"Bloss,you're still working on that case?" Buttercup asked.
"BC,someone killed my mom. I need to solve this case. For her,and for myself. I'm not gonna stop until I find those bastards."
"Brick Jojo,mysteriously disappeared over ten years ago. Now,there's reason to believe he's still alive."
"Police,stay where you are!" The feet moved up the stairs and everything went silent.
"Who-what are you?" I asked,moving back slowly. He put his hands out towards me. "I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."
"Brick is my case. Apparently,he was seen around here alive,even when the reports say he died a war hero." I said,lifting an eyebrow in Brick's direction.
Dexter looked surprised. "Wait,you're the girl Brick saved ten years ago?!"
"Just promise me you won't say anything." Brick said after a minute of silence.
"We found a body. Near that new club that just opened up. You in?" Buttercup asked.
"Bloss,meet actress Cathy Spades. Her body was discovered an hour ago." Buttercup said,throwing her cigar at a nearby puddle on the floor.
My eyes widened and I turned to Buttercup.
"She was here to meet Brick," she said simply,scowling down at the bloodied mess on the ground.
(Blossom's POV)
Cathy Spades' body was hauled off to the morgue as the police sealed off the area.
"I can't believe a dead man's our prime suspect." Buttercup said as she pulled out a cigar. I nodded dumbly. I couldn't believe it either. I followed her to our cars.
"Hey,it's Friday. Wanna do something fun for once?" Buttercup asked and I rolled my eyes. "I always do fun stuff Buttercup. But no,I can't tonight. My sister's coming to visit."
She nodded understandingly and shrugged. "Have fun,and say hi to her for me." She said as she headed for her own car.
I drove away from the crime scene and headed straight for Brick's house.
"Hey,it's Blossom." Dexter said when I walked up the stairs. Brick looked up from the book he was reading. "Back so soon?" He asked,sitting up.
"Brick,Cathy Spades was found dead over an hour ago,and all the evidence found right now points to you." I said and I saw his eyes widen.
"Cathy?" He asked and in the blink of an eye he was in front of me. "Cathy's dead?" He asked,disbelief evident on his face. I nodded slowly and he sighed inaudibly. He moved back to the couch and put his head in his hands.
I crouched down next to him and placed my hand gently on his. "Brick,I know you're innocent. I didn't tell anyone you're alive,and I'll help you get your name cleared."
Brick looked up at me and smiled slightly. "Thanks,but wouldn't that land you in jail?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I'm the best detective you'll ever see,Brick. Don't underestimate me." I chuckled as Dexter threw Brick a beer.
"I believe you." Brick said giving me a once over. I suddenly felt self conscious,and blushed slightly.
"Well,I'm off now. I just wanted you to know." I said turning around. I could still feel Brick's eyes on me as I walked,and the only thing that ran through my mind in that moment was "Why am I so damn irresistible?"
(Hours Later)
"OH MY GOD!" Bubbles yelled as she dropped her bags and hugged me. "I've missed you so much!"
I laughed with her. "I've missed you too." I said as I closed the door behind us. Bubbles had matured over the years. Her long blonde hair was cut to a neat shoulder length bob that suited her better. Her blue eyes had lightened a bit making her even more pretty.
She had moved to a different state a few years ago for University and she was working now. She had left permanently when she had accused me of being obsessed over our mother's death.
"Your room is down the hall to your left. Go get settled in. Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes."
She nodded and disappeared. I re-entered the kitchen and quickly made the salad.
"So,I'm guessing you're still single?" Bubbles asked a few minutes later as she took a seat at the kitchen counter.
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes,I don't have time for men." She laughed as she chewed on a carrot.
"I find that hard to believe,Bloss. You were like the female version of Casanova in high school."
I laughed with her. "My job's more important,Bubs."
We heard the oven 'ding'. I grabbed oven mitts and stared at Bubbles. "Please tell me you eat meat."
She nodded. "Oh yeah. I gave up being a vegetarian a while ago." I didn't pry. Bubbles had stopped telling me stuff a long time ago. I had gotten pretty used to that.
"Good,'cause we're eating meat. A lot of it." I said as I grabbed the huge plate of meat from the oven.
I was momentarily distracted and I ended up dropping the plate.
"Oh shi-" I started but paused as I turned to the living room. "Turn the volume up!" I yelled to Bubbles who looked at me confused.
I ignored her and grabbed the tv remote.
"Cathy Spades' family have all gathered at the celebrity's house to discuss the terms of her will. She left everything to her dead boyfriend Brick Jojo,who up until a few hours ago was considered dead. Now detectives seem to believe Mr Jojo is still alive and had a motive to kill Ms Cathy." The news presenter said.
"I guess we're eating pizza?" Bubbles asked,folding her arms.
I grabbed my coat. "I'll be back in a while."
"Blossom,can't this wait?" She asked,a small frown on her face.
"Of course not! How can you even ask me that?" I asked,not bothering to hide my anger. "Look,I get that you don't understand-"
"No,you don't understand. I'm checking into a hotel in the morning." Bubbles said,heading for her room.
I didn't have time for this. I grabbed my keys and marched out of my apartment,slamming to front door.
(Brick's POV)
Dexter choked on his beer as the news presenter finished speaking.
"What the-"
"I didn't kill her!" I yelled to the TV. I ran my hands through my hair as I paced around the room.
"We need to get out of here." Dexter said,starting to pack his bags.
It took us about 15 minutes to pack our important stuff.
Dexter locked all the doors as we rushed outside. A car drove towards quickly and stopped right in front of us. The driver's door shot open.
"Get in." Blossom said before disappearing back into the car. Dexter and I jumped in.
"Why are you helping us?" I asked from the front passenger seat as Blossom sped away,far from the city lights.
"Escape now,questions later." She said,slamming on the gas pedal.
Hey! I completely forgot about this story,so now I'm back to writing it :)
Hope you enjoy this story!
Read and review for a quick update!
Koolbeanz xx