"I don't want to."
"Korra, she's called twice already. She just wants to know how you are."
"We broke up. It's over. I moved on," Korra said while pointing to her stomach that had the slightest hint of a bump.
Mako rolled his eyes and his lips curled into a smirk.
"When are the movers arriving?" Korra asked as she kicked a half empty box.
"I know you are trying to change the subject. They'll be here in an hour. That's plenty of time."
"Mako," she said warningly.
Mako walked over and wrapped his arms around her. He really didn't want to upset her. He murmured in her hair, "I love you."
"I love you, too. Now who's trying to change the subject? Com'n Tenzin said he'd bring Naga over tonight. I think his kids are going to try to crash at our place."
"It's only a two bedroom apartment."
"They're small? And nosy…Jinora will probably go back to Air Temple Island."
"Unless Kai tags along. Are we going to have to babysit?"
"Might as well get used to it now," she said with a wink.
Mako smiled broadly while he leaned over and kissed Korra. His hand gently rested on her stomach.
Mako watched as Korra slept. In the morning they were moving. They'd decided on a two-bedroom apartment in a newly built complex next to the vines. The second bedroom would serve well as a nursery. Korra had been back for two weeks. She didn't hide the bump, even in public events. No one had commented yet, but he wasn't sure how the public would take the news the Avatar was pregnant. He loved her, and was excited for their new life event, but he knew it affected the world.
"I thought you'd be packed by now," Tenzin scolded as he entered the disarray.
The half-packed, half-strewn apartment was cramped with movers moving large items out while Mako scrutinized their casualness with his belongs. Meelo darted around Tenzin and air bent over the boxes and landed gently on the counter. He stood posed as a general pointing to boxes and barking orders at the movers.
"Meelo," Jinora called after him and instead of pursuing him leaned against the wall to stay out of the fray.
"It's older than us," Korra mumbled watching Mako flinch as they shoved the sofa out the door. She had lost the battle to throw it out. Mako didn't want to incur more frivolous expenses as they saved for the baby.
"Korra, are you pregnant?" Ikki asked scooting into the room with Rohan following her.
Korra's face turned bright red, but not as read as Tenzin's. Mako froze and slowly he turned to stare at Korra.
"Ikki," Tenzin bellowed regaining his composure.
"It's all the gossip," she said as she grabbed some loose items and tossed them into boxes.
"I told you not to-"
"I am, Ikki," Korra said with her hands on her hips. She forced her nerves down with a steely look and small swallow.
The four kids danced around singing blocking the movers from working. Mako closed the distance to Korra, and rested his arm on her shoulder. His amber eyes stared at Tenzin.
"Congratulations, Korra," Tenzin said. He had already known. Tonraq had already told him in hopes he'd watch over her. Korra had forbidden Tonraq from moving to Republic City to help her. Tonraq had requested Tenzin's help in providing her any guidance she needed. He cleared his throat and threw his hands up in the air in exasperation at the kids. "It is not time for dancing, you came over to help clean up."
"Who can clean, when we have a baby to celebrate," Meelo shouted and twirled in the air with a whoop.
Korra stared out the window at the Spirit Portal. The never-ending stream of light coated the darkened city in a celestial glow. She rubbed her stomach and smiled. She hadn't expected much of the past several months, but she was excited by the change of events. Her and Mako had decided to wait and tell others, but she wasn't going to deny their news. She wasn't ashamed.
A loud, insistent pounding woke the two up. Mako wrapped an arm around Korra and nestled in. He gave a sleepy "ump" and smiled. She cuddled back and allowed herself to close her eyes. The pounding grew louder and was followed by Bolin shouting, "Mako, Korra, I know you're in there."
"He's your brother."
"He'll come back."
"He'll break the door down. Then you'll have to fix it."
Mako growled slightly and finally with an annoyed sighed threw the covers off and shivered as his feet touched the cold wood floor. He rubbed his hands to generate some heat and clumsily threw on his bathrobe. Apparently the super would need to fix the heat.
Stomping to the front door he flung it open and with a grand thrust of his arm invited Bolin in.
"About time, bro."
Mako's eyes narrowed and he slammed the door shut.
"What are you so angry about this morning?" Bolin asked as he threw himself on the sofa and flipped on the TV. "You got anything to drink?"
Mako stomped behind Bolin and resisted smacking his head. He slumped on the chair and felt like closing his eyes again. Bolin could get his own beverage.
"The place looks nice. You should host a party this weekend. Think of all the fun we could have."
Mako narrowed his eyes and grunted in response.
"We could get the whole gang back together. I know Asami is itching to hang out. Wing and Wei are visiting this weekend. They'd enjoy it."
"Bolin, why are you here?"
"I wanted to see your place."
"What, a brother can't visit his brother's new apartment?"
Mako just stared at him.
"Fine! Opal heard at the Air Temple Island that Korra is pregnant. Is it true?"
Mako closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Why didn't you tell me? We're brothers! You jerk!"
"We didn't want to tell anyone until we moved into the apartment and were settled. Babies create chaos and people get doting crazy," Korra said stretching as she pattered into the room. She yawned and collapsed on Mako who wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair.
"You two are the meanest people I know! I'm family!"
"Loud, dramatic family," Mako mumbled.
"I heard that!"
"Are you going to be mad, or give us hug?" Korra asked.
"Aw, I can't stay mad at my buddy," Bolin said crashing his arms around Korra in a bear hug. Pointing a finger at Mako, "You, though, that's a different story."
Mako strolled up the steps to the apartment whistling. His keys jingled in one hand and he held a sack with steaming noodles in the other. He and Korra had lived in their apartment for three weeks and they were settling into their new life. Mako found he spent less and less time at the office. Before Korra came back he'd normally stay until eight or nine nightly, and at times he had found it easier to just sleep in the office. He found he was now actually more focused on his work and finishing it quickly.
Tonight he knew Korra wanted to go crib shopping. He had eagerly agreed to go, even though Tonraq had called him and told him he was sending a handcrafted one from the water tribe. He wasn't going to tell Korra because he wanted her to be surprised. He wanted her to actually accept the gift, and if he told her she'd insist her father not make the crib.
Korra and Mako held hands as they walked down the streets lined with boutiques and restaurants. They had been through most of the stores in Republic City. Nothing had met Korra's standards for a crib. Mako nodded solemnly and followed her out of each store.
After a couple of hours, Mako insisted she needed to rest. Korra sat in the café chair as Mako went in side to order their beverages.
Korra turned around to find Asami exiting Woo-Jin's. Her hand lingered on the restaurant's door allowing the warm jazz music to pour out behind her. Her hair was swept up and the dark bags under her eyes belied her forced smile.
"Hi, Asami," Korra said in a high-pitched voice.
Asami's green eyes darted from Korra to Mako ordering inside the restaurant. She frowned slightly in confusion. The door slipped gently from her fingers and she let her arm stay in the air momentarily before finally letting it awkwardly fall to her side. She swallowed hard as she noticed the bump protruding from Korra's abdomen. She closed her eyes for a moment in realization.
"How are you?" Asami mumbled.
Korra's cheeks turned a slight red but her eyes shone brightly as her hand instinctively rubbed her stomach. "I'm well. How are you?"
Asami dully nodded and looked away. "Fine."
"Please sit," Korra said gesturing to a chair.
Asami didn't move, but licked her lips and folded her arms.
"I think we should talk," Korra said and again gestured for Asami to sit. Her eyes darted to Mako walking towards the exit holding two beverages.
He stopped short when he saw Korra give a slight headshake. Seeing Asami standing next to her, Mako was glad they were finally talking.
"How was the Earth Kingdom?" Asami asked while still standing.
"Strong and encouraging. Asami, I am sorry I have not returned your phone calls. I didn't know what to say to you."
"Maybe that you moved on, or well, backwards," Asami snarled.
Korra's face darkened slightly, but she maintained her calmness. "We broke up. It was very clear."
"It wasn't any different than our other fights."
"I am sorry that we let it go that far. Our relationship was a series of fights."
"We had some good times."
"The few are greatly overshadowed by the rest. That's not fair to either of us."
"You and Mako fought all the time."
"No, we didn't. We did argue, and we did fight. Our fights were a result of our feelings towards each other being displayed. We had hurt each other by seeing things differently and not talking about it. We wanted each other to make choices we thought were safe and right. Over the past five years we have learned to express our selves better, and more importantly we have learned better how the other thinks. We respect each other's choices. We've always loved each other. You know that."
Asami blinked and stared at the café's door. Mako was sitting in a booth with his back to the door. Three beverages were lined up in front of him. A small smiled tugged on the side of her mouth.
"Please join us Asami. We were friends, and I hope we still can be."
Asami pursed her lips and sighing scraped the steel chair loudly on the cement. She glanced inside the café and winked when she saw Mako turn to see the cause of the noise.
Mako smiled as he placed two of the beverages down in front of Korra and Asami. He leaned over and kissed Korra gently before sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her. She leaned into him and smiled.
"So, how far a long are you?" Asami asked and took a sip of her coffee.
"I'm just starting the second trimester."
"Is anyone planning your baby shower?"
Korra gave her a quizzical look causing Asami to laugh.
"Well then, I am throwing you a baby shower."