Written for the The Next Gen Competition! (Always Open).

Molly shifted from foot to foot as she waited for Robbie to arrive. Robbie Lucas was the cutest boy in school, at least as far as Molly and Dom were concerned (Victoire wouldn't answer them when they asked her what her opinion was, only quickly glancing over at Teddy, but they were sure she agreed and simply didn't want to insult her best friend). Molly had imagined him asking her out on a date, but she couldn't see why he would. He was tall, with dreamy amber eyes and wavy black hair, he was Muggle-born, a fourth year, and in Ravenclaw. He was almost certainly going to be a Prefect next year, and Head Boy his seventh.

Molly, on the other hand, was not who you would think of when he heard the terms 'Percy Weasley's daughter' or 'Audrey Runcorn's daughter.' She was not a prim and proper girl, obsessed with grades and order, with perfect hair and perfect clothes. That was Lucy, already everything her parents were despite being only seven. Molly was a third year, the Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, her hair Weasley red and constantly in a messing ponytail. Her clothes always seemed to be in some state of disarray, no matter how hard she tried in the mornings to make them perfect. She had freckles everywhere and only did enough school work to prevent groundings, detentions, or the potential to be removed from the team. (If Molly didn't have Quidditch, then Molly didn't have a reason to live.)

Dom also did a lot of her schoolwork. She found it fun for some odd reason. Dom was also very pretty and any boy in their right mind would choose her over Molly.

So Robbie wasn't in his right mind, but it wouldn't be fair if he was. A boy needed to have some faults. Dom hated it when Molly spoke like that though, so she kept that to herself.

Molly still couldn't believe it however. Robbie Lucas had asked her to meet him in Hogsmeade for a date! It was literally a dream come true.

"Molly?" asked a hesitant voice behind her. She turned around and nearly stopped breathing for a minute. Robbie stood there, looking perfect and handsome and Merlin she had to say it again, perfect.

He smiled, and Molly was honestly surprised that she didn't physically melt into the ground.

"Hey," he said. "You look really nice."

"Th-thank you," Molly stammered. "You look really nice too."

That was the biggest understatement of the fucking year, a term her Uncle Jordan was really fond of saying when he didn't think she or Lucy was around.

"Your hair's still in ponytail," he said after a moment of awkward silence.

Bloody hell, she knew that she forgot to do something! Dom had helped her get ready, seeming almost more excited about this date than Molly was, but she apparently forgot to tell Molly about the ponytail. There would be hell to pay when Molly got back to the room tonight, that was for sure. Blushing, she reached up to take it out, but suddenly Robbie grabbed her wrist. She looked at him shocked.

"Don't," he said, louder than he ought to be. "Don't take it out. I like it."

Molly couldn't believe. Was he okay? "It's always a mess."

Robbie shrugged and grinned sheepishly. "You have bigger things to worry about."

"All I do is play Quidditch," Molly said slowly, wondering if Robbie was truly alright.

"And you're amazing. No matter what, I always make sure I'm at any game Gryffindor is playing. I always cheer you on."

Molly was half certain she was in coma at this point and this was rather realistic, if incredibly perfect, dream. She should probably wake up to tell Dom she was okay and to stop crying.

But first she was going to see how this ended.

"Even against Ravenclaw?"

His grin turned cheeky. "Especially against Ravenclaw. Our team's very good, you need all the help you can get it."

"Hey!" Molly exclaimed indignantly, though the huge smile on her face ruined any chance of him taking her seriously. She playfully swatted him on the chest.

Robbie laughed, not even pretending that it hurt. "Come on now, Molly, let's go."

"Where to?"

"Well, I thought about getting us reservations at Madame Puddifoot's, but I didn't think you would enjoy it."

"What did you think I would enjoy?"

"A lunch of candy at Honeydukes, or at least that was what your cousin told me."

"Dom told you?" Molly had mentioned that was her idea of the perfect date a few months ago during truth or dare, but she didn't think Dom would remember it!

"I may have asked her a few questions. And told her I like the ponytail."

Molly suddenly found it within herself to forgive her cousin.

"Now, shall we go?" Robbie asked, holding out his arm like the gentleman he was.

Molly barely managed to stop herself from blushing as she took it.

"We shall."