The bright blue fire in the sky lit the ice below us as we soared above the archipelago dotted equally with islands and icebergs. I could feel Hiccup's legs braced around my spikes and his scales scratching up against my scales allowing me to know he was awake and gazing up at the magnificent lights above us. He shook out his wild hair as it flowed behind him smiling brightly at the fantastic view but he barely noticed how quickly I was traveling south.
We flew out into the open ocean and suddenly he stood up on my back, and held onto my spines with one hand spreading the other like a wing. Hiccup suddenly gave a cry of freedom, holding onto me mostly by his feet, I could not help but join him for the thrill of flight and the wonder of Arvin Dale's Fire. Hiccup tucked down on my back tightly holding on as I picked up speed and he grabbed hold of four straps along his scales, flicking out his pair of black sail wings.
I heard the click of his wings locking into place and I slowed just enough for him to spring from my back and take to the sky on his own. It brought warmth to my soul so see how much Hiccup believed in his freedom but I knew the consequences of that belief. Yes, dragons thrive on the skies and could not live without them, but I had learned through adversity that one's loyalties must be more important than one's freedom.
A deserter was a dragon who believed only in freedom and had I not cared for Hiccup so deeply my lack of ties to the island would deem me a renegade and once that scent was about me I'd never be able to set foot in another's nest ever again. Deserters were lonely, dangerous, and often insane, only dragons like Skrills, Sand Wraiths, and Night Furies, they were rare for this reason and reclusive.
It wasn't long now, my actions over the past fifteen years between bringing Hiccup here and caring for him from a distance were going to lead to my banishment. I watched Hiccup fly on his own for about a half an hour for he could not fly long on his own. His arms were not built to be wings and I came up under him so he could land on my back.
Clinging to my spines he yawned again, "this was so great…" he whispered, "shouldn't we be heading back now?" he suggested.
I sighed, rumbling a low growl, "Hiccup…" I muttered, it was rare that I called him by that name so I had his full attention, "this time… we're not going back… we're already past the Sundering Wastes, and I don't intend to fly to our island."
Hiccup tensed gripping onto my scales, "but why?" he demanded worriedly.
I slowed in my flight as we neared a small rocky island with caves by the sea, "I'm taking you to a Viking village, to live with humans."
Hiccup stood up on my back, "What? for what reason in Midgard would you do that!" he shrieked.
I huffed and irritated growl, "Because not far from our home there is an island clouded in smoke and on that island lives a Queen able to take control of other dragons. But this queen hates Vikings and she'll do all she can to kill you!"
"Kill me?" Hiccup repeated dumbly right as I touched down to the hard stone. I gave Hiccup my talon to help him down and he immediately crouched to the rock moving like a young dragon for a few moments before standing up on two legs and walking with the posture of a man.
I couldn't help but wondered where the years went, once that was a child and now he was a strong, growing, young man. Nevertheless I started in search of a suitable cave to stay the night in, "You know what Vikings do, they hunt dragons and kill them, she would not allow you to grow up with that chance."
Hiccup crossed his arms stubbornly, walking at a slower pace as he followed me, "but, CloudJumper, you know I am nothing like a Viking, I am more dragon than human!" he insisted lightheartedly. It sickened me, he had no idea of the danger and he want to brush it off like something simple to overcome.
"Now that's enough!" I snapped standing over him and looking down upon his form with was tiny compared to me. It was hard for to speak firmly with the boy, I loved him, and I never wished to hurt him in the slightest. "Hiccup, you are a human, whether or not we can find a solution you need to stay were its safe for you, and your kind," I turned and trailed off again looking up I spotted a large cave opening, "there…" I indicated, "we'll stay here for the night."
Hiccup looked up to the cave appearing at first a bit overwhelmed by the height of the cave but he adopted the most determined expression I had seen him bear and I chuckled. His wings folded behind his wrists like a Nightmare's and he jumped up with a fierce grip upon the rock. When he was about halfway up the cliff side I climbed up after him, offering to assist him with a wing.
"No!" Hiccup insisted softly, "I got this…" he breathed heavily very focused on where he placed his hands in the dim light. He made it to the top shortly after I settled down comfortably but he perched at the mouth of the cave, looking over the wild ocean view.
"Víkungur!" I called to him, but he merely stared out at the water, "Víkungur!" he raised my voice to be firmer however immediately regretted it for I know such a roar would wake any nearby wild life. Typically, if dragons were friendly, and you stayed away from their nests they didn't have a problem with strangers staying one night if they left quickly, but I they weren't friendly on the other hand…
His feral eyes shot to me in an instant, "come on, get some rest," I opened up my wings to allow him to curl up in them but he didn't move so I stretched and yawned, "we've got a long journey ahead of us tomorrow."
Hiccup eyed me irritably, "I can't just leave my family, what about my mother, and father?" he stood up and faced me with the light of the moon on his back, "I am a dragon in almost every sense, I have wings, I have scales," he gestured to each, "I can even make fire!"
My eyes glowed in the darkness, "ha," I scoffed, "wings and scales or not, you don't have a tail, and you can't actually breath fire. You wouldn't last one day on your own, not with all your knowledge of us!" I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes. If I was going to fly that boy and his incessant complaining all the way to the Viking village, I would definitely need sufficient sleep, so I did my best to ignore him.
Hiccup kicked a rock over the side of the cliff and looked over to see it splash into the water below but he was surprised to find it tumbled into a hole in the ground, a black abyss which was distinctly a tunnel. It was too dark for him to see so he squinted down into the hole for he heard the distinct sound of a dragon's wings flapping quickly.
Slowly he realize it was Boulder class dragons whose wings beat quickly and he watched in awe as slowly the round shape of said type of dragon ascended towards him. The creature was covered in spikes and had rows of razor sharp teeth but that didn't scare Hiccup, he was used to being up close to dragons' teeth and he was never afraid. Very soon the dragon was level with Hiccup staring at him with empty, white orb eyes.
Hiccup frowned, and looked away from him, indicating by dragons' standards that he did not want to be bother but the dragon did not heed his warning seeing he was human and defenseless, "what… seems… to be the trouble?" he hissed how, "and just what kind of dragon… are… you?" he hovered closer to Hiccup intrigued.
Hiccup saw a spiraling tail beneath this dragon and he realized grimly this beast was a Whispering Death. "Leave me alone!" Hiccup muttering frustrated at what I had told him. Hiccup Knew that normally Whispering Deaths were pack hunters but he puzzled since they were not known to be conversationalists.
I stirred in my partial sleep enough to respond and drearily I crooned, "At this point I would, but I am not deserting you!" I insisted then fell back to sleep, "Now… please! Go to sleep Víkungur,"
The Whispering Death closed his jaws and smiled, "Víkungur? So you're… the Víkungur?" he mustered slowly with a soft laugh. He hovered over towards me amused by my tiredness, "then that… must be the infamous… CloudJumper." As he said this he set his tail down on the rock very close to Hiccup and turned back to the boy, "you should listen… boy… you should… sleep now, and in sleeping you will have the energy for tomorrow," he advised in an ill-conceived tone.
He slowly hovered down off the side of the cliff and Hiccup looked down following him with his eyes, "CloudJumper?" he whispered very nervously, worried that to panic would make the Whispering Death attack. However, Hiccup felt his eyes grow heavy and the dragon's whispering voice encouraged him to sleep. Hiccup felt fear growing inside him as he realized that the dragon's words were influencing him and it was merely waiting to strike and eat him.
I however was completely oblivious to this, "Hiccup, stop arguing with me, we'll talk in the morning!"
The Whispering Death laughed softly, watching us from very near the edge, "he won't be here in… the… morning!"
Finally I came to my senses, I recognized that voice and that indeed Whispering Deaths did not often talk to their food, but one. My eyes shot open and I whirled around to see Hiccup asleep for the most part and the Whispering Death's jaws opening wide, the hundreds of teeth spiraling inside it's mouth. "Fogàs!" I shouted springing up and flaring my wings.
I struck Fogàs the Whispering death as hard as I could with my wing but he recovered quickly and eyed me furiously. However, Fogàs' anger was slow, and he was a very patient creature, so slowly he neared me, "how… dare… you," he growled softly, "you… will pay… for interrupting my meal…"
I heard the Fogàs' whispers in my head, "Now, Fogàs you know better than to prey o-o-o-o-on the young of other dragons!" I stammered nervously for the immense amount of spikes Fogàs had.
Hiccup awoke as Fogàs' attention was no longer on him and he immediately saw the Whispering Death's tail making its slow circle-like motion. Immediately the boy got to thinking, he knew how delicate a boulder class dragon's flight was with their tiny wings and large bodies. Quickly, Hiccup ripped off the hem of his make-shirt green tunic and wrapped part of it around the end of his tail, then Hiccup tied the other half to a large rock.
Fogàs was too busy trying to hypnotize me to notice Hiccup as he pushed the small boulder off the cliff, upsetting the Whispering Death's flight pattern and immediately sending him off the cliff and straight down his tunnel tail first. Hiccup laughed hysterically knowing it would not be easy at all for Fogàs to fly with a rock tied to his tail and it would be even more difficult to get it off.
"CloudJumper!" Hiccup shrieked in his laughter, "did you see that?!" he looked over to me, but unfortunately I was out cold and completely unaware of what had just transpired. He chuckled and sat down against my side, under my lank wing, "I told you I can take care of myself," he insisted softly as he curled up under my wing comfortably.
I need to expound on Hiccup's character in this a little, I want him to be really stubborn and rebellious towards CloudJumber, any suggestions? Thanks for reading, please review.