I do not own the Percy Jackson sieries. Please don't sue me.

Skype-ing with Will was always Nico's favorite part of his week.

Ever since Will moved to Maine with his dad, they Skyped at least once a week. They Skyped for hours, just talking and enjoying each other's company.

Nico may or may not have a huge crush on Will.

Will was currently going on about something stupid that happened at his school that week, but Nico couldn't really pay attention to what the blond was saying. His eyes were far too distracting.


"Nico? You there? Damn, did I lose the connection?" Will muttered to himself. Nico quickly snapped out of the haze.

"Wha? Oh sorry. I was just thinking" about your beautiful eyes, he thought to himself.

"Okay. So Nico, you said you wanted to ask me something?" Will asked.

Well, it's now or never.

"Oh-hh yeah. Um, Will, I was thinking about us lately and um. Will, the next time you're down here in New York, um, would you like to go out?" Nico was finally able to choke out.

Will didn't look fazed, "Well, duh we're going to hang out! Your my best friend!"

"No, um, like as more than friends." Nico couldn't look at the camera as he heard Will make a small gasp.

"Oh. Nico. Damn it. Nico!" Nico snapped his head up to look at his best friend.

"Do you know how long it's going to take to change my relationship status on all my social media to 'in a relationship'? Very long Nico. The answer is very long. And really? You ask me now? I'm not visiting for another two months! Two months Nico. Do you want me to fail my classes at school? How am I supposed to concentrate on school when I have a date with the boy I've liked for years now! This is very problematic." Will kept taking about how bad this was going to be for him, but all Nico you think about was one of the sentences he had heard.

"'Boy you've liked you years'? Will?" Nico couldn't believe it.

"Stupid! Of course I like you! Idiot! But the problem here is that I don't get another break in school for two months. Two months! Nico!" Will kept ranting for a couple more minutes.

"So Will, that was a yes?" Nico asked.

"Of course dummy, but I'm taking you out cause gods know you eat some weird stuff-" Nico cut him off.

"I eat weird stuff?! Will, are you kidding me? You're the one who-"

And everything was normal again. They bickered like a married couple, they had different tastes in music, but that worked for them.

"Will, you're an idiot."

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."

Yes. This definitely worked for them.