Chase's pov

I woke up with weir's attached to my body. I felt sicker than ever before. Then I watched Krane take the weirs of me.

What did he do to me? Everything hurts.

''Krane, let, me go.'' I said, shoortless out of breath. He shined the light on my eyes.

Then we heard something. Krane went to go see who it was. Then after he had left. I heard someone whisper.

''Chase!'' I heard a girl whisper. I looked to my side and Bree was right their.

''Bree!'' I shouted but painfully.

''Shhh, it's okay, we're gonna get you out.'' She whispered. Then Adam came around.

''Adam!'' I shouted but painfully again.

''Shhh.'' Bree whispered to me and looked at Adam.

''Adam now.'' Bree whispered loudly. Then Adam destroyed the machine. It was a bit loud. Then Adam and Bree got me out.

''Lets go. Krane will be back any second.'' Bree said. Then she super speed us out, but then Krane came back as we were still in there. I gulped. Krane used his bionics to blast Adam and Bree. I fell.

''Nooo!'' I shouted they were unconscious. I started to get dizzy. Then I saw Douglas Mr. Davenport and Leo all at the door way. There eyes widen.

''Chase!'' They all said.

''Adam, Bree!'' They said. They then ran.I just laid they week. They took care of Krane. Then Leo rushed to me.

''Chase, can you hear me.'' Leo said. Then Leo looked at Adam and Bree.

''Adam, Bree.'' Leo said. Then he tried to Wake them. Adam woke up and so did Bree.

''What happened?'' Adam said.

''What? oh my god Chase, No'' Bree said as they crawled over to me. It suddenly got a little quiet.

''Mr. Davenport Douglas!'' Bree shouted.

''Oh my god. Chase stay with us, please.'' I heard Mr. Davenport said. I started to doze off again.

''No!'' Douglas said. Then I fell in to darkness.

I woke up in a bed. I had blankets on me and I saw a glass of water beside me. What just happened? I saw the door open. It was Bree, Adam, Leo, Tasha, Douglas and Mr. Davenport. They walked towards me.

''Hey.'' I croaked. They smiled with tears.

''Hey.'' Mr. Davenport whispered. I smiled with a tear. They sat on the bed next to me.

''How do you feel?'' Davenport asked.

''Pretty good.'' I replied. Davenport put a hand on my forehead.

''You are a little warm.'' I smiled. Then I frowned.

''What's wrong.'' Davenport asked. I uncovered the blankets.

''You know how Adam destroyed the machine.'' I said.

''Yeah why it was hooked up to you.'' Adam answered.

''Bree un hooked the weirs off me.'' I said. Bree nodded.

''Krane gave me something.''

''Like what?'' Leo asked.

''I think we're fixing to find out.'' I said. I grabbed the trash can and I threw up in it.

''Are you okay?''They all said. I spat.

''Yeah, I'm fine. I'm done.'' I said they looked in side.

''Why is it blue.'' Leo asked.

''That was the stuff he gave me.''

''feel better now?'' Davenport asked.

''Yeah, much better.''

''So, are you ready to go back tp school. or what?'' Bree asked.

''Yeah.'' I smiled.

''So now what?'' Leo asked.

''Well, I should take his temperature to make sure that everything is alright.'' Douglas said, then grabbed it and put in my mouth. A minute, it beeped. they looked at it. ''Well its gone down a hole lt.'' Douglas said.

''You're normal.'' Davenport said.

''Do you feel sick at all?' Davenport asked.

''No.'' I smiled. ''Are you sure?'' Douglas asked.


''Okay.'' They said.

''you have school, are you sure you're up for it?'' Davenport asked.

''Mr. Davenport I'll be fine.''

''Okay.'' They said.

''Good night.''' Douglas, and Davenport said.

''Goodnight.'' I said they kissed me goodnight... I'm finally feeling better.

''This is great.'' Leo said.

''Yeah it is.'' I replied.

''Hey what if everyone starts to ask questions?'' Leo asked.

''Well we're gonna have to figure out something.'' Bree said.

''Hey this will be a great story tell everyone at school.'' Adam said.

''NO!'' We all said.


Hey guys, how was that. I hope you liked it! sorry this is the end of the enjoyed it. bye