Okay, here's the deal. You might think that Church and Tex are a bit OOC in this story. They probably are. They're this way because this is how I envision established relationship chex make each other act. Obviously people act differently when they're in the military than when they're not, it's just a life thing. That being said, this is my interpretation of how they would be, considering this is an AU.

I don't own RvB :)

"Hey man, what are you up to tonight?" Leonard Church asked his roommate, Tucker as they did their weekly half-cleaning of their apartment.

"I got a date with that hot chick from work, Vanessa. We're going bowling and then back to her place for a small 'get together'." Tucker said, raising his eyebrows. "Bow chicka bow wow."

"I hate you."

"I know. How about you, what are you and Tex doing?" Tucker questioned.

"I'm not sure man... I think I'm gonna propose soon."

"Well it's about time. How soon is soon?"

"I'm not sure... but I already have a ring." Church replied, taking a velvet box out of his pocket and handing it to Tucker. He opened it to see a silver band lined with diamonds and a regular sized round diamond in the middle.

"She's going to love it."

"Really? I'm kind of afraid she's gonna punch me and shove it down my throat."

"That sounds like something she would do to me, but I think she's ready for this. Anyway, I'm gonna go shower." Tucker said as the lock to their door clicked and Tex walked in. She locked the door behind her and walked over to kiss Church's cheek.

"Hey Al." He said with a smile. Unsatisfied with just a kiss on the cheek, he captured her lips. When they broke the kiss (20 minutes later, and somehow they had transitioned from the kitchen to the couch), she got up and gave him a hand with the dishes.

"The last of my boxes are in the car, babe." She said, wiping a plate off. She had been moving into their apartment over the course of the last week.

"Alright, when Tuck gets out of the shower we'll go get them. Why don't you go work on unpacking? I'll finish these dishes up." She nodded, kissed him again, and then turned to go to their bedroom.

"Oh, Leon, I got us new sheets, they're in the washer downstairs. I'll go grab them when they're done." She called from the bedroom.

"I'll grab them, babe. Don't worry about it!" He called back as Tucker walked out of the bathroom in just a towel.

"Hey, Tex!" He said before going in his room to change. When he closed the door, Church ran in after him.

"W-T HELL DUDE!" Tucker exclaimed.

"Oh shut up, just keep your towel on. I need to talk to you."

"Whaaat." Tucker moaned.

"What about tonight?" Church asked excitedly.

"Tonight? Dude are you crazy? This stuff takes planning!" Tucker whined.

"I don't need planning. All I know is that every time I see her I just want to ask her right away."

"Alright, go send her to the gym or something and let me get dressed. I feel really uncomfortable right now."

"Oh, grow up." Church laughed and then exited, going to his own room, where he found his girlfriend balancing on the bed, trying to hang up pictures.

"Let me help." he said, climbing up and steadying her waist so she could easily hold up the picture.

"Hey, Tucker asked me to help him with his hair and then we're gonna go get those boxes." He told her. When she had got the picture steady, she turned to face him so his arms were wrapped around her waist.

"I'm gonna go to the gym for a bit and then I'll grab some ice cream or something on the way home." She replied. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

"Sounds good. I would tickle you right now but I don't want you to kill me."

"Smart man." She said and winked, taking off her shirt to change.

"Oh, take my car so I can grab the boxes."

"Okay. Don't forget the sheets or I'll hurt you, those were expensive." He nodded and tossed her the keys.

"Chu-urch, I need help!" Tucker called from the hallway. He sighed and took one regretful glance at her before leaving the room. He found Tucker in front of the bathroom mirror with his hands stuck in his hair.

"I screwed up, man." Tucker said as Church burst out laughing. "I hate you." Tucker whined. Church stuck Tucker's face under the faucet and began to pry his hands off of of his head as Tex walked out in a sports bra and black leggings. Grabbing one of Church's sweatshirts, she opened the door.

"Love you!" She called as she left.