AN: I don't know what's wrong with me, haha. I keep thinking about these new, nonsense plots I can't stop myself from writing them. Forgive me everyone. Anyways, hope you guys will enjoy it, and perhaps hope for more? Love you ~ :P Ah, and yes disclaimer; I don't own anything.

The Break-Up

Let's just say, Uchiha Sasuke does not handle break-ups well.

"I-I think we should break-up!" Hinata finally managed to blurt out and quickly grasped the nearest fork, readying it in defence.

Awkward silence ensued.

The stoic Uchiha was seated comfortably across the table, strong arms folded over his broad chest, head slightly tilted down, dark obsidian eyes were blank and devoid of emotion as he stared at the trembling Hyuuga. Hinata stiffened as he shifted abruptly on the cushioned seat and raised his hands to form a familiar seal.

"Release." He stated blandly. Hinata's cheek twitched.

"I-I am not under any genjutsu."

Sasuke furrowed his brows, looking genuinely confused.



"Food poisoning?"





"N-No!" Hinata breathed a heavy sigh.

"I just… I can't do this anymore. I-I am sorry." She bowed her head low apologetically, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. "Hinata," Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "You know I am not fond of these inane pranks."

"I'm being serious! All I've been doing was try to make you happy and you don't even care about me!" Hinata snapped, annoyed by the male's arrogance. "You don't take any initiative to get to know more about me or get close to me!"

"Preposterous. I have taken plenty initiative to get close to you. I believe I was the one who took the initiative to kick start our sex life – "

"I-I am not talking about that!" Hinata squealed, blushing scarlet. "I am talking about how you never even got me anything for my birthday."

"I gave you flowers." He retorted, arching a brow challengingly.

"F-Flowers that you stole from one of my flower pots!"

"Still, flowers no less." He shrugged. Hinata groaned.

"You gave away all the letters I sent you to the recycling centre in exchange for money!"

"You sent me letters?" Sasuke blinked.

"I-I did! When I was away on missions! I wanted you to know how much I…" Missed you.
Finally, there was a glimmer guilt in his eyes.

"I always send all my mails to the recycling centre. I don't read them since they are usually death threats, confession letters and naked pictures of fan-girls."

She didn't know that. Because he didn't tell her. He doesn't tell her anything.

"And you don't even bother to try and be nice to my family. You don't even know my sister's name!"

"Of course I do. Hisaki."


"Hn, that's what I said." Sasuke nodded.

"Y-You… Y-You…" Hinata solemnly looked down at her lap and twiddled her thumbs. "You've never even told me y-you love me…"

"I did. Several times."

"You never did! Whenever I told you I love you you'd just say 'the feeling is mutual'"

"Different people have different ways of expressing their affections." He justified.

Hinata weakly shook her head and sighed in defeat, fed up of trying to beat it into his thick skull. He was too hard headed. He thought too highly of himself. He would always be the right one and she was always in the wrong. He would expect her to understand without sharing or telling her anything. He will always think that his approach was the way to go; that violent sparring, naughty midnight visits and frequent make-out sessions were what made a healthy relationship.

She wasn't only upset about herself being neglected either. Sasuke was impulsive, careless, reckless; he would get himself wounded on a daily basis, if not because of a mission then it would a sparring match with Naruto. She spent half the time during their relationship sitting in a hospital ward and worrying about whether he was getting himself killed out on a mission. When she expressed her worries to him he would get irritated, he would tell her to stop treating him like an infant. He could take care of himself, he said.

Well, she had enough. She had struggled to keep both of them afloat for too long.

"You care about your success and your missions much more than anything else… Even more than your own well-being… I-I've had enough. I don't want to be in a lone relationship and watch you self-destruct any longer."

It was then when he had actually acknowledged the fact that she was serious.

"Hinata…" Her name left his lips in a soft, low, longing purr as he slid his hand atop hers. She turned away from him with fresh tears brimming in the corners of her eyes as he took her dainty hand in his larger one and brought it to his lips.

"Don't," He whispered against her skin before pressing a dry kiss onto the back of her hand. "Don't leave me." He continued lacing her tremulous hand with urgent kisses that sent shivers down her spine. "I need you."

Do you really?

"Tell me whatever it is that you want, I'll give you anything. Just stay with me."

I want you.

But he was never truly able to give himself to her. She reckoned he would never be able to, as much as she wished he would someday.

"I-It's too late…" He frowned as he felt her hand wriggle out of his grasp. He lifted his gaze to her pouting, reddened face, watching as she wiped away a few stray tears. "It's over." She sniffed, there was finality in her tone and he felt his chest tighten painfully.

"So you're giving up on me?" His voice held its usual, impassive monotone, his poker face was impeccable, showing no sign that he was affected by the scenario.

"I am sorry." She swallowed a lump in her throat, straightened her posture and flashed him a small, wavering smile. She felt horrible, but knew it had to be done. "I… hope we can still be friends."

An onyx brow visibly twitched, his foot was tapping relentlessly against the marble tiles. Hinata didn't not say a word, allowing him to process what had just happened. He leaned against his plush seat, resting an elbow on top of the head rest while placing the other hand on the table, his slender, calloused fingers absently traced the sticky surface, his unnerving gaze never left hers.

He took a long, deep breath.

"It's fine." He breathed, seemingly mellow and calm. Hinata was pleasantly surprised by his composed response. "If that's what you want," The hand on the table reached out and grabbed a salt shaker. He watched the dancing grains of salt with a little too much intent as he jerked the glass container. "I am fine with it." He popped open the metal lid of the salt shaker with his thumb.

Now Hinata was getting nervous.

"A-Ano, S-Sasu – "

"It's better this way really." Hinata squeaked as he emptied the contents of the salt shaker into her sweet camomile tea. Her favourite. He mused as he destroyed the drink, then haphazardly threw the emptied container. "AHH!" A grandmother yelped in pain as said salt shaker spontaneously shattered on her head. Sasuke showed no sign of remorse.

"We're both in ANBU, neither of us have time to indulge in a relationship."

"S-Sasuke I-I – "Hinata watched helplessly, terrified of the murderous gleam in his eyes and did nothing to stop him as he grabbed the pepper mill and began aloofly scattering heaping grinds of pepper onto her chocolate cake, uncaring of the odd stares that were thrown their way by the surrounding customers.

"Well anyways," Once satisfied he set aside the pepper mill, sighed lazily and clapped his hands clean. "This has been fun." Hinata whimpered with fright and sunk into her seat when he rose to his feet and brushed non-existent dust off his clothes.

"Good luck with your future endeavours, Hyuuga." He forced a smirk, his right eye twitching uncontrollably. Hinata nodded with caution. Before she could offer a friendly smile back, his face fell into a sour frown.

"I hope you get fat eating that chocolate cake." He growled and left, stomping out the restaurant, but not before brutalizing the doors first, frightening the crowd of customers and staff who quickly backed away as far as they could.

Hinata sat frozen still, eyes wide and mouth agape.
Well, honestly it had gone better than she expected.

So this is what it feels like to be Naruto.

He always wondered how the blonde felt when Sakura punched him into the sky every time he confessed. He held an ounce pity for the golden hero now. Just an ounce.

It was still early in the afternoon when Sasuke had arrived at his apartment. He didn't step out once that day; not to spar with Naruto, not to inconspicuously borrow porn from Kakashi, not even to buy his dinner when it got late.

He spent all that time alone, sitting crossed legged on his bed, trying hard to wrap his brain around the fact that Hinata was no longer his. For most of his brooding he'd ended up cursing the woman, convincing himself that he didn't like her that much anyway and had half a mind to go back to that godforsaken restaurant and tell her how much he hated her beautiful face, despite his constant urge to kiss it silly.

Briefly he had pondered on apologizing, on chasing her around Konoha to get her back, on smothering her with her favourite flowers (this time not from her pot), and maybe spending some quality time with her sister, Hohoba just to please her, just to show her how much she meant to him and have her locked back in his arms.

Immediately he decided against it, not wanting her or anyone to know that she had power and control over him.

How could she do this to me?

Admittedly, he was upset. He was sad. He was regretful. He was ENRAGED.
And as usual, he let anger overpower rationality and every other emotion he'd felt.

I'll miss her.

No you won't. She sucks.

I want her.

No you don't. She sucks.

She's perfect.

She sucks.

At the end of his long period of contemplation, there seemed to be only one solution that could diminish the pain in his chest.

He would execute what Uchihas were born to serve –


Nope. Sasuke is definitely not a shy lamb in this one, so sorry~