Chase's POV

I woke up in my capsule felling weird in side. I thought that I was better, or something like that. I got out and felt dizzy.

I can't be sick AGAIN. Oh, right, I don't think that they fix my chip. I just want to go back to school. Gladly today is a school day. I coughed a little.

Then I headed up stairs. I saw Adam, Bree and Leo all at the table with Mr. Davenport in the living room watching TV. I sat in the living room with him. To avoid my siblings.

''Hey Chase, how are you feeling?'' Mr. Davenport asked looking t me. ''Umm, I-.'' I did't want to lie. But I had know choice. ''I feel better, much better, thanks.'' I lied.

He looked at me in worry. ''Son? are you sure you're feeling okay?'' He asked. I nodded. ''Yeah dad, I feel,fine.'' I lied AGAIN. He sighed. ''Okay, well, maybe I should keep you home today, you know just in case.'' He said then got up I grabbed him by the hand and pulled it to me. ''No!'' I said. He looked at me. ''I mean, No, I want to go to school, please.'' I begged. He sighed. Then knelled down. ''Fine,but know this? If anything, goes wrong, ANYTHING, you pick up that phone and call, or get you sibling, you gt me?'' He said. I nodded. ''Good.'' He walked away.

Hey kids listen, I need you guys to WATCH him, alright, make sure that he's okay.'' I heard Mr. Davenport said to them. They nodded. ''Alright, go to school'' He said, then we headed off.

I headed in the school building feeling sick. I walked to my locker and held my stomach.

Leo's pov

Adam, Bree and I hid behind some guys. ''He's headed to his locker, Copy.'' I said. Bree looked at me. ''Dude, we're right beside you.'' She whispered.

''Oh.'' I replied.

''Guys he's clutching his stomach.'' Adam said.

''What?'' Bree said.

''Come on.'' She said.

''Wait Bree No.'' I said.

Then we headed over to Chase. ''We saw that.'' Bree said. Chase looked at us in a scared face. ''Hey? are you okay?''I asked, looking at Chase. ''Um, yeah, I feel fine, why?'' He replied. ''Because we saw you clutching your stomach.'' Adam said. ''What? know I wasn't.'' He lied. ''Oh really.'' I said.

''Yeah, really.'' He said. ''Okay.'' I said then we walked away leaving Chase.

Chase's Pov

I clutched my stomach again and I dropped my books on the floor. Uh on, my stomach is cramping up again. I fell sick. I ran to the boys bathroom. And went to the big stall, I waited to be sick.

I didn't though. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to my class.

I started to cough a little. My stomach was hurting. I can't wait for school to be over.

I walked in my class. I sat down. I did my work.

But I fell asleep. ''Mr!Davenport wake up!?'' My teacher asked then I lifted my headed up. They gasped. ''What?'' I asked looking at my class mates. ''Are you okay.'' A girl in my class said next to me.

I nodded. ''No you're not, here let me get your brother and sister.'' The girl said, I panicked in the inside. ''Here, I'll come with''A boy said in my class. ''No!'' I sat up.

''What? why?'' They asked. ''Um, because, I.'' I stuttered. ''Where getting your siblings.'' The girl said then they both went out the door. I followed.

Then I felt week again. I was at the door way and then they looked at me. ''Chase Davenport get in this room.'' My teacher said. But I didn't I stood at the door way. I looked at my class mates who was looking at me. ''Are you feeling okay?'' my teacher asked . I shook my head. Then he ran to me. I fell on the floor then my class mates rushed to my side. a

I heard my siblings coming down the hall with my other class mates. They saw me and rushed. ''Oh my god I knew you were still sick.'' Bree said. I started to drift off.

''Adam call Mr. Davenport now.'' Bree said. Then Adam got up quickly and ran down stairs. ''Get Mr. Davenport please it hurts.'' I cried. ''Shhh, everything's gonna be okay.'' ''No.'' I cried. Adam came back. ''Adam that was fast.'' Bree said. ''I know, how's Chase?'' He asked. ''Not good.'' Bree replied. Then I fell in to darkness.

Hey guys how was that, I hope you liked it, this isn't really all for ''Sick Chip'' You still have to read more, lol, XD, ANYWAYS, I'll see you guys later