I'm still alive, but won't be updating regularly

A Monday morning came and swept laziness all across the nation. Students walked up and down the streets of the city, finding the school grounds where knowledge is stored. Sleepy or prepared, students walked into the buildings, ready to start another week.

"But what if butts were horizontal instead of vertical?" Kyoko was asking the hard questions, as always.

"Pants would have to be completely redesigned." Chris commented while finishing off a quick brushing of her girlfriend's hair. Chitose giggled at the stupidity of the question and answer.

"Also toilets, chairs, stools, anything you can sit on." She added with a little smile.

"Why are you asking that?" Yui sighed in exasperation, even more than usual. "Don't answer tha-"

"Yui, these questions can redefine the mere nature of human life!" Kyoko exaggerated. "These questions can morph and distort reality as we know it!"

"No, they don't." Yui replied dryly. The current trio walked several meters in front of another group of girls, which were having a very different conversation.

"So... You don't remember anything you did yesterday? Or just a part of it?" Sakurako asked the very confused Chinatsu.

"The earliest memory I have of yesterday is that I was taking a shower... And then I was laying down on the couch, wearing a robe with tears on my face."

"Maybe you fell and you forgot about it?" Himawari inched closed to Chinatsu's nape, looking for a rash or something like it.

"I don't think so." Chinatsu said with a distant look. "I would feel the pain afterwards. What do you think, Akari-chan?"

Curiously, during the entirety of their journey to school, the ignored redhead that is Akari had been awfully quiet and distant ever since the beginning. She was walking at the same speed, but an arm length away of the group, not even looking at their general direction.

"...Umm... D-dunno..." She said quietly with a shrug. Her reaction was severely noticed by her friends, making them confused.

"What's the matter? You feel ok?" Himawari changed from being close to Chinatsu towards Akari direction. Akari reacted properly and inched away.

"Yeah. I'm ok." She replied looking at her friend. Her eyes were quick, and continuously missed the pinkette. Ever since Chris' interesting visit, Akari had this weird feeling of incline towards Chinatsu. But at the same time, feeling that incline freaked her out and she distanced herself from that thought constantly. The only logical way to describe whats going on in her head is "I don't know why I'm feeling this, but it feels nice and I don't like it."

"You sure?" Chinatsu asked, walking closed to her friend. A sudden flash of that dream on the beach blinded Akari's mind, making her blush quickly and look away. "You're too red."

"I-I'm fine!" She said and ran away, unable to cope with the input her mind was consistently feeding her.

"..." Chinastu's worrying became greater when this happened, confused by her friend's actions.

"That was completely out of character." Sakurako said after a moment of silence. "And we are talking about a girl with nothing to be impressed by."

"That's just mean." Himawari replied, smacking softly her arm. The two girls continued to, as always, return insults and comments. But while they were telling themselves things, Chinatsu was deep in thought. Why did Akari reacted that way? Why was she acting so strangely?

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed an indiscreet smile from Chris, too obvious for her. A look that said "You'll understand" with a sly smile and knowing eyes. Chinatsu's confusion grew bigger as she ventured into the school grounds.