in the school, generally only done when the chefs were swamped with work, but someone challenging her was a rare event that happened perhaps once a year. Siesta always performed her best when challenged, thus everyone from the librarians to the gardeners came running. Siesta was the known champion and for good reason, but her challenger was unveiling new techniques and unknown ingredients aplenty. Unknown to both of them, they were both glancing at each other as they worked, comparing each other time and time again, both trying to keep the impressed feeling from rising inside.

At the hour mark both asked for a dozen bowls.

Siesta's dish was a heavenly smelling soup, a rich aroma of mouthwatering onions and beef filled the kitchen, dominating all other scents and commanding the hunger of everyone present. "There is no way that Haydren can top my King's feast stew!" Siesta thought smugly.

Haydren presented forth a simple looking dish. A mix of cheese and rice, topped with brown beef. Compared to the overwhelming presence of Siesta's dish, Haydren's bowl seemed pathetic.

Siesta's dish was presented first. Pleased moans echoed in the room as the fortunate few who received a bowl sipped at the dish like a starved man. Siesta handed a bowl to Haydren, a chilling smile on her face. "I hope you enjoy." she said with all the kindness of a maid and the hostile aura of an archdemon.

Haydren took the bowl gratefully, using a spoon to sip at the broth. "It's surprisingly rich..." He thought, eyebrows raising, "I can taste each ingredient as if the bowl was stuffed with nothing else and even then the flavors don't compete with each other!"

A second spoonful revealed another trick, "A pulp of some sort?" he wondered, eyeing the strange mix on his spoon before taking a bite. "It's stuffing mixed with fine blend of cheese!" Haydren could feel the texture of shredded beef, bacon, and chicken weaved within the stew soaked bread, "She used it to hold the ingredients together! The various parts of the meal are held together by the stuffing and cheese so you don't have to chase them across the bowl, but at the same time it also blends the flavors together seamlessly!"

Siesta's eyes watched each expression cross Haydren's face with a smug look. "How do you like it?" she asked.

Haydren finished the dish before replying. "It's good..." he admitted, "But I still think mine is better." He said with a fiendish smile of his own. He handed her a bowl of his own creation.

Siesta looked at the rice and noticed something at once. "It's been ten minutes at lease since he dipped the bowls, but it's still burning hot?" Siesta's eyes looked at the food. "The cheese has been holding in the heat! It's holding in the heat and scent like a cork in a bottle!"

Hesitantly she used her spoon to pierce the cheesy barrier, releasing the dish's scent into the air. "Oh my lord." she thought, "I can smell everything." The air had become saturated by the fragrance of seasonings. Pleasing waves of garlic, onion, and dozens of other spices washed over everyone present driving their hunger to new heights. Even the lucky few in the crowd who had enjoyed Siesta's filling stew could feel their stomach rumbling, demanding that they feed again.

Siesta's first bite of the rice and cheese was intense. "What is this?" She wondered, "It looks like rice but it is melting in my mouth with the taste of a rich soup!" She could see a heavy broth drip from the rice as she dipped for another bite. "What is this?" she asked.

"Miso soup." Haydren replied, grinning like a loon, "Keeps the rice rich and moist." he added.

Siesta wanted to ask more but her hunger demanded to be sated, curiosity be damned. Her next bite had a sliver of the browned stew beef upon it, and she noticed it once she began to chew. "The flavor has changed! It's like a completely different dish!" Where the rice hit like a hurricane, the beef was like an arrow silently and smoothly striking into her core. Somehow the beef muted the taste of the rice only to replace it with a flavor more insidious than any poison. The beef was smooth almost like a jelly, it held a soft flavor, but the aftertaste came on like a gust of storm wind nearly knocking her off her feet. Her legs trembled as they struggled to hold her up, as her body was overcome by the sensation of taste.

Haydren leaned forward, "I think I win this round." he whispered softly into her ears. Siesta sank to her knees overcome. Around them, the crowd fared no better, with Haydren having more than enough to share some with everyone the entire gathering could taste the supremacy of his' dish.



"I still don't see why I should help out." Haydren protested, tugging at the collar of his waiter's suit. "I conjured this dammed thing myself, so why does it feel like a dog collar?" he wondered.

Siesta was back to smiling pleasantly at him, "It's because our cooking contest took up so many servant's attention that we are now running behind. Besides, you used our kitchen so you should help out as thanks."

Haydren frowned but nodded, "I suppose so." he sighed, "I really need to stop getting carried away with something irritates me."

Siesta giggled, "It was fun. I haven't found someone who can match me in cooking in forever!"

"Match you?" Haydren scoffed, "Little lady, I beat you."

Siesta's spatula made its appearance again, pointing straight at Haydren's face. "You won this round, but soon I will have my title back." she stated with certainty.

"What?" Haydren questioned, "And how do you plan to do that?" he asked.

Siesta smiled at him in that chilling manner. "You're going to teach me everything you know about cooking." It wasn't a question.

"Well it will give me something to do when I'm bored I suppose..." Haydren nodded, "So what do you want me to do?"

Siesta handed him a platter loaded with desserts, "We need to hand out deserts to the tables outside."

Haydren looked at the loads of desert cakes loaded on a silver tray. He snapped his fingers, the action attaching a levitation charm to the tray. Siesta looked at the floating platform with curiosity. "How do I move it?" she asked.

"Which you rather: It follows you around on its own or would you prefer to control it yourself?" Haydren asked.

Siesta pondered for a moment, thinking about the flow of the students. "I think it would be best if I controlled it myself. But how would I do that?"

Haydren grabbed a discarded butter knife from a nearby counter top. He rolled it in his hands like an artist molding clay. When he was finished he handed her a thin silver stick with a ball at the far end. "This wand will let you direct it."

"A wand?" Siesta said perplexed, "I'm a commoner, I can't use wands."

"Right... Backwards culture and doesn't understand magic." Haydren rolled his eyes. "This isn't a magic casting wand. This is a spell loaded wand. Anyone can use it. In this case, the wand only controls and creates levitation charms."

Siesta's face brightened like the dawn, "Really?" she hugged him, taking the offered wand in the same motion. "Thank you!" she cheered, full of excitement.

Siesta took a few minutes to practice with the wand, nearly tipping the platter each time she ran into a wall or counter top. Soon she was guiding the platter with some skill, and while far from a mage's level of control she could at least prevent it from spilling over or running into tables. With Haydren's help and guidance it wasn't long before they were on the patio, passing around the dishes filled with sweets for the nobles.

Between the two of them the dessert platters were quickly distributed to the eager nobles. "Siesta have you gotten your side done yet?" Haydren called out.

"Just three left!" She replied, still busy weaving around tables.

Haydren gazed over the crowd, looking for any missed places. A bundle of curly blonde hair stood out.

"What was that brat's name? Guchie? Gu-she? Googi?" Haydren frowned, irked by the lack of knowledge,"Maybe it was Gooey?" he pondered.

He was snapped from his thoughts by the sound of Siesta calling out to the unimpressive noble. "Excuse me? Sir, you dropped this bottle from your pocket." The noble brat didn't turn around, obviously snubbing someone he saw as lesser.

Siesta passed out the last three dishes and bent down to pick up a shiny perfume bottle from the dirt.

"Excuse me, sir. I believe you dropped this." she told him. She placed it on the table politely. The brat glared at Siesta, before giving her a dirty look, and pushed the bottle away.

"This is not mine. What are you talking about?"

The brat's friends then realized where the bottle came from and raised a loud commotion. "Ooh? That perfume, isn't that Montmorency's?"

"Yeah! That vivid purple color is the perfume that Montmorency only mixes for herself!"

"So to have something like that fall out of your pocket, Guiche, means that you're going out with Montmorency now, right?"

"No wait, listen to me. I'm saying this for the sake of her reputation, but..."

As Guiche was about to say more, a girl, who wore a brown cloak and had been sitting at the table behind them, stood up and walked over to Guiche's seat. She was a cute girl sporting chestnut-colored hair. According to the color of the cloak she wore, she was a first year student. "Guiche how could you!" And with that, she started crying uncontrollably. "I knew it, you and Miss Montmorency are..."

Haydren grinned as he watched the blonde haired ponce sputter and mentally stumble for a valid excuse, "They're misunderstanding. Katie, listen. The only person I hold in my heart is you..."

But the girl called Katie slapped Guiche's face as hard as she could. "That perfume you dropped from your pocket is more than enough proof! Goodbye!"

Guiche rubbed his cheek to relieve the pain, his disbelief obvious.

At this point, a girl with tightly rolled hair stood up from a seat further down the table. Haydren recognized her as the girl who'd had the argument with Louise when he was first summoned to this world. Wearing a severe expression, she approached Guiche with quick clipped steps.

"Montmorency. This is a misunderstanding. All I did was accompany her on a long trip to the forests of La Rochelle..." Guiche said, shaking his head. While he was pretending to remain composed, a drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead.

"Oh ho?" Haydren watched with increased interest, using a hand to politely conceal his laughter. "The jilted lover makes her appearance?"

"Just as I thought! You've been making moves on that first year, haven't you?!" The lover demanded to know. Hayrden had no doubt at the first wrong word she would strike him.

Guiche's tried deflecting. A tactic that he lacked the charisma for. "Please, Montmorency the Fragrance. Don't twist your rose-like face in anger like that. It saddens me to see it!"

Montmorency grabbed a bottle of wine that was on the table and poured its contents out audibly on Guiche's head. "You liar!" she bellowed, eyes clouding with tears.

Haydren couldn't help it, as the scene unfolded he began to laugh. That laughter spread like a disease until everyone watching was laughing at the shamed brat.

Guiche pulled out a handkerchief and slowly wiped his face. Shaking his head, he spoke dramatically. "It would seem those ladies do not understand the meaning of a rose's existence." he said, trying to shake off the jeers.

Haydren was too busy aiding Siesta to care about the wounded pride of some brat who was knocked from his pedistal. "Are the afternoons normally this festive?" He asked Siesta as he gathered the trays for the Kitchens.

"Not normally, no." Siesta replied, walking towards the kitchens. "I can't believe that someone would be so rude to both girls."

"Stop right there." Guiche called, marching up with embarrassed anger. Haydren's presence became unnoticeable at once, those not already aware that he was there would never notice him.

"Is there something you need sir?" Siesta asked, as polite as ever.

"Thanks to you thoughtlessly picking up some bottle of perfume, the reputation of two ladies has been damaged. How will you take responsibility?" Guiche questioned rudely.

Haydren could tell at once that Siesta was going to buckle and take the blame. "Like I would let a woman that could challenge me bend knee to a weakling like that." He placed a steady hand on her back and a silent spell placed upon her in an instant.

"I'm sorry sir, but I saw that bottle fall from your pocket." She stated boldly, drawing the attention of the crowd a second time. "You shouldn't be cheating on a woman willing to give you the time." she added.

Guiche's friends burst out laughing. "Exactly, Guiche! It's your fault!"

Guiche's face flushed pink as another heaping load of shame was dropped on him. "Listen, server." he said scathingly, "When you put the bottle of perfume on the table, I pretended not to know anything, didn't I? Would it have hurt to be a little bit tactful and just go along with it?"

Haydren gave her another nudging spell, boosting her spirit again. "You could have been smarter," Siesta corrected him, talking down to him like a disobedient child, "If you took the bottle and slipped it back in your pocket, then nobody would have spotted anything and you could continue to be cheating scum."

Guiche looked like he had been slapped silly. "How dare a commoner speak to me in such a manner?" he questioned with outrage.

"How dare you mislead two women at once? What kind of honor-less noble are you!" Siesta yelled back.

Guiche looked livid, "It would seem you have forgotten the proper etiquette for addressing a noble." he sneered.

Siesta was riding high from the spells boosting her confidence and the elation of finally speaking her mind to a noble. "You're no noble. You're honor-less scum with a pillow prick for a brain."

If Siesta's previous comment could be compared to a slap, her newest remark would better compare to dragon's fire. Guiche was struck momentarily speechless as many of those watching began laughing at his expense again.

The laughter and renewed shame brought the brat from his stunned reverie. "That is enough you commoner whore!" Quiche barked. "We will duel and you will show me the respect I deserve!" he demanded. "We will meet in Vestri Court, I can't taint the dining table of my fellow nobles with your worthless blood."

Even with such a dramatic statement the laughter persisted as he left the area, aided unseen by Haydren's magic. "Serves the little prick right..."

Guiche turned and left the dining area with a huff, followed by his friends who were still laughing at him.

Haydren's spells faded, and with it Siesta's iron spine. She turned to the summoned angel with fearful eyes, "I'm gonna die! Why did I say those awful things?" she worried.

Haydren grinned. "I do believe I can help you know."

Siesta shook her head in denial, "No you can't! Master Guiche will kill me for besmirching his name and honor! It would take an act of god to save me now!"

Haydren cleared his throat loudly. "You were saying?" he asked impishly.

Siesta looked at him hopefully, "You can help me?" she exclaimed. "Of course you can! Please help me! I'll do anything!" she begged.

Haydren grinned, and took her hands in his, "Kneel Siesta, and repeat these words." he leaned forwards and whispered into her ear like a secretive lover.

Siesta did as instructed, kneeling before Haydren and clasping his hands in prayer. "Bard of Sigil, I ask your favor. Keeper of tales, I wish to serve. By your unspoken name, I call upon your power in my time of need."

Haydren's wings appeared again, not the same golden wings as he proudly displayed before, this pair was silvery and transparent as if made of smoke and floating ash. The angel lay a hand on her head, filling her with his power, "Rise, Lorekeeper Siesta, and rise serve in my name." he stated.

Siesta stood, feeling a great warmth inside her chest, inside her heart. Her body felt lighter, her mind sharper, and an indescribable tranquil covered her from head to toe. "What was that?" she asked, astounded

Haydren stretched his neck. "I've just given you a blessing of sorts. You are now one of my Lorekeepers. You pray to me, believe in me, and in return I keep you under my aegis and grant a sliver of power."

"This will help me survive Guiche?" she asked, uncertain.

Haydren rolled his eyes, "Have some more faith in me, my dear. You will crush him." he told her reassuringly.

Siesta looked at her savior with devotion shining in her eyes. "Thank you my lord." she said genuinely.

"I forgot how creepy that look can get." The angel thought, somewhat amused.

"Haydren Maximillion!" A feminine voice yelled.

"...I think I know that fury." He remarked. Siesta took a step back, choosing to remain silent. Louise La Valliere's temper was well known across the school.

"What did you just do?" Louise demanded to know, marching up. "And don't try your clever word tricks, I saw the whole thing."

Haydren snapped his fingers with exaggerated annoyance. "Oh darn, I was going to make up a tale involving four lord souls and ancient cursed lands."

Louise just crossed her arms with annoyance, "Your not distracting me. Explain." she demanded.

Haydren rolled his eyes again, "Long story short? Ms. Siesta here, "Haydren gestured to the maid beside him, "spoke her mind about a two-timing brat and when the brat challenged her to a duel I replayed her from a favor I owed her."

"Repay her? And what favor?" Louise questioned.

"I granted her some power to dominate the little shit stain that challenged her, and she cooked for me." Haydren explained, shrugging at the end like it was obvious.

Louise stared at her familiar for a moment, before shaking her head. "One day I fear I will understand how you think, and on that day I expect the healers will say I am quite mad."

Haydren clapped to draw their attention, an eerily eager smile on his face. "So where is this Vestri Court? I have an urge to see an augmented servant girl kick that crap out of a noble."



It turned out Vestri Court was the central garden situated between the Wind and Fire elemental towers. Being located to the west, the Court didn't receive much sunshine, even in the middle of the day, but it was the perfect place for a duel.

Haydren looked over the crowd of students, many of which were drawn to the makeshift battleground to break the repetitive doldrums of their own academic lives. "There has got to be a way to make this more fun... Gambling can only stir up so much of a ruckus... I doubt many of these brats have anything to offer in the way of high stakes anyways."

The angel turned to his summoner. "I don't suppose you'd like the idea of me cheating the various brats assembled here out of their wealth and titles?"

Louise frowned, "Yes and no... No taking the titles, but you can empty their pockets to their heart's content." The pink haired mage nodded to a nervous maid beside them, "Don't you think that you should do something to encourage her?"

Siesta was trembling, only Haydren's presence preventing her from fleeing. " I'm gonna die..." the maid thought morosely. "He's a noble, and I'm only a maid! What in Brimir's name was I thinking?"

The angel looked at the nervous girl, then back to his summoner. "Not really, I know she will do fine."

Louise's doubt was plain to see. "How is a young girl like her supposed to fight a noble without magic? Quiche might not be the best, but he is certainly from the worst."

Haydren pulled a thin rod of black iron from a pocket and handed it to Siesta, "My dear, would you mind holding this for a moment?" he asked politely.

Siesta thoughtlessly took the rod in her hand, still obsessing over her future conflict and fidgeting with her hands. Louise watched, slack-jawed, as the muscle-less maid bent the rod into a jumbled pretzel without a single sign of effort.

Haydren gestured to the maid like she was a strong man in a circus, "Do you think she's going to have any trouble?"

Siesta snapped out of her troubled fugue state to notice the warped metal in her hands, "Did I do that?" she wondered, beginning to play with the metal and mold it like clay.

Haydren raised an eyebrow at the girls, "Did you think that ritual was just for show?"

"Ritual? You said it was a blessing!" Louise pointed out annoyed.

"Ritual, blessing, divine augmentation... same thing when you get to details." he shrugged off his summoner's concerns.

"What did you do to her Haydren?" Louise demanded to know.

The angel rolled his eyes, "I put her under my command, as long as she is within a certain range she will receive a not-insignificant increase to her own natural abilities. It's not like I made her a mage, I just made her more powerful." he said, before adding "I also gave her a few other gifts..." but that part was said below human levels of hearing.

The maid could hear it, but the mage couldn't.

Siesta beautifully smiled at her source of salvation, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she cheered throwing her arms around him and kissing his cheek.

Haydren blinked. "Somehow I was not expecting that..."

Louise grabbed both of their hands and dragged them towards the crowd, interrupting any reply Siesta may have had, "Come on you two, the maid has a fight to win." Louise stated, sounding irritated. "I do not need to see My familiar flirt with some commoner girl!"

Guiche was standing in the center of the crowd, gesturing with a rose and spewing more of his self important drivel. The trio only caught the tail end of his speech, something all three were grateful for. "...It's a duel!" he proclaimed, drawing cheers from the crowd.

An older student walked into the middle, the apparent judge for the duel. "Guiche has declared a duel, his opponent is a kitchen commoner!"

Haydren's aim with spells was as impressive as ever, forcing Siesta's backbone to make a re-emergence, "My name is Siesta you horse's ass!"

To his credit the judge was only stunned for a moment, "...his opponent is Siesta...Begin!"

The duelists stood in the center of the arena, both glaring at the other.

Guiche couldn't resist the urge to open his pie-hole, "First of all, I commend you for coming here instead of running away!" the brat proclaimed in a taunting way, still twirling his rose in hand.

Siesta looked at him like he was a profound curiosity.

Guiche tolerated the look for a second before he had to know its cause. "What? Are you mesmerized by my good looks now?"

Siesta shook her head in a disappointed manner, "I feel sorry for your kin, being forced to share blood with a womanizing brat with an ass for a mouth."

Guiche scowled, flicking his rose and causing a petal to float to the ground. The petal began to shine, reforming into the form of a woman's suit of bronze armor.

Haydren's right eyebrow actually raised a notch, "Silent, still, and construct crafting in one motion. The brat has more talent than I thought..." Haydren smirked, pushing a little more magic into his aura,"Still...I can't let that go unchallenged."

A magical whisper graced Siesta's ear. She kneeled, hands clasped in prayer. Guiche misread the intention, "It's too late to beg forgiveness commoner." he taunted.

"My lord, who is among us, grant me your blessing and a weapon to smite my foes." the maid prayed, clapping her own hands twice.

As her hands parted from the second clap a long silver pole emerged from nothingness, becoming a quarterstaff with the head of a soup ladle on one end.

Apart from the mischievous source of the weapon, the crowd as a whole was flummoxed.

Louise glared at her familiar. "What is that?" she asked, pointing at the weapon.

"That would be Siesta's war- ladle." He replied, shrugging like it was common knowledge.

"That is not 'just making her more powerful', what else did you do?"

"Come now, life is nothing without its little surprises. Now, lets watch the fight."

Siesta was standing again, giving her new weapon a few twirls in her hand. It spun in her hands, like an entertainer's baton, and felt light as a feather. The silver staff gleamed like white gold in her hands, drawing the impressed eyes of the crowd as it reflected sunlight like a mirror.

Guiche was less impressed and more irritated. "Some stupid shiny stick isn't going to help you." He pointed his rose-wand at the maid, mentally commanding his golem to strike. The armor drew back its fist and charged to strike.

The moment it came within five feet of Siesta the entire crowd heard the sound of metal being crushed with titanic force. The golem lay smashed at the Maid's feet, the chest plate forced into a concave state from the sheer force of her strike.

Guiche the Bronze swallowed nervously, suddenly rethinking his chances. Five more petals fell and five more suits of armor rose in their place, each armed with a sword and shield. "I just have to overwhelm her with numbers, surely she can't move fast enough to block all the strikes!"

The golems charged, weapons poised to strike.

Siesta hooked the one to her farthest left with the ladle head on her staff, and spun in place tripping all five to the ground. Without giving a moments thought to the move, she grasped the cap end of her staff and swung it overhead like a miner's pickaxe. The staff cleaved through all five golems, melding the metal suits together like a magical compress.

The maid with the war-ladle spun her conjured weapon in hand with a flourish, removing some traces of dirt, "Are you ready to give up?" Siesta asked, as polite as ever.

The dual could have ended there, and should have ended there. "Not just yet, I want to see what the little brat can do..." the otherworldly being had his own intentions, and under another of his spells the crowd started to laugh. "Guiche is losing to a commoner!" one jeered.

It started a cascade of mockery for the loser. Used to being the popular child and never before the subject of such mockery or defeat, Guiche was beyond irritated. He was furious. With a wave of his rose wand, the summoned golems vanished. "I've been too lenient on you it seems. Allow me to correct that error!" Guiche threw the rose-wand at the ground.

In place of the usual suit of armor, a monumental statue of steel rose from the earth.

The size of a two story house, the crowd had to back away at the conjuration of the iron titan before them. Guiche stood on its shoulders, looking down on Siesta from above. "I'm going to crush you like the little worm you are!" he declared.

The maid's will held only due to Haydren's magic. She held her staff up defensively. "What am I going to do against something that size?"

The golem took a step forward, and Siesta could see sweat forming on Guiche's face. Taking a chance the maid rushed the golem, sprinting between its legs and behind it. The metal monster stopped suddenly, and didn't resume its movement until Guiche turned and looked behind it.

"He's controlling it directly!" She thought, "If I knock him off it might break his spell!"

Siesta charged for the metal man's legs, a reckless plan in mind. With as much strength as she could muster she slammed the golem with her war-ladle, the enchanted quarterstaff bucked under the force of the blow and the golem's legs dented but did not give like the armor. "It's not hollow!"

Siesta jumped back just as the golem rapidly stomped its foot, almost becoming a pulpy disk. "How can I beat that?" she wondered.

"Give up and I will make your death mercifully quick!" Guiche taunted from on high.

"Oh will you just shut up!" Siesta yelled, throwing her weapon at the annoying mage.

Both were surprised when the staff caught him in the chest, knocking him from his perch.

Disconnected from its maker, the statue of iron went still, sinking into the ground ever so slightly as Guiche struck the earth. Siesta pressed the advantage, rushing past the golem and pinning the brat to the ground by holding his hands behind his back.

"Do you yield?" she questioned, keeping both her knees pressed into his back.

"Never!" Guiche spat into the dirt.

Siesta dug her knees in deeper and pulled on his arms. "You better yield before I break your arms!" she threatened, tugging the limbs for good measure.

Between the high fall and the pain at Siesta's hands Guiche was in more pain than the rest of his life combined. Tears streamed down his face as he admitted defeat, "You win! You win! Mercy!" he pleaded.

It was an unexpected win to an unexpected fight. The assembled masses began muttering with amazement as Siesta stood and rejoined her new-found friends. She looked at Haydren with an embarrassed grin. "D-did I do well?" she asked shyly.

Haydren laughed, wrapping an arm around her. "Oh very well. I haven't seen an underdog tale like that in some time. In fact if you want anything all you have to do is ask."

Siesta held up the war-ladle, "Can I keep this?"

Haydren nodded, unable to hold back his laughter. "I am definitely going to enjoy this world after all."