"Self-destruction in one minute and 15 seconds."

"Come on, Ryder." Katie said.

Ryder still didn't show any change. The situation was growing more hopeless.

But then something did change. For a moment, there was a very strange expression on Ryder's face. Then his eyes softened. He stopped fighting back. He stared at the ceiling for a moment.


Ryder looked at Katie. "I think."

"Oh my gosh! I could hug you right now! But there's no time. You have to-"

"I know, Katie, I know. And I think I can stop this."

"Self-destruction in one minute." Said the computer voice over the intercom.

"You better hurry."

With that, Ryder jumped up and ran out of the room. The rest of the group followed him.

"What if he's just pretending, like last time?" Chase asked.

"Pretending or not," Katie said, "he's our only hope."

Ryder led the Paw Patrol to the WAWO command room.

"This is our only shot." He said.

He smashed open the top of a control panel. Then he went to work with the mess of wires and "computery" stuff underneath.

"Self-destruction in 30 seconds."

No one spoke. They didn't want to mess with Ryder's concentration. Running away was out of the question now, but no one would have suggested it even if it wasn't.

Ryder was using all the mechanical genius in his body. He was a mechanical magician, but sometimes magic isn't enough. Time was running out.

"Self-destruction in 15 seconds."

The computer said 15 seconds, but they felt like minutes.

"Self-destruction in ten,








Ryder seemed to grow more frantic at this point. This was a complex system, but he had one last trick to try.



Everyone covered their heads, but the computer spoke one more time.

"System restarting. Self-destruct cancelled."

The group looked up.

"That was your solution? You made it restart?" Katie asked.

"It's a complicated system."

"Guys, who cares? We lived! We won!" Rocky said.

"We did! We beat the WAWO!" Said Rubble.

"Well, no." Shadow interrupted. "Not yet, anyway. But I'm tenth in command of the WAWO, and since it seems one through nine are unable to perform, I have the authority to do this."

Shadow pressed a button on a control panel.

"This is temporary WAWO commissioner (that's what the WAWO leader is called) Shadow… well, I'm a dog. I don't have a last name. But anyway, I'm issuing command 150. Repeat, command 150 is now in effect. Thank you."

"Command 150?" Katie asked.

"Straight from the WAWO Protocol Book:," Shadow explained, "Command 150 is to be used only in severe emergencies. At the issuing of this command, all WAWO facilities will shut down immediately. WAWO leadership will dissolve. Every WAWO member is terminated (not killed, just fired) but sworn to secrecy. It will effectively end the WAWO. We can also call the federal government in if you want."

And that they did. Jim and all WAWO leadership (except Shadow) were arrested. WAWO facilities worldwide were detained and cleared out. The WAWO didn't put up a fight.

The Paw Patrol assisted them before heading home about a week later. At the Lookout Katie transferred leadership back to Ryder. The team was in great spirits. But one pup was more uncertain.

Shadow and Everest sat away from the rest of the team.

"Is there something wrong, Shadow?" Everest asked.

"Well, it's just… I've been with the WAWO for years. Now that I'm not, I have no idea what I'll do or where I'll go. It's very scary."

"I understand." Everest said.

"You do?" Asked Shadow.

"Well, I'd rather not talk about it. But I do know how you feel. You know, I'm sure we could use your skills in the Paw Patrol."

"Really? You'd let me into the Paw Patrol?"

"Of course we would! You've been such a good friend to us. I'm sure Ryder would agree."

"That would be great! Uh, I mean, yeah, that'd be great."

Everest laughed. "Not the expressive type, eh? I'll go ask Ryder!"

A few minutes later Everest returned with Ryder in pursuit.

"So, Shadow, I heard you want to be part of our team." Ryder said.

"Well, I don't really want… I mean, it was Everest's idea anyway, but-but… yeah I want to join the Paw Patrol."

"Great!" Ryder said. "Then you're in!"

"It's that simple?" Shadow asked.

"Well, yeah. Welcome to the team, Shadow! We're happy to have you. Follow me."

Ryder led them down to the rest of the pups and told the news to the team. They loved it. Ryder loved it, too.

Now I've got to design a new collar, think of ideas for her rig, build her a pup pack… I love new team members!

The pups decided to have a party for their new teammate.

Sometime that night, Marshall and Everest found themselves alone outside.

"Do you think Rocky will be alright?" Everest asked.

"Why wouldn't he be?" Replied Marshall.

"Well, he likes me as much as you do."

"He'll be fine. Did you see him and Shadow earlier? Perfect match!"

"Perfect match?" Everest asked. "I don't see them as a perfect match."

"I guess we'll see. But for now, it's just you and me. Hey, that rhymes!"

Everest laughed.

At another point that night, Skye and Chase found themselves alone.

"It was scary when you were… under their control." Skye said.

"Yeah, it was. But that's behind us, isn't it? The WAWO is no more."

"Are you sure? What if there's other divisions out there, ones we couldn't find?"

"Then we'll fight them off just like we did with the last one. Don't worry about it."

They sat for a while.

"You know, most people assume that we're a serious couple. Are we? Or should we be?" Chase said.

"Well, it feels serious. It's never been official, though."

"Should we make it official?"

"That would require you to ask me on a date."

"Well then, Miss Skye, will you go on a date with me?"

"Of course I will. Where?"

"I hear there's a great party going on. It's not too far from here."

Skye smiled. "Sounds great."

So Chase and Skye went back inside, but this time, they were on a date.

The nine member Paw Patrol celebrated a little past bedtime. They had earned it.

The end.

Final Author's Note:

I'll try not to make my monologue too long here. If you don't want to read it please take a moment to look at my one question/concern:

I want to post this story on the Paw Patrol Fanon Wiki. Does anyone know of original characters there or here by the name of Shadow? Or any character that resembles her? If there are characters like that, do you think I would get in any conflict by posting this unchanged story on the wiki? I just want to avoid any unnecessary conflict. Thanks.

But anyway, writing this story was a great journey, and I really appreciate all the great, positive reviews that motivated me to finish this story.

This story has plenty of fans, but I think I can still do better. I have a few ideas for my next story. One of them is a continuation of this one, based on Shadow's past and her new adventure with the Paw Patrol. The other is a completely new storyline that I think has great potential.

So, once again, thank you to all the great reviews and support. I loved writing this story.

Cartoon Fiction out.