There are many words to describe a man. And there are many more to describe Malcolm Tucker.

Her gaze fell upon the Minister, Nicola Murray and the man by her side, Malcolm Tucker. Who didn't know who this man was. But they didn't know her, and that made her a threat.

Listening as Ollie Reader and Nicola listed off names of people who worked in the department before Nicola was quickly scurried away to the taxi. It was then that she was left with Malcolm, and the insults and swearing started. But she wasn't afraid of him, she knew how he worked and knew exactly how to bite back.

"Go on, fuck right off!" Malcolm waved to her as she walked away.

"Alright thanks" Marianne smiled as she shook her head, walking away from the Guardian offices.


Climbing out of the taxi, Marianne rolled her suitcase through the entrance hall and to the check in desk.

"I'd like to check in please, here for the conference, Marianne Swift" She spoke to the receptionist.

"Can I see your id please?" The woman asked, noticing her tag reading Judy. Marianne shifted through her bag and shower her her id. As the receptionist checked her id, Marianne looked to the security, in front of the camera she watched Malcolm Tucker having his photo taken before he waited for his security id. "Thank you, if you could go through security, you need to get your conference id's" The receptionist told Marianne when she looked back to Judy.

"Thanks" Marianne took her own id back and she walked to security to get her photo taken. Noticing Malcolm stalk away, papers in hand, phone glued to his ear.

Once she finally got through the security process, finding her room and unpacking the few items she had brought, Marianne headed to the bar for a drink. Getting a glass of orange, she noticed Angela Heaney stood with a small group so she walked over to them.

"Angela, I thought you would be here" Marianne spoke when the woman turned to her.

"Well this is the party conference Marianne, the press are generally involved" Angela spoke flatly. The two had known each other for a few years now and neither liked the other.

"Just goes to show they will let anyone in" Marianne smiled.

"Oh have we got a fight on our hands here. Who needs politicians, just let the press go at each other" Malcolm slid into the small circle of people, looking from Angela to herself.

"Hello Malcolm" Angela greeted him. Marianne glanced over his usual files he carried and the orange in his hand. Her eyes falling onto his own security id's. Smirking at his photo. Clearly Malcolm had been sending what could only be described as a look of death through the camera to the photographer. When Marianne looked back up she paused when she saw Malcolm staring at her. She was stood directly opposite him. A sly smile creeping on his face when he finally looked away and made a comment himself about the photo's.

"I mean these are the worst pictures that I've seen, they really are I mean I don't know who was taking them. Roy fucking Orbison you've got doing that" Malcolm stated and Marianne smiled before Angela spoke up about the health statistics blog. It was then that Malcolm rushed away, no doubt to clean up the extra pile of shit that had just been dumped on him.

"Well you fucked up his day even more" Marianne stated as she finished her orange.

"Too right someone should." Angela said before Marianne left to do some work.

As she was heading back to her room, standing by the lift, Malcolm suddenly joined her side.

"Don't you just fucking love Angela Heaney" Malcolm muttered as he typed on his phone. The lift doors opened and Marianne stepped inside.

"She never has anything better to do than screw information from people in any way she can, no matter how unreliable..." Marianne said as she pressed the button for her floor, Malcolm reaching across and pressing his floor.

"That is what you all do..."

"No, some of us actually research first before writing a story. That is one of the many problems with Angela Heaney and the Daily Mail." Marianne cut in, leaning against the back of the elevator.

"Oh well I am sensing a serious history between you two...not that I fucking care." Malcolm stated before the lift stopped and he walked out. "Marianne" Malcolm said as she watched him go.

"Malcolm" She returned before the doors closed and the lift carried on upwards.

Sitting in her room typing on her computer, Marianne's phone buzzed. As she read the message she laughed.

"Oh dear Malcolm, you are in trouble." The rumours of him attacking someone in the hotel were flying around. This was something she had to see.

A few hours later, back in the press room, it was then she saw what Malcolm did and to the man he did it too. Of course they would both deny it, but Christ, it looked a hell of a punch. Taking a seat with her wine she watched him try to worm his way out of it. It was amusing in a sense.

But as Malcolm does. He was quickly gone again. The man never did stay in one room for too long. As she left herself, she received a text message.

'Join me to watch Nicola's speech. Room 316. Your favourite twat Angela Heaney will be there. Malcolm Tucker.'

Marianne sighed. Saving the number into her phone. Although she wanted to question how he got her number in the first place. Well Malcolm had his ways.

'I'll be there, can't wait'

The reply came before she could even put her phone back in her pocket.

'Such enthusiasm'

Marianne just laughed and went back to her room. Sitting back down to do her work, writing up an article as she flicked through the blogs and other articles. She became so wrapped up that she lost track of time. Only realising when she got a message on her phone.

'You missed a good speech'

Looking at the clock Marianne cursed.

"Shit" She muttered and turned on the tv. Seeing the conference come to an end. "Fucks sake"

Rushing out the door and to the lobby Marianne nearly screamed when she ran into Malcolm.

"Oh are we in shit?" Malcolm sneered.

", some of us were working, we can't all lounge drinking wine." Marianne composed herself. "With Angela Heaney I might add"

Malcolm snorted. "Trust me, I would rather choose better company" Malcolm muttered as he watched her.

"Oh are you implying me Malcolm? I am flattered"

"Don't flatter yourself darlin" Malcolm played with his cuff. "I try to avoid as many of you hacks as I can" He carried on.

"Well it must be fun then. Being as it is your job to be around us" Marianne stated. "But I must say, you are looking sharp Malcolm."

"I have a dinner to go too" Malcolm answered and she smiled to him.

"Well have fun. I have some of my own shit to fix" Marianne said and walked away as he re-entered the lift. Listening to the doors close and Malcolm once again disappeared.

Of all the things she expected in the world, receiving a text message from Malcolm Tucker inviting her to his house was certainly at the back of the queue. She wanted to question why but hearing from Geoffrey that he was also going, Marianne started to realise the reason behind the invite.

Steve Fleming was back in the picture, no doubt this worried Malcolm.

So here she was, standing on the doorstep as the front or opened. Being greeted by Malcolm in the rare occasion of casual clothes. It was actually a nice change, some thing other than a suit looked good on him.

Jesus did she really just think that.

"Well fucking come in then" Malcolm's voice brought her back to the present. Watching him open the door she stepped inside. Shaking off her coat he took it from her and hung it up.

"Thank you Malcolm" Marianne said and down the hall she heard voices she recognized. "Hi Geoffrey" She smiled at the man who looked back at her.

"Marianne" Geoffrey acknowledged her.

"Take a seat, wine?" Malcolm asked appearing behind her, picking up the bottle.

"Go on then" Marianne smiled watching the wine fall into the glass before he handed it to her. Wrapping her fingers around the stem she took a seat on the sofa. Her eyes quickly scanning around the house. It was completely different to how she imagined. She expected it to be dark and full of books. Very much an old gentlemanly home with an ashtray holding an expensive cigar. But this couldn't be more different. Bright, modern, looking at the wall of DVDs, sure most of them couldn't even have been played once, more an object to fill space. And the books which spines weren't creased, as new as the day they were printed.

As she sipped her wine, she noticed the smell wafting from the kitchen. My god was Malcolm cooking. Picking up some of the poppadom's from a plate she spoke to Geoffrey of the latest news before Malcolm appeared with food on the table. He was in a very cheery mood. Something else that was new. But once again Malcolm's phone rang, when was he not on the phone.

Once he returned she sat back on the and finally let Geoffrey question Malcolm as to why they were here. He was up to something, regardless of his words. Malcolm didn't do charity, there was a purpose to inviting the four of them to dinner. Unless he really didn't have any friends.

But Marianne knew exactly where to strike.

"What about Tom bringing back Steve Fleming? That kind of makes you old news, doesn't it?" Marianne asked as Geoffrey piped up as well, seeing Malcolm tense slightly.

"This is about a guy sharing his ghee, that's it" Malcolm answered looking to Geoffrey.

"So you're not currying favour then?" Geoffrey asked and Marianne laughed, standing up she moved to the table.

"Sorry" She laughed, that had been funny.

"Fuck you, get out of my fucking house" Malcolm snapped at Geoffrey but he was smiling.

"That was good Geoffrey, I mean for you" Marianne smiled as she inspected the food on the table.

"I mean no wonder no one's buying your fucking paper" Malcolm said loudly as Marianne picked up a plate. She had to admit, it looked good.

"I must say Malcolm, I never took your for a chef" She noted as he suddenly slid up to stand beside her, getting a plate himself.

"A man has to have hobbies" He stated and she chuckled.

"I would have thought you would be more suited to practising the 101 ways to maim a man without leaving your chair" Marianne glanced to his profile.

"Oh I'm well versed in that already darlin" Malcolm said quietly as he watched the others take the food they wanted.

Sitting back on the sofa, her plate balanced on her lap, taking a bite she nodded, it was very nice. Watching as Malcolm pulled one of the dining table chairs around to join the circle.

"I'm surprised you didn't invite Angela Heaney along." Marianne said flicking her eyes to him.

"Oh yea, well there's only so much of the woman I can take" Malcolm said before eating his rice. "Besides, since when did you and her become such bezzie mates?"

"Far from it Malcolm. All I heard was that she may soon be looking for a new job. What does that say if even the Daily Mail don't want her." Marianne snided and Malcolm smiled at her.

"I like that. That's either hatred or fucked up jealously" He muttered.

"Jealous" She scoffed. "You are kidding right" Marianne scowled but no more was mentioned as they all ate their food.

It was, amazingly, pleasant conversation, she had to sat that Malcolm was actually a funny man. Or that he was playing up to them.

But why would he do that.

Putting her plate on the table and finishing her wine, Malcolm offered them all coffee. Watching as Geoffrey inspected the DVD collection. Turning back to Malcolm with the coffee, she had to bring it up again.

"This Steve Fleming thing is going to end in tears, isn't it? I mean, you sacked him last time" Marianne said and she saw she touched more of a nerve. Seeing him take a stance in front of her.

"Off the record right. While Steve is a use full tool, and I do emphasise the word use full" Marianne smiled but she continued looking up at him. "I'm still running the show" It was then that Geoffrey got Malcolm riled up and he charged at the man with the coffee. Oh who needed the latest action movies when you had Malcolm Tucker and hot coffee.

"Geoffrey, all I'm saying is this" She saw Geoffrey trying to look all macho but she saw the flicker of fear in his eyes. Maybe fear was too strong a word. But definite panic. "It would be very fucking appreciated if you could emphasise the fact that I'm at the heart of government. Because it's fucking true" He was getting pissed now. "I am the heart. I am the ventricles and the fucking aorta." Marianne laughed shaking her head.

"Okay Malcolm, we get it. You're still the star of the show." She smiled as Malcolm poured the coffee and Geoffrey continued to sign his death letter.

"Yeah yeah, fuck off back to your hovel!" Malcolm slammed the door shut and walked down the hallway. As he turned into the kitchen he jumped. "Fuck'in'ell, Jesus Christ!" Marianne turned and she she looked at Malcolm, she was just putting the dirty mugs in the dishwasher, force of habit from home. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asked as she finished and stepped away from the counter.

"Sorry Malcolm" Marianne smiled as he moved past her to take over. She just walked to the other side of the kitchen, leaning back against the worktop.

"Fucking Geoffrey" She heard Malcolm mumbled and she laughed.

"Hey you invited him" She told Malcolm.

"Yeah wish I hadn't, should have just been you-"


"What" Malcolm turned sharply to her as she stood straight, looking at him, baffled.

"You just said-"

"No I didn't" Malcolm cut in and he quickly looked away, picking up a tea towel and he folded it before placing it neatly on the side.

"Malcolm, are you blushing?" Marianne smirked and watched his eyebrows furrow.

"You can fuck off now" Malcolm snapped and she laughed, pushing herself away from the counter.

"You know what Malcolm" Marianne watched him as he slowly turned around to face her, showing his bollocking face. "This charade you put on when you are wearing your's not nearly as scary as you think it is" Marianne crossed the floor towards him.

"You think you are so fucking clever" Malcolm snarled but he was silenced when Marianne took hold of his shirt and pressed her lips onto his. Muttering in shock he pulled away, stepping back from the woman. "What the fuck?!"

" I know what it's like to kiss Malcolm Tu-" Malcolm suddenly grabbed Marianne, pushing her back against the counter roughly, the edge dug into her back painfully, his hands gripping tightly to her waist and his lips locking with her own. He pressed his lips hard on hers, bruising them. She groaned as she raked her fingers through Malcolm's hair.

"Fuck" She heard him mutter as they broke away for air, but Marianne quickly tugged him back. Finding his lips, crashing together, his body pressing against hers as Malcolm forced her backwards to the sofa.

It was messy, the fumbling was ferocious, but it was hot, sweaty, damned exciting and wild. And it ended on the floor between the sofa and the table. Lying on her back, naked, chest heaving, she stared up at the ceiling lights. Listening to the man beside her taking deep breaths.

She hadn't been expecting that.

Slowly sitting up, looking down to Malcolm she moved her hair from her face.

"Well Malcolm, that was certainly..." She struggled to find the right word.

"Interesting" Malcolm offered as he watched her stand up, his eyes falling over her naked body.

"That's one way of putting it" Marianne smiled as she searched for her clothes. Finding her underwear behind the sofa she pulled them on. Tugging her top over her head before buttoning her cardigan. As she dressed she paused to look at Malcolm lying there, watching her.

"What are you staring at?" She questioned as she saw her skirt on the kitchen floor, picking it up and wriggling into it.

"Sorry darlin-"

"For what? Certainly don't apologise for what you just did" Marianne walked over to a mirror that hung on the wall and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I wasn't going to apologise for that" He stood now and pulled on his boxers. Marianne scoffed, deciding to tie her hair up as she watched his reflection. She was mental for doing this, completely. What could she gain? She didn't exactly have leverage, He had power, a lot of it, but she didn't want that either. A story...herself sleeping with Malcolm Tucker, no one would believe it nor care about it.

So why the hell had she kissed him, this man was a lot older...well not a lot but enough it could cause talking. She had to admit, although it had been a while for her. It was true to be said that men get better with age. He certainly proved that.

Now both fully dressed, Marianne walked to the door and slipped on her coat.

"We should do this again Malcolm" She said as she opened the door, looking back as he followed behind.

"Maybe so" Malcolm held the door open as she stepped outside, turning to look back at him.

"Only maybe?" She smirked at him before leaving his driveway, hearing the door close behind her.

She could only laugh at herself, what had she gotten into.

Closing the door Malcolm quickly took out his phone from his trouser pocket and dialed Ollie.

"Malcolm where the hell have you been? I've been calling you constantly" Ollie's panicked voice barreled down the phone.

"I was balls deep in a twat" Malcolm stated as he searched for his shoes.

"Well that's bullshit, you couldn't get anyone to willingly shag you" Ollie replied

"A mouth redhead, I certainly found a way to shut her up" Malcolm said, cradling his mobile on his shoulder as he tied his shoes. "About Andy Murray, ditch him, we can't go with the celebrities thing-"

Malcolm listened as Ollie started babbling about Nicola but he didn't pay a whole lot of attention. Nicola Murray was just a constant headache to him. He just looked to the floor, still able to moans from Marianne as he fucked her.

Some quotes have been taken from Season 3 ep 2,3 and 7.

How could i not, they are such brilliant episodes