AN: Hey everyone I'm back. Note I don't own Teen Titans blah blah. But I've been working on this story a lot and it's almost finished so I thought I'd start publishing it. I'm going to work on finishing up my stories and the last bit of this one before I write any more. So here goes my new one. Let me know if you enjoy. So far the 1st chapter is the shortest it gets better as it goes on.

End AN:


I hadn't even been to sleep yet, there were still plenty of files I needed to refresh myself on in order to stay ahead of the criminals that attacked Jump City. The team called me obsessed but I called it thorough. I also hadn't begun my before bed workout routine of 100 push-ups, 100 crunches, 100 pull ups, and thirty minutes with the punching bag I had conveniently hanging in the corner of my room. I glanced over at the clock and saw it was 12:59AM; still early for me. But the moment it changed to 1:00AM, as if on cue, the Titans alert began to sound and the whole tower flashed red. Abandoning the multiple files on my desk I raced for the main room in order to see who had escaped and where the attack was. I wasn't surprised to find Raven had already portaled herself into the room, at this early hour she wasn't going to spend time walking. I nodded towards her as I pulled open the alert to discover three. I could feel as the other Titans entered the room behind me. Cyborg, as usual, pulling a half awake Beastboy while Starfire floated in and hovered near the screen awaiting my orders.

She and I had just begun dating and I was still beating myself up for letting it take as long as it did to happen. She was amazing but we had to focus, she was such a distraction, a good distraction I reminded myself; that I couldn't let my mind wander to right now.

"Three alerts?" Cyborg asked, I could hear the sleep in his voice yet but he was awake as he deposited Beastboy's drooling form across the top of the couch.

"They all appear to be bomb alerts that have all already exploded." Raven observed aloud.

"Are there any injured we need to assist first?" Starfire asked as images of the three locations pulled up on screen.

"No it looks like all the sites were vacant but that doesn't mean we're in the clear yet. Cyborg and Beastboy," I decided due to the green kid still partially sleeping where Cyborg had deposited him, "Check out Jump City Park. Raven and Starfire the next one is at the Jump City Electrical Company but it appears it was detonated on the roof. Becareful around the overhanging wires," I added; not allowing myself to look in either of the girl's directions. "Teen Titans, GO!" I shouted leaving the last one to myself. We all raced for the elevator as it quickly sunk and deposited us on the base level. I was ready and in the zone, my mind already racing on ideas and speculations that I was scarcely aware of the ride down. I passed Cyborg hauling Beastboy into his T-Car as the girls took off into the night.

"Yo' Grass Stain! You better not drool on the seats, I just had them detailed! Don't be making any messes in my baby!"

"Dude you are far too obsessed with this thing, just relax," Beastboy wearily complained, pathetically crawling into the passenger seat.

"Obsessed? Dude, are those shoe prints on my dash?"

I allowed myself a smirk as I put on my helmet, drowning out any further arguments from the two, and revved my motorcycle engine into the night towards the remaining alert in the slums of Jump City. I wasn't about to let any of my team go into where the low life criminals remained, especially when this bomb had gone off in a dead end alleyway adjacent to a closed up shop that easily showed signs of homeless vacancy.


Raven and I quickly flew until we reached our destination not enjoying it one bit. I was able to understand why Robin wished for us to attend this alert but neither I nor Raven were going to be doing any of the enjoying of it. I followed Raven as we landed on the roof with the buzz sounds projecting from the hanging wires and mental poles overhead.

"Luckily the explosion did not damage or destroy the power of the city," I stated as we examined the charred remains on the roof where we assumed the bomb detonated.

"The static from the lines overhead is messing with my telepathy but I sense someone is here, somewhere." Raven informed me as we begun to search the roof top. The buzz from the wires had begun to make my ears ring. The charred remains seemed to be in the center and from the size of the detonation the bomb was not large on a scale of size. Raven began to search closer to where the lines connected to what appeared to be a main power grid descending into the roof while I searched further from the detonation site towards the edge of the five story high building.

Nothing seemed out of place and no real damage had occurred to the property owner's building. The only clues we had obtained so far seemed to be the charred surface. I had yet to even view any fragments from before the bomb exploded. Interrupting my thoughts and investigations, I felt something move my hair but when I turned around with a charged starbolt in hand I found nothing, not even a slight breeze. The air itself seemed stagnant. With, as Robin has referred to it as the "erie feeling," I tucked my hair down around one shoulder and continued my investigation as I floated over the edge of the building with a small anticipation of nervousness. Even the buzz from overhead seemed to become silent as I neared the edge. Taking a deep breath I allowed myself to glance over the edge, ready to attack when I saw nothing but the edge of a building down into an empty parking lot below. Sighing I let my starbolt extinguish itself into the static night air as I hovered on the edge, smiling to myself for letting my imagination do the running free.

"Starfire," a man's whisper reached my ears as I felt my hair being moved again. I spun on a dime my eyes ablaze and a starbolt in hand only to become face to face with Raven with her arms calmly at her side.

"Raven," I sighed relaxing.

"I've been calling your name. I can't get a lock on the suspect but I no longer sense him. Did you find anything?" She eyed me suspiciously. I shook my head and forced myself to take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I was aware how strongly my emotions affected Raven and did not wish for her to have concern. Surely it was Raven's voice and not merely the whisper of a man; I told myself.

"Starfire?" I was asked again as I looked her eyes.

"Apologies, I did not find anything of importance," I stated wishing the feeling of discomfort away so it would not affect Raven.

"Starfire are you sure," she tried again.

"All is well, this place during the middle of the night does give me the feelings of unease. Did we find anything else?" I asked hoping to do the subject changing.

"No and the presence I felt, that I could not locate, seems to have vanished." She informed; still eyeing me carefully.

"Then perhaps we should see if any of our friends require assistance?" I suggested as I floated off into the air feeling Raven levitate as she followed behind me. I was eager, possibly far to eager to leave that rooftop and buzzing wires behind me, yet I was not able to escape the feeling of something...some feeling I was unable to name and I was aware Raven was not about to let me to 'come off the hook' as much as I may wish it.

"Raven to Cyborg," I heard behind me as I slowed up so Raven and I were flying towards Jump City Park at the same speed and I watched as Cyborg's face appeared on screen.

"You girls find anything? We just finished wrapping it up here. No signs of anyone around and no clues as to the point of the bomb, just a little bit of burned up grass from where it exploded." He stated and from his angle a green dog was sniffing around the blackened dead grass before he transformed back into Beastboy.

"All I smell is a little gas," Beastboy stated seriously before whining, "can we go back to bed now?"

"Has Robin finished at his location?" I asked wondering if Cyborg had been in touch with him yet and as if on cue Robin's face appeared.

"Nothing at my sector except a small bomb exploded inside of an empty dumpster. I asked a man who was out walking around at the time. Said he saw nothing just heard the explosion and went back to sleep," Robin rolled his eyes. "There wasn't much of a statement to take from him from his state." Robin explained meaning the earthen drugs that alter the mind. Robin was very against them and made sure all Titans had the monthly drug testing, but I do not believe he was aware I held more knowledge of the subject than I knew. I had been informed by Bee who had taken it upon herself one day to insure I knowledge of more common earth past-times.

"We both could sense someone at our location," Raven eyed me before I dropped my eyes. "But I could not pinpoint a location with all of the power lines above us. No damage except the spot on the roof that was charred from the explosion." Raven finished reporting in for us.

"Probably some kids," Beastboy yawned as he climbed back into the T-Car and curled up in the front seat.

"For now we'll investigate any further leads back at the tower. Robin out." He signed off official and serious. I held no doubt that everyone knew, minus Beastboy perhaps, that the suspects behind the multiple bombings were no mere children preforming the pranks. Raven shut her communicator as we turned our flight towards home.

"Your mind is racing Starfire and you can only hide so much of your emotions from me," Raven interrupted the silence. "What happened back there, what did you see?" I allowed myself a small smile knowing Raven was concerned with me despite my efforts to hide my uneasy feelings.

"There is no wind tonight," I began, seeing Raven's frown deepen in confusion. "My hair," I continued. "It was moved or had been pulled a number of two times." I consciously pulled my hair across one shoulder into one of my hands.

"What else?" She questioned knowing there was more; Raven always knew if there was more.

"I was not aware of you calling my name as you had said. I did however, hear my name whispered yet it was in a man's voice." I explained knowing it was futile to hide anything from her.

"Someone was there but I couldn't find him," Raven admitted.

"I too felt a presence surrounding myself," I hugged my arms around me as we descended on the roof of Titans Tower. "I do not wish for the others to know of this, I simply could have mistaken the man's voice for yours." I explained not wanting to bother anyone with trivial details that would only lead us further from the real truth.

"For now I agree, but we will make sure to take note of it just in case," she informed me. I nodded in appreciation as we opened the door and floated down the stairs until we descended in the main living quarters where Robin was already searching on the flat screen.

"I already sent Cyborg and Beastboy to bed, I'll wake you two if I find anything." He said without even turning around from his work. Raven shook her head at him before opening a portal beneath her for her room and vanishing leaving only him and myself in the empty room. A few moments of silence expanded into minutes as I remained floating behind him in case he needed any help.

"Starfire, I'll wake you if I need you," he said firmly before pausing and turning around to look me in the eye with a softer expression. "Promise."

"Goodnight Robin," I nodded as I turned to float back towards my room tucking my hair across my shoulder and tightly against me as I went.

AN: so the first chapter is always the set up ;) keep going