Hi!:P So usually I do anime fanfictions, but this time I decided to do divergent because I absolutely love Tris and four- FourtrisXD anyways, I hope you guys like it! Rated M. For lemons! Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent. And a reminder: This is after chapter twenty one when Tris got attacked by Peter,Drew, and Al.
Tris was sleeping in the tightly packed room with all the other initiates. Right beside her was Christina on her bed, and Will on her leftside on his bed. Everything was peaceful and quiet, until someone walked into the room. Tris immediately woke up.
"What if peter or molly are trying to pull a prank on me?" Tris thought and groaned. The thought of Peter or Molly trying to pull a prank on her scared her, but also made her mad with rage.
They closed the door and Tris heard quiet footsteps. Coming towards her bed too. She pretended to be asleep, and when the time came she would turn around and attack them. Whoever it was. She grew more nervous as she felt eyes skimming the room, and knew that someone was walking in her direction. Tris thought about that one initiate that got a knife put in his eye while he was sleeping and hoped to God that it was not Peter coming to get revenge on her like he did to the initiate. Tris felt shivers go up her spine. All of sudden she felt hands on her. She jumped and turned around fixing to punch whoever it was.
"Calm down, its only me." Four said whispering, grabbing her arm lightly before she could punch him.
"You scared me." Tris said out of breath.
"Sorry. Come with me." Four said helping her out of bed. She got up qiuetly and walked out the door with him. She shut the door behind them quietly.
"Whats wrong?" Tris asked half asleep.
Four hugged her as his body went up against hers. She hoped he couldn't tell that she had a child figure. Four squeezed her tighter as he hugged her.
"Four?" Tris asked calmly looking up at him.
"What are you doing?" Four asked looking into her eyes worried.
"What do you mean?" Tris said confused.
He pulled her back from the hug and looked at her firmly.
"I mean, why are you sleeping in the same room as the people who just attacked you?" Four asked looking into her eyes with his fierce chocolate colored eyes. Tris didn't really know what to say. His face made her forget everything and made her stomach turn upside down. She stuttered.
"I don't have anywhere else to go." Tris said being honest. She noticed Four looked almost pale and that he looked like he was about to be sick. He hated Peter, Drew, and Al for attacking Tris like that. What did she do to them to make them hate her so much? Fours mind went off into different directions. He stopped thinking and looked at Tris.
Four looked at her and then down at the floor and back up at her.
"Why don't you stay at my place? You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." He said looking down at her blushing a little.
"It'll be safer than staying here. I don't want your eye to be poked out in the middle of the night." He grabbed her arm and started to walk towards his place.
"Wait, Four." Tris said stopping.
"What?" Four asked looking into her eyes. Tris didn't want to take his bed from him and she definitely didn't want to sleep in the same bed as him. Well, maybe she did want to sleep in the same bed as him but she was terrified of things getting intimate. She wouldn't know what to do.
"I can't take your bed from you." Tris said acting selfless like she usually acts. She can't help it though, she came from abnegation.
"We'll share it then." Four said grabbing her arm and walking towards where he lived.
Tris was kinda nervous. She had never shared a bed with a guy before. Thinking about her sharing a bed with Four almost scared her; excited her at the same time. Just knowing that she was gonna share a bed with him made her dizzy.
"Are you sure you want to?" Tris asked.
Four stopped and looked at her. "You don't want to?" Four freaked out for a moment. Maybe she didn't have the same feelings for him as he had for her.
Tris looked at him. "I want to, but not unless you want to." Tris said looking at the floor blushing madly.
Four cupped his hands around her face and looked at her.
"I want to." Four replied being honest.
"Okay." Tris said following him to his room.
She felt kinda excited but scared.
Tris'es P.O.V.
"He grabbed me by the arm and led me to his room. His arms are big and muscular which makes him more desirable. He's leading me to his room to sleep in the same bed as him but... what If he tries something on me? I don't know if I would even want to get intimate with him. Ya hes brave and handsome and almost every girl wants him but I don't know if I could handle it. Wait. Think for a moment. This is Four were talking about. He would never try something on me I wouldn't want him to do. At least I don't think he would. But what if he did try something? What would I do..."
Normal P.O.V.
Tris and four got to his apartment after walking for ten minutes. He reached in his pocket to get his keys and opened the door. He walked in while Tris stood at the door.
"Well." Four said looking at her.
"You can come in."
"Oh sorry." Tris said walking in shutting the door behind her. She noticed that the first thing she saw in his apartment was the words "Fear God alone." Written on his wall.
"Where did you go?" Four asked turning around after he put his jacket down on the couch.
Tris looked at him confused. "What?"
"I mean where did you go after I took you to the infirmary?" Four asked.
"I went to find Christina and Will." Tris said looking him straight in the eyes.
"Okay." Four said walking towards the couch to sit down. Tris sat down beside him.
"Why did they attack you?" Four asked.
"I don't really know." Tris said. "Maybe its because I'm number one on the score boards in stage two. Tris said looking down.
"Well, whenever you get the chance and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, ruin them."
Tris looked at Four he looked a little scary, his eyes staring straight at her.
"I can't." Tris said. She knew she couldn't, not what happened last time she was getting dressed in the shower room and Molly, Peter, and Drew and a couple of his other friends tried to attack her.
"Yes you can." Four said putting his hand on hers.
"I don't think you understand." Tris replied.
"They touched me."
Four froze and his eyes turned darker. He turned pale again and looked as if he was about to beat someone to a pulp.
"They touched you?" He asked in a low voice.
Tris looked up and saw that he was mad. He looked scarier than on the first day of training.
"Almost. I darted out of the shower room before they could." Tris said blushing madly.
"Who all tried to touch you?" Four asked trying to keep him calm.
"Um... Peter,Drew, and a couple of his other friends. Molly was there too but she didn't really do anything."
Four shook his head.
"Why didn't you report this?" Four asked.
"Because. I'm not scared of them. Reporting them would make me look like a coward. Like I'm too weak to stand up to them." Tris said about to burst into tears, not because she was scared of them but because she was filled with rage and hate.
"Don't worry. We will get back at them." Four said tightening his grip around her hand.
Instead of refusing to get back at them she just nodded. She couldn't help it, she wanted to get back at them too. And even though she was raised in abnegation, she changed. She is no longer a little girl who wore dresses all the time and forgave people. She is a strong woman from dauntless, and if anybody messed with her or Four, she would ruin them.
"Four?" Tris asked.
"What?" Four replied.
"Why do you care about me so much?"
Four stared at the floor blushing.
I care about you because you're the only one who understands me. You're brave, you're smart and I think I'm in love with you.
Tris froze and looked up at him. She felt so excited. Four just said that he loved her. She felt like screaming.
"But why me? I'm not pretty but I'm not ugly, I have the body of a 12 year old, and everyone thinks I'm the stiff. You could have any woman here at dauntless. But you chose me. Why?" She said staring down at the floor.
Four stood up and pulled her up with him. He reached his arms around her waist and hugged her.
"You may not be beautiful." He whispered in her ear. "But to me you are. I love you Tris, and every time I see you my heart melts and my hands go shaky. I don't know why you don't think your not beautiful because you are. And I don't ever want to see you get hurt again, or ever throw knives at you again. And I don't want any other woman. I want you. I want you all to myself. I love you so much and your very dear to me. The thought of some other guy touching you, scares me. So please don't ever leave me." Four whispered in her ear.
Tris pulled away from the hug and looked up at him.
"I think I'm in love with you too." Tris said looking into his eyes.
Tris'es P.O.V.
I know for sure I'm in love with four. I've been wondering all this time why my heart starts pounding around him and I know why now. I know why he saved me from Drew, Peter, and Al. Because he loves me.
I look into his eyes as he leans down and firmly kisses me on the lips. I wrap my arms around him tangling my hands in his hair. He holds me close to him so our bodies are touching. He flicks my upper lip wanting permission in my mouth. I let him in as we make out with our tongues. He pulls me closer to him and his hands trail down my body. He starts to kiss my neck and he picks me up and carries me to his bed.
Thats the end of this chapter! Go to the next chapter for some lemons!:P And please leave a nice review :D